My Obsession, Part 3 of 29


Part 3 of 29

Sunday, June 16
What a day! Mary Ann is showering and I have a few minutes by myself to write. I feel like Alice after she fell through the looking glass, things are getting curiouser and curiouser indeed!

No church this morning, I suppose God can live without me for one Sunday. Not that I mind church so much, but since Grandpa was picking us up at 10:30 this morning I had an excuse that Dad would accept to sleep in. Everything was packed and ready, all I had to do was get up and find my way to Grandpa's car.

This wasn't as easy as it sounds because I was up awful late last night. The word 'graduation' is usually followed by 'party', at least among my friends, and we had a hell of a party. Make that 'heck' since it was at our house, Dad doesn't like swearing too much.

What a relief to have school over, I hadn't realized how wound up I was until we started to relax at the party. Mom & Dad stayed mostly upstairs with the adults except for the occasional Purity Patrol. Not that they had too much to worry about, Mary Ann and I aren't stupid! We did sneak off for a few minutes to exchange gifts, the kind you didn't want to open in a room full of your friends. I had gotten her a pretty red bra and panty set for graduation. OK, I admit it was for me to see as much as for her to wear - but it's the thought that counts, right? The funny part was that she had bought me a bra and panty set, too.

Red, because she knows red is my favorite color. It was beautiful. The was curly, sexy lace all along the edge of the cups, swirls and swirls and scallops to delight the eye and the fingers. The bottom of the cups was smooth and sexy and between the cups was a little bow. I don't know why but I kind of liked it. The band was very thin, only two hooks, and there was a piece of wire under each cup, something I had never seen before.

"It's an underwire bra, silly. Helps keep your tits up so the boys start to drool!"

Oh - I just had to laugh, I must be the only guy in my class to get a bra for graduation! I wore it to bed last night, even though I didn't have much time to sleep.

So anyway, I was up and I just plain didn't want to take my bra off. Since Dad was making me wear a suit to 'show respect to my elders' I figured no one was going to be able to tell if I were wearing it. Well, maybe Mary Ann because she might get close enough to feel it, but since she gave it to me…

We were in Grandpa's car by 10:30 in the morning. We immediately fell asleep in the back seat and didn't wake up until Grandpa pulled over at a diner for lunch. By the time we finished eating we were awake enough to talk, even though Grandpa did most of the talking.

We listened to a few stories and then, out of the blue, came the question we weren't expecting. I know this is a diary, but it just sounds so flat to keep saying 'he said' and 'she said' all the time. As near as I can remember the conversation went like this:

"You two sleeping together?"


"Don't 'Grandpa!' me, young lady! The way you two hang all over each other I figure if you aren't sleeping together it's only because you haven't found the opportunity. You can have the opportunity when you're living with me if you want. So, one bedroom or two? And your sleeping habits are no one else's business as far as I'm concerned."

"We only need one bed, Grandpa."

"I thought so, child. Angel, you don't strike me as the kind of boy who would turn down someone as cute as my granddaughter."

"Urgh." I think that's what I said, anyway.

"Now son, I don't want you to get mad at me, but your father strikes me as a bit of a Bible Thumper. Not that I have any objection to what he believes, mind you, but some born again types have some funny ideas about sex and babies. Are you making sure I'm not going to become a great-grandfather before you two are ready to take care of a child?"

Where did the nice old guy with the funny stories go? There was more to Grandpa than I had realized. Anyway, back to the conversation.

"I used a rubber and Mary Ann is on the pill."

"I know she is, son, but a prudent man doesn't leave contraception to the woman. For that matter, with Aids these days a prudent man uses a rubber no matter what. Mary Ann, you picked a good'un - don't let him get away! Tomorrow you give Planned Parenthood a call so you both know for damn sure you test negative and let them make sure you don't get pregnant. I don't care what your school or your folks taught you, it doesn't hurt to hear it again and be sure you have it right."

Whew! I was glad that traffic was picking up and that particular conversation pretty much ended there. I thought I had passed the worst when Mary Ann snuggled closer and whispered in my ear.

