After the mind-numbing session session yesterday with all the delicious pasties, Wednesday was meant to be a bit more relaxing, bread making. Whilst not as exciting as the delicious pastries, I was surprised at the different types of bread that the kitchen produced every day, traditional English white and wholemeal bread for toast and rolls, German and Austrian Kleingebäck and Salzstangerl, Strizel and spiced Hausbrot, French Baguettes, brioches and croissants. all of them made up as loaves, rolls, or plaits.
“As most of you will know, a lot of the dough mixes are available from commercial suppliers but nothing can beat the satisfaction of producing your own, despite all the hard work mixing and kneading fresh dough. In the main kitchens a lot of the heavy work mixing and kneading the dough is done by machine, but you need to learn by doing it the hard way, by hand, so that you learn how the texture should feel and how it should look when stretched during the kneading.
With bread-making involving a lot of heavy strenuous pushing and pulling of the dough I began to feel the movement of my new breast enhancers which was a totally different effect from just using socks and tissues as padding, even when just walking around I was conscious of them moving and started to wonder about how it would feel if they were real, which shocked me when I realised what I was even considering.
Thursday and Friday were cake days, which were probably the most enjoyable of the week, little physical effort, successful and delicious fare and a chance to be a bit artistic with the fillings and decoration.
The hotel was at its busiest over the weekend, so there were no course sessions planned, which meant the Jan, Meg, Sue, and Laura went off home to visit their families, leaving just Pat, Rosie, Kelly and I there to have a relaxing weekend.
“Do you fancy going into town tonight, hit a few bars and maybe a club?” Kelly suggested.
“I don’t know, it has been a strenuous few sessions this week and I am not sure that I have the energy to enjoy it.”
“Oh come on, get some glad rags on, full night-out makeup, we deserve a bit of a a good time, after all we are only 21, not 60, life is for living.”
“If it will keep you happy, otherwise you will keep going on about it until I give in so what’s the point of disagreeing. Which of my dresses are the most suitable for what you have in mind.”
“Definitely the red sleeveless one, mid-thigh and low cut-enough to give the hint of the cleavage you now have from the enhancers, you’ll fit right in with all the other girls in town out on the pull.”
“Don’t forget I am not a girl, and will not be out on the pull, but let’s go and have a little bit of fun.”
Getting ready was not a quick and easy task, Kelly insisted on me cleaning up any stray hairs on my body, legs and arms, thin my eyebrows a bit more, change my nail polish to a bright red to match my dress and apply a generous covering of scented moisturiser to soften my skin and give it a bit of a glow, She showed me how to brush out my hair and use a curling wand to give it a lot more body and led me through the process of applying a much heavier and more exotic makeup.
“ This might be a bit embarrassing, but have you heard the word ‘tucking’.”
“What do you mean?”
“ Have you never watched ‘Drag Race’ and noticed that in the skimpy costumes that the Queens wear, that they look quite girly, down below, you know what I mean? I understand that they tuck everything back between they legs out of the way. The way that dress sits on you, any bulges would be very noticeable. You should really give it a try, and with your panties and tights, everything should stay in place and look a lot better. Have a go and see what you think.”
“It’s not really comfortable but it seems to work and I think I can live with it for tonight, does it all look ok to you.”
“Not totally right, but without an operation it will not get any better. Put your dress and heels on, and move all your things into your white strappy bag, a quick spray of L’interdit and you will be ready to knock them dead”
“Off into town girls? Lucky you, I wish I could join you, I always seem to be working at this place. I’ll call you a taxi. the police are quite hard on drinking and driving around here.” Helen looked a bit wistful as she cast her eyes over us all dressed up ready to party.
“We’ll see how it goes, maybe we can all have a night out together, tomorrow or sometime next week, you must get some time off.”
We were soon out on town in Cheltenham, visited a few bars, and had been pick-up targets for a few boys, but Kelly was quite good at giving them all the brush off without hurting their feelings
“You know what Kelly, I had often wondered about how girls managed to wander around in the evening, dressed in very skimpy clothes, without feeling the cold, but here I am doing exactly the same.”
“We all have our crosses to bear Jayne, skimpy clothes and high heels are what we girls have to suffer when we are out partying or chasing boys, just relax and enjoy yourself. There’s a music club, do you fancy going in and having a bit of a dance?”
“I have two left feet and can never seem to keep a rhythm going.”
“Just follow me, there are no rules, just wave your arms about, lean forward every now and then and wiggle your boobs, swivel your hips and try to look happy. In those heels you better not move your feet about too much, just swing your knees and your hips will follow on.”
Just copying what Kelly was doing I soon began to find a bit of rhythm and I found that I was actually enjoying myself. I was a lot more relaxed and free-spirited than I normally was at dances, and it showed. We were approached a few times by boys on the prowl but I was not in the least bit interested and Kelly seemed happy enough having a quick dance and then saying goodbye.
Later on, that changed, Kelly’s eyes lit up when we were joined by Rob and Carl, a couple of local lads who were full of charming chat-up lines, very happy to have a dance and buy us a drink. Kelly seemed quite taken by Rob, and Carl was pleasant enough for me to go along with it and let Kelly have a bit of fun and we danced and drank with them for the rest of the night. As we left to get a taxi back to the hotel Rob grabbed Kelly in a hug and they started a quite serious snogging session, which led Carl to pull me towards him and start kissing me quite passionately, feeling my bottom and my boobs. I didn’t know how to respond, I was not interested in it going any further, but didn’t want to cause an upset and make a scene. Carl made the decision for me when he put his hand under my skirt and started moving it up my thigh towards my groin, I just pulled away before he got too far, slapped his face and walked off, closely followed by Kelly.
“What happened Jayne, you seemed to be getting on well with him?”
“His hand was getting too close to discovering the truth about me Kelly, it wasn’t what I was after, I was just having a fun night out with you, I wasn’t looking to be an easy pick-up.”
“Welcome to the world of womanhood, a lot of lads think that buying you a drink or two entitles them to have a good grope at you and expect you to open your legs for them at the drop of a hat. Letting you into a secret, well it’s not that secret, a lot of us girls probably think the same too, but there is a time and a place for everything and in a back alley after a couple of drinks doesn’t fill me with enthusiasm, I prefer things to go a lot slower. Let’s get get back and talk about it in our room.”
When we arrived back I had calmed down a lot, and just sat in silence for a while cleaning of my makeup, brushing my hair out and getting changed. For some reason, probably because I was beginning to realise what being a girl was all about, I decided to wear the nightie that Kelly had bought me, a spaghetti-strapped mid-calf satin affair that was just enough to cover the strapless bra holding my boobs in place. Along with an extra layer of panties to help keep my tucking in place it gave me a very feminine appearance, no obvious traces of Jay remained, Jayne was beginning to take over my life.
“Sorry about earlier Kelly, I hope I didn’t ruin your night.”
“Don’t worry about it, Rob was getting very hands-on too and I wasn’t looking for a quick fling. I’m a bit of a romantic and whilst I am no little innocent, I don’t want to get pregnant from a one-night stand. You still look a bit shaken, let’s push the beds together and just lie and cuddle for a while, like sisters, it’ll help you sleep.”
Spooned together with my arm around Kelly’s waist I soon dropped off into a deep sleep and woke in the morning totally relaxed, with strands of her hair over my face and her body facing mine,
“Good morning sleepyhead are you feeling better this morning. “
“ Sorry again for how last night ended, we were having a really good time right up to that, it just came as a bit of a shock to me and I panicked.”
”Just forget about it write it down to experience, you will read the signs earlier next time. Come on, get up and dressed and a bit of light makeup, we’ll get in the car and have a drive around seeing the area, it is supposed to be beautiful around here. Just put on a skirt and top for breakfast in the restaurant, we can change into jeans later to go out a bit more casual. Before we go we had better put the beds back in place in case room service come in to tidy up.”
“Good morning girls, how are you today, have you anything planned?” asked Rosie as we joined them for breakfast.
“Just planning on a quiet day, we had a night on the town yesterday and will just take it easy to recover and freshen up. We are thinking about just having a drive around visiting some of the pretty local Cotswold villages that they are supposed to have around here.”
“We were thinking of the same, do you want to go together or is it not cool to be seen out with the oldies?”
“ You might have a few years over us, but you still have a twinkle in your eyes and are enjoying life, it should be fun, we’d love to join you, won’t we Kelly?”
We had a really enjoyable day out with our ‘golden girls’, Pat and Rosie had more energy than Kelly and me, and wore us out as we traipsed around the little stone-building villages, in and out of the shops and tea-rooms, where we cast a critical, experienced, eye over the cakes and pastries on offer. We had thought of them as the mothers of our group, especially for Kelly and me, but they were more like big sisters really, happy to tell us where to go and what to see. The two highlights of the day were the picture-postcard village of Bourton-on-the-Water, and the excavated remains of the Roman-era villa at Chedworth. With the elaborate mosaic-tiled floors with the the hypocaust underfloor heating it must have been the height of style, glamour and luxury at the time.
After another delicious meal at the Manor and a few drinks with our new best friends, we said our goodnights and went off to bed. Room service had been in so the were glad that we had put the beds back in place, but decided that we preferred to be together again and after a tiring day we soon dropped off to sleep in another gentle cuddle, to wake up fresh and ready to go again in the morning.
