Coronation Queen - The Sequel

Louise’s Return

“I’ve really enjoyed meeting you today Louise, you are a lot of fun, next time you are over visiting Anna, we will all have to get together again for a girls’ night out.” Mandy invited me.

“That goes for me too, it might have been a coronation for the King, but you have definitely been our Queen for the day.” Claire said as she smiled and squeezed my hand”

“I hope to see you’ll again soon, it’s been my most enjoyable time for a long while.”

After they had left I collected my clothes in a shopping bag, picked up the shoulder bag she had loaned me for my keys and wallet and went to give Anna a goodbye hug.

“Aren’t you getting changed to drive home?”

“I just thought what’s the point of getting into dirty stuff, I’ll throw it in the washer when I get back.”

“But you are still made up and wearing a skirt.”

“Ive been like this most of day another few minutes for the drive home will not make a big difference. I’ll get your clothes back to you when I’m next over or you come up to my place.”

“Ok, as long as you are comfortable with it, bu let me get you a jar of cream to take with you to clean off your makeup. Drive carefully you don’t want to get stopped by the police and have to give them an explanation. Goodnight…er..Sis, love you.”

I was soon home, parked the car on my drive, had a quick look around to make sure nobody could see me, rummaged in my bag for my keys and quickly let myself in.

I brewed up a coffee and sat down to watch a recording of one of my favourite soaps, for a change noticing how strong most of the female characters were and how they manipulated their menfolk, and feeling more empathy with them than with the males, probably because I had spent all day with Anna and her friends and had began to see things from their point of view. Before going to bed I threw my dirty clothes in the washer along with a lot of stuff that had been collecting in the wash basket and left it running overnight.

Changing out of my clothes, or rather the ones Anna had lent me I realised how comfortable I had been wearing them, and hadn’t even thought about them as I drove home and watched TV. After cleaning off the makeup I put-on a long t-shirt that I normally slept in and climbed into bed.

I woke early a bit distraught after a disturbed night dreaming about my time with Anna and the girls yesterday, all mixed up with my times a teenager out with her and her friends, and the few occasions I had almost forgotten about when I had raided her wash basket to ‘borrow’ some of her clothes and underclothes to try on in the safety of my bedroom. I tried to clear my head of those things, threw on a fresh t shirt and shorts and made myself breakfast before going out to do some weeding in the garden down on my hands and knees.

“Hi Lou, it’s a nice day it’s good to get out in the fresh air isn’t it?” I looked around to see Sharron a neighbour from across the road, who I occasionally socialised with as we were both young single and free.”

“Hi Sharron, did you watch the coronation yesterday?”

“A lot of it but it’s not the same when you are on your own and can’t chat about it with someone. But I don’t mind, I’m going over to my mums later, her and the neighbours have organised a tea for the local children and their parents, so that will be my celebration.”

“Sounds like fun, enjoy yourself, I was helping out at something similar yesterday with Anna my sister.”

“I thought that might be the case, I saw you come back and was quite taken with your outfit, it was so cute.”

“Wwwhat… ?” I spluttered going a deep blush.

“”Don’t worry it doesn’t bother me and your little secret is safe with me. By the way, you still have some eyeliner on your lids and the polish on your nails, and although I’ve often admired your legs, they look much better clean-shaven like that. Come on over and tell me all about it over a cup of coffee. You know what Lou, I think it would be easier if we had the talk with you dressed like yesterday. Go in make yourself presentable and I’ll see you soon.”

Worried about how she calmly reacted and what she would think when she saw me, I quickly put on the skirt and blouse from yesterday, and brushed out my ponytail to give my hair a bit of body to show of the waves Anna had put in it. When we were getting freshened up to go to the pub yesterday, Anna had loaned me a lipstick mascara and eyeliner pencil which were still in my bag, so I did the best I could to replicate what she had done to me.

After having been caught out by Sharron last night I made doubly sure that nobody was about or peering out from their windows and quickly made my way over.

“My oh my, just look at you L…. I can’t think of you as Lou, what were they calling you yesterday.

“Louise, it should be easy to remember.”

“Ok Louise tell me about it , I want to hear all the glorious details.”

