Room in Hell chapter 15.

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I sighed, stretching in bed. The game of zap the alarm (only to have it put itself back together in what I was sure was Grex's doing) was on hold today; the alarm itself silent. I was allowed a blissful day of sleeping in. No work, no training, just a peaceful Monday off. My first in about six months.

I intended to sit at home in sweat pants, eating things that were bad for me and watching television till I puked. I was through only a few of my books though, and since they were required reading it annoyed me, like an itch I couldn't reach. But no, I'd decided last night, none of that. It's celebration time today.

And I will most definitely not think about the events of the weekend. Apparently I could be more than a little bitchy when bleeding from my crotch. The feeling as if I would burst, and the general ache didn't help matters. And Karen... holy crap I wanted to kill her. She was far too chipper to deal with.

There was a vase in the center of my kitchen table with a black rose resting inside it; it had a rather cloying flowery scent mixed with earth that I could smell immediately upon entering. The coffee was made the way I like it, and there were waffles smothered in butter beside them. Rather large ones, that filled two plates.

So obviously Grex had done this, but how? I distinctly remember sending him back at the end of festivities yesterday.

"Grex, veni huc!"

a sudden but tender hug from behind, a hot breath in my ear, and whispered words. I was used to it by now, sad what one could get used to. And how fast one could get used to it.

"You rang, my mistress?"

"Explain this now Grex." my wave encompassed the kitchen.

"Well the kitchen is made of...."

"You know what I mean! You were sent back home, what are you doing making breakfast?!?"

"I think you're harboring a misconception my mistress. I did not make your breakfast. Though it looks positively delicious. You should not let it go to waste."

I wasn't buying it.

"Alright, if you didn't, who did?"

"I've no idea, do you wish me to find out?"

"Yes, but first, check it for poisons or toxins of any kind and inform me if there are such."

I wasn't going to let it go to waste if I could avoid it, after all, it's my lazy day. Cooking breakfast was for non lazy people. I watched and waited as he took small samples of the food and drink.

"All clear master, not even a hint of the more esoteric things that only affect... other physiologies. It is as I feared; quite tasty."

I snorted.

"Worried your position in the kitchen will be usurped?"

He responded quite seriously, the smile pleasant expression sliding from his face and showing the real concern beneath.

"Yes. It could be part of a plot to drive a wedge between us and poison you later, when I might not be in position to save you."

"You worry too much. No one is going to be able to poison me through all the security here, unless it's one of yours."

He did not respond, only looked at me. Alright, so maybe it was possible that some demons wanted me dead, but why? They shouldn't even know I exist.

"Come on, most demons don't know I exist, and those that do have no real reason to wish me harm."

"You're a uniquely powerful summoner, like your mother. Reason enough for most."

I sipped my coffee and sat down before the bountiful repast.

"Kind of sad that your kind need so little reason to kill. But for now, you say it's safe, so I'm eating."

"Kind of sad my mistress? When I see peace in the middle east I'll concede my kind is more quick to kill than yours. Until then, we learn from the masters."

I'd be righteously indignant if he wasn't so right. Even with demons eating both factions, the muslim extremists and everyone else were killing, raping, and cooking each other like Christmas hams just like they always did. I don't even think they noticed the demons in their midst. I took a forkful of waffle.

"Well we aren't all like that."

"Not at all,' he replied seriously, 'some of humanity is worse."

Hold the phone; worse than the chuckleheads in the Mideast?

"Who the hell could be worse than the middle easterners? No wait, never mind, I don't want to know."

Some things I just should not know, otherwise I might end up as jaded as Grex was.

He nodded, a sage look that a cult guru would envy on his face.

"Finally, you show wisdom, my mistress. Or perhaps you show the tendency of humanity to ignore the problems they cause each other."

"Give me a break; like I can change the hearts and minds of morons, dealing with your kind is easier in that respect."

Maybe he meant Africa? It was full of dictators and terrorists too.

"Yes, no one human can make a difference in how humans with 'beliefs' behave, I've heard as much before."

He still had that look... was he mocking me? The stormy stir of cold rage began to turn in my chest. I paused, another forkful of waffle left temporarily homeless.