When we were having breakfast Helen came over to us with a worried look. “Have you girls got anything planned for today?”
“Not really, have you any suggestions?”
“ We have a problem that you might be able to help us with. A couple of the commis chefs working with Stephanie have called in sick, probably just hungover after a Saturday night on the town, but anyway we will be two people short. Hugo and Steph have been impressed with what you have done this week and wondered if you would like to have a go in a real working kitchen. Obviously you can say no, but you are here to learn and nothing beats jumping in at the deep end.”
Kelly and I looked at each other and smiled. “Why not, we have nothing better to do? Will it be a full day?”
“You will have to speak to Steph, but the pâtisserie station is not like the others where they have to respond to guests orders as they come in, most of it is pre-prepared beforehand and it’s only the dressings, creams, custards and such like that have to be tailored to specific tastes.”
“Ok we’ll go up and get changed, tell Steph that we will be with her in a few minutes.”
“Thanks for standing in to help me out girls, normally we wouldn’t let someone of your little experience loose on anything served to guests, but you have done quite well this week. I’ve already done the bread orders as we needed them for breakfast, Lunch desserts are not too demanding so I’d like you to get started on the pastries and cakes for high tea. Kelly you deal with the cake mixes and Jayne can look after the pastry to start with, then you can work with me to add all the other ingredients into the mixes.”
It was a lot more pressurised and busy in the working kitchen than when we were being trained, but we got on with the job without too many problems, Steph didn’t shout and rant at us as much as the other station chefs were doing with their staff, and the hours just flew past.
Early afternoon Helen came in to have a word with Steph and then came over to me. “You have a visitor in the coffee lounge wanting to see you. I have sat them down with a pot of tea and some of the pastries and cakes. Go up the back staff stairs to your room, quickly get changed, you are not allowed in the public areas in your kitchen whites, and then get yourself down there.”
“Who is it?”
“It’s to be a surprise, a nice surprise, the sooner you get ready and get down there, the sooner you will find out.” she grinned.
Fifteen minutes later, in a clean skirt and top and with my hair and makeup freshened I went into the coffee lounge and nearly ran out again when I saw my Mum sitting there, but she had already noticed me and waved me over, so there was no choice really.
“Hi M..m..Mum I’m surprised to see you, I didn’t know you were c..c..coming.”
“Obviously not Jayne. you didn’t mention when you called me how you have changed your appearance and your name. Come and give me a hug and let me have a good look at you.Then you can tell me all about what has happened to you this week and why you have suddenly turned into my daughter.”
Just then Helen came over with a coffee for me and a fresh pot of tea for Mum.
“You have a delightful daughter Mrs Newman. ever so pleasant, a hard worker, and so attractive with it too, you have done a super job bringing her up.”
“Thank you Helen dear, and thank you for the delicious pastries and cakes, my compliments to the chef.”
“ You can tell her yourself, Jayne made them, or at least was part of the team, her and her friend Kelly really helped us out today. I’ll leave you in peace now to catch up.”
I gave her the full story, about my problem with the taxi, being mistaken for a girl by Helen, Kelly helping me and letting me borrow some of her clothes, how it all just took off after that, even about getting groped by a boy. “I have been living, dressing and socialising as a girl for the week that I have been here and as far as anyone here is concerned I am Jayne. I’m used to it now and don’t even think about what I am wearing.”
“ And how do you really feel about all this, I never realised that you had leanings this way. you are lucky that the boy backed off when you slapped him, I shudder to think about what would have happened if he had found out your secret, you really need to be more careful if you are having another night out. You might now realise why girls and women are always a bit nervous walking home at night alone and why I always worried about Sarah and Chloe when they were out late.”
“I think that I have learned my lesson about boys and their intentions from the opposite point of view. Becoming Jayne is is just something that grew out of control, other than playtime with the girls I’ve never thought about wearing skirts, and such like.”
“Or growing breasts either presumably !’ she snapped, staring at my chest
“ They are a necessary part of being Jayne, you must see that. Anyway, we are where we are Mum, unless you want to make a scene I’ll be staying as Jayne until I get home. When I came into the lounge and saw you, I thought about running out again before you recognised me.”
“Oh, there was no mistaking you, you are so like Chloe, you could almost be twins. And this girl walking towards us must be the famous Kelly. Come over and sit down girl, I want to have words with you.”
“ Helen told me that you wanted to see me too Mrs Newman. I’m sorry for what has happened this week and can only apologise.”
“You astound me,“ Mum said pointing and staring at me, and turned scowling to Kelly, “and you amaze me, I cannot believe what you have done.” After a short pause she continued, the scowl turning into a smile.”But you have done a fantastic job, Jayne has turned out so well she looks and sounds so feminine and in a way I am sure that we should be thanking you, it could easily have turned out so badly.”
“ Are you saying Mum that you are not angry and disgusted to see me like this.”
“ At first I was a bit surprised and taken aback, but I knew what I was going to see before I got here, which is why I had come to visit you. I looked on the hotel website to see what kind of place you were at, checked out the details of the training courses and there was a photo you two grinning like Cheshire Cats. At first I was shocked and worried that someone would recognise you, but really what are the chances of that? It only struck me because I knew where you where and what you were doing and I just had to come and see for myself. You are even more believable than I was expecting, and just as attractive as Chloe, although she probably won’t thank me for saying so. What are you planning to do when you get back home?”
“I have really enjoyed what I have been doing here and feel that I can maybe make a career out of it. With what I learned at University about finance and administration I think that we could maybe freshen up the business model and grow our operations.”
“Freshen up the business model, grow our operations ! You are talking like Alan Sugar and Richard Branson ! The last year or so I have been worried that neither of my daughters has been interested in following in my footsteps and taking over the business, but it looks like my youngest may be the one to do it. And do you think that you will be doing all this as Jay, or as Jayne?”
“I haven’t really thought about that, but I must admit that as the week has gone on that I am becoming more and more comfortable as Jayne. How do you think the girls in the shop will react if I suddenly turn up with boobs, wearing makeup and a skirt?”
“ Don’t worry about them, they already know. I told them about the course you are on, Jennie looked it up, and found your photo and told the others. They had a bit of a giggle about it, but don’t really care, at work they just treat you as another one of the girls anyway.”
“ Sorry to break into the family discussions, but Mr Möser asked if Mrs Newman will be staying for dinner with him and the girls and if she needs a bed for the night.” interrupted Helen
“Please go and tell Mr Möser that I’ll be delighted to experience the fine dining here, but that I will need to get back home tonight, I have an early start in the morning.’
“ Helen, please ask Mr Möser if Pat and Rosie can join us too, I’d like Mum to meet them.” I added.
We had a delicious meal and an enjoyable time, Hugo was in his element surrounded by all us women, he was charming and amusing and paid a lot of attention to each of us in turn, but he seemed particularly attracted towards Mum.
Mum also seemed to get on very well with Pat and Rosie and after the meal in the coffee lounge was chatting away quite happily with them while Kelly and I were being regaled by Hugo with stories about all the kitchens he had worked in and all the various famous people he had cooked for.
It was soon time for Mum to set off for home and after giving me a big hug and kiss, with a “See you on Saturday Jayne.” she was escorted out to her car by Hugo.
“Your Mum seems lovely Jayne, I thought that she would go mad and really have a go at you, and call you all sorts of names and be disappointed in how you have changed, and at me for helping and even nudging you along a bit, but she didn’t seem too bothered. In fact I think she quite liked the idea of having you as another daughter.”
“ She better not get her hopes up then, I’m seriously considering running the business to let her have a bit of time to herself, but I ‘m not sure about literally stepping into her shoes, along with a dress bra and panties.”
“ Oh, I don’t know, I’ve really got used to you as Jayne it will be a shame if you go back to being Jay. What is so special about being a boy anyway? You could have just as happy and successful a life as a woman and it really suits you.”
“Don’t get too worked up and excited about it Kelly, it has only been a week since all this started, there is still a lot to think about.”
To be continued.
Monday Tuesday and Wednesday were very much more of the same, even more different types and tastes. We were all working a lot more efficiently and our pastries and cakes, instead of ending up in the staff quarters, were now making their way into the restaurant for the guests.
After being accepted as Jayne by Mum that was one worry less for me and I got got on with things. The clothes that I was wearing and how I looked were not an issue anymore and I just settled into the routine of putting on my makeup and my clothes as if it was just normal for me.
“Hi girls, what are you doing tonight? It’s my night off, do you fancy going out for a drink?” Helen asked us as we went for breakfast on Wednesday.
“We’ve nothing planned, so why not, it’ll be a change to be with someone about the same age as us. Nothing too wild though, we are working in the main kitchen with Steph for our last couple of days and have an early start in the morning.”
“Ok, sounds good to me too, we’ll just go somewhere local, not too fancy, after all the exotic food here, I quite like something plain and simple for a change
Hugo had given us all the option of continuing in the training kitchen or seeing what life was really like working in a commercial restaurant. Jan and Meg had decided that they needed to get used to the pace and pressures again before going back to their own restaurants. Kelly and I, full of youthful bravado and enthusiasm had decided to give it a go too. The others decided to stay in the training kitchen improving on what they had already been taught.
