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Part 2 of 29
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
I couldn't stand it. I have been dreaming about Mary Ann's bra every night since Sunday. I just couldn't get the fantasy of wearing her bra out of my mind no matter how I tried. Tonight I dug through the hamper and found one of Mom's bras. It isn't anywhere near as sexy as Mary Ann's, in fact it's just plain plain! I made damn sure no one was around and took it back to my room and tried it on. Well, I tried to try it on - How do girls snap these things behind their backs? I sure couldn't do it!
I finally turned it around and snapped it on my belly and then wiggled my arms into the straps. It's too loose, Mom is bigger than me, but I like it anyway. I'm wearing it right now, while I write. If anyone found out I guess there would be hell to pay, but no one's going to find out. I'll put it back in the morning and no one will know.
I know I should be feeling guilty but I'm not. I suppose Dad would tell me I was eternally damned for doing this but it feels good! Well, he did name me Angel, didn't he? He keeps telling me Angel is a boy's name, Angelica is the girl's version. My name is supposed to be a way of praising God, but mostly it gets me in a lot of fights at school. Maybe God likes a good fight now and then, but I really have to wonder.
Actually, I have been wondering about God in general. The things Dad says and the things I learn in church just don't seem to match up with the rest of the world. Hanging out with Mary Ann's family, I've seen how they question what they hear on the news, how they demand proof of the things they are being told. I suspect that if Dad knew how they think I would be locked in my bedroom and never see Mary Ann again.
The way they think about things is starting to make sense to me. I do have questions about all the things I have been taught about God, but I've learned not to bring them up around Dad or the people in the church. You just don't question the Bible.
The thing is, I've learned that there is no such thing as the bible, there are bunches of different translations and interpretations of that book - who is going to say which is the right one?
Asking questions sure is a lot harder than just accepting what you're told.
Thursday, May 23
Well, I guess it's pretty obvious Mary Ann and I are an 'item'. Heck, we have been spending most of our time together and when we aren't together we talk on the phone enough to get Dad grumpy. Is this love? I don't know but I feel wonderful when we're together. Her family wants me to come over tomorrow night for dinner.
I'm going to meet her grandfather. Jeez - you'd think we were getting engaged or something, meeting the family! Well, anything that lets me spend time with her is OK by me, but I wish we could be alone!
Well, it's late - time for bed as soon as I swipe Mom's bra from the hamper. I really liked the feeling of waking up wearing it last night! Maybe I better take psychology when I'm in college next fall. I think I need to know more about obsessions - from an outside point of view!
Friday, May 24
I had dinner with Mary Ann's family tonight. Her grandfather is something else, a genuine Radical and not ashamed to let the world know about it. I guess I was expecting a little old man with gray hair, but he didn't show up. Her grandfather wasn't little and he sure didn't look old to me. It could have been deadly, but Mr. Wilson was a pretty cool guy. In fact, he didn't remain Mr. Wilson very long, by the end of dinner I was calling him Grandpa along with everyone else and he seemed pleased.
He is a natural storyteller, a good thing in a librarian I guess, and I almost forgot that Mary Ann was sitting next to me listening to him. Well, when I put my arm around her while we were sitting on the couch I became very aware of her body next to mine and lost the thread of what Grandpa was saying. Nobody said a thing and Mary Ann just snuggled closer. Nice, very nice!
Saturday, May 25
Hung out with Mary Ann at her place. Surprise! Like I'd be anywhere else. Nothing special, just chillin'. We went out to lunch with Grandpa and studied a little, not too long left before finals. I helped her with the laundry. Who would ever have thought I'd like doing laundry?
She stuffed a basket full of clothes into my hands and I got to carry it to the cellar. She dumped them all out on the table down there and started sorting them. When she handed me a bra and told me to put it in the this special bag I just about lost it.
I think she's figured out how much I like her bras because she insisted I take each one and put it in the bag so the straps wouldn't get tangled with the rest of the laundry. One at a time, along with her pantyhose. Her panties just went in by themselves. If she hadn't figured it out before I think my reaction would have told her all she needed to know.
I tried to make some wisecracks but she just nibbled my ear and whispered "You love it and we both know it!" She was right. I even got to hang out her bras to dry, but the best part was when the last load was done she stuffed one of her panties into my pocket and whispered "You can wear these tonight and think of me!"
Yeah, she knows.
