Marc Perez despised lying, but it was necessary. The lie this time was sort of innocuous, at least in his line of work. A quick jog across the street. A long visual scan behind him, searching for a specific face which he did not find, and he was back into the 'Chamber'.
The elevator ride was just as slow the second time as the first.
He arrived to find Laura and Herb both hunched over a monitor in the corner with a third person, An African American of indeterminate years and constipated disposition, with enough medals on his army dress uniform to build an ironclad.
Captain Washington. How's it looking?
“Well she found most of the cameras, and removed the ones in the bathroom.”
“I did tell you that would happen. What do you think?”
He turned fully to me, and away from the screen showing the subject.
“Well, she moves like an old pro. I'd even hesitate to say she was rusty, and a bit unfamiliar with the new techniques we use. Maybe five years out of date?”
Marc nodded.
“About that; 4 to be precise. Early retirement.”
The captain stole a glance at the screen.
“Looking pretty spry for that. But then, that's the point isn't it?”
Marc nodded again. He noticed the two geeks following the conversation with their entire heads, like a fan does a tennis match.
“She acts human. When I was assigned to this project I had my doubts. Just 5 minutes watching her is enough for me. My team will do it's job.”
Marc turned to the geek squad.
“Your thoughts?”
Laura spoke up first.
“She's human. It's astonishing that no one has tried to program an android to think they were human before; it's such a simple idea... “
Herb shushed him with a hand over her mouth as she started off.
“Sorry sir, she doesn't know what she's saying. She's human. No way can an android be programmed with prior behaviors like that; androids often have problems with our protocols and social interaction, even the best. Kaname actually understands humor. And those expressions... I could all but hear her call me a slacker asshole in her head.”
Marc nodded and turned to Laura.
“Your opinion does not matter here. Kaname is human, got it? She doesn't need you screwing this up, and neither do we. Let slip that you have any doubt at all, and you'll find yourself in Nowhere Alaska running cold weather experiments on actuators. With generator gas shipments reduced.”
She saluted. She actually saluted me.
“Roger that boss, understood loud and clear.”
The captain chose to interrupt.
“She's leaving the apartment; any idea where she's going?”
“Well the choices are clothes shopping and here. My guess is clothes shopping, since she's wearing the only thing she owns.”
There were stars in Laura's eyes.
“Clothes... shopping?”
Herb grinned.
“And you're stuck in here with me, you wannabe fashionista.”
her objection ran head first into the stern face of Marc.
“Where is my psychological profile?”
“Team's in position and tailing her. Overwatch is up and running. Cameras are recording.”
Marc nodded as Herb switched focus back to the monitor.
“Good. If she doesn't make at least half your team, I'll be surprised.”
The captain nodded.
“Challenge accepted; standard bet rules?”
“Sure. Got to go, need to see how the terrorists are trying to sneak into the Canadian border this week. See you all later.”
Waves were exchanged, then everyone silently got back to work; Laura with a slightly pensive air about her.
I was being followed.
I mean, of course I was being followed; I was a government asset now, and that meant certain things.. One I spotted right off; she was dressed in winter gear like everyone else. But it didn't quite hide the military issue arctic boots, better than any civilian cold weather set.
Keeping an eye on her proved it, she had no bags or packages, and drifted randomly from shop to shop; even stopping at a cooking specialty shop once when she spotted me glancing back. I doubted greatly that people window shopped for Wolfgang Puck's latest selection of cookware in twenty degree weather.
Even the hardiest shopoholic would want to be inside on a day like today. Or at the very least, in a hurry. I didn't really feel the cold unless I chose to, so I could afford to walk slowly.
Got to hand it to her though, she showed no annoyance on her face when I slowed down.
A quick little backtrack while pretending to think about a rather slim coat that was clearly not suitable for temperatures like this, (no matter how well lined with hollofil) revealed another one. A lineman, working on the power lines that crossed the city was not unusual. One that didn't know how to actually use his lineman's tool and instead was instead fumbling around with it in cold like this was.
A search ahead of me revealed no one I could readily identify, and as the lineman went out of sight, the mystery shopper dropped back too. So it was shifts, but not having anyone in front of me was unusual. It would mean I wasn't properly boxed in. Which meant I could assume someone was there, even if I couldn't see them.
The next block behind me was a tag team; a married couple that looked perfectly normal, both in their late 20's, both chatting loudly enough for me to hear, though far back that I couldn't make anything out. The husband carrying packages, while the wife argued or cajoled by turns, presumably about where to go next.
All perfectly natural except for the bulge that just had to be a holdout .32 of some kind, in an ankle holster that the wife's pants could not quite conceal. In a state where conceal and carry was illegal, unless you were law enforcement or a government agent of some kind.
I probably wouldn't have picked it up without my computerized brain comparing the silhouette subconsciously. At least it didn't break into sirens or ping a warning or something. That would have been annoying.