"Those problems are too much for any one person to fix; even summoners have been trying to fix those problems, using magic. They have so far resisted all attempts; any people who are sure about what life is or should be, are always that much harder to convince when they go off the rails. Are you mocking me, Grex?"

He turned from his coffee a moment, and looked at me - really looked, with a piercing gaze I could feel run through me like an electric current. What he saw seemed to surprise him.

"Not at all, my mistress. Just the human condition. If you like, we can try to solve them ourselves."

I narrowed my eyes at the now familiar Cheshire grin, but allowed him to steer the conversation.

"I doubt I'd have any more success than any of the previous attempts; perhaps after I re-trap or kill all the demons on earth, and end the war."

If anything, his grin grew wider. At least he just focused on his own breakfast, though you'd think the grin would interfere in drinking things. Smug bastard. I finished, put the dishes in the sink, and went back into the bedroom to change. But on second thought, I was already in comfy silk jammies, so why bother? Television time. It was still early morning, so it was either sitcoms, soaps, or animal planet.

Animal planet wins.

Grex settling down next to me was a non factor, he took one look and was quiet. I had almost managed to drift off again when I heard a knock at my door.

"Grex, go get that."

His look of 'what do I look like, a door man?' won no points with me.

Of course it was Karen, who had managed to clean herself up and was staring down at me with sharp disapproval. She was in a skirt. God help us all, she was in a magenta top and a gray knee length skirt. She was wearing makeup just a mere shade over tasteful. She looked as if she had a date. I looked around; the apocalypse was coming early, and I wanted to be ready for it.

"Come on, it's your first official day as a real live summoner! We should do something!"

She was not at all phased by the finger I threw her.

"Technically yesterday was my first official day; today is a day off. A rare and much loved day off in which to veg. I'm planted here."

She grabbed the hand I saluted her with and started trying to pull me up, Grex just watched, the traitor.

"Oh come on, almost every day off you've ever had you've spent here! You're turning lazy in your old age."

"Yes, I spent my days off here, reading. Reading extremely boring, dry books all about my job."

"All the more reason for you to get out. Come on, we're going somewhere."

I wavered a bit. Perhaps I was getting a bit lazy. It was kind of sort of almost spring, after all.

"Where are we going?"

She did not gloat over my tacit surrender, instead shoving me into my bedroom.

"I don't know yet. Now get dressed!"

So, typical Karen, no plan at all. Well if she had no plan, I had no zeal. I wouldn't go for sweats exactly, but the black track suit with silver stripes I had might as well have been. I pulled the tags off (brand new, it had sat in my closet for 6 months, back to that first fateful mall trip when I thought perhaps I might need to continue my running on my own time, oh how silly I was.) and threw it on, jacket and all. For all that it was supposed to be spring, it was still cold out there more often than not, at least in the mornings. Karen had not had her robe on, so I left mine off. she looked dressed to score, and I wasn't about to play the social killjoy to her butterfly.

The fact that she rolled her eyes when I came out and swallowed a few choice words might have had something to do with it too. Grex's sigh was kind of a surprise though. I quirked an eyebrow at him; he hadn't minded the pajamas, so what was his problem now? Questions were interrupted by hurricane Karen though.

"alright, you're ready, that all you want? Then let's go!"

She grabbed my hand and dragged me out my door with surprising strength; if my purse hadn't been near the door (where I always hang it up to keep it out of the way and so I don't forget where it is) I'd have had to leave it behind. Grex followed, again quietly. I began to suspect something more was up. Perhaps I was as had earlier been accused, naturally suspicious.

I preferred to think of it as being careful.

Down the hall, down the elevator (where the muzak had at some point been replaced by death metal; I don't think anyone noticed when that happened, I certainly didn't. I couldn't even identify the band, but they sure had... passion. Out of the elevator, and into the coffee shop at the other end of the lobby, where Karen ordered three caramel machiatos. Assuming she wasn't going to drink all those herself, I didn't order.

I was correct, she handed one to me, then one to Grex. Then we were led to the corner booth (I swear the place was made with 6 corners, on purpose, so that more summoners could feel more comfortable. A pretty canny piece of marketing by the owner; I had to applaud.

"So... I'm driving, of course. You have anywhere you want to go?"

"Can't really think of anywhere, unless the grocery store; getting kind of low on certain things again, since someone keeps eating breakfast with me."