Working with Stephanie in the main kitchen was a different experience. Whilst she didn’t shout and order us about like the other station chefs did to their staff, she did push us a lot harder than before. As the juniors in the pâtisserie station, we did a lot of the fetching, carrying, and making up the basic doughs and pastries, but we were allowed to do some of the more interesting tasks, filling tartlets, layering and dressing cakes, making up petit-fours. After having previously been taught the traditional skills and methods, she also taught us the shortcuts and techniques that made a commercial kitchen faster and more efficient without reducing the quality of what we produced.
After work there was plenty time for a shower, and to spend time doing our hair and makeup and getting ourselves ready before going to meet Helen, but only after a few selfies that Kelly insisted upon.To save any chance of meeting Rob and Carl again, Helen took us out to a country hotel and pub up on the hills overlooking the racecourse and the Severn Vale, During our meal most of the chat was about the Manor and the people in it, but we did get to know a lot more about each other.
Sitting out on the terrace afterwards, having glasses of wine, watching the sun go down over the distant Welsh hills, the girls started to discuss a lot more personal details, ex-boyfriends, medical histories particularly period problems and other feminine hygiene issues, even some lurid details of sexual encounters. I was amazed at how open and frank they were with each other without any sense of embarrassment. Out in a group with the lads there was no chance of getting so personal with each other, all we ever talked about was sport, cars, beer, and careers, with occasional quick references to nights out with girls, but none of the type of things that Helen and Kelly were sharing.
“What about you Jayne, you have kept fairly quiet for a while, listening to us jabbering on, a good looking girl like you must have lived a bit too.” If the truth was known, as Jay I had led a fairly humdrum life, so fell back on telling a few of the stories that i had overheard Sarah and Chloe telling each other.
“ Oh, you know in my years at school I went out with a few of the boys, a lot of teenage angst and worry, a bit of kissing and fumbled petting, but nothing too heavy. I was actually a bit awkward and slow-growing and not too confident.”
“Most of us were a bit like that, what about later as you matured a bit?”
“University was a bit more fun, as much about social life as education, but it was mainly out and about in groups rather than any serious relationships, most of us had decided to leave anything serious until after we graduated. When I came back home, I found that a lot of my friends from my schooldays had moved away or had already paired up, and with all the early morning starts at the shop late nights out on the town have been few and far between.”
“ You have led too sheltered a life young lady, you need to spread your wings a bit more.” Helen replied bringing a deep blush to my cheeks.
Luckily, Kelly came to my rescue, sensing my embarrassment and changed the subject.
“ OMG, have you seen that old slapper over there, she’s dressed for half her age, and I wear more when I come out of the shower, some people amaze me, they have no taste at all.” That led to a general discussion about clothes and what we all liked to wear. Again drawing on my sisters’ lives i was a lot more comfortable with this conversation, and quite enjoyed the rest of the night.
Back in our room later, as we were getting changed and cleaned up Kelly was very quiet and deep in thought.
“Helen was a bit direct, but I think she was right, are you still a virgin?”
“The time has never been right, but the last few nights when we have been sharing a bed, I have been thinking a lot about it.”
“In that case let’s do something to sort you out. Take off any of your girls clothes, turn yourself back into Jay, and hurry up about it before I change my mind.”
Lying cuddled in bed in the morning both of us had self-satisfied grins on our faces and I started to stroke her gently.
“For a first time, you did a pretty good job, and the second and third times were even better, now you know what you have been missing out on all these years. But you can stop that now, don’t get any ideas, unfortunately Jay has to go away and let Jayne come back, we have to get ready to go down to the kitchen.”
‘On the way we bumped into Helen. “ You two look like cats that have got the cream, you obviously enjoyed yourselves last night.”
“A really good night Helen, we’ll have to do it again.” Kelly replied giving me a knowing wink.
On Friday, our last day, Hugo presented us all with a certificate to show that we had successfully completed the course, and a copy of a book he had written including a lot of his favourite recipes and the stories behind their origins, and invited us all to a farewell dinner. Unfortunately, Jan and Meg were in a rush to get back to the bright lights of London, and Sue and Laura had long drives home so that just left us two and our golden girls, Pat and Rosie, to get together with Hugo, Stephanie, and Helen.
“Right Jayne, this may be our last girls’ night out together, let’s do it properly and have a bit of glamour and style. i’ll do you hair for you and you can help me with mine, full night-out makeup and wear that sexy blue dress you have with the matching stilettos. They are all definitely going to remember us.”
“Suitably all glammed up we made our way to the restaurant to find the others, and Helen, waiting for us.
“ Sorry to keep you all waiting.” I apologised as we walked in.
“The wait is well worth it, come in and join the other lovely ladies.” Hugo was as charming as ever as he welcomed us both with a kiss on both cheeks. All the girls had made a big effort, it was the first time we had seen Steph in anything other than her kitchen ‘Whites’, Helen was as attractive and well-dressed as ever, even Pat and Sue had done their hair and gone a bit heavier than normal with their makeup, and Hugo was very dapper in his formal dinner jacket and bow-tie.
After an absolutely delicious meal and some quality wine we were sitting talking in the lounge for a while until it was time for Hugo and Steph to leave as they had early starts in the kitchen the next day.
“ I’ve enjoyed your company tonight and working with you four, the others were taking life too seriously, but you all were enthusiastic about what you were doing and were attentive and quick to learn. Rosie and Pat, I doubt that you are interested in a career in catering as you are enjoying your life too much as it is. You young girls have shown a passion for cooking, and above all else, even talent and imagination, a good chef needs to be passionate about their art. If you do not take up pâtisserie as a career, the catering industry will be a lot worse off. If ever you want to come to work with Stephanie and me, or need a reference for somewhere else, just please get in touch with me or Stephanie.”
“ You two seem to have an admirer.” teased Rosie after the others had left. “Do you think that you will be taking this up as a career?”
“You’ve met my mum, and she told you about her shop. I think that my first step will be to stay there, try to expand the range of items on sale, and hopefully grow the business, but it depends on Mum, she may be happy as she is and not want to change things.”
“ Oh, I think you will find that she will be quite open to any suggestions you have, she told us that she was really impressed with what you had prepared when she had tea here the other day, and was looking forward to seeing what you could make in her kitchen.”
“Thank you so much to both of you, you have looked after us for the last two weeks, we really must keep in touch.”
“Well, your Mum has promised to visit us in Chester, so I’m sure that we will. Look after yourselves girls.” Pat said as we hugged and made our goodbyes. I would miss them, they were enjoying their lives, happy and carefree, doing whatever took their fancy.
Back in our room we talked about what we had done and where we expected to go, as we cleaned up ready for bed.
“ This could be our last night together for a while, put Jayne away and let Jay come out to play again.” Kelly teased, and I was only too happy to oblige.
We woke up early to get our packing done and get on our way, and I showered and started to do my hair and make up.
“ What are you doing Jay, after today, you don’t have to pretend to be Jayne anymore.?”
“We still have to check out, and that has to be as Jayne. Besides, with one thing and another I never got round to going to the launderette with my clothes, so I will stay as Jayne until I get home.”
“ In that case I will give you a lift back, it is not far out of my way, and the company will make the drive pass a lot quicker.”
Helen was on reception, so we handed in our keys and gave her good-bye hugs.” You have to come back and visit soon for another night out, I’ve enjoyed you being here, I’m sure that Hugo won’t mind if I find you a spare room.”
It was pleasant drive back, most of it on country roads rather than speeding up the motorway and we were soon home.
“Thanks so much for everything you have done for me Kelly. Let’s have a few days to settle in again and sort things out, then I will call you to arrange to meet up, that is if you want to.”
“Don’t be daft, of course I want to. Will I be seeing you as Jay or Jayne, I don’t mind either way?”
“That’s one of the things that I need to sort out.”
Back in the house, I unpacked my case and put everything away, It was strange seeing all my new girls’ clothes hanging in the wardrobe or sitting in the drawers alongside Jay’s stuff, but I didn’t feel like throwing anything away.
After putting all my laundry in to wash, and putting a casserole into the slow-cooker, I got ready to go into the shop. The girls had all seen my photo and no doubt Mum had told them about visiting me at the Manor, so I thought that they should at least get the chance to see me as Jayne. I changed into a clean skirt and blouse, raided Chloe’s wardrobe for a smart jacket, freshened up my makeup and was as ready as I would ever be to face them.
I stood outside the shop for a few minutes thinking about how I was going to greet them all, and
decided to see how long it would take for someone to recognise me. There were no customers in the shop, so Carol and Jean were chatting while keeping an eye on me as I browsed the counters.
“Can we help, is there anything in particular that you are looking for?” Jean asked after a few minutes.”
“Yes, i’m admiring all these lovely-looking cakes and pastries, trying to choose. Are they all made in the shop or do you buy them in.”
“Everything you see, except the meats for the sandwich fillings, are made here, by the owner, Kathy, and Jennie.”
“Is it possible to have a word with her please?” I continued, still unrecognised by them.
A few minutes later Mum came out, her eyes lit up, and she rushed over to give me a hug.