In a way I was touched that I rated a full team. Usually an agent like myself got one or two bodyguards and that was it. They had to be ours; even if other governments knew of me by now (something I highly doubted) they wouldn't know where I was quickly enough to put together such a perfectly appearing team in order to track me.
I wouldn't have to worry about that for another say... two days. Russia would have assets in place by that time for sure, and China wouldn't be far behind. Japan likely already had an agent around looking for me; the good doctor's client was Japanese (the only thing I knew about him) and it was a fair bet that at least one agent would be working that angle.
My gut told me so.
I was pretty glad I had a gut, all told. It told me I was still human, for all the metal involved. No robot was capable of making the intuitive leaps I could. Even if my gut was no longer in my gut.
There was a flaw in my plan. I had only myself to carry everything. No way could I do that; while I was sure I was strong enough, there was the matter of bulk. So what to do?
Answer: what everyone did when on the government payroll and needed to deal with a real world problem; throw money at it. I really hope the tax payers wouldn't be too pissed. Because it was time to use my new card to go to the boutique route as opposed to the mall route. Boutiques would deliver.
They had better quality clothes anyway; if I was going to hobnob I'd likely have to give up my comfy jeans and t-shirt lifestyle. The first shops weren't really that far from where I was, so I kept walking.
--Best shops for clothing in immediate vicinity?--
A 3D map unfolded in my head, red glowing pins stuck at various points. I took a moment to familiarize myself with it, noting the names, then willed it away. I knew I could recall it at any time.
I started at Saks.
At Saks I dealt with a matronly like middle manager, picking out styles, a few of which would have to be made to my measurements. But wonder of wonders, they did have a variety of things to fit me. I guess they did have tiny Asian chicks shop here often enough. I left my address and moved on after an hour. Being able to scan the clothes and know at a glance that they would fit me perfectly was a help.
The next places I needed a cab for; so I hailed one. It took me less than a minute to get one, which was sort of unusual.
A few shops later, I ended at Cerato; having a similar shopping experience there as at Saks. Only after I was done did it occur to me that I somehow knew all the best and trendy shops around. How had that happened, exactly?
Where did the map even come from?
--Internet Protocols active--
--search history: Google maps--
Oh cool, I had accessed the internet wirelessly, and checked Google maps. My network interface card had somehow queried an address and went online in order to answer my question. I hadn't even know the darn thing was on.
--Always ask before accessing the internet?--
--Turn on anti-viral procedures?--
I clicked mental yeses to both; I couldn't believe I needed to, but sometimes common sense seemed a little hard to find with computers. I guess even the ones in your own head.
At any rate I had finished my shopping and identified five of the no doubt team of six people stalking me. The sixth was likely one of the ones in front of me, but I just couldn't spot him or her no matter what. Even in a cab, there were stretches when I simply lost my tail.
Even being out of field work for years, that was mildly infuriating. And potentially dangerous, cause if our own could do it, then so could the other side. Whichever side that was this week.
Probably the Chinese.
--Power supply at 35%--
--Recharge recommended--
--Estimated 4 hours left--
So, probably a good thing to go get a recharge. I hope they had the chair ready, because I did not want to find out what happened if I ran out of power. It couldn't be that hard to hook the thing up, could it? It seemed like warming me drew a lot of power; and maybe I should turn that off in the future. Though I hated the idea of being cold.
I left it on for now. I still had several hours worth of juice, and there was no rush.
I arrived back at the apartment complex, still with no idea who the sixth person was. A quick word at the front desk to expect deliveries, and I skipped across the street to the strip lab. I was still being followed, but they hadn't followed me into the apartment building. Kind of suggestive, but they appeared to have no problem following me in here.
It likely meant they worked here, directly for this place. Of course I already had that deduced, but confirmation never hurt. Hell two of them followed me into the elevator. Unfortunately, they were two I'd already made.
“Newlyweds, huh?”
Up close the woman was just a little shy of the fresh faced appearance she had presented on the street, but the lines just starting to engrave their way across her countenance in no way detracted from her classic beauty. She was 5 ft 6.3 inches and weighed in at 156 lbs, and there was more than a suggestion of muscle under that coat. Those thighs could likely crack walnuts. Her long brown hair was pulled straight back in a severe way that belied her friendly expression, and those sparkling blue eyes spoke of a prankster nature.
Her groom was an average 5 ft 9.4 inches and weighed in at 188 lbs, also packing muscle, though in his case it was a bit more lean to his frame; a classic runner's frame. He had blond hair and blue eyes, but otherwise looked just shy of remarkable. A very good asset in the business.
“So how did you make us?”
Right to the point with him, good to know.
“Your coat was zipped but not buttoned. Teams in cold weather sometimes do that so they can get to a concealed firearm faster. It's against regulations and common sense, but some old timer likely taught you.”
I pointed to the lady.
“And you, have a .32 revolver strapped to your ankle in a state where conceal/carry is almost impossible for a civilian to get. You need pants a little less fashionable to hide something like that.”
She stuck out her leg, where the bump was just ever so slightly visible. Her companion face palmed.
