Driftwood #2 - A Gentleman

By Alyssa Plant

Life and Love are far more complicated than we can possibly understand. For one young cop, a journey of self-discovery will teach them that true strength was inside them all along.

Chapter Two - A Gentleman

Harry rolled over in his bed and peered at the alarm clock with bleary eyes. He thought back to the night before and a flutter of excitement rippled through his stomach. He had been on dates and met up for drinks with a few people over the last couple of years, but last night had felt like an almost magical experience. The kiss at the end of the night was something he hadn’t expected or even dreamed possible. Even now, he could almost feel Richard’s lips on his. Was this what he had been missing the entire time?

He smiled to himself and looked over at the card on the nightstand. How long was he supposed to wait to call? The morning? The night? A few days? Richard seemed like a man who had the answers to all things romantic but Harry had no idea what he was supposed to do. Feeling sure about something for the first time, he picked up his cell and entered the numbers. He hesitated for a moment, his finger hovering over the call button before pressing it and holding it to his ear as he lay there in bed. The phone rang twice before it was picked up.

“Richard Knight.”

Harry paused for a moment, “Hello, Richard? It’s Harry, did I catch you at a bad time?”

The tone shifted almost immediately. “No of course not, I’ve been at work for an hour already. “How are you doing?”

“I’m good, still in bed actually,” Harry answered honestly. “You told me to call you and I realized I didn’t know how long I was supposed to wait.”

Richard laughed on the other end of the phone. “That keen huh? No, seriously I have no clue either. It’s fine and no, I asked you to, I didn’t tell you. I am however pleased you did.”

“I know this is going to sound so silly, but I really enjoyed last night, I’ve never woken up this happy.”

“You did me the honor by accepting. I had a great time too. I’d love to take you out properly, what’s your week looking like?” Richard asked.

Harry considered for a moment, “I’m working today and tomorrow, but I’m off Friday and Saturday, would that work?”

“Friday it is then, I’m in court most of the week but we should let out early Friday. I know where you live so, I’ll pick you up at seven, dress nice.”

“Sounds great,” Harry answered shyly.

“I’ll see you then,” Richard replied, “I really enjoyed last night. That kiss was pretty amazing too.”

Harry smiled. “Me too, I’ll see you then.”

He hung up and closed his eyes and smiled to himself. Harry slipped out of bed and went to get a shower before getting ready for work.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

“Look, we can sort this all out down at the station.”

“Fuck you man, I didn’t do nothin',” yelled the suspect. “And you look like a fucking fag, you’ll feel me up.”

Harry rolled his eyes and raised his open palms towards the man. “Look, you’re coming down to the station but this doesn’t have to be a problem.” Harry turned and glanced at his partner, Deputy Kelly Anderson. “Please feel free to step in any time you want.”

The redhead chuckled and sipped her coffee as she lent against the hood of their cruiser outside the strip mall where the man had been caught shoplifting. “Nah you got this.”

Harry gripped the man’s arm and turned behind him, twisting the limb up into a hold that used the man’s own resistance against him. The shoplifter yelped in pain and the fight left him rapidly. “Okay man shit stop oww,” he cried, still wriggling in the token effort of escape.

Harry closed the handcuffs over the man’s hands and led him to the front of the police car.

“I’m going to pat you down. Is there anything on you that’s going to poke, stick or stab me?” Harry asked robotically, the man stunk of urine.

“I don’t want you touching me faggot,” he yelled. “Get her to do it,” he pleaded, looking over at Anderson.

“I like dick more than he does, how’d that improve things?” she chuckled.

Harry ignored the man and patted him down in view of their patrol car’s camera as efficiently and professionally as possible. He pulled several pairs of women's underwear out of his coat pockets.

“And you had the stones to call me names?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Man they weren’t for me!” the man protested weakly, “I was just going to piss in them and sell ‘em.”

Anderson grimaced. “I think I need therapy.”

After processing their creative entrepreneur, the pair left the station and headed back out into traffic to continue their shift. Anderson glanced over at her partner and frowned.

“Why do you let scumbags like that bother you?” she asked.

Kelly had always been incredibly direct with Harry. They’d been partners since they’d finished training. As long as he’d known her, he appreciated her extremely no-nonsense approach. Despite being a native Californian, it reminded him of a lot of people back home.

“I don’t, not really,” Harry replied without looking away from the traffic. “It’s just frustrating.”

