Stand By Your Woman Part 12

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It takes Charlotte thirty minutes to travel from the yacht she came on to her friend Mike’s place. She pulls up to the address she had on him and parks her motorcycle. As she removes her helmet, she looks towards the house. It was a nice single-story house with a small front yard.
She leaves the helmet sitting on her motorcycle.

She hopes Mike is home as she walks up to the front door. Charlotte rings the doorbell and waits. She rings it again and hopes she hasn’t wasted a trip out to see him.

“He’s not home.” Shelly was coming back from the store when she spotted a black motorcycle parked in front of Mike’s house.

A cute young woman was standing in front of Mike’s front door. She knew Mike had a lot of friends that drop by sometimes.

“Do you know when he might be back?” Charlotte turns around to see who just spoke.

“Not until late. He works as an armored car driver for Bronco Armor Car company.”

“Thanks. Do you happen to have his phone number, so I can call him later?”

“Yes, but why don’t you give me your number and I’ll make sure he gets it.” Shelly would make sure Mike calls this woman.

“Okay.” Charlotte pulls out a business card she had made.

She walks over to the young lady and hands it to her.

“Here you go.” Charlotte hands the card to Shelly.

Shelly accepts the business card. She glances at it and notices it had an out of state phone number on it. She also saw the name on the card as well.

“I’ll make sure he calls you.” Shelly pockets the business card.

“Thanks.” Charlotte mounts her motorcycle and puts her helmet on.

Shelly watches as Charlotte rides off. She wonders how Mike and Charlotte knew each other. She walks up to the door and heads inside the house.

Echoes of the Past, Chinatown, Los Angeles, CA.:
Casey and Leslie come walking out of the store. Leslie did some shopping while she was inside after her conversation. She was so happy with everything she bought.

“I can’t wait until we get home. These items are going to spruce up our place.” Leslie was so happy with her purchases.

“What do you think about what you learned about yourself and the necklace?” Casey spotted Akeno parked nearby.

“I’m confused by the news. The reason I say that, that is I don’t know a lot about my family background.”

Akeno spots Leslie and Casey walking towards her location. She saw that Leslie's arms were full of packages. She wonders what they learned. She gets out of the SUV and opens the cargo area for Leslie.

“You look like you had some fun.” A teasing smile appears on Akeno’s face.

“I can’t take her anywhere without buying something.” Casey had a teasing look on her face as she looks at her wife.

“Hey, he had a lot of nice things in his shop.” Leslie puts her packages in the cargo area.

“So, where do you want to go next?” Akeno looks at Leslie and Casey.

“The Magician’s guild. I need to check on something.” Leslie wanted to look up something.

“No problem.”

Once everyone was inside the SUV, Akeno drives towards the Magician guild. Leslie hasn’t been to the LA guild before, but she knew a lot of
famous stage magicians were members of it.

“You guys will have to wait in the SUV or you can visit David Copperfield museum down the street from the place.” Leslie was surprised that
the master of illusions could open a museum near the guild.

“If you like high fashion and such, there’s a nice clothing store nearby as well.” Akeno knew the area well.

“I’ll wait for you, sweetie.” Casey didn’t mind waiting for Leslie.

Akeno parks across the street from a store that sold magical supplies and gear. She never understood why they were using the storefront for the guild entrance.

“Alright, I’ll make this as quick as possible.” Leslie gets out and heads towards the store entrance.

As she walks inside the building, she spots the storekeeper “Hi, I’m here to look at an extremely old book.”

Nairi looks at the young lady standing in front of him. He notices she has an English accent in her speech. He spots the necklace around her neck and resting in between her breasts.

“Which book would that be, ma’am?”

“It’s an Arabic book written by Xaviera. I need to do some research on an item mentioned in it.” Leslie watches the store clerk.

“If you’ll follow me, ma’am. I’ll show you to our library.” Nairi turns and leads Leslie deeper into the store.

He steps on a hidden tile and a secret door opens. He steps aside “enter please and keep going straight.”

Leslie looks at the darkness ahead of her. She glances to the storekeeper and back at the dark hallway before her. She steps into the hallway and the door behind her closes, surrounding her in darkness.

She walks straight ahead like she was instructed to do. This was the first time she has ever been in a hallway like this. The length of the hallway seems to be extremely long. She doesn’t know how long she has been walking, but she finally stops, due to the door in front of her.