“Girls, I would like you to meet Jayne, it looks like she will be working with us now.”
There was a loud shriek from Carol and a sharp intake of breath by Jean, time seemed to stand still for a while, before they both rushed over to greet me.
“Wow, just look at you, your mum told us that you were convincing as a girl, but we weren’t expecting this, you look amazing.”
“I would never have guessed it was you, you could have been standing there all afternoon chatting to us and I still would have been none the wiser.”
“ Will we be seeing more of Jayne?”
“ Wait and see, I just thought that you should at least have the chance to see me like this.”
“ Right, that’s enough girls, let’s back to work, it looks like we have customers coming in. Are you coming through to the kitchen Jayne?”
“What can I do to help Mum?”
“Just about everything is already done, Jenny and I are just finishing decorating a couple of birthday cakes and that’s it. I would be nice if you could make up some of your delicious cakes that you made at the manor as samples for the girls to show what we can now offer.”
“I’ll just go down to the shops and get a few ingredients that you don’t normally stock and then I will see what I can do.”
Back in the kitchen I went through the same conversations with Jenny as I had with the others, put on an apron, clipped my hair back, and got started. By the time that Mum and Jenny had iced and decorated their cakes, I had already made up and baked my favourite, the Rehruecken, a Nusstorte, and batches of Punschkrapfen and Gugelhupf .
( https://www.aluxurytravelblog.com/2017/03/21/9-of-the-best-a... )
I packed 5 boxes for us all to take home and laid a sample plate to try in the shop after we closed the doors. We got the kitchen all cleaned up I went behind the counter to serve them and gave the girls a sampling session before they left.
“OMG, they are gorgeous, are we going to start selling them.” Carol said between mouthfuls of cake, “they’ll just walk of the shelves.”,
“You better ask the boss, but I am happy to give it a go. Take the boxes home, see what your families like and we’’ll try their favourites on Monday.”
“Can I just say,” said Jenny as she was leaving, “ I for one don’t care whether you want to work as Jayne or Jay, or how you are dressed, if you bake like that I am happy to work with you.” which was echoed by the others.
“What do you think?” Mum asked over dinner,” Is Jayne with us for a while or is Jay back for good.”
“The girls seemed happy enough, so I might just stay as Jayne for a while and see how it goes, if you are sure that you don’t mind.”
“ To be honest I am more concerned about what you are going to do in the shop. When your sisters were here It was good to have a boy about the place, but now they have left I do miss some of the girl-talk I used to have with them, and it will be nice to have you around as Jayne. You do what you want.”
“ If Jayne is here for a while, i need to get a few more clothes and things, I really only bought enough for a couple of weeks, do you fancy going shopping tomorrow?”
“We could do, but I have a better idea. Chloe’s stuff has just sat in the wardrobe and dresser since she left a couple of years ago, why not have a look through its see what you like and what fits, I’m sure that there will be plenty there for you because she was forever coming home with new outfits.”
“Ok we’ll have a go at that tomorrow, let’s open another bottle of wine and I’ll tell you all about what i got up to at the the manor , and what I would like to try in the shop.”
Sunday was spent swapping Chloe’s clothes into my wardrobe and chest of drawers and boxing up most of my stuff that I wouldn’t need for a while, Mum really enjoyed the fashion show as I tried on various outfits to see what suited me, I ended up with enough clothes to last me for months, even found unopened packs of panties and bras which would come in useful, and various pieces of jewellery to finish things off. Giving up on Jayne was going to be difficult, I was getting too comfortable living as a girl, it had only been two weeks but already was taking over my life.
Monday morning, once the girls got over the surprise of seeing me turn up as Jayne, it soon settled into the routine of a normal day. All of the cakes and pastries I had made on Saturday were the favourite of somebody, and I was given the option of preparing whatever took my fancy.
I thought that the fancy sweet pastries would be better sellers after lunch, so I started making a selection of savoury items for lunch, leaving the cakes and sweet pasties until after they were all done . Mum and Jenny usually prepared all our traditional fare, pasties, sausage rolls, cheese turnovers, chicken pies, so I concentrated on different more unusual continental pastries, Krapfen, Krautstrudel, Bladl, Zwiebelkuchen from Germany and Austria, Empanadas and Cocarrois from Spain, and Polpettone and Mpanate from Italy. most of these as well as being different are vegetarian and with a bit of trial and error could even be vegan, so opening up a new market for us. To encourage people to try something new I made up sample plates so people could ‘try before you buy’.
When I had finished all my baking, I left early, as it had been a tiring day, went home had a shower, cleaned off all my makeup and changed into leggings and a cotton top to relax for a while before starting to prepare dinner for when Mum got back.
“How did my goodies sell today Mum?”
“A bit slow to start with but they picked up and everything was sold. in particular, your veggie stuff was well liked, and we even have some orders for a lot more tomorrow, some people were disappointed that there was nothing left.”
“What did the girls think or did they not get a chance to give them a try?”
“There was nothing left on the counters, but Jean and Carol did try the samples, you may even have coaxed them into trying more veggie stuff.”
“How do you think it went today with three of us working in the kitchen?”
“ It got a bit chaotic at times, getting in each others way and not enough space to lay things out easily.”
“I agree, I’ve been thinking it may be easier if I work from home and ferry the goods in to you. I think we should give it a try tomorrow and see how it goes, but if things keeping selling as well as today, we might have to look for another shop to sell my stuff and leave you to do what you always have done.”
“Funny you should mention that. Jack, the butcher next door is retiring soon and is looking to pass on his lease. If you are still interested by the end of the week, we’ll have a chat with him and see what deal we can get.”
As the week went on it became obvious that we couldn’t cope as we were, the shop was getting far too busy, working in the kitchen at home was contravening Health and Safety and Public Health guidelines, and sales of my pastries were soaring, meaning that I was working longer and longer hours to keep up with demand and was shattered at the end of the day.
We decided to take over Jack’s shop, reorganise and redecorate it and open it as a separate continental bakery. For tax and legal reasons Mum didn’t want to take on the lease in her name, and legally Jayne did not exist and had no bank account or financial records to cope with credit checks, so we were at a bit of a loss as to how to go forward.
I needed a bit of a break so I decided to call up Kelly to arrange a night out.
“ Hi Kelly, it’s Jayne.”
“ I was wondering if you were ever going to call, and whether it would be as Jay or Jayne.”
“ It’s still Jayne for the moment, in fact it is beginning to just feel normal. Let’s get together for a drink and I’ll tell you what I have been up to.”
“Ok, see you later.”
After wearing drab casual clothes for work and for lounging around in the house, I enjoyed getting ready to meet Kelly again. I was getting better at styling my hair using tongs and a wand and was now getting a lot more adept at it, and soon had it looking ready for a night out. At work because of the hot atmosphere in the kitchen my makeup was minimal, so I spent a lot of time creating the full evening look that Kelly had taught me before getting dressed up in my best bra and pantie set, my blue sheath dress and heels and a white bolero jacket that I had borrowed from Chloe’s wardrobe. I spent a few minutes examining myself in a mirror and was really pleased with myself at how feminine and attractive I looked. I was just about to leave when Mum arrived home.
“Oh, you are looking gorgeous tonight, as I keep saying, you remind me so much of Chloe, where are you off to?
“I’m meeting up with Kelly, it will be lovely to see her again.”
“Enjoy you night out and take care, and don’t forget that you are much more vulnerable as Jayne than you ever were as Jay.” she warned me as I left.
“Wow Jayne, you have really taken to being a girl haven’t you? You are looking gorgeous, you put me to shade.”
“I could never do that, and I learnt from the best. Anyway, enough of mutual compliments, what have you been up to lately?”
‘Not a lot to be honest, as you know I am on a casual zero-hours contract, and they haven’t called me in this week which means no wages, I really need to find something else more permanent.”
“Brilliant, how do you fancy coming to work with me?” I told her all about how the pastries sales had taken off and that I was seriously overworked and that she would be a godsend if she joined up with me. “Obviously we can go into this as partners, unless you are happy to be an hourly-paid employee. I want to see the business grow and take off and it would be fantastic if you benefited from that as well as me.”
“I can’t put any money into this, I live day-to-day.”
“We’ll sort something out, share-options or something like that, it won’t be a problem.”
“Brilliant, you’re on, give me a hug partner.”
“I know that it is not too far to travel, but if you want, you can move in with Mum and me, we have spare rooms, you can give up your flat and save a lot of money, and we can also spend a lot more time together.”
After that business was forgotten and we were just like any other couple of friends on a night out, generally gossiping and learning more about each other and our families.
The next day, Sunday, Kelly moved some of her stuff in, leaving a lot in her flat which she was keeping on until she saw how it was working out between us, personally and in the kitchen.
It was now a lot easier with the two of us working together. We both had a go at everything, but I concentrated more on the pastries and Kelly on the cakes, and with one of us keeping things going while the other ferried stuff over to the shop the whole thing flowed a lot more smoothly.
On Saturday, Mum was home early and went straight upstairs. A while later she came down , all dressed up for a night out. She didn’t normally bother too much but she had made a special effort with her hair and makeup and was wearing her best dress.
“You’re looking very attractive tonight, i haven’t seen you all glammed up for ages, are you going anywhere special?”
