Kristina L.S.

The Black Dog - Epilogue

This is the finale. It follows directly from 'The Next Day' and tries to answer those questions that remained unanswered. Whether it does that is for you to judge.

Can love survive where the people have to look at what is rather than what they expected, or maybe wanted... The final episode. No correspondence will be entered into... probably.

Slip Sliding Away

It is at times a small step, from happy, well relatively... to that grey and cold world of loneliness and despair. Tears and depression... a small step to oblivion. Some, perhaps many, will sneer...'Coward'... to which I shrug and with a small and slightly crooked smile, reply... 'Empathy'... something you obviously don't understand.

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Open Invitation

Open Invitation Anybody interested… feel free.

I posted a story a couple of days ago called

" Should Have Stayed in Bed "

A few people seemed to enjoy it and some wanted me to continue.
I hadn't planned to, but I was tempted. I've decided to go with my original idea and not follow on... but...

If anybody would like to do so, be my guest. The only stipulation I put is that you try to keep the same light feel.


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Should Have Stayed in Bed

Bill was a nice guy. Everyone said so... all the girls thought he was cute as.
But cute wasn't exactly what he hoped for... at least sometimes.
Today was a big day, presentations... possible promotion.
But well... Bill, he's having one of those days.

Communication Breakdown

Had an unusual experience over the last week. I 'chat' via email to several people. Some daily, others every few, others occasionally. Last Saturday I sent off a couple of messages and... nothing. After a few days I was able to ask a couple of said 'chatters' here via PM..'hey what's doin'?? Huh they say... where ya been?' Or words to that effect.

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This is a follow on to Luciana. It would help if you've read that.

Can someone who is not who they were be trusted? Will retracing your steps solve anything, when nothing is the same... and should you try? It is not always possible to walk away even if you want to. The past is always there.

There is some darkness, violence and general nastiness... so as before, be forewarned.
Apologies if the Italian phrases are not exactly correct. Blame Google.

Silk Purse

So... even with all our modern medicine... we can't make a silk purse from a sow's ear.
A slightly dark and not particularly cheery tale. But it needs telling... or at least I need to tell it.
Contains somewhat graphic scenes of a suicide. If that is likely to upset or disturb you. Do Not Read This.

Blues for C


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This one is a little more autobiographical than most. But don't take it as truth. If there is such a thing. Hey, everyone has 'history'.

Two people form a relationship that takes a few turns from where either of them expected things to go. No real kinkiness, sex or violence. A bit of sorrow and some shared emotion.

Blues for C Pt 2 of 2

Part 2 of 2.

This follows directly from Pt 1. The continuation and conclusion of the tale.

Two people form a relationship that takes a few turns from where either of them expected things to go.
There is a bit of violence here, but not too graphic.

A few expressions and phrases may be unfamiliar to some. Where I thought appropriate I have marked with an asterisk and a meaning is placed at the end.

Thank you to Dimelza Cassidy for much needed advice on 'Blues' bike. Any errors are down to me not asking the right question.

Blues for C Pt 1 of 2


This one is a little more autobiographical than most. But don't take it as truth. If there is such a thing. Hey, everyone has 'history'.

Two people form a relationship that takes a few turns from where either of them expected things to go. No real kinkiness, sex or violence. A bit of sorrow and some shared emotion.

The Black Dog - The Next Day


So what happened after that impassioned cry of...'Sam... please...'
I was asked by a friend to 'complete' the story. I thought I had, sort of.
For those that have not read the first two, this will mean nothing.
For those that read the first and thought the 'Reprise' superfluous.
This will mean nothing.
For those few who thought... what happened next?
Well, this is for you.
It was not intended to be seen by more than a few, but...
So I'm an over emotional fool. What else is new.



A former undercover cop is forced to re-visit his last and toughest case. It wasn't much fun the first time. He certainly didn't want to meet that lot again.

This gets a little dark and nasty in places so be forewarned.
It has been sitting for many months, almost abandoned more than once, as others explored similar themes. I decided to finish it, so...

The Journey


This was written some 20 years ago in High School. It is my only attempt at poetry. Succinct is not in my vocabulary.
It is naíve and not fully realised, but the sentiment is real. I had considered posting this earlier, but… The efforts of the new BC poetess laureate Kate prompted a decision to do so.

The Black Dog revisited sort of...

To pout or not to pout or narcissists unite or is that nutters or something..

Last week after a slightly hurtful comment exchange, which normally would not cause more than a ripple, if perhaps a little sulkiness on my part, I 'said' I was leaving.

Who cares? you may ask. Well maybe a few. Was this the response of an attention seeking, petulant drama queen? Or did the real world conspire in a dastardly manner to smack me about a bit, just for the hell of it?

Depends how cynical you are I guess.

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People are Complicated Pt 2

Hi there, second time around.

This is partly a continuation of the story; I've combined it with another idea that has been running around my head for a while. Relationships need understanding and effort. Ya' gotta talk... and listen. Is submission, weakness?

Both parts are self-contained but complement each other. It is probably better to read Pt 1 first as an introduction.

This one is atypical in that it gets somewhat kinkier than the first, but the existing characters seem to fit so... Don't worry its not too twisted.

Site differences

Hey guys. Just posted my first little tale here; if you get a chance.
The reason for this entry is a thought that has been spinning around my tiny mind for a little while. I notice many of you wander around several sites and comment or post a discussion topic from time to time. The main 3 I peruse are FM, Saphire and now here.

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