edeyn's blog

I hate this

I have a wonderful girlfriend, but she's half a world away.

I just spent twenty minutes standing and crying in the living room in frustration at the pile of shit my life has become.

I really have no idea what to do now and it scares me.

The only reason I'm not still in the hospital is not having health insurance. If I had it, they would have kept me at least another week, but more if I had no one to help take care of me at home -- but I have neither insurance nor anyone to care for me.

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Broken Battered Bleeding B-rater

Okay. Last evening I got home from hospital. I really don't foresee any kind of issues functioning with this situation of my left arm in a cast and sling... except when I try to sleep.

So painful... Hard to position... argh.

I will be available on Skype (delayra.edeyn) if folks wanna hear what happened, and I'mm gonna try to resume stuff here and elsewhere online.


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Sk8r Grrls - SURGE

Edeyn Were you a fan of Sk8r Grrls up until the Episode that made it not really for kids anymore? Are you still miffed about that? Say no more! Yes, I still get Private Messages either apologizing for not wanting to read any more after that, or else berating me for including it. There is, however, hope!

Starting as soon as I get my lazy tuckus in gear, A special re-release of Sk8r Grrls is going to hit TopShelf.

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The Shared Universe Project

Edeyn Okay, folks, this is a new multi-author project, but it's not going to be something that's openly available for at least a little while, until we're all satisfied that things "fit right" the way they're supposed to do.

Some of us author-types have already discussed and even incorporated our stories into a sort of Shared Universe.

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Edeyn I will be posting with regularity and participating in stuff here again soon. I promise. By Thanksgiving at the latest. Since Dad died in April of 2006, things have been in an uproar in my life... and they've never really been what you could call stable. I'll even try to explain all of what happened to all of you that have been faithful in upcoming months.

But for now, the first step in making everything better has been completed today...

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Saotome and Tendo family video profiles

Okay, there is this guy on YouTube that seems to have made it his mission to profile everyone in the Ranma ½ Universe, but most of them, really... are kinda crap. Little more than fanboy fap-bait. Some are good... but these four... these are EXCELLENT:

There are some general info profiles if you want to look through this guy's other Ranma ½ Character Profiles, but really... he doesn't seem to get a lot of the characters. Of particular interest to the crowd here at TopShelf may be the (rather insultingly done) profiles of Kurenai Tsubasa and Kuonji Ukyou.

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Maybe my little corner of the Ozarks

Edeyn ... really is as shining and wonderful amidst a sea of horribleness, like I used to believe. You see, I LOVE the area I grew up in. I knew all the towns around it were rather intolerant and backwards, and... for a long time, I told myself that my hometown was different. Then... well, I decided I needed to stop fooling myself. I had been more than severely abused by my family in that town. I had been everyone's favorite target for bullying -- to use Ms. Allread's term, I was the town "Plague" there... and had been convincing myself that it was a great place anyway.

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Where have I been?

Edeyn I hope it's not flattering myself to say that some of you have been wondering where I've gotten off to.

About six weeks ago, something happened, that although I didn't know what was going on, I was responsible for. It caused a LOT of people massive amounts of pain. Just because I didn't realize it was happening, doesn't make it any less my fault.

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Internet woes

Okay, for a short while (hopefully less than a week) my internet woes are back. I shall endeavour to get things going as fast as possible. In the meantime, I will go ahead now and say that Violet Ajah 2 and 3 both will be posted by next Friday, with a possibility of more of that... and some other stuff (Sk8r Grrls, Dear Diary, Actress, Carlotti's Way, Sticks & Stones, Girlwind, and maybe a couple of other surprises).

Sorry, folks!


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Blizzard + Satellite internet = delayed stories

All of the ones I put in the Shortcuts were meant to be up today. I'm going to try to get them up by the end of the weekend. I've been all distracted by the getting in of firewood and such, and then internet is making me not able to hit here except sporadically.

So... sorry. But I'm gonna keep trying.

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Edeyn That is, me that's being exploited. I seem to have found my way out of a bad situation, into one that is worse, and I can't seem to ken my way out of it. I really and truly haven't a clue what to do here, and this seems to be the only way I get any kind of answers at all.

I've tried asking for advice and help privately, but I'm at wit's end and no one seems to be answering.

I was on my way back to Michigan when I got the information that I no longer had a place to stay. I sent out a distress call, of sorts, and people responded. A friend of mine in Kansas City said I could stay with him and his grandmother, in exchange for some help with chores.

Some help with chores has turned into most of my time, and even being "loaned out" to other relatives WITHOUT EVEN ASKING ME! A reasonable amount of work, I would not be averse to. I have been here 34 days. I have put in somewhere between 156 (her estimate) and 197 (my estimate) hours of work. The Missouri State Minimum Wage is $7.05 per hour. That's the minimum. Using her estimate and the minimum wage, that's $1,099.80 worth of work. For a bed, food (a snack, a light meal, and an average meal per day usually), and utilities including access to the internet.

She still says I'm not pulling my weight.

She says I make it "very hard" to like me.

And, she holds the spectre of eminent homelessness over me.... every... single... day...

It's not light work I'm doing, either... raking leaves, trimming hedges, scrubbing floors (by hand), moving furniture, climbing out on the roof to clean windows on the outside, and toting the full gallon jugs she uses to make wine just to name a few.

When I have attempted to stand up to her, she accuses me of outright lying about it. Who is my friend supposed to believe? His friend, who he only really has known well about a year, or his grandmother... who raised him when his mother was disabled and unable?

I need advice. I need somewhere to go that'll be fair. I need to be able to have time to LOOK for a damn job so I can have enough money to go to Australia later this year!

And yes, the Australia move is a MUST, as it's going to be my future. My lovely lovely girlfriend/fiancé is there waiting for me... every day that we're apart is agonizing.

What I'm looking for, is someone willing to let me use a basement or even a couch as a homebase while I earn money and get my passport and visa going, in exchange for a FAIR amount of work... if it's possible in any way!

The best answer would be something in the Kansas City area... as that's where I am now...

I'm just at the end of my rope and it feels like this old lady (86 years old) will kick the chair out from under me at any time.

I realize that I have a hard time standing up to her because of my grandmother issue/fear. I'm scared of old ladies. It's irrational, but it's very real.

Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
Wasn't it Jim Henson who said, "Without faith, I am nothing," after all? No, wait, that was God... Sorry, common mistake to make...

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