“Well,it was like this….” I I told her the full story of how I came to be dressed as a girl and became Louise for the rest of the day.”

“I can see you look good, but to be among a big group of girls like that for hours and not be spotted, you must have been ever so convincing. I have to ask, since you are so good at it, have you done this sort of thing before.”

“Not really, just a couple of times with my sister and her friends when we were younger, but that’s it until yesterday, before you ask I don’t make a habit of it.”

“You really should, you are a natural, you even talk like a girl, if ever you want to do it again, just give me a call, I’ll be happy to help.”

“You better be getting ready to go if you are going to help your mother, there will be a lot to do if yesterday was anything to go by.”

“Why not come with me, another pair of hands will come in useful?”

“I’m not sure, I was fortunate yesterday that nobody clocked me, another day will be pushing my luck.”

“I’m not taking no for an answer, a bit of foundation and blusher along with what you have already done, and you’ll be perfect, Come on Louise it should be fun, you enjoyed yourself yesterday, have another go, nobody there will know you anyway.”

“ I’ll do it but if I am uncomfortable do you promise to bring me straight home?”

“Ok, I promise.”

“I’ll just go over home to get my bag, and the ribbons for my hair if you will put it in bunches for me.

“Hi Mum, this is Louise a neighbour and friend, when she heard that I was coming here she offered to help out.” Sharron introduced me to her mother.

‘Right girls the tables are out, can you dress them with the linen and place settings, there are enough people working on the food in the kitchen, and when you’ve done that there’s a load of bunting which needs hanging up.”

Like the previous day, once I had met a few of the other women, I relaxed and just got on with the jobs, getting frequent smile and thumbs-up from Sharron to keep up my confidence. After the meal there were a few party games for the children with prizes of coronation memorabilia before trying to get them down from their high with a few songs from they favourite tv shows or films. There was an old piano in the corner of the hall, and after checking that it was reasonably in tune I played accompaniment for most of those that I vaguely knew or could guess the general rhythm of which helped to get them to join in more enthusiastically.

“Thank you ever so much Louise, you have been a big help today and your piano playing was an unexpected bonus. Next time I visit Sharron you must come over, I’d love to see you again.” Jenny, Sharron’s mum warmly hugged me as we left for home.

“That wasn’t so bad after all was it Louise, I told you that it would be ok, you are better at being a girl than a lot of the genuine ones in there, and a lot better than you are at being a boy.”

“Well make the most of today, I don’t think that you’ll be seeing Louise again.”

“Hmm we’ll see. Anyway lets stop off at the shops you will need things to clean off your makeup and nails later, and we can round off the day with a glass of wine in the garden, I’ll order a takeaway as a present to you for helping Mum and me out.”

I was putty in Sharron’s hands as we came away from the store with a bag full of cleansers, moisturisers, cotton wool pads, nail polish remover, along with some foundation blusher and nail polish’ in case I ever needed it again’. I just followed what she suggested, I needed to make sure that I had everything I needed to make sure that I was totally makeup-free for work the next day.

It was a pleasant warm spring evening, her garden was a mass of bedding plants around the edge of the lawn issuing a sweet soothing scent as we sat with a bottle of wine passing on each others life stories. She soon knew more about me than anyone but Anna, she had a way of asking questions without appearing over-inquisitive. It was not all one-way though, she told about her marriage in her early twenties and its acrimonious failure two years later after her husband was discovered playing around, which ingrained into her a distrust of men in general and macho men in particular. She told me that she got on with me because I was always pleasant and polite, never aggressive, and I listened when she was talking, unlike her husband who always had his mind on something else, usually some sport or other.

“Don’t forget to clean off your makeup and nail polish properly when you get home and follow up with the night cream, you don’t want to let out all your secrets, and believe me the girls in your office will spot traces of lingering makeup from a hundred yards.

The next morning other than comments about how my hair looked a lot fuller than normal and how fresh and glowing my face looked, there was no noticeable traces of my weekend as Louise. I was the office junior in a staffing agency, mainly dealing with temporary secretarial appointments, and the rest of the staff were all girls who had previously been outworkers as temps, but now preferred the stability of a permanent staff position. Chrissie was the office general manager, Beth looked after the accounts, and Laura dealt with staffing schedules for our clients.