She whistled tunelessly a couple seconds, as if to protest her innocence.

"Boring. I veto that proposal outright; guess we'll just have to find something to do, or some trouble to get into."

"Bah, we get enough trouble as it is; can't we avoid it for the day?"

Karen stood in a rush, knocking her chair over with a clatter. Oh hell, here it comes.

"Absolutely not! We are going to go out, find some trouble, join in, get drunk, and get laid! Maybe not all in that order."

I was already shaking my head mid rant. Now I wished I had my cloak, I'd put the hood up to hide my burning face.

"Not drinking, and absolutely not to... that other thing."

She reached over, draping herself over me while Grex righted the fallen chair with a wry grin. That traitor!

"Aww come on, all work and no play makes Jane a dull girl. Not even interested to find out how it all works? Or maybe it's all about the right guy, miss I-hang-out-with-cords-everyday-while-I-should-be-working."

I threw her off, back into her own now properly upright chair.

"Sit down and drink your coffee. You have no idea what you're talking about. It's just less boring watching streams than reading at my desk."

She took a sip, shooting me a sly look over the rim of the cup.

"Sure, Sure."

"It's true! We haven't even had a call in months! The only two calls taken since I started, were taken by that other guy."

That one summoner who kept his hood up had been polite but distant since that first day, and had avoided me whenever possible, was even spookier than Karen on a sugar high. Of course, he just acted different; Charlie was much much more scary in practice... I think; I hadn't ever seen Jub (his nick name, though I never called him that) in action. His voice seemed to echo from somewhere else though, and I wasn't too sure I wanted to find out where. Karen leered; actually leered at me, never a good sign.

"Oh don't worry Snow, we'll pop that cherry soon enough."

Ugh, I knew it, now we were at bad double entrendres.

"I should slap you for that on principle alone."

She finally sat back, looking contrite.

"OK fair enough. But you really should just go ahead and live a little. It's been six months, and you haven't done anything at all for yourself."

I knew what she meant. My transfer to the front was on hold, but not on hold forever. I had six more months to live, and then I'd be shipped into hell on earth. Powerful or not, it wasn't likely I'd come back - so I'd better start living now, while I had the chance. That was the first time she'd been so clear on it; she must be feeling some sort of pressure I didn't or something.

Sigh. I knew I'd be regretting this.

"Alright, alright. We can drive around and look for something fun to do; if we don't find anything, we are not ending up at some bar filled with scruffy old men and unwashed bikers."

"Deal.' She drained her cup in a hurry and stood again, latching onto my arm. 'Come on, let's go now!"

"Karen, darn it, I haven't even had a sip yet!"

She laughed, dragging me; how could someone smaller than me be so strong?

"You're too slow Snow, come on! Time's a wastin.'"

I was somewhat consoled by Grex following silently, one coffee per hand. I did so love my coffee, the cure to all ills mental or otherwise. Once at Karen's Hum-v she all but threw me inside and ran around at full tilt to the driver's side door, careening off the fender along the way in a rather painful looking manner without so much as a wince. I belted in with another long suffering sigh as Grex got in... by simply materializing himself in the back seat in a sitting position. I'd long since gotten used to his antics too.

Soon enough my coffee was passed back to me, and Karen was breaking the parking lot's speeding laws. Then the street speeding laws. Then the ones regarding coming to a complete stop. I could take no more.

"Karen, calm down, you're going to get us in an accident."

Meaning she'd mow over some poor Prius with this tank, and kill everyone inside. Thankfully she took my meaning without taking offense, and slowed down. If anything though, her grin ate up more of her face. I was starting to suspect someone had slipped her something last night or this morning.

We were driving for an hour, with Karen getting more frustrated as she failed to find something interesting to go to. In a fit of frustrated inspiration she decided to hit the highway. Soon enough she started grinning again, a twinkle in her eye that I didn't like.

"OK, what?"

"Nothing, just found something. You didn't see the sign?"

I didn't.

"What sign?"


