Aylesea Malcolm's blog

Who I Am on Amazon

I have released the ebook and paperback of Who I Am on Amazon

I want to thank everyone who has read and/or commented on it, that has meant a lot to me.

I have had the idea for the story since 2001 and wanted to do more with it after I wrote it in script form but didn’t know how to make it work until two years ago.

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Soak Up the Sun

I started this one, like, maybe ten years ago and, like the main character, had very little of it completed. I wasn’t sure how it was going to go but now I kind of have a good idea on where I’m going to take it and I can assure you it’s not going to be stereotypical or the same ol’ same ‘ol but it will tell the story of a relationship from the other side of the fence (for lack of better words) and how that love story is endangered due to social media.

The title is not etched in stone.
In fact, I’m kind of thinking of switching it around

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The story behind “The Best Damn Thing”

First off,
I apologize for placing small snippets of the story; but it’s coming to me in pieces that I want to try and share.

Thank you for everyone who read my last blog post and responded to it.

Thank you to everyone who is reading the story in its bit by bit format.


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That feeling...

I had that feeling again today.

It’s one I’ve had since fourth grade...or maybe even before that-the one of finding a high point, anywhere and just jump off it.
There are days that I stay indoors and do nothing to just let the voices pass by...they have really good ideas sometimes.

Well, good is relative to the time that the rest of the world seems to be going to Hell.
And I know it’s not...it never “really” is (if you ask people around me)
But I feel it.
And, yes, I hate it.


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When She Stops Saying She Loves You

I will admit, next to “Mooneshadows” this is the most depressing storyline I have ever written because I all about things that in real life would probably kill me or at least find myself on suicide watch. I have the utmost respect for anyone who has gone though the situation taken by the main character.

Now, the chapter titles are, as always, based on a song title that ties the chapter’s theme with the emotion of the scenes within. And, yes, they are all by Duran Duran.

Ordinary World—complted and posted
Burning the Ground—completed and posted

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Unwritten Rules

I wanted to ask if any readers to “Unwritten Rules” would like to see one chapter where the flow is reversed and the chapter features scenes with dialogue between Eric and Samantha, ending with a page or two about the “present situation” with Rebekah.

Just a quick thought....

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When She Stops Saying She Loves You

“When She Stops Saying She Loves You“ is a combination of two stories I tried to write a long time ago but never had the subplots:

Sun-Eyed Girl

The first one dealt with a family falling apart with the husband not sure if its really his fault or not and he goes to a violent extreme to make it all right in his mind (yes, the title is a three eyed blind reference)

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I’m On the Outside: Updated

Spent some time today working on “I’m on the Outside” and had to consult the original book due to some the scenes overlapping. This book tells the story from Matt’s perspective, showing all of the details Jennifer does not know about and filling in the gaps about what happened to the four guys during the two year gap.

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Working on a new idea “Stripping the Light Fantastic”

Taking notes on a reworked idea, originally entitled “Moonprysim” (yes, that is a Sailor Moon reference) about a club dancer and highs and lows of her job. It was never completed but I’m trying to see if if it would be better to change the gender of the main character and take it Down another path.

The first few blurbs of the opening:

When I was seven I knew what I wanted to do when I grew up.
I wanted to be a fire truck.

Seriously,I wanted to be a fire truck: drive around with lights and sirens with firemen to put out fires.

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It Can Only Go Up From Here

Finished the first draft of the first chapter for “It Can Only Go Up From Here” with 2362 words...yes, its about half the length of the first chapter of the first book and I may increase the chapter to kind of match up with the pacing and movement of the other book...only to counter the doldrums of James’ life to Jennifer’s.

The chapter titles are still Shania Twain songs (Thank you for releasing a new album), with the first one entitled “I’m Alright”

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Back to work...

Back to work on “It Can Only Go Up From Here”. This has been difficult to work on due to the other two stories that are running in tandem with the storyline in this one and that the political climate is the same as the storyline I created over a year ago and as I write it I have to take a step back and wonder if I’m using today’s news in a story that takes place in 1997-1998.

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Just gonna stop now

Having been told that my writing sucks (not from anyone here) I think I’m just going to put my tablet down and just...

I don’t know,
Breathe, maybe
Try to not want to smash my iPad into little fragments (I couldn’t do that, it’s innocent)

I’ll try to figure out what I did wrong with the story I guess.


Pondering title

I am trying to work on an idea I have had since the 1990’s that has its basis (thereabout) on an old game and a song by Demi Lavato but I didnt want to rehash the game’s plot (too much going on and legal issues) but wanted to use the feel.