When I was appointed by the company regional manager and first started working there, there was a bit of a cold atmosphere from them all towards me, a suspicion that I had been appointed to learn the business and eventually take over from Chrissie, which couldn’t have been further from the truth. I was happy enough going in, doing my 8 hours, and going home to relax without any worries or cares about what was going in in the office. Gradually they came to accept me as a working colleague but there was still a barrier between them and me, mainly on the basis that it had previously had a girls’ club atmosphere and having a male in the office clipped their wings a little bit. I often felt that they were having conversations excluding me, and sometimes they arranged after-work social get-togethers which I was invited to but with subtle suggestions that they may not be my thing and that I would not be comfortable going out with three women.

If only they knew about how I had spent my weekend they would’ve needed to have a rethink about how to relate to me, but I had no intention of telling them.

A few days after the coronation weekend Laura came off the phone from one of our regular clients, Hall&Jacobs, solicitors urgently needing a temporary secretary as theirs had phoned in saying that she had a serious fall and would be off work for the rest of the week. Laura was looking worried as we had a full schedule, all our girls were fixed up for the rest of the week and the next. She had nobody to send but didn’t want to turn down the booking.

“Lou, I’ve seen you handle the computer and you seem to get round most of our glitches, but can you type at a reasonable speed?”

“I’m not a touch typist doing 100WPM but I am not too bad, and I normally get things right first time, so that compensates a bit.”

“Get yourself over to Hall&Jacobs, ask for Mr Hall, apologise that we cannot send in one of our usual staff but that you can fill in until someone is available. Make sure you do a good job we can’t afford to lose them, they are a good client.”

“Hi, I’m here to see Mr Hall about the temp secretarial position, Jeremy Lewis Carmichael, everyone calls me Lou.”

“Just a moment I’ll let him know that you are here., I’m Sally by the way. A word of warning, he tends to be a bit formal, he will probably prefer that you introduce yourself as Jeremy.”

“Please come into my office Mr Carmichael. Please take a seat. I normally get sent a woman as a temp for me, it tends to go down better with my clients, is there nobody else available?”

“I’m afraid not today. I assure you that I am more than willing and capable of carrying out any duties you require, but if it is a major issue to you I’ll call the office and see if they can shuffle people around to send someone else tomorrow. Would you like me to stay for the rest of today to help you out?”

“I suppose so, but I do want someone else tomorrow, a woman.”

I settled in and soon got into the swing of things and other than the fact I was male, I thought Mr Hall recognised that I was doing a reasonable job for him, and it was a pity that he was so adamant that he wanted a female temp. At lunchtime I gave the office a call.

“Hi Laura it’s Lou. Mr Hall is happy for me to work here today, but he is insistent on someone else tomorrow, not that I’ve been doing anything wrong, it’s just that he wants a female temp. Are you sure that there is nobody else you can call on or shuffle around?”

“No chance, it’s a holiday week. Some of our girls are away with their families and our clients are needing people to cover for their staff on leave.”

“Leave it with me, I might have an idea.”

“Hi Sharron have you anything planned for this evening, I need your help with something?’

“That should be ok, what’s your problem?”

“It would help if I could be Louise for a few days at work, do you think that I could get away with it?’

“That’s a bit weird, but the answer is yes. You were totally accepted at the two parties over the weekend without any problems, not only did you look and act the part but you seemed quite comfortable and natural at it. What on earth are you up to?

“I’ll see you about 5:30 in the atrium at the Guildhall Mall, and tell you all about it then, but it’s nothing to worry about.”

At the end of the afternoon Mr Hall called me into his office. “Thank you for your work today Jeremy you have done a first class job, but as I explained I would really prefer someone else, have you managed to sort someone out for me?”

“Actually yes I have, Louise will be with you just before you open at 9:00 in the morning, I’m sure that you will find her to be acceptable.”

I arrived at the Mall before Sharron and ordered coffees and cakes they arrived just before she did.

“Why are we here Lou and what is this all about?”

“Basically we have run out of temps and one of our best clients was desperate for someone and I was volunteered to go there for a few days. However the guy there is real old-school and thinks that secretaries have to be female, but other than that he was happy with my work. So tomorrow I am going to turn up there as Louise and see out the week or so until his staff secretary returns.”