That night, after dinner was over and I was helping Mary Ann with the dishes. (Laundry - now dishes - amazing!) Grandpa wandered in and asked Mary Ann if she was still planning to come visit him this summer. I must have been pretty easy to read when I realized she would be gone and the next thing I knew he had invited me along, too.
I accepted, but just how am I going to convince my folks to let me go off on vacation with my girlfriend? They weren't born yesterday!
His answer: conspiracy! His eyes lit up and he swore us to secrecy. We were firmly told that if he couldn't convince my parents he could keep us chaste and pure then he would resign as president of the Liars Club.
I told him that as a good Christian I would have no trouble remaining chaste and pure around Mary Ann, which got me a smile from her and an invitation to join the Liars Club from him.
So that's how Mom and Dad ended up being invited to dinner with Mary Ann's family after church tomorrow. Our church - Mary Ann's family isn't much for 'organized religion'.
This is getting too weird. I mean, here I am wearing her panties and my mom's bra writing about how to convince my folks to let me go away for the summer with her. Darn good thing Mom and Dad aren't too swift with the computer. I don't think they could get past the encryption and I'd hate to have them read this. Oh, well, time for bed.
Monday, May 27
I spent the afternoon at Mary Ann's house helping to prepare the Memorial Day dinner that my folks were going to share. I don't know how much help I really was because I'm still so new in the kitchen, but I did my best. I peeled potatoes and chopped vegetables, all without adding any of my blood to the meal. I count that a victory.
Grandpa's performance was a thing of beauty to watch, the way he set the whole thing up. I sure pity Mary Ann's dad, he probably couldn't have fooled his father about anything when he was growing up, Grandpa is one sneaky dude. The radical I had met the day before was not in attendance, instead he sent an affable old gentleman who put my parents at ease.
All through dinner Grandpa peppered the conversation with all the educational and uplifting things that were available where he lived. He expounded on the virtues of travel in broadening the mind while he finished off his second portion of roast beef and even threw in some religious references. For a radical heathen he sure knew the Bible and over dessert he told us all about the internship at the library and how it pertained to historical research. That was my cue to jump in, after all I was going to study history at college next fall.
He did it! Grandpa must have become Liar-in-Chief by unanimous acclaim. I think Mary Ann was even more scared than I was of what my folks would say. To tell the truth I had about decided there wasn't a chance! We just kept our mouths shut, like Grandpa had told us to last night, and let him talk.
By the time the second cup of coffee had become a warm memory I was invited to spend the summer with him with the blessing of both sets of parents. Unbelievable!
Wednesday, May 29
We really are studying. Sometimes it's frustrating to be so close to Mary Ann without being able to do more than give her a quick kiss, but exams start next week and we both have papers due. We don't want to blow it and not graduate. Sleeping in her panties is driving me crazy and keeping me sane at the same time, I wish she were here with me.
Saturday, June 1
Babysitting again! I think Aunt Allison is heading a conspiracy to let us have time alone together. I thought relatives were supposed to protect the innocent woman from us horny men. Perhaps that means no one thinks Mary Ann is innocent so she doesn't need protecting.
We played with the baby for a while until he went to sleep - that was fun. She smiles pretty good when I tickle her chin. There's a down side to everything, though. I was holding her when she got this intense look of concentration and suddenly she stunk like blazes.
Sensitive New Age Guy that I pretend to be (I can hear Dad choking in the background) I offered to change the baby. I won't describe the experience other than to say I think I want to adopt mine when they're toilet trained.
She settled right down and went to sleep a few minutes later. When I got back Mary Ann was lying on the couch. She smiled and asked "You feel up to changing my diaper, Angel?"
I did my best. It's a lot easier to undress a girl who wants to help than it is a crying baby. I took off her jeans and panties, then stood up and did a strip for her. I was wearing her panties and she laughed when she saw them on me. We were pretty awkward but it sure was fun. This was the first time we had seen each other naked, and she looked fine to me. She let me take off her bra and I was so excited about her I didn't even think about my obsession once.
She told me she was on the pill, but just to be sure we used a rubber, too. The church be damned, I knew we would be making love sometime soon and I knew it wasn't wrong! I love Mary Ann but there is no way we are ready to have a baby. I guess the first time is always awkward, but I felt like a real clod when I came after about two strokes. She didn't seem to mind and she showed me how to rub her just right so I know she came too. We just need to practice, that's all.
