edeyn's blog

Friday Featured Freelancer - Entries due by 9pm Central!

Edeyn Alright, since there don't seem to be any objections, I'm opening to accept entries for the first drawing.


  1. You may only enter yourself
  2. No members of admin staff may enter
  3. After the drawing, the pool is emptied, which means there are no carry-overs -- you must re-enter each week you want to be in the pool
  4. If you are chosen, you may not enter for 13 weeks following

It will include links to stories, a short bio, Q&A interview, and a picture or graphic. NOTE: Any part of the feature may be opted out of by the winner. If the winner does not WANT a bio or picture, but wants links to stories and the Q&A, that's perfectly fine.

To enter, simply reply to this posting or send a PM to me (Edeyn). Drawing will be on Wednesday night, winner informed on Thursday, with the page being built on Thursday, and posted on Friday.

Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
Wasn't it Jim Henson who said, "Without faith, I am nothing," after all? No, wait, that was God... Sorry, common mistake to make...

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Edeyn I am now on Twitter, if anyone cares to follow my goings-on. The username is easy to remember, as it's the same as here :)


Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
Wasn't it Jim Henson who said, "Without faith, I am nothing," after all? No, wait, that was God... Sorry, common mistake to make...

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Founding Fabulous Fun Fresh Feature -- Friday Featured Freelancer!

Edeyn Okay, I asked earlier this week what kind of possible new feature you all would like to see added to the Shortcuts! box, and got very little response. But, I'm going to explain the one feature idea I do have the details for, and I'd like feedback on it -- if you'd rather tell me in a PM, do so.

The Friday Featured Freelancer

This will be run as a raffle of sorts. Any author on the site that wishes to may enter her or his name, and each week on Thursday night, the names will be dropped in a randomizer and the winner will have a feature page for the week, linked off of the Shortcuts! box.

There will be no favoritism, but only an author herself or himself may put in her or his name. The pool is emptied every week (meaning that you must re-enter every drawing, there is no carryover from week to week), and the only 3 limiting factors will be that

  • you must be an author with works on BCTS
  • if you are featured, you must wait a certain amount of time before you can enter again
  • you cannot be a member of the Admin staff

This is NOT in effect yet, as I want to know what you all think of the idea. Discuss, please. Hee!

Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
Wasn't it Jim Henson who said, "Without faith, I am nothing," after all? No, wait, that was God... Sorry, common mistake to make...

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Despite Detractors, Dear Diary's Delinquincy Defined Daily Delimitation Deposed

Edeyn Have you all noticed that I REALLY love alliteration?

No matter.

There will be postingness from me on Friday, 13 March 2009, and there will be NO changes to the latest chapter of Dear Diary, but there will be an explanation added.

Also scheduled to resume that day are at least two other pieces that people have been waiting for. There may be more, but I cannot say for certain.

Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
Wasn't it Jim Henson who said, "Without faith, I am nothing," after all? No, wait, that was God... Sorry, common mistake to make...

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My writing

I am apparently incapable of, "... ever producing an idea without stealing it from someone more talented than..." myself. I have received 37 emails and 1 PM here accusing me of such in the last 12 hours, in addition to a PM from a friend who pointed out similarity in one of my stories to hers. In addition to THAT, one of the other admin just informed me (between Previewing this blog and actually posting it) that I "needed" to change my story, because I'm stealing the driving theme behind the main character of a friend's story. So... I suck.

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Feature Presentation

Edeyn It has been very nearly a year since any kind of new dohickey was added to the Shortcuts! box. It's time to add something new. But, in keeping with getting feedback FIRST... I'd like to know what kind of suggestions folks have. Now, I want folks to PM me full details of their ideas for something fun or useful (or both!) to add, and I'll give it a few days before I post up the suggestions... not for voting, but for discussion! Talk about the pros and cons of each idea. The reason I want them PM'd to me is so that the ideas are known only to me and the rest of the staff. Comments are disabled, but that Write to author link should work fine.

Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
Wasn't it Jim Henson who said, "Without faith, I am nothing," after all? No, wait, that was God... Sorry, common mistake to make...

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Edeyn Was not just being named for my uncle, but sharing a BIRTHDAY with him. He attempted to 'rescue' me from my grandmother -- anyone remember those disc players from the early 80s? The ones that tried to vie with Betamax and VHS for the market... about the size of a laserdisc, but was in a sort of cassette casing, 2-sided? He had one of those players. I remember him coming over and informing my grandmother that I was going with him to his house for a while (when my mother was away)...

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Dear Diary

Edeyn There will not be an entry tonight. And possibly not tomorrow. My uncle died this afternoon. The only one of my mother's brothers to be worth anything. I was originally named for him. He was the first of her brothers to accept me as a girl. He was the most gentle and caring man I've ever known. His standard being impossible to live up to is probably part of why I am a lesbian.

