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After the mind-numbing session session yesterday with all the delicious pasties, Wednesday was meant to be a bit more relaxing, bread making. Whilst not as exciting as the delicious pastries, I was surprised at the different types of bread that the kitchen produced every day, traditional English white and wholemeal bread for toast and rolls, German and Austrian Kleingebäck and Salzstangerl, Strizel and spiced Hausbrot, French Baguettes, brioches and croissants. all of them made up as loaves, rolls, or plaits.
“As most of you will know, a lot of the dough mixes are available from commercial suppliers but nothing can beat the satisfaction of producing your own, despite all the hard work mixing and kneading fresh dough. In the main kitchens a lot of the heavy work mixing and kneading the dough is done by machine, but you need to learn by doing it the hard way, by hand, so that you learn how the texture should feel and how it should look when stretched during the kneading.
With bread-making involving a lot of heavy strenuous pushing and pulling of the dough I began to feel the movement of my new breast enhancers which was a totally different effect from just using socks and tissues as padding, even when just walking around I was conscious of them moving and started to wonder about how it would feel if they were real, which shocked me when I realised what I was even considering.
Thursday and Friday were cake days, which were probably the most enjoyable of the week, little physical effort, successful and delicious fare and a chance to be a bit artistic with the fillings and decoration.
The hotel was at its busiest over the weekend, so there were no course sessions planned, which meant the Jan, Meg, Sue, and Laura went off home to visit their families, leaving just Pat, Rosie, Kelly and I there to have a relaxing weekend.
“Do you fancy going into town tonight, hit a few bars and maybe a club?” Kelly suggested.
“I don’t know, it has been a strenuous few sessions this week and I am not sure that I have the energy to enjoy it.”
“Oh come on, get some glad rags on, full night-out makeup, we deserve a bit of a a good time, after all we are only 21, not 60, life is for living.”
“If it will keep you happy, otherwise you will keep going on about it until I give in so what’s the point of disagreeing. Which of my dresses are the most suitable for what you have in mind.”
“Definitely the red sleeveless one, mid-thigh and low cut-enough to give the hint of the cleavage you now have from the enhancers, you’ll fit right in with all the other girls in town out on the pull.”
“Don’t forget I am not a girl, and will not be out on the pull, but let’s go and have a little bit of fun.”
Getting ready was not a quick and easy task, Kelly insisted on me cleaning up any stray hairs on my body, legs and arms, thin my eyebrows a bit more, change my nail polish to a bright red to match my dress and apply a generous covering of scented moisturiser to soften my skin and give it a bit of a glow, She showed me how to brush out my hair and use a curling wand to give it a lot more body and led me through the process of applying a much heavier and more exotic makeup.
“ This might be a bit embarrassing, but have you heard the word ‘tucking’.”
“What do you mean?”
“ Have you never watched ‘Drag Race’ and noticed that in the skimpy costumes that the Queens wear, that they look quite girly, down below, you know what I mean? I understand that they tuck everything back between they legs out of the way. The way that dress sits on you, any bulges would be very noticeable. You should really give it a try, and with your panties and tights, everything should stay in place and look a lot better. Have a go and see what you think.”
“It’s not really comfortable but it seems to work and I think I can live with it for tonight, does it all look ok to you.”
“Not totally right, but without an operation it will not get any better. Put your dress and heels on, and move all your things into your white strappy bag, a quick spray of L’interdit and you will be ready to knock them dead”
“Off into town girls? Lucky you, I wish I could join you, I always seem to be working at this place. I’ll call you a taxi. the police are quite hard on drinking and driving around here.” Helen looked a bit wistful as she cast her eyes over us all dressed up ready to party.
“We’ll see how it goes, maybe we can all have a night out together, tomorrow or sometime next week, you must get some time off.”
We were soon out on town in Cheltenham, visited a few bars, and had been pick-up targets for a few boys, but Kelly was quite good at giving them all the brush off without hurting their feelings
“You know what Kelly, I had often wondered about how girls managed to wander around in the evening, dressed in very skimpy clothes, without feeling the cold, but here I am doing exactly the same.”