“I’m sure that is illegal discrimination, you should sue him under equality laws.your idea is ridiculous but it might work, what do you want from me?”

“The client is a firm of solicitors and there are no witnesses to what he said, so it is not worth the hassle to challenge him, and we would probably lose a regular client. Down to business, If I’m going to be there for a week I need some suitable clothes and whatever else you think will be necessary, that’s why we are here at the Mall, I need your shopping expertise.”

“You’ve just tuned in to one of my favourite hobbies if it’s shopping you want, I’m the girl for you.”

Three hours later we were almost forced out as the Mall was closing, and made our way back to my place laden down with bags. Sharron had convinced me that I needed to get four skirts and blouses, a light jacket, bras and panties to change each day, two packs of tights, three pairs of shoes, two with heels and one as comfortable flats for driving, along with a vast array of lotions cosmetics, hair care ‘essentials’ and lots of bits and pieces that I wasn’t even sure why they were needed. It seemed an awfully big collection for a few days work but Sharron was insistent that it was all needed.

It was a big hit on my credit card, but if it worked out ok I was certain that I would get most of it back from the agency. I knew Chrissie gave the girls a clothing and grooming allowance so that they gave a smart professional image when clients visited the office and I would now expect the same treatment.

“Ok Louise, and you had better start getting used to the name, leave the clothes until later, you seemed comfortable the other day with using the makeup so that can wait as well. What you need before I go is a quick course in hair care using the styling wand and curling tongs, we’ll leave the delights of rollers to another day.

“That’s it for now, you should be able to tidy that up in the morning yourself. Sort yourself out in the morning, do your hair and makeup, pick out an outfit and than pop over to let me have a look before you go off to face the world. Do your nighttime skincare regime and wear the new satin PJ set, you need to totally immerse yourself in your new femininity. See you bright and early in the morning.”

After Sharron left I put away most of my new clothes except for the the plain black skirt and jacket with a pale lemon blouse for the morning that I left hanging behind the bathroom door to drop out the creases, changed into my PJs, tied up my air, slapped on the night cream and climbed into bed to get my mind around everything that I would need to do in the morning to prepare for my first day working as Louise.


Facing the World

I slept rather well and woke up refreshed ready for the challenges I would have to face today. After a light breakfast of yoghurt followed by coffee and a slice of toast, I sat down at my dressing table to do my makeup. It took a lot longer than I had expected, everything was still new and very little blended in perfectly the first time, but eventually I was happy with the light-touch fresh look, it is amazing how long it takes to look as if most of it is natural.

The hair was a lot easier to manage, tying it up overnight it had kept most of the shape that Sharron had created the previous night, and it just needed a good brush out to hang in loose waves down to my shoulders, and a light spray to keep it in place.

I was soon dressed and ready to go over to Sharron’s for a final inspection before facing the world, slipped into my heeled court shoes and went over to find her still in her dressing gown.”

“Come on in Louise let me have a good look at you, I’ll sort myself out later. You look amazing, so smart and professional, not perfect, but then none of us are. Get yourself off to work and show them what you can do girl, don’t worry, just act as if you have been Louise all your life and you will be alright. Don’t forget your bag and all the essentials and put on your flat shoes for driving, you will find it a lot easier until you get used to wearing heels.”

I arrived at Hall&Jacobs in plenty time and had to wait in a coffee bar over the road for someone to arrive and open up. I was just finishing my coffee when I saw Sally coming up the street and as she opened the door I followed her in.

“Hi, I’m Louise Carmichael, I’m here to work for Mr Hall for a few days.”

“Welcome to Hall&Jacobs, I’m Sally, receptionist and office junior. There is no-one else here yet, let me show you where your desk is, and we’ll grab a coffee and have a chat before anyone else arrives.”

I hung my jacket and bag over my chair and followed her into the kitchenette, looking around as if I had never been there before, we made ourselves a drink and sat down for a chat. “It’s bit of a coincidence we had a Jeremy Carmichael working here as a temp yesterday he was actually quite good and a bit dishy, but Mr Hall is so old-fashioned and likes his office staff to be female.”