I rolled my eyes again. Whatever, guess I'd find out soon enough. I hoped I wouldn't need beer to get through it. Or something stronger. Grex gave my shoulder a quick but gentle squeeze as if to say 'it won't be that bad.' I knew without asking he wouldn't tell me what the sign said unless I ordered him to. I had absolutely no doubt the bastard saw it, he never seemed to miss anything. I suspected I wouldn't either, soon. After all, wasn't predicting the future a form of time dilation involving the senses? He had to be doing it somehow, and I refused to accept that I couldn't.

No doubt he'd tell me that little trick too, if I ordered him to. I kept my silence. It irked me, I hated surprises, but I hated feeling stupid more. I would figure it out, then I'd rub his nose in it.

Soon enough I saw the answer to the other little question, as Karen pulled into a state park. Not a big well known one, not around here. No, this was the "Plain of fire" state park, and apparently they were hosting a civil war re-enactment. I believe my jaw scraped the road as we drove past the posted sign, and I could see Karen's grin hit incandescent levels out of the corner of my eye. I was so going to need liquor for this.

Now, I have nothing against re-enactors, if that is the way someone chooses to spend their time, there are worse hobbies than dressing up, acting like your great-great-great (and more greats in some cases) granddad and shooting blanks at one another. A form of acting if ever I saw one, even if it never moved past the level of movie extra. But two glaring facts immediately jumped right out at me.

One was that we were perhaps several hundred miles away from any actual battle location, since we were in Arizona. Arizona wasn't even a state during the civil war, with no battles fought here. And if there was one thing I knew about re-enactors, they preferred to stage their little plays at the actual sites of battle. The second thing I knew, is that Plain of fire national park was in the desert, and it was stupid hot pretty much all the time, even in spring. At least they had some large pavilions for shade.

I wanted to make my way straight into the beer tent to start the festivities, but Karen's was pulling me again almost before I got out of the car. I really thought the bruises she had from bouncing off the solid vehicle like a pinball must be large and painful, but I couldn't spot so much as a wince or a limp.

"Not going to lecture me about having Grex around?"

She shook her head, keeping that vise like hand locked on mine.

"Nope, you're a big girl now, officially a summoner and everything. No probation's, no more plebe status. No one is going to tell you how to manage yourself in the field, provided you keep proving you can do the job your way. Just don't leave him out for too long and go mental on us! Not that I'm sure you can...."

The pavilion she was pulling me to was the first; absolutely filled with people, half of which were in woolen uniforms. In the desert. In the hot desert, in spring. My own estimation of their intelligence lowered, as my estimation of their will rose. They were gleefully chatting up the days of yore; of the days of wooden canteens and single shoot rifles using percussion caps. I happened to overhear the question on mine and probably everyone else's mind; those uniforms really weren't as hot as we all thought cause apparently a person sweated in them, and the cloth held the water.

I smelled a bit of bullcrap; but maybe they believed it.

After an hour of listening to the various sweaty people in handlebar mustaches and crazy beards chat about their gear and how hard it was to march. And some battle called Kennesaw bluff, where the western armies of the day, north and south strove to hold and take the high ground respectively. The north won that little fracas, battle at the time favoring the defender. It also had nothing on the sheer number of troops involved in later battles. Karen did all the talking on our end, asking all the usual obvious questions and making faces at the hardtack.

Apparently, there was a sort of line around that we had to follow... or go out in the sun and move around the sea of people. And since in the sun I burned like a vampire and I hadn't thought to bring sunscreen, it was slow going. In spite of all that I couldn't find myself hating the place. There was something earnest and wholesome here, beyond the obvious lies, deceits and jingoism, but I couldn't tell from where; only that it existed. As if it had a palpable presence all it's own.

I finally managed to wear Karen down, and we made our way to the beer tent; though that might have had something more to do with the fact that it was now midday and the re-enactors had left their respective places with their period gear in order to prepare for the event. If it could be called such. The sun was a physical presence today, beating directly upon the heads of the unprepared, which made the slightly cool summer Shandy a blessing. Lemonade and a dark beer, who knew they'd go together so well?

Technically we should have been carded, and I at least refused any liquor at the tent. But the bartender took one glance at the three of us, and simply took our money. I guess the attitude from the base involving adult beverages was shared. Or perhaps he was a vet, and knew summoners when he saw them. There did seem to be a good number of vets here, judging by the ink. Not surprising really, we were near a base.