“Yeah, but what’s it going to do really? You are who you are, who gives a fuck.”

“I give a fuck, I had to deal with this shit growing up when I didn’t even admit to it. They all knew regardless, and now I don’t exactly hide it, people think they have the right to call me anything they want.”

“Funnily enough you get treated like us.” Anderson laughed.

Harry looked across at his partner with curiosity.

“You get treated like female cops do,” she smirked. “You need to work twice as hard to get half the respect from people. People think they can attack you for any reason because you’re smaller, weaker, and in their eyes, inferior.”

“Thanks, Doctor Phil.”

“I’m serious, you’re a great guy, but other than having a dick you’re basically one of us.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever heard myself described that way before.” Harry grimaced.

“Look at how you dealt with that asshole earlier. If you’d been one of the guys, you’d have used your power and size to force him to comply, told him to be quiet, and made him do what you wanted. Hell even if you couldn’t muscle the douchebag, you’d have frustrated yourself trying. Instead, you asked me for help and when you had to do it yourself you used his strength against him and let his crap roll off you.”

“Why didn’t you help?”

“Because you gotta learn this life lesson yourself, girl.”

Harry scowled. “Leave it out.”

“You know I’m just kidding you, but come on, you’re prettier than me, it’s not right.”

“I can’t control how I look, and honestly, I like it but I’m not… a girl.”

“There’s nothing wrong with it.” Kelly shrugged. “What the hell does being male even do for you? It's 2023, who cares? I mean you dress up as one, just come over to the team for reals.”

Harry cringed and looked pleadingly at Kelly. “I know ok? I have to explain that subject already so leave it out.”

“Wait you have to tell someone you do drag… that means, you’re seeing someone?” She asked with excitement. “You’ve got to tell me.”

Harry turned onto a side street and pulled the car over before turning to face his partner properly. “I met him when I was surfing last night and I wasn’t looking or expecting it. One minute there he was and things just, happened.”

Harry went on to recount his meeting with Richard while they were surfing and their evening together. Kelly seemed to lap up every detail with great excitement.

“He sounds wonderful,” she beamed. “A suave gentleman to sweep you off your feet.”

Harry smiled. “It’s the first time I’ve felt this way. He makes me feel special and protected.”

“God, you’re such a girl.”

Harry was silent for a moment. “Yeah, I do wonder sometimes.”

“You don’t really seem like much of a boy.”

“You make me sound like a kid.”

Kelly shook her head, “There’s nothing manly about you.”

“That really should bother me more, shouldn’t it? I’ve been fighting that all my life and It’s just so big I don’t even know where to start.”

“When are you telling Richard about your nightlife?”

Harry shrugged. “Friday I guess. I’m seeing him again for dinner. It still bothers me he pegged me as gay so damn fast. He’s so comfortable in himself that it’s weird. I thought he was cute but I wasn’t going to even hint at anything or come on to him, he seemed so straight acting.”

“You’re fine-featured and pretty, soft-spoken and not that macho.” Kelly ticked off on her fingers. “Even that dumbass today saw it.”

Harry knew what she meant. It had been that way his entire life. He had self-confidence and strength but it simply came out in a different way to guys around him growing up. Then the beatings started and he withdrew those parts of himself and hid. Moving to California had allowed him to be more like his old self and he had found some element of confidence again. He could stand up for himself, he wasn’t a wimp but no matter how hard he tried he just stuck out.

The rest of their shift was a parade of routine calls and duties. Before he knew it he was home again and feeling more confused than ever. Kelly’s words had struck home in a way she always managed to find. That woman was like an emotional icepick. He guessed being the only girl of four kids would do that to someone.

He dismissed the thoughts and went to bed, Friday couldn’t come soon enough.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

It was six thirty on Friday evening when Harry checked his appearance in the bathroom mirror for the fifteenth time. He had rummaged through his clothing to find something suitable for the evening’s date. His selection wasn’t entirely significant and tended toward the more casual style. He had plenty of clothes, just not for him. He’d chosen a white tank top under a blue dress shirt with a handful of buttons closed and a pair of slim-fitting black slacks. He wasn’t sure if it was right, he didn’t really know where they would be going. He knew he looked smart enough for anything short of a Michelin-star restaurant in this town.

Just after the clock struck seven o’clock, the doorbell rang and Harry felt his heart jump. He waited a moment to pretend he hadn’t been pacing in the hallway and opened the front door.