Tentative titles: Lonely Nights; Give Your Heart a Break.

Plot: A pop singer and a teen meet in thier dreams. They’re not sure exactly what occurred on how they can talk with each other but they roam multiple dreams in thier attempt to stay strong. Both teens hold secrets from each other.

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Recent novel final chapter

I posted the final chapter of “Rosemary” and as much as I want to like it I feel like it’s incomplete.
Maybe I could have shown more, but there are things that the narrator just doesn’t know so she can’t connect or comment to us about it at the time

The dad doesn’t express a lot of lovey-Dovey feelings; a thing actually shared with the male side of my family-so it’s included here as well.

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Unwritten Rules

First off, thank you to everyone who has read any of my book chapters
Second, I apologize that I'm slow at getting them completed
Three, if you're here then you may have read the first chapter of "Unwritten Rules", based on the screenplay “Rebekah Anne Bettencourt”.

Music influence: Aselin Debison “Sweet is the Melody”

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IARG cover issue

I'm trying to decide if I really want to use the current cover I have for "Rosemary".

Pros: It is professionally done, it looks nice...the characterizations are just. About. There.
Cons: The model for Kristi is Differnet from the character description in the text and the cover makes it look like a romance novel...which it isn't.

Would it be better to use the following picture (or one like it, of the same model) than the current version?

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I Am Rosemary's Granddaughter Chapter 14 "Queen of Sorrow"

I admit, I have been updating this chapter in piece meal style.
But now...it is complete...at least for now...until the massive edits that may come down the pike occur.

So...I hope to have chapter 15 completed by next week.

And yes, Karen Anne will make an appearance once more

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I'm on the Outside

The following is from chapter 7 of "I'm On the Outside", a side story of "To Be a Different Someone"--essentially, the storyline fom Matthew Tracker's perspective that explains the events that Jennifer does not know about.

The musical influence if from the band Staind.

IV. Suffer

“Tyler, what are you doing?”
“I just need to hold onto someone.”
“Okay, man, sure, but I can’t breathe, so ease up a bit."

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It Can Only go Up From Here

itcanonlygoupfromhere copy.jpeg

Chapter List

I'm Alright
Home Now
Light of My Life
Poor Me
More Fun
I’m Jealous
Let's Kiss and Make Up
Swingin' With My Eyes Closed
Where Do You Think You're Going
Roll Me on the River
We Got Something They Don't
Because of You
Who's Gonna Be Your Girl
You Can't Buy Love
Life's About to Get Good
All in All

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It Can Only Go Up From Here (short scene)

"I miss this. The family getting together again here again." Aunt Lydia stated as passed a bowl of dressing to Grans.
"What is that supposed to mean?" Mom snarled.
"It means I miss the family getting together-"
"We used to get together but you decided to stop it."
Aunt Lydia placed her hands on her lap, bowed her head and closed her eyes, in an attempt to stay calm.
"Rachel, this is not--"
"It's a perfect time to talk about it. Seeing the fact that we're 'all' here, right? Mom, me, you, Alan, Krystal, James--and who are you again?"


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Cherry Moone

Cherry Moone is a series created back in 1996, when I was living with my in-laws.
The first chapter was completed at that tine and then left alone for a while.

Years later I wrote a screenplay that was originally called "Virtual Columbine"--which was about a group of guys who go on a real life game of "Quake" in their high school. One of the guys was an emotionally distraught high school drop-out by the name of Joshua Daniels.


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I Am Rosemary's Granddaughter Chapter 12: Faze

Four chapters remain with the next one entitled "Faze", taken from the same song.
The last


She's lying on her bed
Alone in the dark
Remembers what's said
Staring at the marks
She's into deep
Crying herself to sleep
There's not much I can do
She's too far away

She needs some space
And sometime to think
I hope it's a faze
She's so out of place
And it's all thanks to you


Chapter titles

"I Am Rosemary's Granddaughter" takes its title form the song "Who I Am" by Jessica Andrews
The chapter titles are from "Aselin Debison's album "Homeward Bound" (with the exception of "Stupid Things). No real reason, except that

Paper Airplane
Lie a Little
Too Far to Drive
Karen Anne
Can't We Just Dance
Learning to Fly
Stupid Things
Crying Shoulder
Had To Grow Up
Close to You--Newly posted...but still not complete.
Queen of Sorrow
Old Man Down
Homeward Bound


Cherry Moone

Cherry Moone is a story I have been working on since 1996...and no...it's still incomplete.

The story is about a family that lives on the outside of town and life. It is based on life at my former high school and a lot of the dialouge (the car trip to school in chapter one, for example) is almost verbatim.


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