Kind of disappointing in a way, how all wars but ours would have it's re-enactors. There would never be anyone wanting to relive demon attacks or battles. If we won, we'd never want to revisit the horrors of the past for fear of unsealing the horrors again. If we lost, well, there wouldn't be anyone to re-enact anything. The public would also like nothing more than to pretend none of this was ever happening. If humanity survived this entire chapter of history would likely be scrubbed with bleach. The cities would be buried instead of rebuilt; the countless dead
entombed within.

I did wonder though: what would happen to all those who fought in the war, demon touched and summoners alike, if It was ever won? Humans didn't really have a good history involving such things. I could easily see us winning the war, only to have some bureaucrat decide to gas us all to make sure the human race remained pure or to prevent another such war, or whatever bullcrap reason dreamed up and given. The fact is, keeping the knowledge alive wasn't a risk, it was the only way to prevent such carnage from happening again. If the knowledge of how to summon and
destroy demons was mainstream, it would be much harder to kill humanity as a whole, since any random idiot trying to summon demons to destroy the world this time would be identified and stopped in short order. Drive it all back underground however, and all bets were off.

I tried to tune out my dark thoughts and focus on the now, or better yet think of nothing. (how does one think of nothing? Isn't nothing always something if you think about it?) Karen said I would worry myself into an early grave by thinking too much; that the key to being a living summoner and a dead one was in reacting as opposed to thinking. I'm not sure I believed that, it seemed too much like her excuse for slacking off.

The crack of the gun powder (very much the real deal, not the modern powder formulas of today) was charming in a way; and the very fake deaths were hilarious after their own fashion, the listless pratfalls and gasped moans comedic yet somehow therapeutic. It was somewhat easier to turn off my stupid overworked brain for a few and just watch, chuckling at what were probably inappropriate times. I was never called on it however, some of the people I had pegged as vets were laughing right along, even as other vets on the field seemed to try to vy for the most hammed up death sequence.

I'm pretty sure the steady flow of beer helped too. Even the few people stricken with very real heat prostration or stroke seemed funny for some reason, bearing their condition with a smile and being tended to be the stretcher bearers as 'wounded'. The real work was done by nearby EMT's on standby of course.

And so it was with some surprise when I looked from the field in a sort of daze to find a pleasant afternoon spent, and Grex's feathery touch gently helping me to my feet. I looked back at the table to find an entire brewery of empty bottles laid before us, and quirked an eyebrow at a grinning Karen. Where had all that come from? I was pretty sure I'd only had three the entire time. I tried to look imperious as I swayed to my feet.

"You are a bad influence, Karen."

I did not slur my words at all. Much. She mock bowed but put on a false show of hurt.

"Moi? Not at all, these are all from our many admirers today. I merely moved a few bottles around while you were watching the show."

I looked around, really looked around. There were guys studiously not looking in our direction, sitting all around us. Most seemed to be studiously not looking at me, specifically. Now I was much more comfortable in my own skin than I was three months ago, but this sort of behavior still made me uncomfortable. Mainly because of the major disconnect I felt between then and now. Six months ago I'd have been the one trying to get the hot woman's attention but would never have approached someone so... aloof, instead just hoping she'd make the first move. Now
though it was all too easy to forget that, and classify such guys with the label they deserved, even if I would have shot them down without a second thought. They were chickenshit, every one of them. Too afraid or put off to even come up to me and strike up an innocuous conversation.

That conflict of thought worried me more than anything else.

As I carefully picked my way through the human mine field, I fuzzily pondered this. Was I becoming the type of woman that I hated? Cold, aloof, and angry for no real reason at all? I stayed silent till Grex helped me into the car.

"Karen, how many did you have?"

"Just the one at the start, I remembered our deal. No drinking allowed if I'm driving, our you'll shove large things where they don't belong."


I would do it, too. But I had another question.

"Karen, do I strike you as... unapproachable?"

She did an almost comical double take while starting the car, and glanced my way while checking our rear for pedestrians.

"Well once someone gets past the obvious hurdles for a summoner, no. You do seem to have this power ju ju thing going on... almost like an aura of control, or command, or something. But no you're pretty down to earth. Just need to smile more, thaw out a little, and you'd be perfect. What brought this on?"

