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I wish I could say my motives were as selfless as Christina thought they were. In part they were because by admitting to being at fault I diverted attention from him looking at her license. I knew if there were more than a cursory glance and he saw the M that I suspected was in the box for sex the whole atmosphere might change.
Of course it would not only make him look at her differently but me too. After all she had just been hugging and kissing me at the hospital just a short while ago. Who knows what he would be thinking. I'm afraid I knew what I might be thinking and I was the one that loved her. There was still that part of me that was having a hard time getting around what my mind knew versus my heart. The mind was seeing those pics on the net, the chicks with equipment that shouldn't be there and yelling, "Christina's just like them!" My mind may say that but when we kissed MY dick said, "no way."
I just knew what the cop's mind would say if he knew and this little fender bender would turn into a gender bender. I'd rather pay a fine and for her repairs than try to repair our relationship if things went south.
I let the cop write me up a ticket for improper backing and when he gave it to me he looked over at Christina biting her lower lip, looking worried but sexy as could be and shook his head. I thought for a minute he was going to make some nasty remark about improper backing or being rear ended. Instead he asked if I knew what the hell I was doing. I still thought he'd made Christina but I was wrong.
"Listen I know this chick is hot but are you sure you can handle her? She's put you in the hospital once today and tried for a second. You don't think for a minute I believe you backed into her do you? I'm just going along because it's easier and less paperwork for me. I just hope you have good medical and that she's worth it because you will certainly need it!"
"Technically you put me in the hospital but you're right. She is a whole lot of woman."
I couldn't help it. I broke out laughing. He thought she was too much woman for me! At times I might agree but the heart knows what the heart wants and I wanted Christina.
Christina was waiting by her car for the same guy that had replaced her tires. I had saved his card and called him while the cop was writing me up. Her car was going to have to be towed.
The hiss of steam and the large puddle under her car said cracked radiator. Well, he'd have two weeks to repair it. I planned on having him check everything out and make sure it was in top running order. He told me on the phone that he had contacts with an excellent body shop and it would all be on one bill. I'd given him my platinum card number and said the keys would be waiting on the hood.
He asked why I just didn't hand them to him and I explained about the virus. He said he was prepared and not to worry. He'd have it ready when the two weeks was up.
I don't think the cop bought Tony's confession. I saw the two of them glance my way and then Tony laughed. Immediately I thought the worst, then I thought that Tony wouldn't do that to me. It's just so hard to trust people when you're like me. Despite the fact that I hadn't been read in years until I had the final surgery I knew I would worry. As if people had X-Ray vision.
My therapist said it was something most transsexuals dealt with, almost like PTSD, and that I would likely always have episodes of doubt about what the world saw but they would become fewer and farther apart as time went by.
When nothing further seemed to come of Tony's discussion with the cop I felt myself relax. I stopped biting my lip and smiled at Tony. Then my phone rang. It was Ms Lukes. I was really ready to give her a piece of my mind when I decided to bite my tongue and wait. My overreaction earlier to what her husband told me is what had gotten Tony tasered. I'd let her explain AND then give her a piece of my mind!
"I'm sorry I didn't speak to you earlier but I had to speak to Dan first since you were technically working for him. I'm sure he explained the changes I instituted to you."
"Oh yes he was quite clear about it. He couldn't wait to tell me I was no longer working for him. I'd thought I'd established a pretty good record with the firm. I understand getting myself quarantined could make things a little more difficult but I could still work from home. He didn't even mention severance pay or my unused vacation days!"
"Why would he need to do that?"
"Well you did tell him to fire me didn't you?"
"Fire you? Good heavens no. I promoted you! I decided we needed your analysis at corporate. The Investment firm is only a small part of my family holdings. We own banks, a shipping company, and several other smaller businesses all of which can benefit from your analyses."
I realized I'd been holding my breath and got light-headed. I was lucky Tony had come back to wait with me. He caught me before I hit the ground. I must have dropped the phone because suddenly Tony was holding it and talking to Ms Lukes.
"I'm sorry, the shock must have been too much for her after all that's happened today. I tell you what, let me get her back home with me and we'll teleconference from there.
Yes, I'm sure she'll be fine.
No I don't think it's the virus, just too much excitement. I'll explain it all to you later. Thanks for your concern Ms Lukes.
Okay, Tanya then. We'll talk soon."
He hung up the phone and put it in my purse. I was sitting in his lap. He was sitting on the curb holding me and I wanted to just stay there forever.
I was damn glad I hadn't spent more time talking with the cop or Christina might have hurt herself. It was obvious that something she heard on the phone had shocked her and caused her to nearly pass out. When I picked it up and heard Ms Lukes talking. I really didn't have time to deal with her but tried to be polite as possible. I'd find out what the hell was going on later. Right now my only concern was Christina.
