I just posted a long blog about the uncanny parrallels between Steph's (Cyclist) story called Sweat and tears and the many abuses I suffered in care from aged six to fourteen.
The blog disappeared into the ether when I pressed submit so it's lost forever.
I'll try again.
In 1975 just after I got married, my wife, (to whom I'm still married)persuaded me to write a faction about my early life.
I scratched away for several months with pencil and several thick notebooks and then the story sat around in my attic for nearly 30 years.
I finally posted it to Fictionmania in 2005 or thereabouts.
The novel Mindful was essentially a Sci Fi fiction that described a child's hellish progress through care and his abuse caused by his violent misbehaviour caused by the 'voices' that had been invading his head since aged four. The voices were diagnosed as Schitzophrenia when they were infact rudimetary telepathic messages that would not begin to make sense until puberty.
In my novel in those early days, 1975 I ascribed the abuse to his supposed schitzophrenia when in truth the abuse stemmed fom instituionalised homophobia today more accurately described as transphobia. This is because I was still seriously uptight about my transvestism and I could not allude to it in sufficient detail to attatch cause and effect of my abuse accurately.
Consequently the novel 'Mindful' only describes the abuse in the first two chapters and even then although it simply lists the many abuses accurately without passion or rage. It does not describe the abuses with the same passion and accuracy that Steph does in Sweat and Tears. However in Midful the abuses are documented and run desperately parrallel to those that Steph described.
The rapes, the beatings, the incarcerations, the starvations, the identifiable clothing, the lies, oh yes the endless lies, the cover ups,the weekend trips that turned out to be nothing less than paedophile orgies
The football and rugby 'games' that degenerated into nothing less than common assault and grevious bodily harm as older children took out their hates and frustrations on the smaller weaker kids.
Many kids did not make it but there is no evidence to suggest murder, God alone knows what happened to them but I for one remain convinced many were killed.
Mindful is only a 'faction' but it dwells upon the murders and the graves, just as Steph does.
That's why I post this blog.
Do not listen to the apologists and excusers who believe the stories or facts were exaggerated. You canot exaggerate a murder the fact is absolute to the law. All the other abuses no matter how much the apologists try to rubbish them are still very real and distressing to the victims 50, 60 and 70 years later.
Every one of us victims deals with these abuses in their own way. We are never 'cured' or made free of them, we just get through life every which way we can.
On behalf of 'Survivors of Abuse' and in support of Steph's story.
Believe me.
It happened!!
I do believe you!
It's just so hard to believe that something so awful went on for so long. I have for many years longed to visit Britain, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. I find that I no longer want to.
These stories hurt. Not as much as they did to those who actually went through them, but enough to make me sick to my stomach. Still, I read them, and I get very angry. I am utterly disgusted by them, and I don't understand why this went on. I want to be so angry, and I have no idea who I should be angry at.
I am lucky
I never went through anything like what I write, in this case, but I have friends who did. I write, in the main, to clear my own soul from other, different, brutal events, but this was, is, my attempt to give a voice to some people I know.
The main difficulty was that there is a narrow path to be trod between shock and porn. Many imprisoned paedophles, for example, have been requesting copies of evidence for 'researching their defence'. This has actually been so they can circulate the statements of their victims for others like them to masturbate over.
It is as brutal as that. The law has been changed in the UK to prevent this, but....
You're successful Steph.
It's successful because of your excellent writing skills.
As I pm'd you I got through it sometimes haltingly as I took time out to punch imaginary foes and abusers. Time out to walk up and down the garden muttering. Time out to very occasionally go and get a tissue.
As I looked back through those notebooks (I had trouble finding them but my wife knew exactly where they were.) I noticed some water stains. I don't ever remember getting the books wet and our roof is sound. Helen told me they were tear stains. She sometimes caught me asleep and the pages damp. There could be no other reason because she never interrupted me with cups of tea or stuff. Her whole idea was to help me somehow excorcise the shit and she would leave me alone each day. She said she sometimes heard me crying but she resolutely refused to come in and disturb me. It was as hard for her as it was for me.
As I have done with almost every chapter of S&W I thank you once again.
Growing old disgracefully.
Yes, It happpend
My rapist was a psychologist. He sent many of his victims, including my brother to a asylum he ran, where rape and torture were common "treatments". My mother tried to get my brother and i away from him (although she didnt know what was happening, only that we seemed to be getting worse, not better), and he threatened to have us removed from her care. As for me, my story "I was nine years old" says everything i need to say about what he did to me. Eventually, one of his victims came forward, then more, and he went to jail. I only wish i had come forward, so i could have told everyone what this "pillar of the community" had put me through.
"Treat everyone you meet as though they had a sign on them that said "Fragile, under construction"
Yes, it did happen!
Please forgive me. I have tried several times to write about it but I only manage short references to it, and if I try to write more I go into a funk in which I can not function.
You and Cyclist are braver than I am, I am afraid, mashallah, and I fully support you.
Much peace
That was me
For upwards of ten years after I escaped that was me. My wife helped me out of that particular mental hellhole.
Growing old disgracefully.
Several People Here Had A Hand In Saving My Life.
Some of you knew me when I was in really bad shape. You know, how often they put me in the pink room, how hard I took all that had happened to me. At the hospital, no one expected me to pull out of it.
Years later, I do pretty good mostly, no crises lately. Oddly Bev, one of the stories I read today promted me to start writing about it, and this time I saved it. I had to stop, and don't know when it will get finished. I wish that someone would just work with me and we could write it a little at a time, but no, it is probably my job to do.
I am quite sure that there are many who had it much worse than I and it makes me feel weak to wonder why others can write about it and I have trouble.
One thing about it all, I am sure of. We can talk it out, cry it out, scream it out and pound on the wall. But at some point we have to take charge of our lives and move on, doint the best that we can and come what God made us to be. To do any less is to let those who hurt us win, and I am far too resolved to allow that.
Much peace
Small bites.
Take it in small bites Khadijah, and leave triple spacing cos' flashbacks and memories and stuff keep inserting themselves into the narrative sometimes when you're not even looking. Sometimes I have to pause and walk away from reading other's stories or writing my own. Sometimes I might only get a single line or even just a single word down on paper. Those are the longest days but happily, for me at least, distance makes those days less frequent. I hope that same life distance works for you.
Love and hugs.
Growing old disgracefully.
good advice
i am trying to follow it.
"Treat everyone you meet as though they had a sign on them that said "Fragile, under construction"
Thank you, Bev.
Thank you.
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
I'm with Andrea !
Thank you Beverly for telling it how it was and the paedophiles still get away with it.My abuser was the family doctor, a "Leader of
Society and a pillar of the Church". I know that I was not his only victim but in those days he could not be touched.