It's been 6 months since I attended my very first TG conference, SCC 2009 in Atlanta Georgia. It's taken me all this time to organize, collate, and digest all I learned and experienced there.
I learned that it doesn't matter who or what you are. If you are honest about yourself, WITH yourself, people tend to take you at face value. In other words, what they see is what they get. To sit with dozens of girls and guys, finally being completely honest with and about themselves, was the real eye opener for me. The usual tension of "pretending" just wasn't there, so I got to meet and interact with people who were finally "off their self imposed leashes." The totally relaxed atmosphere led everyone, I think, to be able to enjoy the conference much more.
There were no recriminations, no judgments leveled, nary a harsh or demeaning word said, at least in my presence. It was more like a week-long party with close friends you never met before... if that makes any sense. The seminars and the planned outings for dancing or sight-seeing were, for those who were interested in them, I'm sure, educational and fun. I decided to forego the seminars and concentrated on building relationships, friendships, with the people I met, and simply enjoying the whole experience... the atmosphere.
The freedom in the air was intoxicating, and meeting people I'd heretofore only talked with online, just made things so much more exiting and satisfying. The people of Atlanta should be proud of their attitudes, as well. Wherever we went, we were treated no differently than if we hadn't been... different.
Another thing I learned was tolerance. Unconsciously, I had been hiding an intolerance toward certain aspects of sexual preferences. Additionally, I found a deep well of sympathy and understanding for a young girl who claimed to be SPECIES dysphoric. She sincerely believed herself to be wolven... not a furry, but a for real wolf. I had never heard of anything remotely like that. We sat i the outside lobby, on the last morning of the conference, and talked for what seemed like hours. She explained her difference and how she felt, and I sat and listened. I can't say I understand yet, but I found that understanding wasn't necessarily what she was looking for. She needed someone, anyone, to just listen, and by simply listening, I learned a new tolerance... a new mindset as it were. She NEEDED, and I listened, and I feel like I grew in the time we interacted. Suddenly the old Star Trek thing about "Infinite diversity in infinite combinations" became crystal clear to me.
It doesn't matter what we look like or sound like... it doesn't matter if we are different. What matters is what is in one's heart and soul, and that's ALL that matters! I know that these things seem obvious to a lot of you, if not all of you, but while I knew these things intellectually, I had never really embraced them consciously until that one girl brought everything into clear focus for me.
Also... while I had more fun than any other time in my life, a big part of that was watching Jacqui come into her own. After her very first makeover, she spent her first day ever, fully 'dressed' and I saw a glow about her that I'd never seen before. A kind of stunned, pleased, wondering glow that infused her to the point where she could hardly speak. That I had a small part in bringing Jacqui out of her shell, pleases me no end. I saw a friend, finally make the connection between what she was born as, and what she needed to be.
In all, it was a glorious, eye opening trip and vacation. I spent way too much money, but I can't find it in me to regret a single penny of it. Money is, after all, only a means to an end. In the end, I had fun, I made connections that will last me the rest of my life, I helped a friend come to life, I gained a new perspective on people and life, and I helped a young girl make herself heard. I met the most interesting group of people it has ever been my pleasure to meet and, I believe, was judged interesting BY them.
One hell of a lot from one convention, I'd say. I hope and pray I can return this year for their 20th anniversary, and if I can, I hope to see some of you there.
Thanks for reading.
Hugs and love,
Catherine Linda Michel
learning experience
I will be there. I put in for time off work and applied for the scholarship.
Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
It is a long road ahead but I will finally become who I should be.
Glad that you enjoyed the convention.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
room rates
I found out the room rates are $109.00 a nite. I will be there sept. 8-13. Luckily I only live about 5 hours due south in Tallahassee.
Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
It is a long road ahead but I will finally become who I should be.