
....Is you.

December 2017 Christmas Dreams Story Contest Entry

Not sure I'm doing this right... I fall upon the mercy of the site owners if I've screwed something up. Anyway, here it is, my rumored submission in the Christmas contest, written in the theme of a Christmas wish fulfilled. It ran a bit longer then I expected, but I think it's the better for it.

I hope you enjoy it.

Dim prisons and Drakes


Audience Rating: 


I was in an honest to gods four post bed; I didn't recognize the wood grain. I also didn't recognize the hand fondling the wood grain. Or the hand with which I reached out to that first hand, though both were my own. They were both small, delicate, hairless and a pale white.

Last night they were larger, callused, and a healthy nut brown color.

Dim prisons and Drakes




Audience Rating: 


Magic has always existed in human society. Throughout all of our history, it has been used to explain the unexplainable. From Gods driving chariots across the sky, to witches 3 influencing kingdoms, magic has always been at the root of it all. Real or imagined, it has played a role in our very lives and psyches since we as a species started walking upright and chipping stone for tools. Which is why the events of the latter half of December 2011, while thoroughly shocking, shouldn't have actually surprised anyone.



A personal history of Mutation, or how I spent my teen years. Chapter 17. (Ian)

Surprise! No one expects Min! Though to be fair, this part of the tale is more about what is going on in Ian's head than Minerva; fair warning there.

For those of you who frequent the WA site and are reading this, yes I'm going to catch up Min's tale there too... I just decided to reverse my earlier decision and WhatIf it. So as soon as I get everything properly formatted and ready to go, it'll enter the hopper there along with everything else.

But for now, enjoy the finale of the Halloween arc, as told from Ian's point of view.

Room in Hell


Audience Rating: 


"Melvin Numen."

I stood up and walked over, amongst the cheers and catcalls. I was not well beloved by our wonderful school body, being of small stature, large intellect, and 'nerdy' appearance. A winner of scholastic bowls and terrible at sports, and voted most likely to turn warlock. The last was a source of chagrin, as I really didn't see myself as the vengeful school shooting humanity hating jackass type.

"Congratulations young man."

Room in Hell


The shifting approach to adaptation


Audience Rating: 


TG Universes & Series: 

Life is never easy. Anyone who tells you life is good, that life is a wonderful miracle, has either got their heads in the pixie dust crack pipe or is just blowing smoke up your ass on purpose. The fact is, life is a messy brutal affair where the strong dominate the weak, and where even the strong can die if unlucky.

The shifting approach to adaptation




Audience Rating: 


I was proud that I could kick ass with my small stature; Roger was really the only one better than me at anything I chose to actually focus on, much to my chagrin. especially when, as now, most of our generation was watching Roger smear me into the figurative dirt.



Who's hunting who?


Audience Rating: 


We had dubbed her "the Puppet Master." Her main ability seemed to revolve around taking control of people, manuevering them from the shadows as if they were made of wood and strung to her fingers. She was not subtle enough to hide herself completely, but just subtle enough that the Germans, who normally liked to handle their witch troubles themselves whenever possible, called The Hunt.

And the Hunt of course, called me.

Who's hunting who?


Memoirs of a magical girl


Audience Rating: 


In my defense, let me state this as a matter of public record. I am not evil, or immoral. I am not a plotting spider at the center of a large web, laughing as I lead others to ruin. I was just really, really stupid. And greedy. And lonely. And I'm just going to shut up about that now before I dig myself in further. Let me just restart this. I won't delete what I've written, as it is important. But I'm not a pro at this, and I'm getting ahead of myself. So let me try and tell the tale as it happened, and let the chips fall where they may.

Memoirs of a magical girl


Memoirs of a magical girl, chapter 4.

Anyone remember this one? The drama, the pathos, the action action action! (Along with the short skirts and henshin sequences, which I've been pretty coy about so far.) I'm a few days late on posting this one, I admit. Hopefully, the quality will make up for it.

Copyright Nagrij, 2016. (Yes, that year for this chapter is right.)

A personal history of Mutation, or how I spent my teen years. Chapter 16.

Surprise! The second half of Min's Halloween, just barely on time. Pity about part 3, but we can't always have everything. Enjoy the Halloween party!

Oh, and this is a work of fanfiction in the Whateley Academy universe, a WhatIf, as we've coined it. If you want the real deal, and you haven't yet, please check out the canon stories at:

Please and thank you. Now on with the show.

A personal history of Mutation, or how I spent my teen years. Chapter 15.

Alright, finally the next installment of Summer mutation. New rules are in effect, so bear with me:

This is a fanfic or WhatIf piece, called such by the cabal. You can find the canon stuff over at so check it out if you haven't. And now on with the show, enjoy a first glimpse at Min's Halloween.

Archetypes: the rebootening.

Alright. So, there is a story here; a patron asked me for a new chapter for this last month. I did that patron one better, doing some minor rewriting of the first four chapters for clarity and error checking the lot, and only after that did I add the fifth chapter.

So if you don't want to read old material, no matter if it's been rewritten or not, I suggest you skip the first four chapters. The new chapter, chapter 5, is about 3/4 of the way down. Without further ado, the long overdue restart of one of my earliest tales. Enjoy.

Copyright Nagrij, 2013-2016. (I know, right? Practically an age!)

Here there be dragons, chapter 7.

Alright, a long time coming but I finally got it all done; it was oddly difficult to write. Enjoy.

Also, a note. There is a bit of a debate over on the new Crystal Hall about fanfiction, regarding rights of fan-fic authors and posting, and using terms to clarify that. In order to clarify things from my perspective, let me state for the record I'm for it, and I'll state again this is fan-fic (or to use the new term, a WhatIF or Whateley Independent Fiction).

The canon stuff can be found at:

Now on with the show.

Dim prisons and Drakes, chapter 12.

Chapter 12, entry to the land of giants. Situations like this one should be familiar to many of you, you see them every game night. At least I hope you do.

At any rate, there we go. for those few of you who did the patreon thing, thank you. That pesky poll though, continues to be a problem. :p

Copyright Nagrij, 2016.


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