“I know, Jeremy is a sort of distant cousin and he told me about the vacancy, so here I am, and from what he said I am quite looking forward to it.”

We were interrupted when Mr Hall, his partner Mr Jacobs, and the other office staff started arriving and I went back to my desk outside Mr Hall’s office to wait for instructions on what was needed to be done, trying not to forget that this was supposed to be my first day here and everything was supposed to be new.

“Thanks for coming in Louise, you’ll soon settle in, if you need to know where anything is, just ask Sally, she’s relatively new but is a quick learner. I’ve got a few things to sort out before there will be anything for you to do, get Sally to show you how to access the computer system so that you know your way around when I feed some work to you.

In addition to Mr Hall and Mr Jacobs, there were two other junior solicitors, Bob and Steve, two paralegals Meg and Abby and two other general office staff, Pam and Rachel, as well as Sally. There was definitely a male/female office hierarchy, the senior professionals all male, the administration team all female, Sally was right, Mr Hall definitely preferred to be staffed by females. Someday somebody would drag the practice into the 21st century and they would admit that women also had a senior role to play, but it was not the time nor my place to say anything to rock the boat. I had only been in the role of a woman for less than a day, but already I was beginning to see injustices and prejudice and see things from a female point of view. Despite that everyone was polite, if a bit formal, and seemed happy enough with the arrangements.

I was sorting out some old files that needed processing when the phone buzzed.

“Hello, can I speak to Mt Hall please?” I heard a familiar voice.

“Hi Laura, it’s Lou just ignore the voice and listen. Everything is going ok, but I need to speak to you before you talk to Mr Hall. Can you come over and meet me in the café opposite their offices at lunchtime?”

Laura was already sitting looking out of the window when I walked in and sat opposite her.

“Excuse me, but I’m waiting for someone and that seat is taken, she said and suddenly her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. “Lou is that you?” She squealed in shock.

“It’s Louise today, and keep your voice down and act normally. Yesterday Mr Hall made it clear that he wanted a female temp, you had nobody available, so with a lot of help from a friend I came back today as Louise and everything seems fine.”

“If he finds out then that will be the end of him as a client for us.”

“He had better not find out then, had he.” I replied with a big smile. “I seem to be totally accepted as Louise, so let’s not make waves. I’ll just see out this posting then return back to normal to the office.”

“You didn’t have to do this, are you ok with it all, I mean it is all a bit unusual isn’t it?”

“I’ll manage, but it would help if you could have a word with Chrissie and get me the usual office clothing and grooming allowance, this look has not come cheap.”

“My oh my, you are taking this seriously, not only are you looking like a girl, you are thinking like one two, worried about your appearance. I’ll sort something out for you. Now tell me what put this idea into your head, I know you are working with a group of women, but you have never shown any signs of wanting to join us.”

She sat enthralled as I told her all about the coronation parties and how I had helped out Anna and Sharron’s mum and socialising with Anna’s friends and with Sharron.”

“Wow you definitely seem to have had a fun weekend. You seem to have adapted well, have you ever done anything like this before?”

“Not really, a couple of times as a teenager I went out dressed with Anna and her friends but that is it, this is not a regular habit for me.”

“I’m not sure that I believe that, you are just so natural as a girl, but we’ll not argue about it.”

“I better be getting back before they wonder where I am. If you need to talk to Mr Hall, remember to refer to me as Louise. I don’t expect that you will keep this to yourself, but make sure the girls in the office understand that I am doing this to help out the company, not because it is something I want to do.”

As I got up to leave she came over and gave me a hug and a peck on the cheek “Take care Louise?”

When I got home after work I was just going in when Sharron rushed over and came in with me.

“How did it go Louise, a bit different to your normal day I’ll bet. Tell me all about it, or better still, change into something more casual and we’ll go out for a pub meal and talk there. Your denim skirt should be fine it’s less business-like, the rest of you is ok, just add a bit more lippy and you’ll be ready to go.”

We drove out to a little canal-side pub and grabbed an outside table on the bank where we would not be overheard and ordered some food and drink, while I told her everything.”

“So Laura was ok with it then, will she keep your secret?”

