Last Sunday I went out with the 'big-boys' for the usual Sunday morning club ride. Nothing unusual except I was wearing some rather sexy lingerie under my winter cycling Lycra which tends to be heavier and thicker than the lightweight summer kit. The boys do know about me but usually I cycle with the second string group who comprise older men, most of the fitter ladies and me, Bev ...
However last Sunday by an unusual quirk only about 12 people turned up at 10 am so we decided to all go together.
"You up for this Shirley, Bev, Liz?" Asks Spot, the club captain.
I've finally got my novel Mindful into print. Anybody interested in reading it can look on the Amazon Book Store and type in Mindful or Beverly Taff. It's also available in dead tree mode by Strategic Books.
Just to keep readers informed.I haven't lost my muse. I'm adopting a new tactic, namely write the whole story then break it down into chapters (or whatever,) and post it once nightly until the story's finished.
Busy writing 'Wheels and Wings' at the mo. Dunno when I'll finish it though.
Had a bit of terrible news last night. One of my friends has commited suicide in Penarth, near Cardiff, Wales, UK.
Her body was found in Cosmeston lake and it it suspected she's taken an overdose before throwing herself in.
Aerie was a manic depressive who had tried 3 times before to end it all. It seemed none of us could help her shed the burdens she carried.
Some have said the end seemed a bit rushed and a bit cruel. I feel I must in part agree with them. Not all stories can have happy endings and death comes to us all sooner ... or later.
I was getting slightly jealous of Daphne and wondering where to take her. This ending exorcises any lingering problems I had.
If anybody ever tells you that Electro-convulsive shock therapy is not painful go to this site.
I endured this sort of stuff from 1952 to 1958. It hurts! It hurts like hell and it is abuse not therapy. They might as well just have beaten me with sticks.
For those of us who were abused as children because of our various gender variances and/or sexuality differences. This just a note to demonstrate that paedophilia and other related crimes enjoy a healthy protection within the Scottish legal system.
After reading Angie's last chapter about Jacquie's obscene maltreatment in care I feel this website might make interesting reading for any who think it's unrealistic and that this level of abuse is improbable..
Believe me, this is exactly the sort of stuff that went on in my time and is still going on today!!!
So there I was, Sunday morning club rides and I'm turned up in the normal Welsh drizzle expecting a nice 28 mile amble with the group fours; only to find no other group fours or even group threes had turned up. I'm debating taking off on my own and enjoying a nice pleasurable ride at my own pace all nice and regular like but oooooh nooo!
"No Bev", says Les the club secretary, "come on out with the group twos, we'll take it easy for you."
"Yeah!!!!!" Says I as I look pointedly up into the rain sodden clouds and the 'unsolvable porcine equasions of flight' refuse to leave my head.
I was playing one day at my laptop, Lonely and ill at ease, My fingers wandering idly, over the plastic keys. I struck one chord of wierdness that sounded the great amen!
Just transferred chapter 1 of Mares Talers over from FM.
I'm carrying on with Mermaid but frankly there are virtually no comments these days so I'm winding it up after a few more brief chapters. Frankly, I think I'm getting a bit stale and this is reflected in the paucity of comments. I'm also running short of ideas after 197 story chapters on FM plus whatever here on BC.
I've concluded that my chapters of Angry mermaid might be too long for some and that's why they get bored before the chapters are concluded.
I've been a little bit disappointed by the lack of comments recently and I suspect many readers just switch off before they've finished the chapter.
I'm therefore going to try a new tactic by shortening the chapters to about 25 kb instead of the normal 50-ish.
After Chapter 25 the chapters will run about roughly 25 to 30 kb's.
Just have to wait and see if people prefer it that way.
Friday afternoon, I went out dressed in the daylight for the first time in my local town. No, I didn't pass, I never expected to but at least I could stroll around the shops and check out all the clothes without appearing perverted or sinister.
New Look, Next, Brantano, TK Max, Boots then on to Cardiff prior to our dinner out.
Yes people did look, and several did whisper but most just smiled and went about their own occasions.
I was out with my best friend, another Transvestite girl who goes everywhere with me.
Well I got curious after Steph (Cyclist) mentioned the Gogiati test in one of her replies so I googled it and took the test.
I scored -50 That is Androgyne 3 and that is eeerily close to my mind set at the moment.
It recommends that I don't go for anything radical and indeed I never had any intentions of doing so. I am happy with my little boy bits and never felt the need to go 'whole hog' for SRS.
Well somehow I got chatting to Cathy Michel on Skype last night and ended up being chased by my own grey wolves.
What a bummer.
Sorry Cathy if I had to close down so suddenly. Sometimes shit just really happens and there's no way around it but to pull back and just wait for IT to go away. That's what happened for me last night. I'll get back soon. Beverly.
I just posted a long blog about the uncanny parrallels between Steph's (Cyclist) story called Sweat and tears and the many abuses I suffered in care from aged six to fourteen.
The blog disappeared into the ether when I pressed submit so it's lost forever.
I'll try again.
In 1975 just after I got married, my wife, (to whom I'm still married)persuaded me to write a faction about my early life.
I scratched away for several months with pencil and several thick notebooks and then the story sat around in my attic for nearly 30 years.
I learned tonight, 1726 British Daylight saving time UST +1 that the bitch who abused me as a child died a month ago of Pneumonia and kidney failure. My oldest sister was 76.
Can somebody please, pleeeease create a new 'Lexicon' section for all the odd acronyms in compu-speak that keep cropping up.
Then if an author feels like compiling an acronym of their own they can throw it in 'willy-nilly' or is that 'w-n'and leave an alphabetical translation in the 'Lexicon' section.
It's getting quite frustrating when authors leave ten letter acronyms that don't make sense to other readers, especially old farties, (like me who don't do geek-speak,) and foreign readers.
P.S. I don't do cryptic crosswords either.
Well; at last I've got over the 'writer's block hump' dealing with Beverly's eventual slow reconciliation with her own kind back on earth.
She's had children by Ruby and the next couple of chapters deal with sibling rivalry as the various children manouvre to try and wrest control of 'Taff Spaceships' after Beverly shuffles off her mortal coil. (Although this aint about to happen anytime soon.)
After I posted Rescue and read a few of the comments, I began to have second thoughts about it being a stand alone story.
I re-read the story a couple of times and concluded that there might, in the near future, (months not days or weeks cos I'm busy.) I might pick up on a couple of loose ends/threads in the story.
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Joyce Melton
1001 Third St.
Space 80
Calimesa, CA 92320
Note: $6000 is the operating, maintenance and upgrade budget. Amounts received in excess of the $6000 will be applied to long term debt accrued over the last 19 years.