That is all.

Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
Wasn't it Jim Henson who said, "Without faith, I am nothing," after all? No, wait, that was God... Sorry, common mistake to make...

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Coming Soon!

Edeyn March 13 will see the TopShelf exclusive premiere of my Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time fanfiction effort that I've been waiting on posting for so long. If you're curious as to what I'm talking about, go ] here [ to see the Teaser I posted in January 2008 -- It's part of Chapter One, which will be reposted in its entirety one week after the Prologue is posted (13 March 2009).

Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
Wasn't it Jim Henson who said, "Without faith, I am nothing," after all? No, wait, that was God... Sorry, common mistake to make...

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Response to CoyotePuma's comment

Edeyn Started this as a 'reply' comment, but realized it was way longer than merited... so moved it to its own blog!

Only a bit short of 2 years ago, I found TopShelf by way of a friend pointing me at a piece of fiction here (Leeway, by the way) and was rather pleasantly surprised. You see, a large amount of my friends figure that if it has any TG content, why, since I'm TG I must like it! Well, I'm not especially fond of forced femme, not especially fond of one-handed fiction as a whole... and in past experience, that's pretty much what was out there.

Now, over the years, there had been some excellent pieces of fiction that I'd been pointed at. I always tried to read them if only to be fair. I would save the ones that were, in my opinion, well done!

Then after enjoying Leeway so much, up to the point where it had been finished at the time, I decided to go ahead and look around the site.


I was pleasantly surprised. In the past, TG Fiction sites seemed to specialize in the stuff I didn't like and maybe 1 in 1000 were something I liked. Now, this isn't to say that those sites were BAD. No. Just not the kind of thing I was into.

TopShelf, however... it was like the ration was the other way. There was about 1 in 100 that I didn't like!

Why, most of the stories I'd archived over the years were here, too!

I settled in and began to explore for a few months. There were a lot of really good TG stories that I had never seen or even heard of the authors! Then I started to think... "Hey, I can do this..."

And so I did. In 11 days, I wrote and posted as fast as I could, the first 8 pieces of Sk8r Grrls and to my surprise... people loved it.

Now, at that point, Erin was ecstatic about the fact that she was up to the point where her authors were posting an average of a story per day!



Gee willikers!

... and I watched the site grow.

... and grow...

... and grow! By January 2008, we had an average of 8 to 10 stories being posted daily! Why, some days there were lots more... there were even the rare days with over TWENTY stories being posted in a 24 hour time period!

Stories were being posted so frequently, in fact, that they couldn't stay on the front page for more than a few hours and people were missing some really good stuff!

So I had an idea. I asked a few folks about how it would be received, and then took it to Erin.

She said, "That's a great idea, but it's awfully time consuming. I don't have time to do that. If you code it and post it and do the updating, sure, I'll add it."

So I joined the admin team here on 2008 January 19, with the introduction of Shortcuts! and over the next few months expanded it to give the Holiday of the Day, and then a link to information about that holiday, and provided a way for folks to be able to see what they'd missed that day without having to click through pages and pages of links to figure out what they'd read and what they hadn't.

The point being, that the method of posting here, making it so that the authors add their own content, is a great deal of what makes TopShelf so special -- it's constantly updating. Glad you're enjoying it!

Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
Wasn't it Jim Henson who said, "Without faith, I am nothing," after all? No, wait, that was God... Sorry, common mistake to make...

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I is being back! (Edeyn Updatishness)

Edeyn That's right. I have returnéd. Sorry about the long hiatus. There have been much happenings and occurrings. I'm back in Kansas City for the time being, with plans to jump the Pacific in late July or early August for at least 3 months, more likely 6 months -- during which time other than the travel time itself, I'll be able to continue on here.

What the near future holds:

Content from me will be increasing, as the plan for all of this requires me to do more writing. I've missed the lot of you wascawwy wabbits, and will be continuing on my list of things to carry on. There will also be content of mine posted on ]Fictioneer![ in the near future, and there will be a few of you I will call upon for opinionation of pieces that will NOT be published online, to preserve the ability to publish them in dead-tree format.

Other goings on:

I do plan on emigrating from the United States of America (USA) to Australia (AUS) [ The only two countries either I or my love can think of with anagram abbreviations ] at some point in the next few years, but it will likely be only on a permanent basis after I've already achieved my degree that I've been hard at work on through Ashford University (Social Science with an Education Concentration) -- which, by the way, I'm doing well on. Not the straight 4.0 that I would prefer, but decent enough grades to retain my Pell grant and Student Loans.

What else? Oh. Yes. I am moving toward becoming active again in LGBT issues, primarily TG issues, of course, and I am attempting to find sponsorship and assistance from those who know what they're doing to turn my stories, "A Story With No Title," and, "Too Far," into short films.