“When I ask where you are going out to you never answer me, so I will do the same, let’s just say that I am meeting up with a friend for dinner and a drink. I might be bringing my friend back, so get the place tidy and smarten yourselves up a bit.” Mum smiled as you closed the front door behind her.
Wondering what she was up to, we did as we were told, gave the house a tidy up and dusting, and changed out of our casual leisure-wear outfits into skirts and blouses and freshened up our makeup, ready for her return.
We heard voices and the door opening, she was obviously with someone, but were totally surprised at who came in with her.
“ Hello girls, it is good to see you both again.” Hugo said as he came over and gave us both a hug. We need to have a talk.”
When we had recovered from the surprise of seeing Hugo walk in with Mum, we all sat down with a drink , Kelly and I wondering what this was all about.
Hugo was staring at me, obviously carefully considering what he was about to say.
“I can’t believe that you led us on and had us all fooled like that, particularly as you have never done anything like that before. Helen, Stephanie, and the rest of the staff, all just saw you and accepted you as Jayne, it will be awkward and embarrassing explaining your true situation to them. Having said that you do make a delightful, attractive, and pleasant young woman and it was easy for us to be taken in. I was half expecting when I came here tonight to see some trace of Jay still in you, but it is obvious that you are continuing as Jayne and, if I may say so, doing it extremely well.”
I was uncertain whether I had been complimented or reprimanded, but Hugo had a smile on his face and did not look annoyed at me.
“I came up here tonight to get together again with your Mum for a sociable friends night out, we got on so well when she visited you at Burg von Gebäck , but talk soon turned to what you are doing here, what you hope to do, and the problems you have with taking on the lease of another shop. I must admit Jayne I was shocked when Kathy told me why you couldn’t take on the lease yourself, and I see your problem.”
“Sorry about treating you all like that, it just sort of happened by accident and got out of control and seemed to be easier just to go with it. In my time at the Burg I fitted in so well with the other women that it was best to blend in with them all, and with Kelly’s help I felt comfortable as Jayne.”
“If you are going to stay as a girl, and I suggest that will not be a bad thing as you really look the part, you really need to get your legal situation sorted out, you can’t go signing leases and contracts using a false name, which is where I can help with your problem. If you are happy to do so, I will officially take the lease of the other shop, you can rent it from me, at commercial rates I must add, your mother can tell you what the going rates are, and you can set yourself up in business. I want you to understand that I am not doing this just to play the wealthy benefactor, I see a lot of talent in you and expect you to make a big success of your new business. With what you have learned from me and the legalities, business techniques, and financial background that you picked up at university you have all the correct grounding to make a success of this. I want you to prove to me that I have made the right decision.”
“We’ve already inspected the shop and are happy that it can give us everything we need, the only thing holding us back is how to arrange the lease, so that would be wonderful. I’ve already got a detailed business plan that I have been preparing for the bank to see if I can get a loan and it all looks promising Please go ahead and sort it all out, the sooner the better as far as we are concerned.”
“Ok, the other thing is that we are refurbishing the small kitchen at the Burg that we only use for functions, weddings, conferences and suchlike and a lot of the fixtures fittings and equipment are being thrown out. Come and have a look to see if anything is of use for you, you will be doing us a favour taking it off our hands. Now you two go off to your beds, your Mum and I have a lot to talk about before I head back down to Cheltenham.”
The next few weeks were hectic, mornings Kelly and I were up early, did all our baking for the day, and dropped everything off in the shop, before going next door for the afternoon and evening to clear the place of what we didn’t need to keep, and gave it a good clean and redecoration in preparation for the electricians, plumbers and shop fitters to come in to fix all the facilities we needed to get it up and running.
We hired a big van and went down to Cheltenham to see what equipment we could usefully use. I was a bit embarrassed with what I had done and hoped to avoid Helen, Steph, and as many of the staff as possible as I was certain that the truth about me would now be widely known . However I was warmly welcomed, especially by Helen, who greeted me with a big hug “No wonder you were a bit quiet when we were discussing our periods and sex life in the pub that time, you have a lot of catching up to do girl. It all makes no difference to me, you are welcome to come down here to stay anytime and we’ll all go out again.”
We picked out what we needed and it left only minor bits and pieces for us to buy, it saved us an awful lot of money in start-up costs. The kitchen and shop were soon fitted out with all the equipment from the Burg, and we were really proud of what we had done and were looking forward to starting up.
At Hugo’s suggestion rather than name the shop after us, we had named our shop ‘Konditerei’ which is what pastry shops are usually called in Germany and Austria, it was short and catchy and had a bit of an exotic ring to it, and soon everything was set up for us to open up for business.
We had a dummy run to ensure that everything was working and that we were familiar with where everything was. While we were doing that we were inspected by the local trading standards people to make sure that we were complying with all the hygiene and safety requirements, and we were ready to open for business.
As a marketing exercise, I had asked Hugo , as a personality chef who occasionally appeared on TV cookery programmes, to come and officially cut the ribbon at the opening, and had invited the local press and TV station with a promise of a short interview with him.
We had done a lot of food preparation the day before, but still needed to get in early to make sure that we were well stocked up and that the shop was organised and ready for the doors to open. We had taken on two counter assistants. Alison and Sarah, and continuing the Austrian/German theme we all changed into traditional dress, the Wachauer Tracht, a version of the usual Dirndl. a very feminine outfit of cotton blouse , matching patterned tight-fitting bodice, full skirt, and apron. It was not practical for Kelly and I to regularly work in the kitchen wearing the outfit, but Alison and Sarah loved the idea of wearing it every day. The other girls plaited their hair in traditional styles but mine was not really long enough, which was disappointing as I didn’t quite blend in with the others.
It was amazing how many people had turned up, partly because of the appearance of Hugo, but also because in the short time we had been selling the pastries and cakes in Mum’s shop, our reputation had spread.
Hugo in his opening speech.did us proud. “Many of you will know me, or my reputation as a master-chef specialising in continental pastries, but I am sure that in a few years time that Jayne and Kelly will be ranked alongside me. You are lucky to have these young girls opening this shop in your city, they are among the best students I have ever had on my courses, and that includes many experienced professional chefs. Please give them the support that their talent deserves.”
The sample trays we had left for the crowd were soon gone, the shop counters were quickly empty not long after, and it was a bit of a comedown when the last customers finally left. Not only did we completely sell out, but so did Mum’s shop when people spilled over into it.
After a ‘meet and greet’ and autograph signing session, Hugo bid everyone goodbye and went off with Mum for dinner at his hotel, leaving Kelly and I to calm down from the adrenaline rush we had been on all day, and to tidy everything up ready for a start in the morning to a normal working day.
We had expected that there would be a calm after the storm, but that didn’t happen. Lichfield is a tourist town and has a reputation as a stop on the food trail in the Midlands due to the frequent food-themed festivals it holds. We became another draw bringing people into the city following the feature on the regional TV news show, and we struggled to keep up with demand.
“I’ve been thinking.” Kelly said as we were sat watching TV one night, “You are living full time as a girl now, you really should think about getting more realistic breasts. Obviously I enjoy my times in bed with you as Jay, so I don’t think you should do anything too drastic, hormones or implants, but a decent set of breast forms would really make a difference.”
“I suppose that you have already looked into this and have decided what I am going to do.”
“I have, it’s surprising what you can find with Google, but I haven’t ordered anything yet, I wanted to talk to you first.What do you think?”
“Why not, it’s not permanent and it will help me look more natural, let’s give it a try.”
A few days later, the breast forms arrived and Kelly fixed them to my chest with the special adhesive. It was a totally different feel to the enhancers I had been using, the weight and the movement affected my balance for a while, and I was glad of the support that my now necessary bras gave me.
Although not as large and varied as the established ‘German’ markets held in the big cities, like Birmingham York, and Manchester, on the weeks before Christmas, the traditional market in Lichfield was expanded and made a bit more festive by having a German theme. Although we normally did not take part in markets, we decided to take a large stall to display and sell our produce, mainly finger-food that people could eat on-the-go. To add a bit of colour to the event. Kelly, I, Alison, Sarah and some of their friends acting as extra counter assistants, all dressed in colourful dirndls. I was glad that I was now using the breast forms, the blouse and bodice were low cut showing a little bit of cleavage that I now had.
It all worked out well , everything sold out, and there were lots of promises to visit our shop to stock up for Christmas and New Year parties, things were really taking off for us.
Despite having left home and living in London and Southampton, Chloe and Sarah always tried to make it home for Christmas, and I was extremely nervous about them seeing me as Jayne for the first time, even though Mum had told them all about me. In fact their curiosity about me was the main reason why they had both cancelled other plans to come back. I made a special effort and had visited a beauty parlour for the first time, for a full makeover, hair restyled, full body wax, nails and makeup , and was dressed in my scarlet sleeveless cocktail dress, on tenterhooks waiting for them to arrive.
Chloe was the first to reach us, and when I opened the door to her, her jaw dropped and her eyes nearly popped out. She stood in silence for what seemed like an eternity, before throwing her arms around me and almost squeezing the breath from me.
“ OMG Jay, just look at you, you look gorgeous, when Mum told me that you are now living as a girl I was sceptical as to how you would look, but I needn’t have worried. You have to tell me all about what has been happening.”
