Leslie Moore

Thank you for the 'Feedback"

I am overwhelmed by how many folks came forward to express their opinions.

Thank You!

My stories have never sought any more than a PG rating. I am all about love, not the actual act. If I've included sex as most of you said, it's just talked about, not graphically portrayed.

And that's where I will take it.

I will write the story, but it will be on your terms and mine.

Thank you,


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Big Question wanting to hear some feedback

So, here's my dilemma. I have this vision for a story. The premise is that our Protagonist, who has dreams of being an actor, has sex with the person running an audition. It's consensual, and both parties enjoy it. After a wham, bam, thank you, ma'am; both parties go their separate ways. But, this one-night stand turns into a love song which will be my tale. So, here's the million-dollar question. "How graphic should this sex act be?" I want to hear your honest opinions, please.

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Taylor, Too! as a collaboration

Hi. I’m starting a sequel to Taylor. All the proceeds go to BigCloset just like the first one.

I am looking for friends here. I want co-authors and readers. Anyone game?

It will start with brain storming, creating an outline, and then writing. Anyone can pitch it to help move this process along. Everyone will receive credit when it’s published.

As you already know from my work, I don’t have a lot of ego leading the way. So, anyone or anything is appreciated.

Give it some thought. It’s for a good cause.

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Don't Worry 9 (the end)

And so we wave goodbye to Frankie and Mathew. Their story together comes to an end. Remember until I post again, that there are stories galore on Amazon that I've written that you can browse.


Four weeks later, Mathew and Frankie had each tried to settle into their old routine. Mathew was back to running their company, and Frankie was back to playing golf and tennis. She spent a lot of time in the gym. They’d been going to their doctors together, so there were no secrets.

The two sat together on the couch facing Ruth Savage, their psychiatrist.

Don't Worry 8


An hour later, Mathew lay on the bed next to Frankie. “Well, that didn’t work out as planned, did it?”

Frankie couldn’t help but laugh. “Seriously, I’m not the one with the growing problem. One piece of clothing and boom, it’s got to br break time! And I’m getting sore. You’re wearing me out and exhausting me at the same time! It’s not fair.”

Mathew sat up. He was naked. “I think I need to put on a tee shirt and a pair of boxers. I think it’s all about top much tactile stimulation.”

“Is that your final answer?”

Don't Worry 5

Chapter Five

After her last meeting with her mother, Frankie wrote her a letter. She suggested that they take some time to cool down and reflect. She never told Mathew why they parted ways but went ahead and found her husband a new doctor. The fact that Mathew had just left the ICU unit, helped her get him an appointment for the following week.

Don't Worry 4

Chapter Four

“Mother, what are you going to do? Are you going to kill him?”

“What do you care, dear? The last time we talked, you told me you made a mistake in marrying the little twerp.”

“Mother, I made a mistake. But he’s always been so wonderful to me. He’s done nothing to justify you killing him. He’s not Dan.”

Don't Worry 3

Chapter 3

And that’s when Frankie decided to confess her fears to her mom. “Mother, I worry that I’ve made a mistake in marrying Mathew. I love how Mathew showers me with gifts and gives me everything I could want. But, I worry if that’s all there is to our relationship. I feel like I’m a bad person taking advantage of his kind and loving spirit.”

Her mom handed her some tissues from her bag. “You’ve done nothing wrong and Mathew adores you.”

Don't Worry 1

This is just the beginning of a new story. If you want to read more, please let me know. And just to remind you, I have a new novel on Amazon called Being Invisible. Take a look. There are lots of chapters to read for free.

Don’t Worry
Leslie Moore

“Honey, it’s okay. I’m sure when you get your strength back, everything will be fine.”

Is there something wrong with Being Invisible on Amazon?

Big Question - I just received a PM from someone who purchased Being Invisible and they report that the book acted 'wonky' ( a technical term). The person said that the font changed from their preset 11 point to 7 without warning.

If you have purchased the book, or are reading it on your Kindle, please help me out and look.

Let me know if the problem is on my end.

Thank you kind people,


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Being Invisible: Hiding In Plain Sight !Now On Amazon!

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After a traumatic bullying incident at Wilson High School, Ethan retreats to his bedroom and never wants to go out again. But, after a year of hiding and homeschooling, he just wishes for a change.

“If I was invisible. no one could see me. I wouldn’t be laughed at or teased. I could go where I want and be free!”


Being Invisible

It's done! I've finally published Invisible, the story you've been reading here. But, the title has been changed to Being Invisible because my editor suggested that there are too many works titled Invisible.

That's the good news. The bad news is that I will be taking it down according to Amazon's rules. They say it can take up to seventy-two hours to publish, so it goes away soon. I hope you got a chance to finish it here.

