CASTLE - THE SERIES - 00000000
By Eolwaen
Castle is an agricultural, pre-industrial settlement of thirty-five thousand persons on a distant planet who call themselves The Folk. Their speech is called Folk too. Incursions of between two and three hundred persons of all ages from Earth occur every forty to fifty years. This has been going on as far back as Folk records go. Castle has a harsh and brutal climate and coöperation is mandatory for survival. The Castle Way is the code the Folk live by and it is as harsh as the climate they live with.
The work in its entirety explains how it all came about and goes some way into the future from the main work. Most of the work concerns the incursion of 568 after The Fell Year - the year from which Folk dates are started. Virtually all records perished that year as did virtually all the Folk. The 568 incursion begins the Folk industrial revolution and many of the tales are of the lives of incursionists before and after their incursions. A Castle year is of 14 lunes that alternate with 30 and 29 days.
I've said elsewhere the work as it stands runs to 1,500,000 words, but I'm still not sure how to do this for much may only be of interest to a few, possibly only myself. There are numerous LGBT+ main players and several are trans, but to present bits only is difficult. I'll do my best and listen carefully to feedback. The spelling is what it is, deliberately so. I have a Folk dictionary and phrase book, but much is obvious.
Note. I'm trying to set all this up at the moment, so it may be some time before anything 'real' gets posted and I may get things in the wrong places. If I have to, I'll run to Erin for help, but I'm trying to be a big girl for the moment without Mamma's help.