ADHD and Desert Roses

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ADHD and Desert Roses

In the summer of 1991 I went with my church youth group to a small camp in Sanders Idaho called "Camp Sanders" to spend a week of Christian fellowship and learning known as Centrifuge. Our youth group consisted of nine. I wasn't in the best of moods going to the camp (please see the main plot of "Unwritten Rules") BUT I was willing to not let the break-up (well, there you go) get me down so with duffel bag, sleeping bag, pillow, Bible and generic brand Walkman that took SIX batteries, I shuffled down to the dorm where all the guys had to stay (which harkens back to a particular joke…) that was a quarter mile from the restroom/showers. The girls stayed in the various cabins. The dorm was cold at night and by the end of the week you'd want to smash the windows out due to the smell of feet, armpit and…well, I won't paint THAT picture.
Anyway, I…saw, I can't say "met" because I didn't know her name at the time…I just remembered the black leather jacket she wore…she wore sandals, shorts and the jacket.
She wore it every day. Even if it was HOT and humid (for Idaho).
She finally did tell me her name: Jamie
Jamie was in my music track time for that summer and she hated cameras…or maybe she just hated mine because she refused to have a decent picture taken (and I only had 24 shots on my 110-film camera) of her.
On talent show night (I didn't do one that year…I did a comedy routine the year before and…shockingly, it went well) Jamie performed a sign language interpretation of a song I had never heard of…all I knew was it had a repeating chorus with the words "Desert Rose".
Anyway, since we lived on opposite sides of the grand state of Washington it was pointless (oh, how the mind is so weak in the youthful age…) to ask her for an address or number so--I had at decent picture of her...I thought...but it turned out to a GREAT with her hand prominently blocking her face--we said our goodbyes…and back to Medical Lake/Spokane.
Flash-forward to Winter Retreat in January, held at an even smaller camp somewhere in mid-center Washington. Our youth group consisted of five members to go that year. The five of us stood in the sanctuary area, looking at the immense drum kit and guitar that were on the stage next to us when I looked up to see someone wearing shoes, stone-washed jeans and a black jacket.
My mind went blank over her name….and at that moment she saw me and RAN toward me.
I was at a loss for her name…I remembered EVERYTHING else about her but her name.
She charges in and lands a huge bear hug and yells: "Hi! Remember me?"
I said "Yeah!"
"It's me, Jamie!"
And while hugging her I'm thinking "Thank you for saying your name or this was going to look REALLY bad!"