Outside, Richard was leaning against the railing with a smile on his face. He was dressed in cream slacks and a salmon button-up shirt that was open at the collar, he looked gorgeous.

Standing upright he drew a bunch of flowers from behind his back and held them out toward Harry. “I wasn’t sure of your favorite, so I hope these are ok. I’m never quite sure about the etiquette of flowers. I just know I wanted to get a beautiful person something beautiful” He smiled sheepishly. Harry accepted the bouquet of pink lilies.

“I should put these in water, would you like to come inside for a moment?” He asked, blushing at the gorgeous gift. Richard nodded and followed him through to the kitchen of his apartment while Harry looked around for a vase.

“Your home is lovely,” Richard observed, glancing around the living area. “And you look wonderful.”

Harry blushed as he placed the flowers into the vase. “Thank you.”

“I have a reservation for us at the Venetian.” Richard added. “We have some time.”

Harry turned and faced the man feeling suddenly underdressed. “The Venetian? Do you think I should change?”

“You look great just the way you are.” Richard checked his watch and smiled. “My car’s downstairs, shall we?”

The two descended the stairs from Harry’s second-floor apartment and stepped out onto the street. The boardwalk was at the end of the block to the left and to his right, the lights of Venice’s downtown glittered.

Harry gasped when he saw Richard’s car. Parked at the curbside was a silver Porsche sports car. The low-slung monster sat glistening in the sunset.

“You don’t see many of those where I’m from. It’s beautiful.”

Richard smirked. “Got to spend my money on something to woo the beautiful people of Los Angeles.”

Harry cocked his head to one side and smiled. “You think flowers and a fast car can make me fall for you?”

“I certainly hope it’s a start, but I was banking on my winning personality.” Richard quipped, holding open the door for Harry.

Smiling his thanks, Harry slipped into the brown leather interior of the sports car. Richard joined him a moment later and pulled away from the curb with surprising gentleness. Harry had almost expected him to peel out to show off as so many men did. Despite owning a high-performance car, he drove with the care of someone that appreciated its value.

The conversation during the drive was light and casual. Harry still felt quite intimidated by the entire scenario. None of his prior dates had been like this. Richard was clearly a man that was able to have anyone he wanted, but he seemed to really want Harry to like him. They arrived at the restaurant shortly before seven-thirty and pulled into the valet spot. Richard made his way around to the passenger side and opened the door for Harry then offered his hand. Harry blushed and felt slightly awkward but the valet paid them no heed and took the car away. Richard smiled and offered him his hand to hold. “Shall we?”

Harry nodded as Richard led the way inside. The Maitre D welcomed Richard with familiarity and led them over toward a secluded table near the patio. After they were seated, Richard ordered a bottle of red wine and the man disappeared off to fetch it.

“This place is lovely,” Harry mused. “I do feel a little out of place. Do you come here often?”

Richard nodded. “I do come here on occasion although it’s more often for business than pleasure; the owner is a client. Enough about me though, tell me about yourself?”

Harry lowered his eyes and glanced at the menu in front of him before returning his gaze to Richard.

“Well, I already told you I grew up in rural Montana. I didn’t exactly have a great time in school, but I loved spending time in the mountains on horseback. I’d help around the ranch and I spent a lot of time on my own I guess; Things were pretty unfriendly when you were like me.”

Richard frowned sympathetically. “That’s really unfair but I get it. I was lucky to grow up in California where it’s just not as big a deal.”

“I knew of course,” Harry admitted. “I just couldn’t express it or I’d get my ass kicked. The local cops didn’t seem to care, nor did my parents. They gave me the whole ‘tough love’ approach. It’s why I became a cop after college; I wanted to try and be the officer I would have wanted.”

“That’s the same reason I got into law myself.” Richard smiled. “I want to ensure justice is served and the guilty pay for what they do to people’s lives.”

The waiter interrupted their conversation with a delicious bottle of red wine and took their orders. Once he had gone, Richard raised the question Harry had been wondering when he’d have to answer.

“So, other than saving people, busting bad guys and surfing, what do you do with your time?”

Harry sipped his wine to buy himself a moment before placing the glass down on the table. Rather get it out now than wait till the end of the night and suffer the disappointment. He knew the whole thing could be a turn-off for some guys so he was tactful about its placement in dating conversation.

“I do drag actually.” He replied in what he hoped was a conversational tone. “I’m a comedian.”