‘Let’s get your stuff, get you settled in and hopefully by then Sarah will have arrived and I will only have to go through this once. Are you comfortable seeing me like this, I don’t want to embarrass you?”
“You’re joking, there is nothing there to remind me of Jay, I suppose that I had better get used to calling you Jayne now.”
When Sarah arrived, she was a little bit cooler towards me at first but, after a couple of glasses of wine while I told them about why and how I had changed, she soon loosened up and started to treat me as just her baby sister. Over the next few days everything calmed down and by the time they left to return home, they had both just accepted me as Jayne and talked to me as another girl.
Christmas morning we always exchanged small gifts, nothing too fancy and expensive, but enough to show our love for each other, and I was amazed at what they had bought for me, obviously having been primed by Mum.
“ You have always been difficult to buy for as Jay, but now you can share in the perfume and jewellery gifts that we all buy for each other, one of the perks of you now living as a girl.” Chloë grinned as she watched me unwrap her gift. Sarah went one better presenting me with a silk nightie and negligée set.
In the New Year, although still very much biologically male, I soon changed my name legally to Jayne and transferred all my bank accounts and such like. This allowed me to build up a credit rating of my own, so that by the time we needed to take the next step, I was able to deal with all the contracts and leases myself and did not have to rely on Hugo’s generosity.
We took on three pastry chefs and assistants for them, one to run Konditerei, one to run our new shop, Konditerei ll, in Kelly’s home town of Stafford, and one to work with Kelly and me operating a commercial kitchen and company headquarters in an out-of-town industrial unit which allowed us to drastically increase our production. This worked out so well and within a year, as well as our own shops we started to sell through franchises in local shopping villages and farm shops, which were just retail outlets, to keep uptake quality level of our produce all the baking was carried out by us and our staff.
“What do you think Kelly, you get out into the shops more often than I do, are our chefs coping?”
“ In general, yes, they are competent and are turning out decent stuff, but there is not the flair or passion that you and I started out with.”
“ I’ll have a word with Hugo, as he and Mum are now regularly seeing each other, to see if he can do an intensive course for our chefs to bring them up to standard, we are selling premium products at premium prices and need to keep up the quality levels. I’m thinking of opening more shops, I’ve done a lot of sales and income projections and think that it we go one step at a time, this can really grow for us.”
“ Let’s not blow this up too quickly Jayne, we don’t want the bubble to burst.”
“Mum has kept in touch with Pat and Rosie and has had a couple of trips away with them, I was thinking that we could open up in their home city of Chester, maybe not just a shop, but a tea room and cafeteria too. Chester in a tourist destination and there are lots of restaurants and cafeterias, but nothing in our specialist market as far as I am aware. the surrounding areas in Cheshire are home to many exclusive residential areas, like The Wirral, Alderney Edge and Wilmslow, very much ‘footballers’ wives’ country, people who are not afraid to splash out on superior products and go in to Chester for the more exclusive shops. I doubt that Pat and Rosie would want to work full-time in the shop, but we could use them to help run it for us, keep an eye on the staff and the quality of the product, however much they want to get involved. What do you think?”
“That sounds good to me, let’s go up and see if they are interested.”
We went to Chester to meet up with them and after a few pleasantries and a catch-up on what we had been doing recently, we started to explain our proposal.
“The shops we have are all local and to be honest we think that the area is now adequately covered, but we see opportunities to grow in other parts of the country, Chester is not that far away from us and we think it would be a good place to start. If we set it all up would you be interested in keeping an eye on everything for us?”
“We’re always up for a challenge and something new, we are really keen to be involved, not just to keep an eye on things for you, but to help set it up, and do the baking ourselves for a while until the new staff are fully trained up and working to your standards.” Rosie spoke for them both with Pat nodding her agreement.
“ Of course, if you are going to put in so much effort, we have to treat you fairly. Kelly and I will obviously be funding all this and taking the risk, but we are offering each of you 15% stakes in the Chester shop and any profits it makes, does that sound fair?”
Konditerei lll was soon in business. Pat and Rosie, enjoyed working in the kitchen for a while, but once everything was running smoothly they took a back seat and let the shop manager and pâtissière run things day-to-day while they got back to enjoying their hobbies again.
Things settled into a routine and within another year we had shops or franchises in 15 towns and cities across the country, including Lincoln and Oxford with our friends from the course. Laura and Sue were happy to get the benefit of our reputation, marketing and business experience to assist their catering skills and got the same deal that we had offered Pat and Rosie.
Whilst things were definitely progressing on the business front, personal matters were not so good. Although we were both happy as business partners, I was becoming much more feminine and womanly, and had even started taking hormones to help me develop in a more feminine manner, and Kelly started to look for a bit of male company. Eventually she settled down and moved in with Richard, a wonderful lad actually, extremely handsome with an amazing job as CEO and chief developer with a games software company. I was glad for her as I realised the direction my path was leading and knew that in the long term I would not be able to fulfil her needs. This meant that I threw myself into developing the business more and more and I became much more active in trade associations and business groups in the city.
Despite the amount of time I was devoting to these networking groups I was still surprised to receive a letter requesting my attendance at the annual awards ceremony at the local Chamber of Commerce, as I was up for consideration for an award. We booked a table for Kelly, Richard, Mum, Hugo, myself, Roger our Company Secretary, Jenny from Mum’s shop who was now working for Konditerei as Quality Control manager ,and Steve, our Chief Pâtissier and product developer, as I thought that they had all played their part in the success of the company.
“Right Mum, I know that you do not often get the chance to really go to town on yourself, so I have booked you, Kelly, Jenny, and myself in for a full makeover at the beauty parlour, hair, waxing, nails, makeup, and before that we are all going shopping to get decent formal dresses and accessories. We are making a lot of money now and need to have the image to go with it.”
“For years I have toiled away in the deli, making enough to keep us going and to raise you and your sisters but you have really made a success of this, I am so proud of you. My only disappointment is that your personal life has not been as happy. You seemed to be getting on so well with Kelly, and even though you are now to all intents and purposes a woman, I was hoping that she was going to be your lifetime partner.”
“Me too Mum, but I am not going to deny her a normal happy family life, she deserves it.”
The evening of the awards ceremony , all glammed up, we, and our escorts, Hugo, Richard, Roger and Steve, all extremely smart in their tuxedos and with bow ties and cummerbunds colour matched to our dresses, arrived and settled down at our table for our meal.
There were various awards presented, for charitable works, benefits to the community, technical innovation and such like with only one award left to be announced.
“Ladies and gentlemen, our final category is for ‘Local Entrepreneur of the Year’. As you are all aware, our city is now the headquarters of a growing national chain of specialist food shops, and there was no choice for the judging panel other than to select the founders and owners of Konditerei Patisserie, Jayne Newman and Kelly Masters, as joint recipients of this award.”
Whilst we had been advised that we were being considered for an award we had no idea that we had been selected as winners, and were in a bit of a daze as we made our way past the other tables to the dais for the presentation, with congratulations from the other guests ringing in our ears and camera flashes dazzling our eyes.
The rest of the evening was a big celebration for us all and as we left for home everyone paired off into couples, Mum and Hugo, Kelly and Richard, Jenny and Steve who seemed to be enjoying each others company, and Roger and I. Partly due to the euphoria of our success but mainly due to the effects of the celebration champagne, as we said our goodbyes he pulled me towards him, hugged me tight and kissed me on the lips. We were soon in a quite passionate clinch, not a friendly peck on the cheek, but a full-blooded sexually-loaded kiss. I quickly came to my senses, remembered who I was and pulled away.
“Thank you so much for that Roger, but both of us know that it was the drink talking. We are business colleagues, not romantic partners, and have to work together. Let’s see how we feel in the morning when our heads have cleared.”
I lay in bed that night tossing and turning, thinking about what we had done and whether it was a big mistake before falling into a fitful sleep. I may have been living as a woman for almost two years but I still held on to my sexuality and considered that a relationship with a woman was still what I was looking for. In the morning at work we both apologised, decided to let it all be forgotten and went back to our purely professional relationship. I really liked Roger as a friend and colleague but no more than that. I really needed to sort out what I wanted to do with my life.
To be continued.
“ Sit down Jayne, we need to have a chat about a couple of things.” Mum said to me a few days after the award ceremony.
“ Firstly, I am thinking about retiring from running the Deli. You have built up quite an empire with Konditorei Pâtisserie, Would you be happy to take on the shop as well, but keep it as it is, separate from your pâtisserie shops, keep on the staff and the product ranges, I would be sorry to see it go and the girls lose their jobs?”
‘That’s not a problem, I will take it on in my name as the personal owner, rather than include it in the Konditorei Group, that way there will be no pressure to conform to the Konditorei working style.”
“ Good, that’s one less worry for me.”
“Of course, you deserve a break after all these years, you’ve worked hard to keep the family after Dad left you, but it will be a big change for you. Have you any plans on what you will do with your time?”
“ Well for a start, since Chloe and Sarah moved away, I never really get the chance to visit them and spend some time with them and their husbands. I feel that I have been neglecting them a bit.”