I asked her if she was ok. Did she need to lay down or drink some water? She just hugged me and looked up at me and I saw the tears in her eyes.
"I owe you a big apology Tony. I got things all wrong and I blamed you. You didn't deserve what I put you through, none of it! I wouldn't blame you if you dropped me right here and left."
"What, and go through all this for nothing? You don't get off that easy girl!"
She looked so forlorn I did the only thing any guy would do, I kissed her and gently wiped away the tears. Life had really done a number on her self esteem. When she talked about numbers and business she was self-assured but take away that crutch and she was easily hurt and lashed out.
I'd seen kids who'd been bullied in school and hated what it did to them. I was lucky. I was big and strong but I didn't think that entitled me to beat up on other kids. I did what I could to stop the bullies when I could though, my dad had taught me that.
Christina must have suffered a lot of bullying during her childhood and it showed. Still, it must have taken tremendous internal fortitude to come out as transgender and become the beautiful woman I held in my arms.
Christina was a puzzle I desperately wanted to solve. At this particular moment though I was just picking up the pieces.
I felt bad before but now that I'd spoken to Ms Lukes I felt even worse. Of course Dan didn't help by implying I'd been fired, but it was my own insecurity that led me to that conclusion. Just the night before I'd been thinking I was too valuable an asset to fire and yet when Dan made the statement 'that I no longer worked' for him' I had assumed the worst. And look where it led! Tony gets tasered and then I hit his car and he takes the blame, gets a ticket and is even paying for my repairs.
Right now the most important thing was to get Tony home before anything else happens so I can feed him like I had promised last night. Neither of us had eaten so far today and my stomach was making funny noises that made Tony laugh. Though given our history he may need one of those royal food tasters in case I accidentally poison him!
When I hit Tony's car it had popped the trunk but he just tied it down with some wire and said he'd have the same mechanic that was repairing my car fix it later.
He had arrived with his tow truck so Tony had to move his car. The police car was still behind mine waiting for it to be towed. I'm sure after all that had happened today the cop was glad to see the backside of me. Tony told me what he had said so I gave it an extra wiggle just for him before getting in Tony's car.
It wasn't that much farther to his house. We could have walked except for my stuff. When we pulled up I saw Jess getting out of a car. It must have been the ride service Tony arranged though I don't think kissing the driver was part of the service.
I wanted to rush over and find out what the hell was going on but Tony put his hand on my arm to stop me.
"If you go over there and confront her what do you think is going to happen?"
"I want to know what has already happened. Those drivers have to be 21 to get a chauffeur's license and she's just sixteen. If he slept with her it's statutory rape!"
"You said she's emancipated? Then in the eyes if the law she's an adult."
"That makes no sense and it doesn't make it right!"
"You may also be assuming there was more than just a kiss. It could be completely innocent like me coming to your door today."
"That's totally different. I wasn't thinking straight."
"And you are now? Besides if you confront her then she'll have to quarantine too."
"That's not a bad idea."
" Whoa! You want to exposed your niece to the virus because of a kiss?"
"Damnit you're not supposed to be so logical. But I'm going to call her and find out what's going on!"
"Okay, okay but first let's get you settled and you need to talk to Tanya too."
"Yeah, what is it with that? Calling her Tanya? She got her sights set on you?"
"She said, as I wasn't her employee I didn't need to call her Ms Lukes, to just call her Tanya."
Sure and I'm the pope's daughter. She was a good-looking woman with all the right equipment and rich. If she thought I was going to give up Tony without a fight she better think twice! He's mine, and once I have my surgery I'm going to fuck him until he's too weak to ever leave me!
I grabbed him and thoroughly ravished his mouth. Take that, bitch! I left him sitting breathless in the car. Knowing he was watching me, I made sure to wiggle my ass seductively as I walked into his house.
Well I would have except I didn't have a key.
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I'm loving it
What a fabulous story. I can hardly wait for the next posting.
That's What Comes
Of jumping to conclusions and not listening. Christina is a pressure cooker just waiting to explode, but now Tony has her under some semblance of control.
They're definitely going to make it unless you pull some kind of dastardly switch in the plot.
Double click, not that the story isn't worth an extra comment.
I love this story
Commentator thank you for this story. What imagination and creativity you must have to come up with this story line. Great story!
Thank you for this......
You really made me smile today, and I really needed it too!
This has really been a joy to read and I look forward to seeing every new post.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Finally at Tony's house
Now they just need to stay quarantined together so it can all come together. I hope!!!
>>> Kay
The dawn has risen
Finally, how she misjudged everything has struck after talking to Tanya. And then she starts up again with thinking Tanya is making a play for Tony. Someone, somehow, needs to make Christina realize not everything or everyone is out to get her or take something away from her. Most times things are as they appear.
Others have feelings too.