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A Personal Thank You

I hate ‘I’ messages, because it’s not all about me.

This is all about the readers and the engineers who keep this big ship sailing.

You have warmly embraced Invisible with your reading, kudos, and comments as I upload each section of this effort. I’ve often said I write my stories in isolation because that’s me. But, when I upload a story and pull back the curtains, it amazes me how generously people take the time to look over the offering.

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finally finished the new one

Finally, I have sent Invisible off to my editor. I can't begin to tell you how happy I am to have finally scratched out this story to my satisfaction.

What started out as Serious Camouflage and morphed to Camouflage, then got pulled and rethunk until I knew what story I wanted to tell. I've had many wonderful souls looking over the manuscripts and propping me up with excellent constructive criticism. When it comes back from Tom, I will start publishing chapters here.

I'm excited to finally share something here with the people I love and admire.


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an anniversary is approaching for me

Next month will mark five years at Big Closet for me. I came here dragging an idea for the Wildcats and that's where the story began.

I owe the readers here a lot for the kind words, constructive criticism, and support I've received over all those days.

That's why I gave my book Taylor to Big Closet so the procedes could go directly to help keeping this wonderful place afloat.

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Good Intentions

Good Afternoon dear friends,

I stopped working on my story, Camouflage, back in November. I have no excuse to offer. Things weren't working out for me and I realized I needed to stop. I don't like leaving things unfinished. I'm working again.

I've amended the story to make it flow better. My plan is to share that effort soon.


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A Time to Give Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving

I want to thank everyone here for all the love and kindness they shower on all the wonderful people who flock to this site. I want to thank the authors who generously provide delightful stories to read and discuss. I also want to thank everyone on the BigCloset team who work so hard to provide us with this wonderful home.

I hope I didn’t miss anyone,

Love - Leslie

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I was wondering about the folks who are reading this.
Are you a writer/reader?
What kinds of stories do you read?
Who’s your favorite authors?
Do you buy books?
Do you donate to this site?
Will you reread a story again?
What do you look for in a story?
What’s your favorite topics/subjects/genre/ that you enjoy?

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Lowell's Vacation Is Here!

Long ago, back in July, I started uploading a new story, Vacation, to bigclosetR.us. After lots of fine constructive criticism from the readers, I finished a 13,000-word novella for you.

I enjoyed working with the fine readers here at bigcloset.us and was determined to complete a novel based on the story. I dug myself in and created a 46,000-word story that we called Lowell's Vacation. (Our editor, Tom Peashey, suggested that Vacation was too overused as a title)

I can happily say that it's now for sale on Amazon for your reading pleasure. Thanks, Leslie

Vacation Cover best .jpg

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Coming to Amazon - Lowell's Vacation

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Remember Vacation, a little novella that I posted at Big Closet a few months back?

Well, thanks to your support and suggestions, I went back and wrote more. It's done.

My wonderful editor, Tom Peashey, suggested that Vacation is too common a title, so it became Lowell's Vacation.

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I need your help/opinion/ /thoughts/suggestions

Good Morning!

The last thing I published here was the beginning of a novel I was writing called Vacation.

Some of you read it, and I want your suggestions...

It needs a publishable title. Vacation is not going to cut it and I'm interested in hearing any suggestions you might think of.

The third part of the book is coming back from my editor soon, so it will appear within the month. That means that before I publish it to Amazon, I have to erase it here. So, if you want to see the first third of the book, read it here before it's removed.

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Thank you for all your help with Vacation

I really enjoyed coming back and visiting all the intelligent, tasteful readers here at BigCloset. The last book I finished up, Taylor, was donated to this site so the proceeds could help out keeping it afloat.

Testing out a story idea like Vacation proved rewarding for me, getting lots of great ideas for maybe retooling it into a novel. I liked my characters and they started talking to me..

But, the curious thing was how many people wanted me turn Portrait into a book.

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I apologize

Honestly, I messed up.

I uploaded Chapter Four and the more I looked at it realized that it was not finished. So, I took some time today to upload more to make it better

I'm sorry for the people that read it this morning and missed the second half.

Oh, well.

I could have added a "Chapter Five" but it just seemed more important to finish Chapter Four.

I'll get it all smoothed out eventually.

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Constructive Criticism makes a story better

I want to acknowledge the sweet people from BigCloset who create such a dynamic mechanism for posting a story. My latest effort, Vacation, is a work in progress. I eagerly read and responded to all the comments.

But, what was especially helpful were the folks who offered constructive criticism. And because the design here lets me edit my work, I was able to redo entire passages to reflect what I learned from readers. Chapter Three is the best example of rewriting to clarify what I should have said initially.

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