T'day be th' best damn holly-day f'r remembrance that we all be kids at hARRRt, Mateys!
- First thing we be handin' t' yer grasping hands, be the OFFICIAL-type theme song, written by none other than Tom "Cap'n Smitty" Smith his own self! But, bein' a wench who be a connoisseur o' Filk, FuMP, an' Dementia, here be three different versions o' this titillating tune1:
- First, be th' original presentation, live at PenguiCon 2004, and sung wi' th' likes o' special guests Steve Jackson2 an' The Great Luke Ski3! [ Talk Like a Pirate Day ]
- Nex' be th' firs' time Cap'n Smitty included this here masterwork 'pon an album! Made it hisself with a CD-ARRR! [ Talk Like a Pirate Day ]
- An' las' but not leas' by inny stretch o' th' imaginings, Cap'n Smitty singing wi' none other'n { The Pirate Guys } theyselves live, at CapriCon 2008! [ Talk Like a Pirate Day ]
- Here, we be havin' a navigator what knows how t' get t' { Cap'n Smitty's Island } th' easy way!
- An' here be th' chart t' get yerself to the home o' { The Pirate Guys }4 safely!
- An' las' we has, f'r yer everlovin' convenience, { Th' Bleedin' Lyrics } as transcribed by meself, better known in some parts as "Tha' Blackeney Wench," comin' 'pon a year ago!
I hopes this be jus' th' thing, t' git all o' ye bilgerats t' enjoy yerselves an' let go on this, th' most fun an adult c'n have holly-day!
1: Don't be worryin' yer underhats, it be Talk Like a Pirate Day, not Act Like a Pirate Day! These all be sorted f'r free down-type loading on Cap'n Smitty's own Net-not-used-f'r-fishing! Th' hook t' th' page be amongst them thar above!
2: One o' them thar "Legends o' Gaming" tha' the Geekfolks talks abou'!
3: A good buddy o' Cap'n Smitty, an' a damnfine Filker, FuMPer, and Dementia maker in a proud long line. He be hostin' The Dementia Revolution in his other activities...
4: Th' greater than myth, legendary founders o' this grand tradition holly-day, Cap'n Slappy an' Ol' Chumbucket!
I don't know
where you find this stuff, but thanks a bunch. Funny!
no moe piates!
I actually went to an Intenational Talk Like A Piate Day paty yesteday. Sue it sounded like fun, but it was about the most obnoxious thing I eve expeienced. This may be because I was a bit olde than all the 20 & 30-somethings in attendance, o because me and my dea fiend Anais both ween't dinking the gog---shots of um and um and cokes--like eveyone else (although I did indulge in a few hits of the maijuana- I know, I know I'm a hoible dug addict, but actually this was my fist time since last Chistmas, and pobably the last until I get dagged to anothe stupid paty...), we eteated to the patio ealy on, to babacue the pok & pineapple etc, and whee we could hold on a nomal convesation about something besides who's a bilge-swilling scuvy dog o not. Being with my best gilfiend Anais is always fun & special, whateve the cicumstances. As a esult I can't even bing myself to use that accused lette today!
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
So you'rrrrrre giving up RRRRRR for now?
And I thought that my spelling skills had rubbed off on you, Laika.
John in Wauwaosa
John in Wauwatosa