Richard raised his eyebrows. “Really? I don’t think I would have expected you to be a comedian. You’re very attractive and you’re incredibly interesting but I must admit, I don’t think I’ve ever heard you tell a joke.”

Harry shrugged. “Weird I know, but I only tend to get funny when I’m in-character.”

“Do you have any pictures? Of you in character that is?”

Harry pulled out his phone and slid the device across the table to the other man. He’d selected one of his promotional photos for his standup act at a bar in Hollywood. She was wearing a pink bias-cut cocktail dress and her hair was a blend of blue and pink. Her makeup was dramatic but he knew it was not overdone or clownish. She was striking a quirky but attractive appearance that Harry felt was a good balance of her personality.

“Mia Calafia,” he explained. “My funnier half.”

Richard looked at the photograph for a moment and grinned. “You know it’s the great thing about being Bi, I think you’re both hot.”

Harry blushed. “It doesn’t bother you?”

Richard shook his head. “I find it quite interesting actually. I’m not a big scene guy but it’s a dramatic art and one that requires a great deal of talent to do well. By the looks of this photograph, you’re certainly talented.”

“I found that world by accident when I first got here. I was encouraged to try it and I discovered I became a totally different person. Unlike me, she’s confident, funny, popular, and beautiful.”

Richard shook his head. “You’re beautiful all the time.”

Harry sipped his wine. “It’s different, It’s like I become a totally separate person. She’s everything I’m not and I really enjoy entertaining people.”

“I suppose it makes a change from people cursing you out or fighting you for trying to do your job?”

Harry nodded. “When I’m Mia, I feel like I’m wearing a suit of armor, people’s opinions don’t matter and I can just exist. It lets me get up there and throw myself out into the world and be bold. It’s exciting and enthralling but it’s something I have to hide from work, it’s bad enough already without them knowing about her.”

Richard looked curious, “How do you mean?”

Harry shrugged and looked away. “Sure it’s all equal opportunities and acceptance officially. Sure there are no overt problems but I get treated differently by other people, anyone different does. It’s like I’m not one of them. Anyway, I didn’t want to burden you and turn this into a therapy session.”

Richard smiled apologetically and squeezed Harry’s hand.

The waiter arrived with their meals and the pair chatted comfortably about their childhoods and experiences. Harry found Richard to be a charming and sensitive man who displayed genuine care for him. Unlike men he’d dated in the past, he didn’t spend the entire date talking about himself or trying to tell jokes to impress him. Their meal was a comfortable shared experience where two people were able to get to know each other better without any pressure or demands. Harry really found he liked the man he was getting to know.

Richard stopped the car by the curb outside Harry’s apartment and killed the ignition.

“Thank you for accepting my invitation; I had a wonderful time this evening,” Richard said softly.

Harry smiled. “Me too.”

“May I kiss you?”

Harry nodded, the flutter returning to his stomach. Richard looked like a nervous schoolboy rather than the well-heeled attorney driving an expensive car, Harry found it incredibly endearing.

Richard leaned across the center console and stroked his hair. Harry closed his eyes and leaned forwards and felt his lips caress Richard’s. They kissed softly for a moment before he felt his lips part and Richard’s tongue enter his mouth. Harry felt a warm tingle spreading throughout his body as he responded to the man’s touch. He moaned involuntarily and ran his fingers through Richard’s hair. They kissed for what felt like an eternity before Richard withdrew.

Harry opened his eyes and gazed through the fog of his brain at the man across from him.

“Would you like to come in for a coffee?” he asked softly.

Richard grinned. “Aren’t we being a little forward?”

Harry rolled his eyes. “I’m not going to sleep with you if that’s what you mean. Not yet, I’m not that type of person.”

“I wouldn’t be here if you were,” Richard smirked.

Harry led Richard up to his apartment and let them in. He turned on some soft music and set about making their drinks.

“I really enjoyed tonight.”

Richard looked around from the balcony window he was staring out of toward the ocean and smiled. “You’re not like anyone I’ve ever dated before.”

Harry raised an eyebrow as he brought the coffee cups over to the sofa. “Should I be offended?”

Richard shook his head. “No, not at all, It’s a good thing. I just can’t seem to put a finger on what it is.” He sat down beside Harry.

“You’re an enigma to me,” the older man admitted. “You’re so kind and empathetic despite everything you endured. The more people have mistreated you, the more you want to help others. Between that and your beauty, I really find myself wanting to just hold and protect you.”