“ That sounds good, I could even join you to let them get to know the new me a lot more. Now that Konditerei has grown so much, all my time is spent on corporate administration, I am not needed to do any of the baking or day-to-day running of the company, I have a lot of very competent staff to do all that, so I should be able to be away for a few days at a time without causing too much trouble, Kelly can manage things while I am away. We might even be able to fit in a holiday somewhere together.”
“That leads me to the next thing. Hugo is thinking the same, and is intending to leave the running and management of Burg von Gebäck to Stephanie as Head Chef, and Helen as General Manager. We intend to go travelling together, starting with visiting Vienna for him to show me where he grew up, then the rest of Austria and Germany, maybe going over to Italy too, depending on how it works out. With no ties and responsibilities, we’ll just take life as it comes”
“Depending on how it works out? Could there possibly be more to it than a holiday, is romance in the air?”
“ It’s been a long time for both of us to be on our own, but we are not in the first flush of youthful romance, and are taking it slowly, however you never know here life will lead you, you should know that better than most people.”
“I’m delighted for you, I have always liked Hugo, and he has fully accepted me as Jayne, I would quite fancy him as my stepfather. Get yourself sorted out, leave all the worries about the deli to me, go off and enjoy yourselves.”
“By the way, have you seen the local paper? There is a big feature on you winning your award, with the story of how Konditorei all started when you won that TV competition and there are some lovely photos of us all.”
“They interviewed me a few days ago, but did not send me a preview of their article, I’ll have to have a good look at it to make sure that they kept to what I told them and haven’t dug too deeply into my past.”
There definitely seemed to be romance in the air at the time, Kelly took me out for lunch as she said there was something important that she had to tell me. We made a lot of small talk while we were enjoying our meal and settled down with brandies before she opened up to me with a huge smile.
“Richard proposed to me and I have of course accepted. We will be getting married in 3 months time, I am so happy and so looking forward to it.”
“I’m delighted for you, I have been expecting it. I am ever so pleased for you and wish you every happiness.” I hugged her closely to hide the look of disappointment on my face, it was the final nail in the coffin of any chance that I had of a lifetime relationship with her. We would always remain close friends, but things would never be the same again.
“ Of course, Jayne, I want you to be my Maid of Honour. I know that it is a bit of an unusual situation for you, but as far as the world is concerned you are an attractive pleasant successful young woman, and I will be proud to have you with me supporting me on the big day.”
I was overcome with emotion and tears started to run down my face, partly tears of joy at Kelly’s happiness, but partly as it really sunk in that there was now no future for us together.
“ Thank you so much Kelly, I really appreciate you asking, are you sure that you want me there with you though, what if anyone finds out who I really am and makes a big fuss about it, I don’t want to cause you any embarrassment and spoil your big day?”
“Don’t be silly, Jayne is who you really are, Jay has gone, the sooner you accept that the happier you will be. I will be proud to have you follow me down the aisle.”
The next few months were hectic as I helped Kelly prepare for her wedding, going with her to choose her dress and accessories, organising the venue and catering, and generally helping her as much as she needed.
Kelly was right, through all the preparations I was totally accepted as Jayne by her family, the other bridesmaids and by Richard’s best man Kevin, who would be partnering me during the ceremony and reception. When I was growing up. Chloe and Sarah had often played at and talked about weddings and had later got really excited at the marriages of family and friends, but all that had totally passed me by as Jay. But this time, being in the female circle, it was totally different, I got just as worked up about the whole business, the dresses, flowers, the hen party, as any of the other women. My only regret and disappointment was that in a way I had expected Kelly to be my partner in life as well as in business, but it was not to be.
Previous weddings I had been to as Jay had been no problem for me, no preparations, just get into a pressed suit, polish my shoes and brush my hair and teeth and I was set to go. As Jayne there was a lot more to do to get prepared to present myself at my best on the big day. Kelly had me on a strict diet and insisted that I always wore a body-shaping corset to lose a few inches from my waist and a few pounds, just as she was doing so that she could fit into the ‘one-size- smaller-than-normal wedding dress, and the thing that worried me the most, full laser removal of the very light beard that still tried to break through. Face masks and special moisturisers became routine to get the skin into perfect condition, I had to let my nails grow out a lot longer than normal, in general how I looked and presented myself became a high priority for me.
The weekend before the wedding, I joined her and her friends for the hen party, all of us dressed to the nines in tight short dresses and killer heels, glam makeup, wearing sashes with “ Kelly’s girls’ night out” , starting off respectably in a restaurant but then going on a pub crawl all flirting outrageously with lads and men in the bars. The girls all had a great uninhibited time, but I was a little more reserved. It was my job to make sure that Kelly did not get into any trouble or go too far in her celebrations, but I also needed to keep control of my own emotions, I was afraid to let myself go in case it sent the wrong message to one of the lads. I had never been out on a pre-wedding stag night with the lads as Jay, but I imagined that it would have been a big beer-swilling session, nothing like the exuberant fun out-for-a-good-time session with Kelly and her friends.
The wedding itself was amazing. Kelly had arranged for myself and her other bridesmaids to visit the local beauty parlour for the full treatment, professional makeover, nails, and matching up-do with ringlets hair styles, while she had her own private session in her hotel room.
Back at the hotel wedding venue, I stepped into my bridesmaid’s dress, a peach full-length, tight-waisted and bodiced style, added the new necklace and earring set that Kelly had given me as her gift and went to her room to help her into her dress and add the finishing touches. She looked absolutely gorgeous, a fairy-tale princess and whilst I was delighted for her, I was still full of regret that I had lost her.
I pulled myself together and was proud to walk behind her down the aisle, accept her wedding bouquet, and to be escorted out from the church by Kevin, the best man, after the ceremony. I wondered whether I would ever go through the same thing myself as Jayne, or even as Jay.
Kevin was very attentive during the reception and when Kelly and Richard took to the floor for their ‘ first dance’, after letting them be in the limelight for a while we joined them. At the end of the dance he hugged me close and gave me a passionate kiss. which took me by surprise. I may have been dressed and appearing as a pretty young woman all in her finery, but I was not looking for any kind of relationship with a man. I was worried that he might try to take things further, so kept my distance for the rest of the day until we left as friends after it was all over, with just a quick hug and goodbye kiss.
After the wedding, I threw myself into the business. We had a bit of a pause in expanding into more outlets after Kelly got back from her honeymoon, while Kelly and I took stock of where we were at and what we wanted to achieve. However we were soon back at full speed again and within a year had doubled the number of outlets, most of them franchises and most of them tea shops as well as patisseries. Everything, other than my personal life was running smoothly and successfully.
“Hello, is that Jayne Newman?”
“Who’s calling and what can I do for you?”
“I’m Carol Watson, I’m the producer of “Sunday in the Kitchen” the show you won the competition on to go on the catering course. Your local TV station passed us the details of your story and how successful you have been since then. We would like you to come on the show as our guest chef, chat with Graham, the host, and make up a few tasty treats for us. Are you interested?”
“I’m flattered, of course I would be glad to do it, it will be good publicity for Konditorei.”
“We record live on Sunday morning, would you like us to book you a hotel to save too early a travel start for you? Of course Graham would like to have dinner with you on Saturday night to get to know you, so you can chat on the show like old friends.”
The show went really well, Graham flirted outrageously with me and was delighted with the demonstration and presentation I gave. I soon became a regular on the show, appearing every two or three months, becoming really casual and natural in front of the cameras. I always managed to give credit to Hugo and what he had taught me and how he had encouraged me to start up Konditorei, and it really helped to bring people into the shops, particularly if it was publicised that I would be making an appearance.
This led to appearances on other TV cookery shows, competitions and morning chat shows and I was becoming a bit of a celebrity myself and there was soon talk of offering me my own show. In my personal life I was becoming a bit happier and settled again, to a large extent I had overcome my disappointment that Kelly had got married to someone else. Although she was now married, Kelly remained a very good friend and we often got together out of work-time for meals and nights out.
After a hectic day, discussing our growth plans with the bank, which we did not really complete as Kelly seemed a bit distracted, I was relaxing with a glass of wine when there was a frantic banging on the front door. I opened it to find Kelly in hysterics, blood rolling down her face from cuts on her cheekbones and eyes, bruising already forming, and tears rolling down streaking the blood.
“ What on earth has happened to you, have you had an accident?”
“ It’s no accident, Richard has got a violent streak and he attacked me. I don’t know what to do, i just had to get away from him, I hope you don’t mind me coming to you with my troubles.”
“ Don’t be daft, pf course I don’t mind. I never saw that in him, I know that you have been a bit withdrawn and not your normal bubbly self lately, but i didn’t realise that is why you were a bit dispirited. I find it hard to believe what Richard has done to you, what on earth happened?”
“Nobody truly knows what goes on in a marriage, he was all sweetness and light until we got home after the honeymoon. Then he became very controlling, questioning and criticising everything I was doing, wanting to know where I was going and who with, and has been particularly nasty when I have been going out with you. You know me too well, I’m not a shrinking violet, and wasn’t prepared to take it from him and let him undermine what spirit and confidence I still have left. The last couple of times we’ve argued he has grabbed me, badly bruising my arms, and has punched me and pushed me to the floor shouting and swearing. He is turning into a violent thug.”