“Not a chance they all love their gossip and often clam up when I approach them. It’ll be the highlight of the day in the office, and I expect a load of stick when I get back.”

“From what you said you’ve got a week to prepare yourself for that, forewarned is forearmed. Let’s change the subject and just chat like any other two girls out for drink.”

That was the first of several nights out with Sharron, including one with her mum joining us, and along with a couple of lunches with Sally I was settling deeper and deeper into my life as Louise, and in many ways actually enjoying it.

The following Friday my stint at Hall&Jacobs was over, I collected my bits and pieces, said the goodbyes and left.

Just after closing the door behind me I was suddenly grabbed by the hand by Laura. “Come with me there is something we need to talk about as she led me into a little Italian restaurant just along the road. As we walked in I was taken aback by the sight of the other girls from the office. “Hi everyone meet Louise who I told you about, let’s sit down have a nice meal and get to know her better.”

After the initial shock for them as well as for me, and after Chrissie and Beth had spent a few minutes appraising my new image from head to toe it all settled down, they accepted me as Louise and it became just another girls’ night out with office colleagues.

“How have you enjoyed your first job as a temp then Louise?” Chrissie asked “Are you available if we need emergency cover again?”

“If necessary, but I don’t want take habit of it.”

“Will we see Louise in the office on Monday or is it back to shy plain old Lou? It’ll be a shame to waste all the clothes and bits and pieces that you now have”, a grinning Beth asked the obvious question

“You’ll have to wait and see, but It has been a fun experience.”

“Oh come on, there’s only the four of us in the office and we all think you’ve done brilliantly. You’ve been playing the part of a girl for a week or so, another day isn’t going to make any difference is it?

I managed to get in the house without being visited by Sharron and sat down with a glass of wine to think about what the girls had said, and decided to go and see Anna and talk it over with her before I made any decisions. As I was getting into my car after giving Anna a call to check she was in, Sharron came over and knocked on the window.

“You’re obviously going out somewhere, but can you spare a couple of minutes? Come on over for a few minutes Louise, and I’m glad to see that you are still dressed as Louise, it will save a bit of embarrassment.”

“After the way you talked those times we were out, I could not see Louise going away very quickly and thought of a way to make you even more convincing. You have managed very well with those cheap bags of gel that Anna gave you as imitation breasts, but I thought that someone as attractive as you deserved something better and have bought you a decent set of breast forms, let’s get them fitted and see how they look and feel.”

“There you are, they are an awful lot better and are pretty realistic, as long as you keep your clothes on nobody will be able to tell and the glue will hold them firmly in place until you decide that they aren’t for you.”

“Thank you Sharron, but you shouldn’t have, I’m sure that they weren’t cheap, they feel a bit weird but I’ll give them a fair trial. I’m off to see Anna to have a talk with her about what I have been doing, I’ll pop over again tomorrow.”

When Anna opened the door to me, she didn’t recognise me at first and just stood there blankly waiting for me to say something, before suddenly realising that it was me, she dragged me inside and nearly crushed me in a big hug.

“ Oh Lou…ise, you look amazing, and so smart and formal, what’s this in aid of?”

“I’ve been working for a week or so as a temp and these are my work clothes, let’s go and sit down and I’ll tell you everything that has happened since you last saw me.”

“What a story, you amaze me, dressing for the party was a bit of fun, I never thought it would lead to this. What happens now?”

“I don’t know I am so confused, the girls at work all would really prefer to see Louise on Monday, but I’m not sure.”

“Why not stay here for the weekend, as Louise, and see how it goes, we can get together with Claire and Mandy and see what they think. Did you bring anything with you or just as you are. “

“I only came over for a chat, not for the weekend so what you can see is all that I have, apart from the coronation party outfit you loaned me, which has been washed and ironed to give back to you.”

“You can keep them and the undies you wore, I have plenty. Go back home and pack a case for the weekend, you are too formal and business-like as you are to go out socialising, bring something a bit more casual, it’s supposed to a nice warm weekend have you got a light summer dress.”

“No I really only bought stuff for the office apart from a denim skirt.”

“When you get back we will go shopping and get you a couple of casual outfits. Drive carefully and I’ll see you later.”

When I got back I changed into the denim skirt and a loose pale pink blouse which was as casual as I had, and was soon back at Anna’s.

