An Apology...

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Well, this weekend has dealt me pressure I didn't expect to face and landed me in the awkward position of disappointing readers... something I promised to never do again.

With Focal Point's start being reposted as a BCTS Classic, it's gotten people reading my long dead work all over again and sadly, many are finding out that like a lot of my work back then, it was unfinished. This wasn't intentional, but it happened and It was something I promised I would never do again.

This is why when I posted Driftwood, Angel, and Fake It, I promised that I would have them either finished, or the entire story mapped out and a minimum of 80% completion before I could start posting a story. I didn't want to do that again and disappoint others AND myself.

Frankly, Focal Point, Haifa, and others are stories written in my youth, a child with little knowledge of the world and so few life experiences. I was young, busy and distracted. I loved writing but University, love, graduation, and finding a career all jumped out of nowhere and threw my writing life into turmoil. Around the time this ended, I'm pretty sure I broke my back too! (I've had a busy life)

Who am I now? a totally different woman, honestly. I've gained experience and I've learned so much more about writing, so the opportunity to go back and just 'finish' some of the old childish works I wrote is really impossible.

I rewrote two, as you know, Angel and Fake It both took old unfinished works and made them whole... hell, Homework Spawned Fake It which will spawn an entire series... that caught me by surprise.

I'm sorry if this is a little rambly, but I suppose I feel a little cornered and guilty at the moment and I'm sorry. I never wanted Focal Point reposting and I apologize if it gave you false hope.

IF I do redo it, it won't be soon as I have ongoing projects at the moment.


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