I'm pretty sure I love her, and not just because we had sex. I love her when she's not with me, just thinking of her makes me smile. We talked about the word 'Love' in English class once, it must be the most confusing word in the language. How can I be sure? Something like this has never happened to me before!
We were both pretty mellow after finally making love, there was none of the urgency we usually feel when we find time to be alone, just a wonderful glow as we held each other. When we were getting dressed she picked up her bra but, instead of putting it on, she wrapped it around me.
"You really like my bras, don't you. Want to try it on?"
Of course I did, but I was embarrassed and couldn't say anything. She wrapped it around me and tugged on the band but it just wouldn't fit, I was too big.
I told her all about my obsession with bras and panties, told her about my dream and how I had started sleeping in my mother's bras. The funny thing is I wasn't scared to tell her, I somehow knew she would listen to me and not get upset. I must be the luckiest guy on earth to have found Mary Ann because she just got curious. I tried to explain, but I really couldn't. I just don't know why I feel this way.
My parents would be horrified. I should be horrified - and praying for forgiveness. At least that's what I was taught, but I just don't feel sinful for wearing panties or having sex with Mary Ann.
"Just don't tell her I did this, OK?"
She grabbed my hand and took me to her Aunt's bedroom. Yeah, as if I was going to tell anyone except Mary Ann I wanted to wear a bra. She carefully dug through the drawers until she found what she wanted and told me to hold out my hands. I did and she before I knew it I was wearing a bra.
"You can wear it until they get back. I'll keep them busy while you put it away. I think it's awful sweet to think you like girl things even when I know you like girls, too."
She was as good as her word, I got to snuggle with her wearing her aunt's bra until they came home. I guess my conscience must have gone on strike or something, I don't feel guilty about anything we did tonight. I still think God is a part of my life, but he just can't be so petty to condemn us for showing our love or enjoying our bodies.
Or me wearing a bra.
Wednesday, June 12
A red letter day. Mary Ann's mother had me make the entire dinner tonight. Pork chops with fennel, green beans, stuffing (we cheated - it came out of a box) and home-made gravy. Ice cream for dessert - you just can't screw up ice cream.
I just wish I could tell my Mom, but that would cause too many problems if Dad found out. Mom can't keep secrets from him too well. I suppose not having secrets between a husband and wife is generally a good thing, but I have to wonder…
I really can't see just why cooking has to be a woman's job. Makes no sense to me. Then again, wanting to wear a bra doesn't make much sense, either.
Thursday, June 14
It's been a while. I just haven't had time to write with finals and all, but they're done and I'm free! I think I did very well on the tests, well all except the math, but I'll find out when the report card comes. Saturday is graduation and then Sunday we leave for Grandpa's place.
I'm gonna sleep until they drag my sorry butt out of bed for the ceremony! Oops, if mom sees the panties on my sorry butt she is gonna have a few questions, I better wake up a bit early on Saturday!
Saturday, June 15
I are graduated, I got the piece of paper. Do you have any idea how boring it is to sit and listen to a few hundred names just so you can walk across the stage and get your diploma? The only part about it I liked was getting to wear a dress for a while. Too bad I couldn't wear a bra, too! Mom cried, dad shook my hand, Mary Ann's grandfather was almost as proud as my real grandparents. I got hugged and pummeled and congratulated to death!
I'm all packed and ready; party time tonight and then off to the big city with Mary Ann and Grandpa!
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Perfect Timing
Two days ago one of my friends sent to me via email several long diatribes about the sins of lust and evil. Bless her heart, I love her to death but she got bit by the religious fever of some screwed up theological idiom. What they spout can't be wrong because they were sent by God to do His labors. News flash girlfriend, most of those preachers wouldn't know God if they were shaking hands with Him. It's not God's Word they are spreading but their own opinion of God's Message.
Back to Ricky's story and Angel's dad as a religious heathen. No that wasn't a miss association of words. I'm surprised Angel is surviving the Fire and Brimstone upbringing as well as he has so far. Interested in how Ricky is going to manage to write this tale around strictly old testament believing daddy and a new age girlfriend and her family. Talk about dipole opposites.
Hugs Ricky
Life is a gift, treasure it.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Wonderful storytelling
Ricky you have a gift.
Thank you for sharing it.
>>> Kay