"Angel? Are you wearing a bra?"

I think I blushed. Hell, I'm sure I did even if I couldn't see my face in a mirror. I just nodded and didn't say anything that Grandpa could hear."

"You're awful cute, you know."

I am? For wearing a bra and a suit at the same time?

"I am?" I whispered back.

I guess I put a little too much into my whisper because Mary Ann started to giggle and stuck her tongue in my ear.

"Hey! No hankie-pankie in the back seat. Wait until you get into your own bed, you two!" scolded Grandpa.

"Don't be a dirty old man, Gramps. I was just nibbling his ear. Besides, I don't even have a hankie and I haven't got a clue what a pankie is."

"What do they teach you in schools these days?" replied Grandpa. "Hankie-pankie is what we used to call foreplay."

He didn't really say that, did he?

"Jeez - we may be in the back seat, but we aren't parked on Lover's Lane. I'm not messing around with Angel while you're watching, you dirty old man."

"Child, when a woman giggles like that in the back seat of a car there is only one conclusion that can be drawn."

"Are we there yet, Grandpa?" I asked.

"Impatient little bugger, aren't you?"

You're the one that said we can share a bed."

"Hoist on my own petard."

"Say what?"

"Another old phrase. A petard is a small bomb from back in the olden days. If you screwed up with your petard you were quickly hoisted and probably came down in several pieces. Actually, the word comes from the French for fart, which gives it a whole new shade of meaning."

"Angel, never ask a librarian a question like that or you'll get more answer than you want."

At least Mary Ann was distracted from asking about me wearing a bra.

Grandpa had a nice place in an quiet part of the city, lots of trees and a nice yard. He took us up to the spare room and bowed to us.

"Your humble abode for the summer, children. Settle in and we'll see what comes next."

What came next was taking off the stupid suit and showing Mary Ann the bra she gave me. She started giggling again, but at least Grandpa wasn't there to hear her this time.

We are now officially 'living in sin'. Sounds pretty stupid, doesn't it? So here I am, catching up on the diary while Mary Ann showers. I'm nervous as hell, what will she think of me when we're in bed together? Should I tell her I love her? What will she think of that?

Mom says I snore, is she going to hate me for that? For that matter, how am I going to sleep with her next to me all night? I've been scheming for so long to get her into bed with me that I never really thought about what to do if it happened. I guess I'll know in a few minutes, the water just shut off.

Monday, June 17
Spent the day being tourists with Grandpa. I rode the subway for the first time, rode a ferry, saw the science Museum and generally played the hick in the city. Grandpa knows the city inside out, the historian in me enjoyed his tales of what happened at each famous (or not so famous) site. He even showed us the library where we would be working ("It's more fun to come by here now I'm semi-retired!"). That evening at dinner he expounded the rules of the house.

1) Keep the kitchen clean, wash up right away after the meal.
2) The cook doesn't do the dishes
3) Keep the common areas of the house clean
4) Your bedroom is your castle, keep it as messy as you want
4) No laundry service, do your own.
5) Friends are always welcome in the house, you don't have to ask
6) Women who wear sexy nightgowns should put on a robe when they leave the bedroom so no one gets embarrassed
7) If it ain't forbidden, do it!

I didn't have any problem with the rules, but I did warn Grandpa I wasn't much of a cook.

"Now I could have sworn I saw you in the kitchen on Labor day. Looked like you were cooking to me."

"And didn't I warn you not to say anything to Angel's parents?" asked Mary Ann.

"Well, so you did. Let me guess - Women cook and men don't, right?"

"I told you he wasn't getting senile, Angel."

"Hey! Leave me out of this, lover. Her mother has been teaching me, but I'm still a novice."

"Well, then Eve and I will have to continue your lessons. A man should be able to cook, clean, sew as well as mow the lawn and throw a football."

Then Mary Ann threw in the kicker. "Grandpa, Angel likes to wear nightgowns too. Does the nightgown rule apply to him?"