I believe that's all for now... post questions in the comments as usual!

Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
Wasn't it Jim Henson who said, "Without faith, I am nothing," after all? No, wait, that was God... Sorry, common mistake to make...

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FINAL WORDCOUNT: 1 , 5 3 7 , 1 1 9

I am... The Lexivorous Word Witch

74 Adventures at an average of 19,947 words each, and a 61,041 word wrap up...

My hands hurt. My head and back hurt. But I've got a hugified grin.

So, I made it... if you feel like supporting the National Novel Writing Month folks, go check out my Fundraising Page and give as little or as much as you want!

And the math worked out for you folks that want it...

(19,947*74) = 1,476,078
1,476,078 + 61,041 = 1,537,119

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One Million

Edeyn My right hand is achy, and my left hand is back up to about 90%, and I have made it! One Million Words is a lot of typing.

Please, drop a few bucks in the bucket for NaNoWriMo at Edeyn Hannah Blackeney's Fundraising Page if you wanna support this kind of effort for the future.

The Wordcount Widget from National Novel Writing Month's website only goes to six-digits, and won't compensate for my seven-digit score... so here's the graphic:
But my actual word count is just a bit higher. It'll keep growing for a few days while I wrap up the story and the subplot loose ends. Keep an eye out on this blog to see the final wordcount as the month finishes out.
1 , 2 5 0 , 3 3 3

Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
Wasn't it Jim Henson who said, "Without faith, I am nothing," after all? No, wait, that was God... Sorry, common mistake to make...

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I Nearly Died Tonight...

Another heart attack victim. Yep. At about 5 minutes to 10pm (US Eastern) tonight, I had a heart attack. I was rushed to the Emergency Room by my roommate and rushed through triage and they had the doctor in to see me posthaste. The Triage Nurse, the ER Nurse, the X-Ray Tech, The EKG Tech, and the Doctor were all splendid.

The Admissions Clerk, however, decided my fate when she found out I was without insurance. Now, I'm not going to make the assumption that I was discharged less than 21/2 hours after the heart attack itself because I'm transgender. It was quite obvious that it was due to something -- and my guess is lack of health insurance.

That's right. I was discharged and on my way out the doors at 12:23am (just after midnight) US Eastern time.

American Health Care sucks donkey balls through a straw clogged with horse shit.

How many people out there have heard of a heart attack patient NOT being kept at least overnight for observation? Especially if that patient has a history like mine? Past heart attack, congestive heart failure, chronic angina, chronic pleurisy, a right-branch-bundle blockage (the adult equivalent of a murmur), erratic heart beat, history of clotting -- five times pulmonary embolism (clots in the lungs), 8 times deep vein thrombosis (clots in the legs) -- dizzy spells, fainting spells, and a Greenfield Filter. A Greenfield Filter is a metal contraption inserted surgically into the vena cava, which is the major giant vein going from your legs to your heart and lungs, in order to "catch" clots before they can REALLY hurt you.

So. If I'm not around any more, it's because after writing this blog and going to sleep tonight, I didn't wake up.


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600,000 Words

Edeyn My right hand is achy, and my left hand it beginning to twinge, but I shall persevere! One Million Words is a lot of typing. Heck, 600,000 is a lot of typing!

Edeyn Hannah Blackeney's Fundraising Page

Oh, my current wordcount?

Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
Wasn't it Jim Henson who said, "Without faith, I am nothing," after all? No, wait, that was God... Sorry, common mistake to make...

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The Road to One Million

Edeyn I'm developing a slight twinge in the back of my right hand -- the onset of carpal tunnel. So, this quest for a million words in November is going to be literally painful, as well as literarily painful. My wordcount as of 5:30am US Eastern time, 11 November 2008, is 408,600. So, I'm at a landmark, but still got a LOOONG way to go! If you want to drop some cash toward a worthy cause, The Office of Letters and Light qualifies, and you can do it at my fundraising page here:

Edeyn Hannah Blackeney's Fundraising Page

Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
Wasn't it Jim Henson who said, "Without faith, I am nothing," after all? No, wait, that was God... Sorry, common mistake to make...

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Saw this on YouTube today, in video format.

It was read by a young lady (my guess is college-age) and is a very powerful commentary on the state of the world and the "Lost Generation" that is coming up in it now. At first, this seems like an unbearable message, but please hang in there until you've read through all of the post and instructions.

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Annie and Courtney

Edeyn Don't worry, I'm working on building up a backlog of both Dear Diary and Sk8r Grrls so that I should be able to post some through November without detracting from my Novelling time.

Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
Wasn't it Jim Henson who said, "Without faith, I am nothing," after all? No, wait, that was God... Sorry, common mistake to make...

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