This will probably make me unpopular, but...I don't like drabbles! If I'm gonna click on a story, I want a STORY...not a short article. Sorry. That's the way I feel.
Does it take talent to do drabble? Of COURSE! It also takes talent to do Rap, and I can't stand those either. Now I'm pretty much done with this mini-rant.
I would like to thank everyone who wrote or called to help me through my recent losses. You gave me hope and love when I needed it the most. Thank you all, very much, for your help.
Catherine Linda Michel
That's cool!
Hey, to each their own! I don't like stories about sissification, S&M, or other fetish stuff, myself, and despite having posted a metric shitton of them myself, I prefer serials to drabbles.
And I sure hope this blog being exactly 100 words was intentional.
Melanie E.
Really Catherine -- They can be fun.
One hundred male executives, who had been pressed into our company’s “bonding†weekend, sat around a bonfire.
“We can assume ten of you are homosexuals,†a clinical psychologist explained. He had been hired to teach us about personnel profiling. “Further, as many as three of you are cross-dressers.â€
I cringed.
He continued. “The tests I’ve given each of you have told me who you are and what you’ve done.â€
“Hold on,†our CEO shouted, “sexual preference and gender identity are private matters. There’ll be no public disclosure of that information.â€
He then surprised me with a pleasant and inviting wink.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
I'm Wondering...
...if like stories and blogs, whether "drabbles" could be another category altogether?
That way, them's what likes them could dig in, and them's what dizn't wouldn't.
It'd be nice to see a ...
... Straight Shooter like Pogo for President. Wait, that was the title of one of the Pogo collections.
I can Understand That
It is likely similar to how I do not like single chapters, of a completed story, being posted. To me, it seems the author is being too controlling of my reading for me to accept.
I do admit it would be frustrating as an author to have a more substantial piece posted during this time, when drabbles are running amok, but I would guess that they will quickly return to being rare. Personally I took my kick at the drabble cat and will probably not do another. I prefer character and plot development, to the conciseness required in a drabble.
But us *authors* want to be controlling, YES!
Stare at my on-line name, repeat to yourself, 'I will do as John in Wauwatosa asks. He is my idol. I will do anything he asks of me. He is the sexiest man alive and I only want to be with him.' Um this last line only applies to the women above eighteen years of age. 'I will wake up feeling great.'
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. Drabbles are fun as an occasional *dish* to refresh the reader’s palette. I like variety in my food as well as variety in my reading materials.
John in Wauwatosa
WOW, I'm impressed...
You got your Drabble Blog to 100 words.
I find the drables in the same category as lymerics. Sometimes I'm in the mood, sometimes not. Though, if you were to tie me down, and FORCE me to choose a drabble or a story, I'd have to ask whether I got untied when I finised reading? Or if I got to get untied first. :-) See, I like to be comfortable when I'm reading (sometimes lounging in a nice bubble bath, though I do admit the dangers there). So, if I have to read it to get untied, the Drabble would win. Otherwise most of the time, I'd also prefer a story.
Sorry guys
I'm kinda to blame for this, huh? I figured one, maybe two people would add a post or two, I didn't know THIS would happen. It's fun, I think, but like most fads will probably fade into obscurity in a couple of weeks.
You may commence the beating now.
Melanie E.
how about poking?
are you ticklish? mwahahahaha!!!!!
I hate them too
I come here looking for stories that really pull me in. I don't want to read stuff that looks like it belongs under a caption like at the tg comics site.
If you don't like it
Then don't read it. Each "Drabble" is titled as such right on the front page. You know they are short and you don't want to read them, so don't. Same thing with any genre of story, television, radio, music or what ever. It is impossible to please each and every one of the millions of people on this planet. The beauty of this site and others like it is diversity. Drabbles aren't my favorite. Sometimes I read them, most times not. I like a few of the serials. Falling off a bike is wonderful. I don't like them all though. I like a variety of things and dislike a variety as well, sometimes for no real tangible reason.
What I'm trying to say I guess is use your head and take what you like and leave the rest alone. Much like a buffet line at the restaurant, no one expects you to take the creamed corn, really it's just there to hold that end of the table down.. yuck.
Guide lines for Readers Digest to submit jokes or stories
Drabbles can be good practice as well as entertaining. For example, if you contemplating submitting a story or joke to Readers Digest, which can be done at:
You would do so following the guide lines found at
The guidelines state that “original contributions, ...should be no more than 100 words or 1000 characters...†in other words drabbles.
Originally a comment on It's an epidemic! a blog entry by Rasufelle
Pen to paper, mind on hold, release a writing, don’t let the line get cold.
To dabble this way is to explore, using your readers mind to be bold.
The reason I enjoy both drabbles and short-short stories is that they rely on the reader to fill in the back ground. This way the reader can extend out the story if they so wish. I have relied on inferred references in a few of my stories, hoping to have the reader fill in the story, to this date I do not know if that is working, still it is fun.