“That’s better, let’s go to the shops and see what we can find for you.” Anna seemed to be enjoying this.

Anna seemed determined to turn me into a ‘girly girl’ and after trying on a few dresses, we went back home with a floral sleeveless, full skirted, maxi dress and something similar with colourful geometric stripes, along with two broderie anglaise gypsy tops and another light multi-coloured patterned skirt. I was ready for a quiet night in after the week I had, and we settled down to watch soaps and dramas on TV, until it was time for bed.

I had become used to wearing my PJ set and didn’t think twice about changing into it, although without a bra supporting my falsies I was a bit embarrassed walking out to say goodnight to Anna with them jiggling about under the flimsy top.”

“Oh you have really gone to town haven’t you, you are as big up top as I am, I didn’t realise that they were permanent, I just thought that they would come off with your bra. Come here and let me have a good look>’

“Don’t be embarrassed Louise, I’ll not see anything that I have not seen before.”

“Not on me you haven’t, Sharron only gave them to me today and I’m not really used to having them yet and the way they move about.”

“You’ll get used to them, all us girls have had too, although we have had a bit more time to gradually adjust to them. They are actually quite good, pretty realistic. You have no more surprises for me have you, that is as far as you have gone?”

“It’s as far as I am ever likely to go. Anyway I’m off to bed, Sis.” Giving her a goodnight hug it was a strange sensation feeling my breasts being squeezed against me by hers, but it was something I would need to get used to if Louise was going to be around for a while.

I was up first in the morning, put on a light dressing gown, Anna had loaned me and made my way to the kitchen to sort something out for breakfast. I was just finishing a cup of coffee when Anna appeared, still half-asleep.

“Morning, Lou, sorry Louise, whatever, is the coffee still fresh.”

“Do you want anything cooked or will toast and marmalade do you?

“That’ll be fine, and a bowl of cereal, that’s all I usually have. What do you fancy doing today, it looks like it will be nice and warm, lets go for a walk around the gardens at Northcote Hall, it should be quite pretty up there, the river bank is normally covered with bluebells and wild orchids at this time of year, and there is a nice café there to get a lunch.

“That sounds good, do you think that a skirt and top will be ok?

“Make the most of your time as Louise, wear one of your new summer dresses, don’t bother with tights , and put on some flat shoes. they will be better for walking on the lawns.

Although I often wore shorts as Lou in the summer, it was a totally different, more pleasant, sensation, feeling the breeze blowing on my bare legs which were being brushed by the hem of the dress as I walked, arms linked with Anna. We had a really enjoyable day out together wandering around the grounds admiring the views. Although we often spent time together it somehow felt different today, we seemed a lot closer and more in tune with each other.

“Remember those times that you spent with me and my friends dressed as a girl. It made me wonder what it would be like to have a sister, someone I could share confidences, and clothes, with and now it looks like I might be getting one, or at least a part-time one. I’m not sure how I should feel about you acting as Louise, but I am actually quite comfortable with it, I love you as Lou, but I love you as Louise too.”

“Let’s not rush things Anna, just enjoy our sisters’ weekend together.”

“I gave Claire and Mandy a call and have arranged to meet them tonight in the Athena Taverna in town. I didn’t tell them you were here, so you don’t have to come if you don’t want too. As you are supposed to be having a Louise weekend, I thought that it would be good for you to have a night out with the girls, are you up for it?”

“If you’re sure that they will be ok with Louise just turning up with you, I’ll give it a go.”

The girls were already there when we arrived and walked up to the table.

“ Hi girls, remember Louise, although she looks a bit different to when you last met her.”

There was a sudden outburst of shrieks and giggles drawing a lot of attention from the other diners, before they calmed down and started talking in more subdued tones.

“I know that we said you would have to join us for a girls’ night out, but didn’t really expect you to take us up on it, but you’re more than welcome Louise.” Claire stood up to give me a hug.

“I can’t believe it is really you, but if it is not offensive, you are very attractive now that you have really decided to take it seriously. This is obviously not your first time out, let’s have all the details.” Mandy followed on, her eyes repeatedly focussing on my breasts.

Over a bottle of wine as we waited for our food order, I told them the full story.