“ Why have you not told me before, I could have helped you before it got this bad?”
“ It’s not something you tell anybody, you just have to bite your lip and make the best of what you have. Tonight he just went too far, it started as a silly argument about how much time I was spending at work, and how I was not looking after him and the house properly, and it just grew from there. He really lost it and ended up punching me in the face a few times and throwing me against the kitchen cupboards really hurting my back. I was worried that he was going to go even further, so I hit him over the head with a rolling pin, he fell to the floor, and I rushed over here.”
“Oh, I am so sorry for you, I thought that you were the perfect couple.” I gave her a comforting hug, “Let’s get you cleaned up and have a look to make sure that there is nothing serious. It looks ok to me, you will have a few bruises and will be a bit sore for a while, but I don’t think that there is any serious damage. Do you want to go to the hospital for a check-up to make sure?”
“No, even after what he has done, I can’t do that unless something serious happens to me, they would have to involve the police and the whole thing will just snowball from there.”
Before we did anything I took a few photos to record the state she was in, cleaned off all the blood, applied ice packs to her face and back, and calmed her down. we were sitting chatting about how things had gone downhill since her wedding, and I was taken aback with some of the stories she told me when my phone buzzed.
“ Hi Jayne, is Kelly with you?” Richard calmly asked.
“No, I’ve not seen her since work today. Why do you ask?” I replied, thinking quickly and holding back my anger at him, thinking that it would be best if Kelly was given a bit of time to herself.”
“It’s just that she has not returned home this evening and I’m a bit concerned.”
“OK, sorry I can’t help, I’ll let you know if I hear anything.”
“Thanks anyway, bye.” there was not a trace of anger or anything unusual in his voice, he sounded just his normal pleasant self.
“Did you get the gist of that Kelly. Richard was trying to find you and is concerned that you had not gone home.”
“He is a liar, he is very good at covering up all the arguments we have had. After one of our violent rows we were having dinner out with some friends and he was laughing and joking, not a care in the world as if nothing had happened.”
“Just stay here tonight, sleep on it, and see how you feel in the morning.”
The next morning she rang him, from the office, with me listening on an extension, recording the call.
“Richard It’s me, have you calmed down?”
“Look, things got a bit out of hand last night, come home and we’ll talk about it.”
“A bit out of hand ! You could have broken my back throwing me against the bench like that, and it’s not the first time.”
“If you want another argument, I’lm quite happy to continue on from last night. It was all your fault anyway, throwing back at me about how that pervert partner of yours aways treated you so well, you and that bitch deserve each other.”
“You leave Jayne out of this, this is between you and me.”
That cross-dressing pervert is the cause of all this, you are as bad as she, he, it, or whatever, is.”
“Richard, that is it, I want a divorce, i am not coming back to you, I have had enough, I cannot live any longer with the violent nasty person you have become.”
“Really, how do you think it will go down if I tell everybody the truth about that freak, is that what you want?”
I couldn’t take any more of that, “ Do what you want, I don’t care.” I butted in. “If it means that Kelly doesn’t have to suffer you any more it will be worth it. How do you think it will go down with your friends and associates if I tell them all about how you have treated her, and how she prefers being with a pervert like me rather than a violent monster like you. I may look like a weak woman, but I am twice the man that you are and am more than capable of dealing with anything that comes out about me, I’m not ashamed of who I am.”
“ Rot in hell, the pair of you, I don’t care, I want nothing more to do with either of you” at which point he slammed the phone down.
“ Did you really mean that, you don’t care if the truth about you comes out, you will really be prepared to do that for me?” Kelly asked me with imploring eyes.
“Of course, I have loved you almost from the day we met, but I soon realised that if I chose to live as a woman that sooner or later you would look for someone else. If he causes trouble and tells the world about me, so what? We have made enough money from Konditorei to live comfortably and can go somewhere where nobody knows or cares. As long as we are together I can take anything.”
“ Can I move back in with you, and I don’t mean just until all this blows over. I have had enough of manly men for the present, and I don’t care how you dress and present yourself, you will always be my best friend and more Jayne.”
Within 6 months Kelly’s divorce came through, no mention was made of the violence towards her nor any mention of me, it was all by mutual agreement of marriage breakdown. Kelly and I resumed our personal relationship, and although, because of the hormones I was taking, I now had a much more womanly appearance, I did not go through the final transition, it suited both of us for me to have the last vestiges of my male life remain.
On one of my frequent appearances on the early morning TV chat shows, just before we went on air, the director pulled me aside.
“It’s all over the social media this morning that you are not a natural woman and are in fact transgender. Obviously it’s up to you, but sooner or later one of the scandal sheets is going to have a go at you and what they cannot find out or prove they will make up. You will have seen how well the viewing public responded to one of our presenters coming out as gay a few months ago, because he was open about it the media did not get a chance to really dig up any skeletons. Are you prepared to discuss it this morning or do you want to hope that it will all go away?”
“You are right, it will be less damaging if I am up front about it. Get the presenters to just introduce it and lead onto it gently, I’ll talk about it for a while, but then go back to what I came here to do, talk about pâtisserie and Konditorei. First though can I go back to the dressing room and change from these trousers and top that were suitable for the bakery demonstration, into a feminine dress, I want to emphasise the fact that I’’m as much a woman as any other. I’m sure your wardrobe department can find me something suitable.”
“Good morning everyone, “ the presenter smoothly and comfortably introduced me, “in a few minutes pâtissière and business woman Jayne Newman will demonstrate more of her delicious recipes and chat about her growing business empire Konditerei Pâtisserie, but first she has agreed to talk to us about the breaking news today hat she is transgender and was brought up as a boy.”
“Yes, the rumours are true, until a few years ago i was happy living as Jay, but by accident I started appearing as Jayne and living and working as a woman and became a vey successful one too. As it happened, I don’t think that it would have made a lot of difference to the business if I had stayed as Jay, although I don’t think that my TV career would have grown as much. TV likes a young, attractive if I am allowed to say that about myself, successful woman, particularly for daytime shows which are primarily aimed at stay-at-home women.”
“You have done well to manage to stay under the radar for so long, has it been difficult avoiding anyone discovering your background.”
“ I have never been particularly withdrawn or secretive, I have been on TV shows and at business launches since the start. I am not a flag-waver for transgender rights, I have just been getting on with my life like any other woman, although I have been pushing for the glass ceiling, holding back women from senior business roles, to be broken. There is no reason why women, including transgender women, cannot perform at least as well as men, as has been proven by many other women as well as myself. People are people and have talents and abilities no matter what gender they are or choose to be.”
“ Thank you for being so open and honest Jayne, I’m sure that we will talk about this again, we’ll now switch to the more important reason for you being here today, what are you planning to cook for us this morning?”
It turned out that it was not Richard who had broken the story, as we first thought, but someone that I was at University with, who had fallen on hard times and saw selling the story as a way to get him out of his problem. As it turned out, if anything my exposure actually strengthened the business, most of our major suppliers and corporate customers were more than happy to still deal with me, giving them another box to tick in their equality policy statements.
We were soon being chased to sell out by the big national food companies, and eventually accepted an offer which as well as making us extremely wealthy, also guaranteed that all our outlets and staff would be kept on, and that the quality of the pâtisserie would be kept up. I was still to be the figurehead of the Konditorei chain and continued with occasional TV appearances.
Mum’s original shop, ‘Newman’s Delicatessen’, was not part of the deal. Jennie had been running the business since Mum went off on her travels with Hugo, and I thought that she deserved to be rewarded for all the hard work she had put in. I transferred the business, lock stock and barrel, over to her as a gift to continue to run as she saw fit.
Hugo and Mum decided to stay in Austria and he transferred ownership of Burg von Gebäck over to Kelly and I as he wanted us to make sure that his high standards did not start to slip. Although all the day to day management and operation was carried out by Stephanie and Helen as junior partners, when we could we kept our hands in, preparing the pâtisserie in the kitchen, more as a pleasant enjoyable hobby rather than a job. We happily settled into an apartment at the Burg, it was where it had all started for us and was a delightful place to live.
Mum and Hugo eventually decided to get married, and retired to a delightful lodge next to the Donau-Auen National Park on the banks of the Danube near Vienna. It was only a small wedding gathering in the grounds of their estate, myself, my sisters and their families, and a few close relations of Hugo. They had both been through the ceremonies with extended families and friends at their first weddings and wanted this to be more personal and intimate.
We loved the area where they were living and the history and culinary delights of nearby Vienna and we visited them often and enjoyed the relaxed lifestyle that we were now able to enjoy with them without all the worries and problems of running the business day-to-day.
A year later, Kelly made me the proudest person on earth when she gave birth to our daughter Charlotte Kathleen and our lives were complete. Mum, Hugo, and my sisters with their families all gathered together for the christening in the church next to the Burg and at the end of the day, after everyone else had left, Kelly and I were sitting having a glass of wine with Mum.
“Jayne, do you remember when you told me about winning the competition that you said ‘I think the change will do me good’?” Mum asked with a big satisfied smile. “Little did we realise how much of a change it would be for you and how much good it would do for us all. Entering that competition was one of the best things you have ever done., you definitely won the jackpot”
The end.