She made a good pun on my nickname, and didn't seem to realize it. she did seem to realize what I had been driving at though.

"Oh wait, you mean today? That's what this was about? No hon, today was all because you forgot one important detail; Grex. He was out all day, a feat no other summoner can achieve I might add, and in his human guise. Conveniently at your beck and call, he warded off all those who might have otherwise approached you simply by being there, as a guy. It was pretty obvious to everyone else you two were together, and he also has that type of aura thing going on. I'm actually a little jealous, you still had guys buying for you."

Oh. Oh, I'm an idiot. A total and complete idiot. social interaction 101, you don't hit on another guy's girl. Unless you're a total jerk and he's away doing something else, at the very least.

"So it was less me, and more just Grex being there?"

I should have sent him home. A quick glance proved that he was smirking that Cheshire grin of his. He'd known all along, and had enjoyed playing bouncer for me. He didn't want me to talk to anyone else but him, I could see it. Well I had a way to teach him manners. Or not to grin at me that way while I was drunk. One of the two.

"Grex when we get home, you're doing laundry. Don't screw it up."

He hated doing menial tasks like laundry or dishes. He hated the way bleach affected his hands. So, a fitting punishment! turning from his false contrition, I admitted:

"Well that's a load off at least; I was afraid I was too freakish to approach or something."

"From that lot? Nah, most are vets or families of vets, they don't discriminate on the little things, like skin hair or eyes. Now from the bible belt Midwest types, it might be a whole different ball game. I remember this one summoner, name of hentai, he had um... well he had facial tentacles, and he... "

I tuned her out. Seriously, I did not want to know all about the sexual exploits of a guy who had tentacles on his face. Though according to Karen, he was quite the crowd pleaser. who died outside the Ardenne, three years ago. Way to bring down the buzz there, Miss psychologist. I often wondered if her ability to say exactly the wrong thing at the right time was a condition of her training, or her own unique price quirk. Or at least that's what I thought it was; a side effect of having her emotions all but completely stolen. In other words, she pulled some truly
outlandish acts and behaved in an over the top manner - simply to be able to feel anything at all. How that translated to her glomping onto me for the last three months I did not yet understand.

Unless of course her assignment to watch me wasn't over yet. For my own protection of course, should I ask... carefully Maeve, tread oh so carefully here. For the path ahead is made of broken glass and salt. I doubted it was coincidence that one of two people with demons considered as strong or nearly as strong as my own was assigned to watch me. Most summoners did not have their own personal mentor/psychologist assigned to them; there simply weren't enough warm bodies for that. Which made me special. And worse, made me special right from the start, somehow. I
wanted to, but I could no longer deny the doubt. Trust was a commodity precious to summoners, I understood what dad meant when he said that, now.

I had to fight not falling asleep during the ride home, even after Karen took a glance at her watch and starting driving even more reckless that usual, muttering curses all the way. I wanted to as until what the hurry was, but I really didn't feel like caring. I hadn't been this drunk since... well, since ever, and all I wanted to do was just wallow in the mood until blissful ignorance washed over me like a tide.

Alas it was not to be. I came fully awake again as Grex helped me from the car, or at least more fully awake. The parking garage was empty. Not fully empty of course, the cars were still there. all of them. Every single parking space I could see had summoner transportation in it. Which was more than just a little unusual. It was kind of more like disturbing, in an alarm bells air raid sirens duck and cover kind of way. The limo parked illegally next to the fire hydrant was also a kind of red flag.

All of a sudden everything today made an awful sort of sense. I turned to Karen, who was walking rapidly to the lobby doors in a sudden hurry.

"Karen, what's going on?"

"Um, well, you know summoners. Any excuse for a party. You being official and all, well that's reason enough."

I did indeed know summoners; eat drink and be merry, and all that. Sigh. And going into the lobby it was clear to see no expense or pain was spared. Bunting was hanging from the ceiling, honest to God white and black bunting draped like spiderwebs in every conceivable direction. Odd lights, possibly black lights, also lined the corners, ceiling and floor. They weren't on yet. There was a DJ booth set near the bar, complete with a very nervous looking DJ. The entire place kind of looked like I'd imagine a class reunion to look like, all cheap plastic tablecloths and punch bowls filled with questionable liquids. And of course the entire place was packed with every single summoner living in the entire apartment complex, and more than a few that weren't. Which begged a question. So I turned to Karen, now grinning at me over the truly massive roar of the crowd.