She reaches forward to locate the door handle and manages to find it. She pulls it and twists the handle. The door opens and bright light temporarily blinds her. She hears voices as she walks through the opening.

As she enters the room, she spots a red haired woman and two teenage girls standing in the room and talking. The woman was dressed in a nice tailored dress and wearing expensive heels. She had bright red hair that came down to her shoulders.

One of the teenage girls had blue emo hair coloring and her hair was cut in a pixie style. She was wearing black dress slacks and a nice blouse, with low cut heels. As for the other teenage girl, she had black and white stripe hair and was wearing a tight bodysuit that showed her figure off. She looked exhausted as she leaned against the red hair woman.

“Mom, I think I might have failed my test.” Bunny was tired of all the tests she had been given by Master Jay.

Sasha just wraps her arms around her newest daughter and holds her. She places a kiss on her forehead “you didn’t fail, sweetie. Master Jay
said you passed his tests with grace. He does think you should work on your presentation some.”

Leslie looks at the black and white hair girl as she was being held by her mother. She wonders who she was and who her mother was as well.

“You’re lucky you had Master Jay, sis. I was tested by my idol’s Penn And Teller. Talk about pressure. I didn’t want to fail in front of my idols.”
Robyn had been surprised when she was tested by her idol’s.

“You mean mom, isn’t your idol?” Bunny looks over at her older sister.

A smile appears on Robyn’s face “mom is good, but everything I learned came from the academy Penn and Teller do on YouTube. I enjoy their style of trickery and deception.”

“It’s alright sweetie, my idol was my mother. I wanted to be like her.” Sasha wanted to be exactly like her mother when she was adopted by her.

“Excuse me, but can one of you tell me who I need to talk too, about looking at a book?” Leslie didn’t want to interrupt the three women.

Sasha turns to look at the new woman. She has never seen her before, and she noticed the woman had a British accent.

“Let me get Al-Shafiʽi for you. He can get whichevery book you need.” Sasha looks at her girls and gives them the stay here and behave look.

She walks off to go and find Al-Shafiʽi for the new woman. She figures he might be in his office tracking down a lost scroll. She spots him, through the window. Sasha stops and knocks on the window.

“You have a British woman looking for a book.”

“Okay, I’ll be up there in a minute.” Al- Shafiʽi makes his place in a tome he was looking through before Wildfire interrupted him.

Sasha heads back to her children and the woman. When she is back, she looks at the British woman “Al- Shafiʽi is on his way up here.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome and by the way, I’m Sasha Wolfhart, and these two young ladies are my daughters Robyn and her younger sister Bunny.”

Leslie looks at the two girls “it’s nice to meet you two. I’m Leslie Hollander.”

“I’m Robyn Wolfhart.” As Robyn shakes Leslie’s hand.

“I’m Bunny Wolfhart.” Bunny shakes Leslie’s hand as well. She could have changed her name but didn’t want to.

“So, are both of you, stage magicians?”

“I am, but my sister isn’t right now.” Robyn knew Bunny still had to work up a routine.

“What type of tricks do you do?” Leslie looks at Robyn and Bunny.

“I do card tricks and knife tricks.” Robyn makes a card appear and then disappear.

“I’m training to be an escape artist, like my mother.” Bunny has been practicing since she recovered.

Leslie looks towards Sasha “you’re an escape artist?”

“Among other things, I do illusions and tricks as well.” Sasha was tempted to show Leslie her fire tricks.

“Do you perform just here in Los Angeles?” Leslie was curious and would love to see one of her acts.

“I travel around performing my tricks. My daughter Robyn performs here in LA mostly.”

Just as Leslie was going to say something, Al-Shafiʽi comes walking up to her. She notices he was an older man and of middle eastern origins.

“What can I do for you, ma’am?”

"I'll talk with you later, Leslie." Sasha motions for her girls to follow her.

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I think I will re-read this story.

WillowD's picture

I don't remember this story well enough to know what's going on. There are just so many good Lady Dragon stories that I loose track of some of them. So if I remember I will re-read the stories these 4 ladies from the end of the chapter are in.

No showing a magician's card?

Samantha Heart's picture

If its s guild you should have to show something in order to enter.
Ahhh Leslie meets Sasha Wolfheart aka wild fire. Things are really about to get intresting

Love Samantha Renée Heart.