Novel > 40,000 words

UF-2 Book 1 Chapter 2

FROM CHAPTER 1: "I had wandered down to the galley after reading the reports coming in from medical and control. All our efforts were turning up negative. Our search teams had yet to find the cause. Medical had yet to find a cure. I felt tired, physically and mentally. My mind was shut down from fatigue when David and Toni walked in. I was totally exhausted, as none of us had much sleep the past ten days."

“Want to see your infection carrier?”

“YOU FOUND IT!” I turned around so fast I almost fell out of my chair. "Them.” David held his hand over my table and hundreds of little black balls that looked more like BB’s bounced and scattered everywhere."

So, our brave crew has found the source of their "problem." What is it? Where did it come from? Why them? Settle in and begin to find out all those answers and more.

Twisted Throwback, part 02 of 25

I’d been there when my cousin Todd went through his Twist, when we were playing in Grandpa and Grandma’s back yard a few years ago, and he’d passed out completely, while the sparks shooting out of him burned off all his clothes and killed all the grass where he fell. I seemed to have burned a few holes in mine, but I was still decent, and still conscious.

UF-2 Book 1 Chapter 1

Edited by Catherine Linda Michel

This is a long one, folks. There are two books to this story and the total comes to just under 75,500 words, counting both books. Both books are complete and chapters will be posted three times a week through the end of Book 2.

So settle in and strap in for a space drama/love story/mystery that will transport you to a distant future and other dimensions. If you're not a big "info dump" fan, you can skip the first few paragraphs and go right to the story beginning, referring to the foreword as you find the info there relevant. There IS a lot of info there and you will probably be able to answer some of your "tech" questions by doing so.

Twisted Throwback, part 01 of 25

“I hope I get a really cool trick, like Kerry’s,” Mildred said. “And I’d like to be taller and prettier, and I wouldn’t mind having exotic eyes, but...”


“But you don’t want to look like Kerry,” I said, and she nodded.

Twisted Throwback

part 1 of 25

by Trismegistus Shandy

This story is set, with Morpheus' permission, in his Twisted universe. It's set about a generation later than "Twisted", "Twisted Pink", etc. I've tried to write it as a stand-alone, so you need not have read Morpheus's Twisted stories first, or recently, to enjoy it; some of his characters make cameo appearances, but I don't think it has significant spoilers for the stories they come from.

Spark - 01 - Undesired Assertions


Undesired Assertions

SALAMANDER, n. Originally a reptile inhabiting fire; later, an anthropomorphous immortal, but still a pyrophile. Salamanders are now believed to be extinct, the last one of which we have an account having been seen in Carcassonne by the Abbe Belloc, who exorcised it with a bucket of holy water.
~ The Devil's Dictionary, Ambrose Bierce

Escape! Chapter 6


My name is John Harolds.

I was a junior at the Sacred Soul Academy, a prestigious academy that churned out hundreds of alumni who would one day become the pillars of society. Something happened that year. My classmates and I became involved with something big that could threaten the very social order of the world we lived in and we ended up being hunted by the police, the military and everyone we had ever trusted. This is the story of the greatest escape of our lives.

What if you were told that the life you had led was all a big fat lie?

We finally arrived at Los Angeles City after three whole days of sleeping on our hoverbikes. What we found there, was beyond what we expected.

Chapter 6

By Shinieris

An Accidental Meeting, 10

Tommy was constantly being bullied in school by Randy on a daily basis.
Tommy's life completely changes when he meets
a mysterious girl after school while riding his bike.


This accidental meeting... led to something more!

An Accidental Meeting
Chapter 10

by Kayla Don

Copyright© 2012,2013, 2014 Kayla Don
All Rights Reserved.

Escape! Chapter 5


My name is John Harolds.

I was a junior at the Sacred Soul Academy, a prestigious academy that churned out hundreds of alumni who would one day become the pillars of society. Something happened that year. My classmates and I became involved with something big that could threaten the very social order of the world we lived in and we ended up being hunted by the police, the military and everyone we had ever trusted. This is the story of the greatest escape of our lives.

What if you were told that the life you had led was all a big fat lie?

At last, after days of being on our own, we finally found four of our classmates. But were they really who they claimed they were?

Chapter 5

By Shinieris

Atalanta's Story- Chapter 11- Final Chapter Book One

Atalanta's Story Chapter 11- Final Chapter Book One. Written By Katelyn and edited by William Durr. I want to thank Bill for his help not only in this chapter but many other bumps getting here as well. I wrote this during last Christmas and the story is set in that same time.

In this final chapter Atalanta's train trip is not without its excitement or its odd assortment of characters. But exactly what forces are at work?

Almost A Girl Chapter 1

by Barbie Lee
Edited by Catherine Linda Michel


“You’re a freaking freak! Say it! Say you’re a freak! SAY IT!” Gus yanked my left arm, causing me to drop my schoolbooks.


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