Mourning Of A Loved One Chp. 7

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Mona watches as the landscape changes from the back seat of the 2016 Diesel Hyundai Tucson. She watches as Andy drives the Tucson. The music he was playing on the radio was all right. It was a long drive to the Castle. Normally, she would just video chat with Sabrina and Allura, but since this was about Cara Bounty’s funeral. She needed to talk to them in person. They were the current guardians of Lup Castle.

Andy looks in the rearview mirror towards Mona and wonders how the young lady is holding up after losing her grandmother. He knew how close Mona and Mrs. Bounty had been. He had been the one that had gone and picked Mona up after running away from her father’s home. She and her father’s new wife, Tashia, didn’t get along.

“How are you holding up, Mona?” Andy watches Mona’s reaction in the mirror.

Mona looks up towards the mirror. “I’m holding on. Grandma already had everything she wanted to be done for her funeral laid out.”

“Mrs. Bounty was always an organized person. Have you contacted everyone to tell them about the funeral?” Andy knew some family members lived in other countries and in areas where it was hard for them to receive phone calls.

“There are still a few people I had to send personalized messages to. Hopefully, their contact information was up to date.” Mona knew her grandmother tried to keep everyone’s information up to date.

“Well, if it’s not, they will hear from their clan leader.” Andy knew how close the clan was.

Forty Minutes Later:
Mona watches as Andy pulls through the gates of Lup Castle. She still couldn’t get over how old this castle was. Sure, it’s been rebuilt and updated with the latest modern amenities, but it retains its original design. She feels the car stop as Andy leaves and walks around to open her door.

“Thanks, Andy.”

“It’s no problem, Mona. I’ll be over at the old stables with the car.”

“You know, you don’t have to do that, Andy. You are part of this family and are welcome inside the castle.” Mona looks at Andy when she says that.

“With all due respect, Mona. I prefer to be out here with the car. Those prehistoric cats that your cousin brought into this world scare the crap out of me. Giant wolves, I can handle, but something that should have remained in the past. I draw the line at.” Andy shivers when he thinks about the two prehistoric cats that roam the grounds.

“I’ll make sure to inform my cousin.” Mona turns and heads toward the entrance of the castle.

As she gets to the front glass doors, she is met by her cousin Sabrina. She didn’t spot Brutus with her, which meant he was either somewhere in the castle or outside with his mate.

“Hello, cousin.” Sabrina had been alerted that someone was driving up the long driveway toward the castle. When she looked at the security monitor, she spotted a car that belonged to Cara Bounty.

Mona hugs her cousin.

Sabrina returns her cousin’s hug and steps aside to let her into the castle. She knew Cara Bounty’s death must be hard on Mona. She knew her cousin was close to her grandmother.

Mona follows Sabrina toward the conservatory. She knew normally she would be escorted by Amanda, but she must be preparing the tea and snacks for them. She still couldn’t get over how the castle looked as she followed Sabrina.

After a few minutes, they arrive at the conservatory. She loved this room and all the flowers and tiny birds flying around.

“Please, have a seat, cousin.” Sabrina motions towards the different seats in front of them.

“Thank you, Sabrina. Where is the munchkin?” Mona sits down on a chair and places her purse on the ground near her.

“She’s got lessons today. Sabrina sits down across from her cousin.”

“Is Allura teaching her?” Mona knew Allura was an old Elf.

All the family was surprised when she appeared suddenly and mated with Sabrina. According to the story, Allura told the elders she had been waiting and watching for her mate to appear. She knew right away the day Sabrina was born and watched over her until she came of age. She would make her presence known to Sabrina every so often but never would do anything to influence her. She wanted Sabrina to accept their relationship willingly.

“Yes, along with several other children that live around here. They are using one of the old libraries as a schoolroom.”

“That must be a different type of environment for her. What is going to happen when she wants to go to college?” Mona was curious about that.

“It won’t hurt her. Allura is a certified teacher, and we are registered as a private school. It’s one of the things the clan leaders agreed on. Now, how are the arrangements going?”

“I’ve contacted all the different vendors grandma said she wanted to cater the event. I also have contacted all the family members as well. A tent company will be coming out here to set up a tent, so you’ll need to direct them and hide your kitty cats.”

“I’ll ensure they are inside the castle when the tent company comes.”

“Thanks. Here are a few other items that we need to do.” Mona shows the list that she started with, assigning lodging for everyone.

Sabrina looks over the list and suggests a few different arrangements. She knew some of their relatives didn’t like some of the residences they owned. Some of them had the right to sleep at the castle, but their request would be denied since it was Jack’s mother. Any other time, they could, but on occasions like this. Only the decease’s family was allowed to stay at the castle, and no one else. That is unless the family invites them to stay in the castle.

After a while, Amanda shows up with freshly brewed tea and little treats she made. She pours their tea and fixes a small plate with treats on them.

“Thank you, Amanda.” Mona smiles at Amanda.

“You’re welcome, Mrs. Bounty.”

“Please, call me Mona.”

“Yes, ma’am.” A smile appears on Amanda’s face.

“Amanda, could you see if Andy would like anything, please?” Sabrina figures Andy might like a cold drink or something to munch on.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Thank you, Amanda.” Mona was pleased Amanda didn’t mind checking on Andy.

After Amanda leaves, Mona and Sabrina return to work with the arrangements.

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Samantha Heart's picture

Jack & his clan will be at the castle as it was his mother who died & is the Senior Clan leader next to Uncle Shamus

Love Samantha Renée Heart.