
I, monster. chapter 6.

Mary is a blast, but hard to write... So it tends to take me awhile. Enjoy the first chapter of the new year by me.

And as an aside, any recommendations or advice or help in regards to marketing or exposure would be appreciated. Seriously, I won't turn any of it down. I'm wary of Facebook however - they have a tendency to screw their users, as well as getting hacked. Sometimes both at the same time.

The shifting approach to adaptation, chapter 4.

Alright so here we are; in my opinion the defining chapter of this tale. Hopefully everyone will be able to figure out what happened in it. If not, let me know and I'll try and straighten it out.

More crazy point of view changes as I proceed to experiment; you have been warned.

Incidentally, who wants to see what I'd do with the magical girl trope? Anyone? Bueller? (Gives a shark's grin)

I, monster. chapter 5.

Next one: fair warning, this is a different point of view from a new character in the story. While I have the utmost faith in all members of my audience to figure that out quickly, I've been told doing that sort of thing without warning is jarring. So consider yourselves warned, and enjoy Phil the night watchman.

Dim prisons and Drakes, chapter 6.

Well. Still going strong here. Feast on this one.

Yes I'm aware of all the shady spellings and made up words. It's intended, please bind and gag your inner editors until the ride (the chapter) comes to a complete stop; then you can chew me out. Just don't try to jump out in the middle, I promise it works.

Copyright Nagrij, 2014.

I, monster. chapter 3.

Alright, so last post of October. It's been a great month for me writing wise; hard to believe this time last year saw the creation of "Room in Hell."

For those wondering, more 'normal' posts will start for me next month, on the desktop as we speak is Vagrants chapter 10. For now, enjoy this one, and happy Halloween!

The shifting approach to adaptation, chapter 1

Another Whateley tale, the poor guy just wouldn't shut up. So my muse wouldn't. Yes I'm aware I have too many projects already, but I cant help it... in fact, expect another soon. But for now, I'd like to introduce you all to Counter-punch.

Fair warning, the language in this one is pretty potty mouthed, but that's who the characters are, can't help it.

Here there be dragons, chapter 4.

Well, it's not my fault I'm late this time! (Site looks great BC staff, no offense intended.) I'm back on track, and writing a new chapter for some story as we speak.

Now, a serious word about this one. It's disjointed; I know it is. Some of you are going to look at it, and ask why. To those people, I advise taking a healthy step back, then re-examining this chapter, and the story in general. While it's true that this is a bit of an experiment, this particular story refuses to be written in a more conventional style. It just does not work, I know, I've tried it.

All that said, enjoy.

Copyright Nagrij, 2014.

A personal history of Mutation, or how I spent my teen years. Chapter 8.

Anyone remember this one?

Yeah, I've been slowly working on this update, and it also ran a little long. Hopefully that will be the end of that


Room in Hell chapter 15.

So, a bit later than I expected, but I made up for it... this chapter is slightly larger than most for this series.
Enjoy, and rest assured I'm finally getting my act back together. Mostly.

Fair warning, some time has been skipped. I think you all could figure it out, but I'll save you the trouble anyway.

Copyright Nagrij 2014.

Who's hunting who? Chapter 1

So, it's not Room in hell 14, or Vagrants 9. Both Maeve and Mouse were watching over my shoulder as my ADHD muse was dictating this one, and both approved the delay - they think it's good enough. As long as my muse keeps nailing me with ideas, I'll keep writing them; can't help but do it that way.

Minor language warning here, these are rough people and they cuss. Not too sure about the pacing; I finished this full chapter in four hours, and chapter 2 is in progress.


Copyright Nagrij, 2014.

Dim prisons and Drakes, chapter 1.

Well here it is, what my muse decided to turn to rather than Vagrants 8 or RiH 14. This one is an Archetypes tale, if you all remember that one. Different world than the one Fu was a part of, but still one of that play ground.

Also this story is a bit of an experiment in style; can anyone tell me what's different?

Copyright Nagrij, 2014.

Room in Hell chapter 13.

So here we are again. Words of advice; don't forget which chapters you've uploaded in your own stories - if there is a server crash, you can anger Erin (sorry again Erin! Please don't use the whip again!)

So we come to boot camp; I'll be honest, never been. If any of my boot camp as written (assuming the differences between a 'normal' as opposed to a summoner boot camp aren't what you focus on) please let me know. I welcome realism on this subject.


copyright Nagrij, 2014.


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