“We all have our crosses to bear Jayne, skimpy clothes and high heels are what we girls have to suffer when we are out partying or chasing boys, just relax and enjoy yourself. There’s a music club, do you fancy going in and having a bit of a dance?”
“I have two left feet and can never seem to keep a rhythm going.”
“Just follow me, there are no rules, just wave your arms about, lean forward every now and then and wiggle your boobs, swivel your hips and try to look happy. In those heels you better not move your feet about too much, just swing your knees and your hips will follow on.”
Just copying what Kelly was doing I soon began to find a bit of rhythm and I found that I was actually enjoying myself. I was a lot more relaxed and free-spirited than I normally was at dances, and it showed. We were approached a few times by boys on the prowl but I was not in the least bit interested and Kelly seemed happy enough having a quick dance and then saying goodbye.
Later on, that changed, Kelly’s eyes lit up when we were joined by Rob and Carl, a couple of local lads who were full of charming chat-up lines, very happy to have a dance and buy us a drink. Kelly seemed quite taken by Rob, and Carl was pleasant enough for me to go along with it and let Kelly have a bit of fun and we danced and drank with them for the rest of the night. As we left to get a taxi back to the hotel Rob grabbed Kelly in a hug and they started a quite serious snogging session, which led Carl to pull me towards him and start kissing me quite passionately, feeling my bottom and my boobs. I didn’t know how to respond, I was not interested in it going any further, but didn’t want to cause an upset and make a scene. Carl made the decision for me when he put his hand under my skirt and started moving it up my thigh towards my groin, I just pulled away before he got too far, slapped his face and walked off, closely followed by Kelly.
“What happened Jayne, you seemed to be getting on well with him?”
“His hand was getting too close to discovering the truth about me Kelly, it wasn’t what I was after, I was just having a fun night out with you, I wasn’t looking to be an easy pick-up.”
“Welcome to the world of womanhood, a lot of lads think that buying you a drink or two entitles them to have a good grope at you and expect you to open your legs for them at the drop of a hat. Letting you into a secret, well it’s not that secret, a lot of us girls probably think the same too, but there is a time and a place for everything and in a back alley after a couple of drinks doesn’t fill me with enthusiasm, I prefer things to go a lot slower. Let’s get get back and talk about it in our room.”
When we arrived back I had calmed down a lot, and just sat in silence for a while cleaning of my makeup, brushing my hair out and getting changed. For some reason, probably because I was beginning to realise what being a girl was all about, I decided to wear the nightie that Kelly had bought me, a spaghetti-strapped mid-calf satin affair that was just enough to cover the strapless bra holding my boobs in place. Along with an extra layer of panties to help keep my tucking in place it gave me a very feminine appearance, no obvious traces of Jay remained, Jayne was beginning to take over my life.
“Sorry about earlier Kelly, I hope I didn’t ruin your night.”
“Don’t worry about it, Rob was getting very hands-on too and I wasn’t looking for a quick fling. I’m a bit of a romantic and whilst I am no little innocent, I don’t want to get pregnant from a one-night stand. You still look a bit shaken, let’s push the beds together and just lie and cuddle for a while, like sisters, it’ll help you sleep.”
Spooned together with my arm around Kelly’s waist I soon dropped off into a deep sleep and woke in the morning totally relaxed, with strands of her hair over my face and her body facing mine,
“Good morning sleepyhead are you feeling better this morning. “
“ Sorry again for how last night ended, we were having a really good time right up to that, it just came as a bit of a shock to me and I panicked.”
”Just forget about it write it down to experience, you will read the signs earlier next time. Come on, get up and dressed and a bit of light makeup, we’ll get in the car and have a drive around seeing the area, it is supposed to be beautiful around here. Just put on a skirt and top for breakfast in the restaurant, we can change into jeans later to go out a bit more casual. Before we go we had better put the beds back in place in case room service come in to tidy up.”
“Good morning girls, how are you today, have you anything planned?” asked Rosie as we joined them for breakfast.
“Just planning on a quiet day, we had a night on the town yesterday and will just take it easy to recover and freshen up. We are thinking about just having a drive around visiting some of the pretty local Cotswold villages that they are supposed to have around here.”
“We were thinking of the same, do you want to go together or is it not cool to be seen out with the oldies?”