She had given me a nightgown last night. We made love as soon as she had come back from the shower. It was better this time, maybe because we were more relaxed and knew we wouldn't be interrupted.

I can now see why sex gets some people all worked up, it sure is a powerful experience! Afterward she had given me a pretty blue nightgown that matched hers.

I didn't know what to think, but I put it on and it was wonderful. I took it off and put on my pajamas when I had to use the bathroom, but I put it back on as soon as I returned. Mary Ann giggled at me but hugged me as soon as I was back in bed. I didn't get much sleep, but I really like having Mary Ann next to me even if she keeps me awake just by being there.

I really wasn't sure I wanted Grandpa to know. Hell, I was sure that I didn't want Grandpa to know I liked such things but my darling wasn't going to give me choice. It was the first time I had seen Grandpa at a loss for words and I could sympathize, I was speechless myself.

"Mary Ann, are you trying to get an old man's goat?"

"You're not an old man, Grandpa."

"Don't change the subject. Angel, is she pulling my leg or do you really wear nightgowns?"

I admitted I did.

"Well, you live and learn. Librarians these days get to know something about crossdressing but I never thought it would get personal. Son, would you really be comfortable with me seeing you in a nightgown?"

"I don't think so, sir." Stress makes you revert to old habits, like calling people sir.

"Don't 'sir' me, son, I'm too young for that!"

"Yes, sir!" Oops.

"Smart Alec. Why do I get the feeling my granddaughter is manipulating the both of us?"

He cut off Mary Ann's reply with a wave of his hand. "I'm just trying to picture you in a nightgown. Somehow the brush cut doesn't fit the image."

"Oh, we'll have to find him a wig, won't we, Grandpa?"

"Leave me out of this, child. You two can play dress up without my help. Let's say the robe rule applies to anyone wearing nightclothes that are thin enough to see through, regardless of sex. Gender equality shall apply throughout the household.

"Son, if you don't mind seeing an old fart grin at you once in a while this old fart will try not to make you feel uncomfortable no matter what you're wearing. Just let me clue Eve in so she doesn't get a shock. She'll be back from San Francisco tonight."

Now you would think that a girl who had just asked her grandpa if her boyfriend could wear a nightgown wouldn't be shocked by anything, but I guess knowing her Grandpa was living in sin was a lot more difficult to handle than living in sin with me.

"Child, your grandmother has been dead for quite a few years. I'm not about to give up companionship or sex, you know. You'll like Eve, child, she's good folks or she wouldn't be living with me or sharing my bed. Now, enough talk, the rules still apply and since I cooked you two get to clean up."

Tuesday, June 20
Well, we did get to meet Eve, but since it was after midnight when she got there we didn't talk too much. We stayed dressed, knowing she was coming. I, for one, missed laying in bed in my nightgown and playing with Mary Ann's leg as we read. Well, I did play with her leg (and other things) but it isn't the same through a pair of slacks. We made up for the waiting after we went to bed. Can it only be a few weeks since we discovered sex? It's getting better each time.

We got to know Eve a little better this morning. The smell of coffee and bacon awoke us and we found her in the kitchen with Grandpa. Mary Ann and I were overdressed for the occasion since we had put our clothes on, Grandpa and Eve were still in their robes. Grandpa was expertly flipping pancakes and Eve was reading the paper at the table.

Eve looks a lot more like a grandmother than Grandpa does a grandfather. She has short, curly silver hair, sparkling blue eyes, and a kindly manner. Just about what you'd expect. What you wouldn't expect is that she could trade clothes with Mary Ann and neither one would look out of place. Not your ordinary widow lady, but then Grandpa wouldn't be seeing an ordinary woman. One more thing - she's a charter member of the Liar's Club and Grandpa has his work cut out to keep up with her.

Mary Ann and I didn't say much, we just listened in awe as the two of them bantered back and forth. We volunteered to do the dishes when they left, and spent the day just relaxing and taking it easy. We needed that after the graduation weekend and our whirlwind tour of the city.

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