Need advice / thoughts / views / whatever ASAP

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I have to meet with the lawyer Thursday the 17th to settle Mom's will. I am in the second month of my RLT. BOTH my sisters will also have to be there, and they are religiously dead set against me being myself, that is to say, Cathy.

My problem is this. Do I go as I am, and watch the two of them embarrass themselves and show themselves to not be the real Christians they believe themselves to be, by their judgment of me, and deal with their scorn and likely verbal abuse...or I do what I don't WANT to do, and doff Cathy in favor of my old, hated male persona, just to keep peace this one last time?

I'll likely never have to deal with either of my sisters, face to face, again in the foreseeable future, barring some catastrophic injury to a family member, so do I run Cathy's flag up the flagpole and force the two of them to salute it, or do I make the sacrifice, one last time, and pretend to be Keith?

I really don't want a confrontation with them, but at the same time, they need, I think, to be confronted with the reality that I am NOT that male family member they thought I was.

It troubles me no end, to know that my supposedly intelligent sisters have allowed themselves to be blinded by religious dogma and the fear of being embarrassed by their 'going to hell' sibling. We have always, all my life, been very close, always able to kid with one another and just be siblings. I DO love them, no matter the outcome of all of this, but can I just drop out of my RLT, even if only for a couple of hours, without damaging the progress I've made over the last month or so?

I'm really torn about this and I value your intelligent input, all of you. Through this whole, strange trip of mine into TS land, all of you have always been there for me with good advice, warnings about possible pitfalls, encouragement, and accepting, understanding love.

Now I'm asking for your help and sound advice once again. What the HELL do I do?

huggles from a very unsure,
Catherine Linda Michel

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