“ You might have a few years over us, but you still have a twinkle in your eyes and are enjoying life, it should be fun, we’d love to join you, won’t we Kelly?”
We had a really enjoyable day out with our ‘golden girls’, Pat and Rosie had more energy than Kelly and me, and wore us out as we traipsed around the little stone-building villages, in and out of the shops and tea-rooms, where we cast a critical, experienced, eye over the cakes and pastries on offer. We had thought of them as the mothers of our group, especially for Kelly and me, but they were more like big sisters really, happy to tell us where to go and what to see. The two highlights of the day were the picture-postcard village of Bourton-on-the-Water, and the excavated remains of the Roman-era villa at Chedworth. With the elaborate mosaic-tiled floors with the the hypocaust underfloor heating it must have been the height of style, glamour and luxury at the time.
After another delicious meal at the Manor and a few drinks with our new best friends, we said our goodnights and went off to bed. Room service had been in so the were glad that we had put the beds back in place, but decided that we preferred to be together again and after a tiring day we soon dropped off to sleep in another gentle cuddle, to wake up fresh and ready to go again in the morning.
When we were having breakfast Helen came over to us with a worried look. “Have you girls got anything planned for today?”
“Not really, have you any suggestions?”
“ We have a problem that you might be able to help us with. A couple of the commis chefs working with Stephanie have called in sick, probably just hungover after a Saturday night on the town, but anyway we will be two people short. Hugo and Steph have been impressed with what you have done this week and wondered if you would like to have a go in a real working kitchen. Obviously you can say no, but you are here to learn and nothing beats jumping in at the deep end.”
Kelly and I looked at each other and smiled. “Why not, we have nothing better to do? Will it be a full day?”
“You will have to speak to Steph, but the pâtisserie station is not like the others where they have to respond to guests orders as they come in, most of it is pre-prepared beforehand and it’s only the dressings, creams, custards and such like that have to be tailored to specific tastes.”
“Ok we’ll go up and get changed, tell Steph that we will be with her in a few minutes.”
“Thanks for standing in to help me out girls, normally we wouldn’t let someone of your little experience loose on anything served to guests, but you have done quite well this week. I’ve already done the bread orders as we needed them for breakfast, Lunch desserts are not too demanding so I’d like you to get started on the pastries and cakes for high tea. Kelly you deal with the cake mixes and Jayne can look after the pastry to start with, then you can work with me to add all the other ingredients into the mixes.”
It was a lot more pressurised and busy in the working kitchen than when we were being trained, but we got on with the job without too many problems, Steph didn’t shout and rant at us as much as the other station chefs were doing with their staff, and the hours just flew past.
Early afternoon Helen came in to have a word with Steph and then came over to me. “You have a visitor in the coffee lounge wanting to see you. I have sat them down with a pot of tea and some of the pastries and cakes. Go up the back staff stairs to your room, quickly get changed, you are not allowed in the public areas in your kitchen whites, and then get yourself down there.”
“Who is it?”
“It’s to be a surprise, a nice surprise, the sooner you get ready and get down there, the sooner you will find out.” she grinned.
Fifteen minutes later, in a clean skirt and top and with my hair and makeup freshened I went into the coffee lounge and nearly ran out again when I saw my Mum sitting there, but she had already noticed me and waved me over, so there was no choice really.
“Hi M..m..Mum I’m surprised to see you, I didn’t know you were c..c..coming.”
“Obviously not Jayne. you didn’t mention when you called me how you have changed your appearance and your name. Come and give me a hug and let me have a good look at you.Then you can tell me all about what has happened to you this week and why you have suddenly turned into my daughter.”
Just then Helen came over with a coffee for me and a fresh pot of tea for Mum.
“You have a delightful daughter Mrs Newman. ever so pleasant, a hard worker, and so attractive with it too, you have done a super job bringing her up.”
“Thank you Helen dear, and thank you for the delicious pastries and cakes, my compliments to the chef.”
“ You can tell her yourself, Jayne made them, or at least was part of the team, her and her friend Kelly really helped us out today. I’ll leave you in peace now to catch up.”