“Oh, oops.Hi, I'm Holly, and this lunk here is Dirk.”
I quirked an eyebrow at him, and he answered.
“Yes, it really is Dirk.”
Holly smirked. Evidently he got that a lot.
“So, how many of us did you spot?”
“Five. Were you guys sent in with me because you were sure I made you?”
In a weird way, it made sense. At least it did to me, even if I'd see them all eventually.
“Nah, it's actually our turn. Tomorrow it'll be someone else's.”
Dirk added:
“Yes, whoever loses the rock/paper/scissors match.”
Well don't I just feel special.
The elevator finally opened, sparing me the effort of being insulted. Herb and Laura were there, and a newcomer that I didn't know.
“Kaname! Welcome back!”
Ignoring the false cheer, I turned to Herb, who was tinkering with something.
“The chair done? I'm beginning to run low on power here.”
He nodded, unlit cigarette bobbing in his teeth.
“Sure its, ran a full diagnostic. It's ready when you are.”
I turned to the guy I didn't know as Laura began to pout. A black man in his early 50's, with some interesting medals on his chest. So he was likely the officer for this crew. He confirmed it the moment he opened his mouth.
“How many did you make?”
“Five. What do I win?”
He ignored that.
“Who were they?”
I shrugged and pointed.
“These two; the lineman, the lone window shopper in mil spec cold weather boots, and the banker who took 3 different cabs to get anywhere.”
“I'm Captain Washington.”
Captain Washington? A name I'd heard before; though he was an up and coming lieutenant at the time. He snapped me out of my rumination by bringing his blue-tooth earpiece up to his mouth.
“Lieutenant Beal, congratulations, you just earned a bottle of something on me. The rest of you just earned a weeks remedial training at Langley.”
The groans behind me were muted, but I heard them anyway. The captain turned to me, hand out. I shook it.
“Kaname, ma'am, it's a pleasure. Your reputation precedes you.”
“Thank you captain, I seem to remember a few tales of your exploits as well.”
“Overstated, certainly.”
“Of course, just like mine.” I agreed, heading over to the chair.
“So you're the one in charge of this team?”
“Yes ma'am I'm in charge of your team. I'm sure you know why we're here.”
To make sure I didn't go insane and kill everyone I saw, or steal state secrets. I simply nodded; no need to be crass and just say it outright.
“I'm at just under 35% power captain. Mind if I just get right to it, and test the connection?”
“By all means ma'am. It's your show.”
I nodded and sat, the cord that scared me so much a few days ago locking on and plugging itself in as I got comfortable. Herb and Laura were down right entranced, which seemed a little odd to me. Well, the chair itself still worked, none the worse for wear from being transported. But...
“I'm getting no power at all. You sure this thing is plugged in?”
Herb looked back at the displays.
“Odd, the diagnostics worked... Oh, damn, I'm an idiot.”
He flipped an innocuous looking switch near his workstation. Wow, they didn't even trust the computer network; that was an honest to God breaker, installed to cut off power in case I went berserk while powering up or something.
Way too paranoid, but I approved.
The switch flipped, I sighed.
“Alright, I'm going to sleep. Unless any of you need something? Last chance.”
Three heads were shook.
“Alright then, good night.”
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Chapter 7
How have I not seen this series before? I saw this chapter up on the home page, and with your name as author I had to check it out, and I'm glad I did.
Interesting premise, not something I've really seen before. I like it haha
Hopefully those techs won't mess with anything while she sleeps, though I don't think they will with military around.
I'm going to guess it won't be long before Kaname starts getting suspicious about the whole cyborg android thing, the techs don't seem to be good at hiding the little things that might tip her off, but I guess we'll see.
Anyway, great work as usual Nagrij, I'm excited to see the next chapter :)
Always glad to see another reader. Thanks for your compliments, and comments.
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Kaname's back
And welcome too, Nagrij, I had to rewind a bit and see where we left off. She is remarkably calm I think. Something to do with lack of hormonal activity, I guess there could be an electrical analogue? The organic brain has enough electrons pulsing around to behave oddly at times without external chemical influence.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
Just wait till she has to recompile herself due to how computers normally save data...
and yes she calm. No hormones. But there will be some oddities later.
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Awesome :D
This story is amazing :D I absolutely love your work and am glad to see this one too. You'll definitely be one of the authors I keep an eye on. I absolutely love your style :D
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
Glad you like it; The hard part is keeping all of the stories I've written current. I also have more projects in the works.
Someday I'll write one too many, and have to finish one! Or explode. My bet is on the explosions.
If you appreciate my tales, please consider supporting me on Patreon so that I may continue:
I enjoy these jaunts into your imagination. Some of these ideas are old but you put your own spin on things that takes us into places that's all yours.
I'm looking forward to seeing where you go with this.
There are no new ideas; if you're lucky, you can put a new spin on an old one.
Just wait till you see my take on magical girls.
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OK..Hooked again!! : )
OK..Hooked again!! : )