“Really, you were working in an office for a week as Louise and nobody caught on, it’s hard to believe, but I have to admit you are ever so natural and look no different to any other girl and those falsies are so realistic.”

“What about next week back at the agency? Do you think the other girls will accept you?”

“I’ll give it a go on Monday and see how the day goes, if they make a big fuss and constantly go on about it, I’ll probably go in on Tuesday back as Lou. If they just treat me as normal and let me get on with my job I might think about staying as Louise for a while.”

Once that was all out of the way, the rest of the night it was forgotten about and I just fitted in with the girls, joining in their run-of-the-mill chat about their lives, clothes, men, tv as we enjoyed our food and drink.

When we left the Taverna I was included in their normal goodnight hugs and cheek kisses that they usually did.

“Goodnight then Louise, I hope to see you again soon.” Both Claire and Mandy wished me as they left.

Back home, we changed into our nightwear, cleaned off the makeup and I tied up my hair before settling down for a last relaxing drink before going to bed.

“That all went well Louise, Mandy and Claire couldn’t believe that it was you at first and were convinced that I was playing a joke on them. If you decide that Louise is going to be around for a while, you will have no problems.

That night I tossed and turned for ages trying to decide whether to end my time as Louise and take back my life as Lou, and eventually fell asleep to dream about what my life would be like as Louise.

Sunday morning I slipped into my light summer dress and helped Anna do a tidy up and clean around the house, before packing my case to return to my place.

“Give me a ring tomorrow to let me know whether Lou or Louise turned up for work and what reaction you got, drive carefully Sis, and take care.”

At home I shuffled things around in my wardrobe and drawers to make a bit of space for my Louise clothes, put away all the stuff ilying found in to the washer or the dishwasher and soon had the place spick and span, probably influenced by helping at Anna’s. The house was as clean and tidy as it ever had been, the feminine mindset made me a lot more fussy than normal.

Having been busy at work all week and spending the weekend at Anna’s, my cupboards were a little bare so I decided to take a trip down to the supermarket to stock up. I was loading my bags of groceries into the car, when I heard the click of heels behind me and was shocked to see Chrissie.

“Hi Louise, I wasn’t sure if we would see see again, but you have obviously slipped into your new role. The girls were serious on Friday, they really would like you to come into the office tomorrow as a full member of the team, but it is up to you, whichever you decide is ok with me. See you in the morning.”

Monday morning I sat in a cafe near the agency, dressed for work as Louise in a pale blue blouse, black skirt and low 2” heels, building up the courage to go into the office. The girls had all seen me on Friday night at the restaurant and I knew that they would accept me. This was different though, once Louise entered the office, they would not easily let me go back and that would become my life.

Other than a few bits of fun with Anna and her friends when I was younger, cross-dressing and thoughts of living as a woman had never entered my head, but the last few weeks had changed all that. In a short space of time, not only was I comfortable wearing the clothes, but I had also eased into the lifestyle until it was becoming second-nature to me.

Fortified after a strong coffee, I got up and confidently crossed the road, through the main door and up the stairs. After a quick last-minute fluff of the hair and smoothing of my jacket and skirt, I entered the lion’s den not knowing what to expect. There was a big banner “Happy Birthday Louise.” And three grinning faces waiting to welcome me. I stood there not knowing how to react until Chrissie came over to give me a big hug, closely filled by Claire and Laura.

“How did you know that I would be coming in as Louise, I didn’t really decide myself until this morning?”

“After seeing you at the supermarket yesterday, looking so relaxed in your summer frock and not even flinching when I came over and said hello, there was no way that you were going to turn up as Lou.”

After allowing a few minutes for the girls to bombard me with questions and comments about my outfit, Chrissie got things under control again.

“Ok that’s it everyone. Louise hang up your jacket and go over to your desk, from now it is just a normal day at the office.”



I soon settled into the routine of the office as Louise, the girls just treated me the same as each other after that and Lou was soon forgotten.

Just over two years later, after intensive counselling and hormone treatment, I finally took the ultimate step to become as complete a woman as possible, and settled into my new life with my partner Sharron, who was now carrying a child, my last big act as a man before it was too late.

The end.

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