Harry blushed. Richard was the first man that had ever referred to him as beautiful. His role in their budding relationship was quite clear and where he honestly felt most comfortable. Other men he had dated always tried to act so macho and dominant, almost asserting themselves on him. Why, he reasoned, it never worked out for long. Richard however, seemed solely focused on making him happy. It was an intoxicating experience that gave him tingles across his entire body. This gorgeous man was so considerate and attentive that it made him feel wonderful.

“What are your usual dates like?”

Richard smirked wryly. “They’re good mostly, I haven’t ever gone looking for romance as much as I find it and part of me is a wandering spirit. I enjoy the experience and I don’t expect things to last. It’s hot and it’s passionate and it passes almost as quickly. You, however,” he added, caressing Harry’s shoulder. “You make me feel like I’m stepping on eggshells. I desperately want this to last as long as possible and I’m afraid I’ll mess it up.”

He shook his head. “Sorry, this is an awful lot for a first date.”

“It’s our second technically.” Harry pointed out, “Third if you count the beach.”

Richard smiled, “I can get behind technicalities.”

He placed his coffee mug on the table and leaned forwards and kissed Harry tenderly. Harry lent forward into the kiss and wrapped his hands around the back of Richard’s neck. He moaned softly as the man slid his kisses down his neck and across his collarbone.

“Richard,” he whispered.

The tender kisses became impassioned as Richard shifted position on the sofa and Harry felt himself underneath the man as their kissing grew in hunger. Richard slid his hand under Harry’s shirt and began to caress his skin. His body was tingling with energy and he could feel Richard pressing against his crotch. Somewhere in the maelstrom, he felt Richard slide his top over his head and the man lowered his head to his bare skin. Harry gasped as he felt cold breath against his wet skin and he ground his hips against Richard. Whatever the man was doing felt amazing and made him feel alive with a passion he hadn’t experienced before.

Harry would have slept with Richard then and there if the man hadn’t pulled himself upright, buttoning his shirt breathlessly.

“Did I do something wrong?” Harry asked with concern as he reached bashfully for his top. “I’m sorry.”

Richard shook his head, a dopey grin on his face. “No, I just didn’t know if I could control myself if that went on much longer, I respect you too much to do that.”

Harry kissed Richard gently, “Thank you, I don’t think I could have either.”

“I want to treat you properly and I want this to be right,” Richard said with almost adolescent sincerity. “I haven’t felt this way before about someone so quickly.”

Harry snuggled into Richard’s side and picked up his coffee, taking a sip before replying. “This has all been so fast but it feels right, I do too.”

“Would you do something for me?” Richard asked cautiously.

Harry looked at him uncertainly.

“You live somewhat of a dual life. I would be honored to meet the other person I’m going to be dating.”

Harry smiled. “She’s not real you know? It’s just an act. Something I do.”

Richard had a curious expression on his face. “Humor me please,” he added smiling, “After all, I have only ever seen a drag queen on television. If you don’t I might get the wrong impression of you.”

“Blackmail really? You’re trying to make me glam up for your entertainment?” he frowned, a smirk escaping his stern look.

Harry considered this for a moment before answering. “You’ll be here for an hour if I go the whole nine yards, want the short version?”

Richard nodded. “I’m sure I’ll get to see the masterpiece when I come to your wonderful show at some point. I’d like to at least meet her first before I share her with others.”

Harry agreed and left Richard after a brief kiss and retreated to his apartment’s second bedroom where he kept Mia’s things. He didn’t want to keep Richard waiting long so he chose to aim for a more toned-down, normal version of his wild side.

Stripping out of his clothes he slipped into a panty and bra before selecting a simple little black dress from Mia’s wardrobe. Slipping small silicone forms into the bra to fill out the shape.

He brushed his hair back and slipped on a wig cap before affixing a short blonde wig to his head. Brushing it out, he added a little body with hairspray and ensured it was securely fixed. Sitting down at the vanity, he opened his makeup case and applied a light daytime look. Harry wanted to gently introduce Richard to Mia, knowing full well how much of a handful he could become when she came out in full.

Adding a touch of perfume to her pulse points, Mia turned her face in the mirror, examining her reflection with a practiced eye. She was pretty, but in a more natural way than she usually appeared. It was a lot more muted compared to the vibrant and bright look she usually wore on stage to perform. Harry had never been fond of the garish clown styles some queens wore and opted for a more feminine approach. This was a new style in its own right. It was strange seeing himself appear as a relatively normal woman.