I gave her the full story, about my problem with the taxi, being mistaken for a girl by Helen, Kelly helping me and letting me borrow some of her clothes, how it all just took off after that, even about getting groped by a boy. “I have been living, dressing and socialising as a girl for the week that I have been here and as far as anyone here is concerned I am Jayne. I’m used to it now and don’t even think about what I am wearing.”
“ And how do you really feel about all this, I never realised that you had leanings this way. you are lucky that the boy backed off when you slapped him, I shudder to think about what would have happened if he had found out your secret, you really need to be more careful if you are having another night out. You might now realise why girls and women are always a bit nervous walking home at night alone and why I always worried about Sarah and Chloe when they were out late.”
“I think that I have learned my lesson about boys and their intentions from the opposite point of view. Becoming Jayne is is just something that grew out of control, other than playtime with the girls I’ve never thought about wearing skirts, and such like.”
“Or growing breasts either presumably !’ she snapped, staring at my chest
“ They are a necessary part of being Jayne, you must see that. Anyway, we are where we are Mum, unless you want to make a scene I’ll be staying as Jayne until I get home. When I came into the lounge and saw you, I thought about running out again before you recognised me.”
“Oh, there was no mistaking you, you are so like Chloe, you could almost be twins. And this girl walking towards us must be the famous Kelly. Come over and sit down girl, I want to have words with you.”
“ Helen told me that you wanted to see me too Mrs Newman. I’m sorry for what has happened this week and can only apologise.”
“You astound me,“ Mum said pointing and staring at me, and turned scowling to Kelly, “and you amaze me, I cannot believe what you have done.” After a short pause she continued, the scowl turning into a smile.”But you have done a fantastic job, Jayne has turned out so well she looks and sounds so feminine and in a way I am sure that we should be thanking you, it could easily have turned out so badly.”
“ Are you saying Mum that you are not angry and disgusted to see me like this.”
“ At first I was a bit surprised and taken aback, but I knew what I was going to see before I got here, which is why I had come to visit you. I looked on the hotel website to see what kind of place you were at, checked out the details of the training courses and there was a photo you two grinning like Cheshire Cats. At first I was shocked and worried that someone would recognise you, but really what are the chances of that? It only struck me because I knew where you where and what you were doing and I just had to come and see for myself. You are even more believable than I was expecting, and just as attractive as Chloe, although she probably won’t thank me for saying so. What are you planning to do when you get back home?”
“I have really enjoyed what I have been doing here and feel that I can maybe make a career out of it. With what I learned at University about finance and administration I think that we could maybe freshen up the business model and grow our operations.”
“Freshen up the business model, grow our operations ! You are talking like Alan Sugar and Richard Branson ! The last year or so I have been worried that neither of my daughters has been interested in following in my footsteps and taking over the business, but it looks like my youngest may be the one to do it. And do you think that you will be doing all this as Jay, or as Jayne?”
“I haven’t really thought about that, but I must admit that as the week has gone on that I am becoming more and more comfortable as Jayne. How do you think the girls in the shop will react if I suddenly turn up with boobs, wearing makeup and a skirt?”
“ Don’t worry about them, they already know. I told them about the course you are on, Jennie looked it up, and found your photo and told the others. They had a bit of a giggle about it, but don’t really care, at work they just treat you as another one of the girls anyway.”
“ Sorry to break into the family discussions, but Mr Möser asked if Mrs Newman will be staying for dinner with him and the girls and if she needs a bed for the night.” interrupted Helen
“Please go and tell Mr Möser that I’ll be delighted to experience the fine dining here, but that I will need to get back home tonight, I have an early start in the morning.’
“ Helen, please ask Mr Möser if Pat and Rosie can join us too, I’d like Mum to meet them.” I added.
We had a delicious meal and an enjoyable time, Hugo was in his element surrounded by all us women, he was charming and amusing and paid a lot of attention to each of us in turn, but he seemed particularly attracted towards Mum.
Mum also seemed to get on very well with Pat and Rosie and after the meal in the coffee lounge was chatting away quite happily with them while Kelly and I were being regaled by Hugo with stories about all the kitchens he had worked in and all the various famous people he had cooked for.
It was soon time for Mum to set off for home and after giving me a big hug and kiss, with a “See you on Saturday Jayne.” she was escorted out to her car by Hugo.