Yelling over the shouts of: "Congrats on surviving rookie!" and "Speech!" I asked;

"If they are all here, who's minding the store?"

She rolled her eyes.

"Al's on shift, and Charlie is on call. We have it covered, quit worrying! Don't make me try to loosen you up again. I don't think I can get you drunker than you already are."

"Yeah that trick won't work twice, so good luck."

"Let's discuss it... over a nice stiff drink."

She started off to the bar as lights cut out, and what were indeed black lights cut on. The captain of all people, wheeled out a giant white cake with the words 'One of us' written in dark frosting. The kind strippers popped out of. I had a second to really hope it wasn't, and then the cheesy music started. One look at the sea of grinning faces, the light reflecting eerily off the assembled show of teeth, and I had my answer. Oh God.

It was worse than I feared - far far worse. My butt found a chair under me just as the imp popped from the cake, all spavined boney limbs and leather hide, in a fire engine red string bikini, pointed teeth also showing the light as it sang. In time but way out of key, some John Denver song. It wasn't the song playing of course, but that did not stop it as it sashayed over to me. Then it twerked, in front of my face, boney ass mere inches from my nose.

Karen returned just in time; I didn't even look at the shot glass she handed me, I just knocked it back. Summoners and their sense of humor; I really hoped I never got like that. I'm sure the look on my face is priceless though. The imp, job completed, vanished, leaving the bikini behind. I could breathe again. I wanted to say something, but didn't trust myself. I could hear them all laughing and congratulating themselves on a prank well pulled though. they were like demented children. Karen handed me another, and it promptly followed the first.

Then a real cake was wheeled out, and the festivities commenced, with the very green faced DJ taking requests. Sunshine and lollipops was the first hit, followed by over the rainbow. I was handed the first piece, again devil's food. The normal lights came back up, and the mingling commenced. I did my best to be social and gracious, at least until my fingers started to tingle.

It just so happened that Cords was near when I started to slide off the chair. Grex steadied me as he gave me a gimlet stare.

"Well it looks like Karen outdid herself. You're pretty lit."

"You should see the other guy."

I replied. I was sure that's what I said, but Cords looked as if he hadn't heard me. I might be more sure of what I said, but my lips were numb.

"Alright, this party can do without the guest of honor for now. Grex can you take her upstairs?"

"Of course."

I was whisked up, floating towards the elevators. Behind me Cords was making apologies for me. Another blink and I was in my bedroom. Cords and Grex both looked down from above as I floated on a cloud, both with near identical amusement and concern warring on their faces. Cords broke the silence first.

"You OK, Snow?"

"Um, yeah I'm OK... sort of numb and the room is spinning, but I feel fine."

That seemed to nudge concern over the edge for both. They shared a look in unison, in perfect sync. A little creepy, truth told.

"Ok, roll over. You can't sleep in your back tonight. Grex, are you going to be able to watch her tonight?"

"Of course I am. Don't be presumptuous, meat bag."


"Not if I send you home, you can't."

"Not tonight my mistress. If I leave you, your health could be endangered. So tonight, despite any orders you make, I stay with you."

"Oh pish tosh, I haven't drunk that much."

"You plainly have."

Cords broke it up, which was good, since sitting up now made my eyes cross.

"Um, I know this isn't the best time, but I wanted to ask you something today, and this has been the first chance I've had, so I'll just go for it. I have two tickets to the museum, the 'Evil in art' exhibit is tomorrow. Want to go after our shift?"

Wait, what? Did he just ask me out? Was I really drunk after all? So drunk I was hearing things? Grex's almost palpable aura of anger convinced me otherwise. So I could get social with a guy after all. They just had to be someone I had something in common with. Despite the way he was currently staring Grex down. Cords felt safe. Unassuming, retiring... as if I could simply tell him to go away at any time, and he would. No questions asked.

And I was interested in that exhibit. I had been waiting for it to travel to our little armpit of the world for months. Somehow Cords had guessed, or known.

"Um, sure. Think I'm going to pass out now."

With those final words, I simply floated away.


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