Smoothing her dress, she slipped her feet into a pair of three-inch pumps and stepped out into the hallway with a confidence she knew Harry didn’t possess.

Richard was scrolling through his cell phone when Mia coughed lightly from the hall to catch his attention.

He turned toward the sound and froze at the sight before him. Doubt suddenly filled Mia’s stomach as she fought the urge to turn and run back to the bedroom. She felt Harry’s doubt returning, this had been a terrible idea.

“I know it’s probably quite silly but I didn’t have much time, I’m sorry.” She admitted feeling deflated.

Richard stood slowly. He was unable to tear his eyes away from the nervous girl before him. He walked toward her, almost afraid he would scare her off. His eyes traced her every curve and detail until he arrived at her eyes.

He shook his head and smiled, “I didn’t think it possible for you to be any more beautiful. There you go again destroying my preconceptions.”

Mia looked at Richard, she was just below eye level in her heels. “You don’t think I look stupid?”

“No,” he answered quietly. “Far from it. It’s uncanny really You transformed from this beautiful boy into a stunningly attractive woman and It’s messing with my head something terrible. I know it’s you in there but you seem like someone else.”

“I’m sorry,” Mia admitted, glancing away at the floor. “I know a lot of guys don’t like this.”

Richard lightly touched her chin and tilted her head up toward his.

“Never apologize to me,” he said seriously. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mia.”

Harry smiled weakly and swallowed, his throat suddenly dry. “I promise I look a lot better normally.”

Richard leaned forwards and whispered. “May I kiss you?”

“Like this?”

He nodded, not taking his eyes off hers.

Mia nodded shyly and Richard wrapped his hands around her waist and drew her toward him. Their lips met and he kissed her gently, her body melting into his. She found herself returning his kiss with greater passion as a wave of warm energy flooded her body. Mia felt herself becoming aroused by his touch in a way she had never known before as she gripped the back of his head and ran her fingers through his hair as she nibbled on his lip. His kisses were driving her wild and she felt a deep longing within her.

She moaned softly as he kissed her neck again. Her skin felt as though it were on fire, the moisture of his lips was a cooling balm.

“Richard,” she whispered, withdrawing from his grasp. “Come,” she cooed, leading him gently by the hand towards her bedroom.

She could see the lust in his eyes as his earlier restraint left him. She didn’t feel a similar reservation anymore. The only thing that mattered to her at that moment was being close to him. She led him into the bedroom and allowed his hand to drop as she walked backward toward the bed. She had no idea what she was doing, but it felt entirely right as she sat on the edge of the bed and beckoned him towards her.

Maintaining eye contact with him, she unbuckled his belt and began to unzip his trousers.

“You don’t have to,” he said softly, a husky tone filling his voice. “It’s ok.”

Mia shook her head and smiled, “I want to.”

She unzipped his trousers, letting them fall to the floor, and hooked her fingers around the waistband of his underwear.

Lowering them slowly, his erect penis sprang free and stood at full mast. He was not a small man she observed.

With their eyes locked, she gently kissed the tip of his penis before taking him into her mouth.

Richard moaned and stroked her cheek. “Oh my god,” he whispered.

Before he could reach climax, he gently stopped her and helped her to her feet. Kissing her softly, he reached behind her back and unzipped her dress allowing it to fall to the floor.

Mia was frozen in place. She felt every nerve ending on her skin screaming at her as her breath caught in her throat.

Richard stared into her eyes as he unclipped her bra and slid it from her body. She was entirely under his spell. Richard gently caressed her breast and grazed her nipple with his finger and thumb. She gasped at his touch. Her fingers shook as she began to unbutton his shirt. Slipping it from his shoulders, Richard stepped out of his trousers and gently lowered Mia to the bed.

She didn’t know why she still felt like Mia, but at that moment she was entirely absorbed by the emotions of her heart. Richard lowered her panties and slid them gently down her smooth legs before discarding them.

She took his hand and drew him to her on the bed. Richard lowered himself onto her and she spread her legs to accommodate him. They kissed and touched each other and explored each other’s bodies tenderly. Richard’s touch was gentle and loving and he drove her to new heights as he prepared her for him.

Richard gazed into her eyes as he pressed forward and entered her. Mia smiled up at him and bit her lip as she felt the brief pain of his entry. Mia arched her back and moaned. She pulled him to her and melted into his body.

They made love long into the night.

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