Catherine Linda Michel's blog
7 months into my RLT.
How Do I Turn Off Auto Updates To Firefox?
On the eve of my 7th month in RLT,
Re-evaluating Priorities
A very light hearted look at getting breast implants.
First Transgender Mayor Elected In Silverton Oregon!
Milestone Reached.
A Most Powerful Piece Of Music
Real Life Test +2 months.
The World Professional Association For Transgenger Health
An update on my blog post: "Need advice,etc."
Thank You, to everyone who responded. My decision is made.
Need advice / thoughts / views / whatever ASAP
Subject: NEWS - Congress' 1st hearing on Gender Identity (June 27, 2008)
A momentous evening.
This will probably make me unpopular, but...
In Memorium For KimEm
9 Days into my RLT. So far, so good.
Well, I've made it through the first week of my RLT.
Mom passed away last night at about 11:50 PM.
Mom is not expected to live out the day.
Well, the interviews went okay, but the signing was a bit disappointing.
As I said. I get nothing good without something bad to counter it.
Today will be a busy, stressful day, but hopefully, fun too.
The first day of the rest of my life, OR, The first day of my Real Life Test.
Random 5 0'clock in the morning.
It's over.