edeyn's blog

Talking about something important for a change

Edeyn Alright, I babble a bit in the beginning, but then I move on to actual important things -- including the text to the right of the video where I break down the math. ( Click here to check it out )

Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
Wasn't it Jim Henson who said, "Without faith, I am nothing," after all? No, wait, that was God... Sorry, common mistake to make...

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Courtney's Diary

Edeyn Okay, so the latest entry in Dear Diary didn't quite fit, to me. I couldn't put my finger on what was wrong until I looked at it again tonight before bed. Hah! Yes, I fixed it. There is a bit in there that changed, so those that read it may want to look again.


Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
Wasn't it Jim Henson who said, "Without faith, I am nothing," after all? No, wait, that was God... Sorry, common mistake to make...

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Now with Video!

Edeyn I have started doing the Video webLOG (VLOG) thing on YouTube. I'm easy to find on there, but I'll drop the link here for you all anyway, because the easier I make things for you all the more my block of code for this blog drives Erin nutballs:

( Edeyn's YouTube Channel )

Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
Wasn't it Jim Henson who said, "Without faith, I am nothing," after all? No, wait, that was God... Sorry, common mistake to make...

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Today is a day that needs to be remembered

One year ago today, my baby brother died in the hospital, never having regained consciousness after being run down in front of the high school.

I am providing links to two blog entries I made about the ordeal, one the night he died, and one from 7 weeks later. The entry from 7 weeks after the fact was mostly my reflection on the man my brother was becoming.

The Death of Michael Galyen

Yesterday... and... Tomorrow

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Okay, yeah, today's my Birthing Day

But Birthdays have been a pretty miserable time most of my life. They've either been completely without any kind of celebratory anything, or else turned out badly. There was a single exception to this.

Now, while the first few birthdays I don't remember exactly, I have vague "snapshot" pictures in my brain of some things that I've had explained to me over the years. WARNING! Some of this stuff is pretty horrible, and may trigger people with any kind of sensitivity to child abuse, rape, etc.

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Picking up

In the wake of the failed Pirate and Ninja Peace Accord (the Pirates won, blast it all!) and my misadventures of the preceding week... I will continue with my responsibilities (tentatively at first) and hopefully be back to full strength soon. Dear Diary for 10-16-7 and 10-17-7 will go up tomorrow sometime, and Pen Pal 10 (Stormy 2) and whatever else comes to mind.

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On Holiday

I will be going out of town tomorrow morning (Tuesday 2008-6-24), and as such, Karen Page will be handling Shortcuts! while I'm gone. I will be back on Tuesday the 1st of July at the latest, but until then I cannot promise regular updates of Dear Diary or anything else I'm working on. I will try to log in and make sure things are going well, but I really don't know!

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Sh*t, P*ss, F*ck, C*nt, C*cks*ck*r, M*th*rf*ck*r, T*ts, F*rt, T*rd, Tw*t

George Carlin has died at age 71.

That's what the title of this blog is all about... he gave us the "Seven Dirty Words You Can't Say On Television" and the three auxiliary words. I listed the seven (minus vowels) and the last three are the auxiliary.

With that vowels intact that would be:
Shit, Piss, Fuck, Cunt, Cocksucker, Motherfucker, Tits, Fart, Turd, Twat

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