Coming out.

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So there I was, Sunday morning club rides and I'm turned up in the normal Welsh drizzle expecting a nice 28 mile amble with the group fours; only to find no other group fours or even group threes had turned up. I'm debating taking off on my own and enjoying a nice pleasurable ride at my own pace all nice and regular like but oooooh nooo!

"No Bev", says Les the club secretary, "come on out with the group twos, we'll take it easy for you."

"Yeah!!!!!" Says I as I look pointedly up into the rain sodden clouds and the 'unsolvable porcine equasions of flight' refuse to leave my head.

"No Honest Bev," Says Les. "We'll go easy on you. It's wrong for you to show the support and we let you down by making you cycle alone. We'll go easy on you honestly."

So full of the requisite trepidation I climb gingerly onto my bike and set off feeling extremely self conscious. Ten miles and I'm sounding like a steam, shunting locomotive. Then they take to the hills, (WELSH HILLS!!!) Not yer ordinary Cotswolds or Downs or Pennine stuff but real ten mile ascents. I didn't even know such climbs existed in South Wales. I do now!

Doesn't take long for me to start pleading sanctury so a couple of the really strong group one boys, (Real hard men) drop back and give me a shove on the bum, (A somewhat, soft rounded girly bum, I might point out.) and some muttered comments are made about my fitness and muscle mass. Well we get half way and stop for the midway coffee, (thirty miles,) and I arrive wheezing like an old grampus with the club gathered rather protectively around me.

"Bev." Asks one of the hard men. "How long have you been cycling?"

"B'out two years and a bit," says I innocently.
"You should be fitter than that, you've got poor muscle definition."
"What. Is that why you were pushing my arse, just feel me up?"
"Well, no, but you must admit, you don't have much muscle and your very light, what are you 11 stone 7 (161 lbs)?"
"Yeah, b'out that."
"Your arse felt more like a womans'!" Says the dentist who had given me a couple of helping pushes."
I fell silent. I'm not officially 'out' in the club. I've been thinking about coming out fully but not just yet. This guy however is at least a thoughtful, tactful guy and he waits until we're going back and it's mostly downhill or flat. He slides in alongside me at the back and starts to chat. Eventually he comes right out with it for he had seen my boobs swelling under the lycra shirt as I pulled down my long-legged bib tights to have a pee.
"Are you having a sex change?" he asks very quietly. Nobody else can hear him.
"Uhhhm, no, says I, I'm a sort of inbetweenie. I'll never grow male muscles, that's why I normally cycle with the group fours who are mostly women."

"Ahhh." He sighs. "That explains everything. Lots of the lads have seen you out almost every day and you should have come along much faster than you are."
"So now you know, what' d'you intend to do?" Asks I.

Nothing. When you come out with us again, I'll just tell the lads to do the same as we did today, give you the odd push."

I snort with disbelief.

"Pah! When I come out with you again? When! Listen Bugsie this'll be the first and last time!! I'm bladdered." Protests I.

Bugsie ignores my protests and presses on.

"Does anybody else in the club know?" Asks Bugsie, (Everybody's got a bloody nickname in Wales.)
I hesitate thoughtfully then confess.

"Uuuuhhhm yes. Some of the girls in group four. I'm more at ease with women and they're more understanding. Les the secretary also knows and he's been very good about it. Shtum's the word.

"Okay, I certainly won't mention it. So why don't you come out and tell the rest of the club?" Asks Bugsie.

"Dunno how they'll react. I'll suck it and see. I just don't want it to be used against me in anyway. There's some macho, competitive guys in the club and they might object to me ever coming out on a group two again. Truth is, I can't see me coming out with the two's again, I'm ruining your ride. I'll stick with the group fours."

Bugsie gives a little snort of laughter then explains.

"Don't you know why the lads are giving you a push on some of the steeper hills?!"
"Yeah, probably to feel my arse."

No Bev. Think about it mate. What do those lads have to do to give you a push."

"Work like hell." Says I, still not getting the point. Then suddenly, the penny drops.

"Shit. I didn't think of that!!" Theyre using me to improve their own fitness. By pushing me they're working harder!"

There's a long pause as Bugsie's face splits into a grin.

"Jeeze. At last you've got it. They want you out with them. They can use you for hill-work. So who do you think might be the macho hard men who might object."

"Oh I dunno', Tank maybe and Skippy," replies I, "but maybe I'm being unfair. I dunno'. After what you've just pointed out, I've got a different take. But what about Coker? He seems a particularly 'in your face' sort of guy."

"I can't speak for Coker but he's usually group one anyway. Tank won't object, I know that for certain." Says Bugsie.


"He's gay."

As we are speaking, 'Tank' is leading the pack and pulling us along like nobodys' business. On learning this news, I credit myself with managing to keep my wheel steady and not wobbling off the side of the road. Hamlet's one very skittish little filly anyway, it doesn't take much to come off her. Managing to sound blase' I reply.

"Oh, is he really. Well, it takes all sorts doesn't it."

Yeah," replied Bugsie, "don't be so worried about it Bev."

We cycle in silence then while the 'Welsh Sunshine' really begins to bite and it travells horizintally through even the most watertight garments. I'm thinking long and hard.

So now I've got a dillemma. Should I 'come out to the whole club or not?

It would mean coming out in my home town and that's a huge issue for my boss. (Better half.)

Ho hummm.

Lifes never simple is it.


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