“Your Mum seems lovely Jayne, I thought that she would go mad and really have a go at you, and call you all sorts of names and be disappointed in how you have changed, and at me for helping and even nudging you along a bit, but she didn’t seem too bothered. In fact I think she quite liked the idea of having you as another daughter.”
“ She better not get her hopes up then, I’m seriously considering running the business to let her have a bit of time to herself, but I ‘m not sure about literally stepping into her shoes, along with a dress bra and panties.”
“ Oh, I don’t know, I’ve really got used to you as Jayne it will be a shame if you go back to being Jay. What is so special about being a boy anyway? You could have just as happy and successful a life as a woman and it really suits you.”
“Don’t get too worked up and excited about it Kelly, it has only been a week since all this started, there is still a lot to think about.”
To be continued.
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No Pressure
A secret is a secret if only one person knows. Girls seem to have an innate built in coping mechanism for handling surprises. They may be surprised but rarely shocked. They grow up learning new styles, hair, clothes, makeup and the friends, family, and strangers reactions. They deal with approaches from nice boys and men and really crude disgusting boys and men.
Their whole life is training and learning, especially after they hit puberty and blossom into women. Jayne has stepped into the deep end of the estrogen pool without all that prior knowledge. He-she is shocked at seeing her mother waiting for her.
Hugs Gillian, cute story and told so softly.
Life puts potholes in our path from time to time to make us appreciate the good times.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
surprises and shocks
Jayne has definitely jumped into the deep end but is keeping her head well above water and learning to swim. Many thanks once again Barbie.
Gill xx
And listening to her heart is, I think, the best advice what to do when it comes to staying Jayne or going back to boyhood.
And, of course, with pics posted on social media, someone sooner or later was to figure out about Jayne. And, logically, those who know Jay best.
Thx for another nice chapter^^
The problems with social media
are that no matter how hard you try it is difficult to control who sees the posts, there are always ways around blocks and limits. Many thanks for taking the time to comment,
Gill x
Interesting Possibilities ?
Gillian, what a great story!
You introduced a lot of future possibilities, can't wait to see how this story proceeds.
Thank you for sharing this with us
Many thanks for commenting Darlyne, glad you are enjoying the story, more to come soon.
Gill x
What is so special about being a boy anyway?
Good, I can't think of an answer..
Another fantastic chapter, Gill. I must go back to Bourton in the Water some day, it is lovely.
I'm glad that Jay's Mum is on board with "Operation Jayne" and I'm still holding out for a happy ending between Kelly and Jayne. They are such a sweet couple.
Lucy xx
"Lately it occurs to me..
what a long strange trip its been."
A Happy Ending ?
You know my stories by now Lucy, there is many a slip twixt cup and lip. To misquote you, what a long strange trip it will be.
Gill xx
B.o.t.W is such a tourist trap! horrible place to visit, full of grockles and their cars - there are plenty of much nicer places in the 'wolds - I spend a fair bit of my time atm riding around the area, it has so much more to offer than twee overpriced tea rooms!
Guess it adds some local colour to the story, btw the Roman villa at Witcombe is better to visit, for starters its free but its also closer to Cheltenham than the over priced, NT offering they visited at Chedworth.
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Getting your knickers in a twist
Ooh, you are getting worked up Maddy, let out the steam and calm down. Fair enough B.o.t.W is a bit twee, caricature 'Olde English' and touristy and parking can be a nightmare, but for most visitors to the area it is a 'must-see'. Leaving price aside ( and free entry is included in NT membership ) Chedworth is well worth a visit.
Jayne and Kelly appreciated it all anyway.
Gill xx
If Jayne & Kelly don't have
If Jayne & Kelly don't have anything else to do then a visit in Stratford-Upon-Avon might be in order (if they weren't there already).
After all the source of one of England's greatest treasures can be found there. ;-)
Delightful story
Cooking is a great angle for the story and I hope it leads to a romance.
Glenda Ericsson
cooking up the story
Thanks for your lovely comment Glenda. All the ingredients of the story are there now and the mixture is cooking, let's see if it turns out as tasty as the recipe promises.
Gill xx