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Roy and his second had tracked down the girl Adam had hired them to grab. She was pretty and they figure they wouldn’t have a hard time grabbing her as she came out of the recording studio. She would have had to walk to the nearest bus stop which was around the corner from the studio. They had spotted her running towards the studio this morning and waited patiently for her to come back out. They were surprised when she came out with the band and got into the car with the lead singer and the guitar player from the band.
“Now what?” Craig looks over towards his boss.
“We follow them and then when the chance presents itself, we grab her.” Roy didn’t care how long the job took. As, long as he got her and got paid.
They followed the two cars to O’Kelly’s Irish pub and watched as all the band members and their target went inside the pub. They waited a few minutes before heading into the pub. Roy didn’t want to seem obvious that they were following them. They were seated at a table not too far from the private table set aside for the band.
Roy was looking around to see if he might be able to grab her if she went to the bathroom. But that plan went out the window. There was no way he could grab her while she was in here with the band. He’ll have to wait till she goes home tonight or tomorrow morning.
Roy just watches as the band and their target order their food and have general fun. He could hear some of their conversions, but nothing too clearly. His target seems to be relaxing more around these people and joining in on their antics. He had googled the band and found their website and touring information. Also, personal bios of each band member. The person known as Wildfire, the one his target was sitting next to seemed familiar somehow. He knows there was something about her. He googles her name and several articles and pictures pop-up about her. Wildfire (a.k.a. Sasha Wolfhart) is a member of a rich and famous family. She is the daughter of Janet Elizabeth Wolfhart (a.k.a. Sun Fire the Enchantress) and Lt. Colonel William Holiday Wolfhart She is a stage magician that specializes in illusions and sleight of hand tricks. She has been known to include her magical talents in her bands performances. Rumor also has it that she is a government agent as well, but no agency has been able to verify that fact.
Roy looks towards the short petite woman and wonder how much he could ransom her off for? The girl he was only getting $5,000 for, but the Wolfhart chick he might be able to make a couple of million or so on. He’s going to have to plan this out. Roy and his second sit there and continue to watch the band members and when they leave, he follows them back to the recording studio and sits outside why they go inside and practice some more. By late afternoon they come back out looking tired and split up to go to their own vehicles. The girl he notices goes with Wildfire over to a sleek looking black and gold 1969 Corvette Stingray.
“Hey Roy, why don’t we try and get her now. I know a fella that would play big bucks for that Stingray.” Roger couldn’t believe how that stingray looked. It was in perfect condition and had a cool paint job.
“Later, tonight. Doing it right now would be a bad idea.” Roy watches as the car backs up and heads out of the parking lot. The windows in the car were mirror tinted, except for the front windshield so you couldn’t see inside the car.
Roy gives the Stingray some distance before he starts following the car. He notices that they stop at a grocery store and then again at a bank. He makes sure to keep a discreet distance between him and the car, but kept at a distance that he could see the car at.
Roy couldn’t figure out what these women were doing. They stop and did some grocery shopping, then stopped at a bank and now they pull into a gas station. He knew the girl he needed to kidnap right away live in the opposite direction then they were traveling. Maybe, they were heading towards the other woman’s place. This would make his job easier and ambush her. This way he could grab her on the way out. He sat watching her and he notices she walks around her car a few times checking things out.
What Roy didn’t know was Sasha had spotted him following her. She pulled into the gas station on purpose and was using the reflective tint to watch him. A smile appears on her face as she hangs the nozzle up and secure the gas lock. She gets back into the Stingray.
“What to have some fun Rose?” Sasha looks over towards Sasha.
“Yes ma’am.” Rose still had her 5-point racing harness on. When she first got into Sasha’s car, she couldn’t believe it. The car’s dash looked like something out of a space fighter. She could believe the car was equipped with a five-point racing harness.
Sasha takes one more glance towards the gray van that had been following her since they left the studio. Sasha touches the start button and the Stingray roars to life. Originally, this car had been built for her mother by her aunt. It has a lot of special features that only her and her mother knew about. Sasha steps down on the accelerator and the stingray takes off without squealing the tires.
Roy and his second, Roger couldn’t believe what they just saw. That stingray just went from 0-60 in 1.4 seconds. He has never seen or heard of a car that could move like that thing just did from a dead stop. They just watched as Sasha weaves in out of traffic. There was no way they were going to keep up with her now.
“Now how are we going to track her. That car moves to fast for us to keep up?” Roger didn’t know how they were going to find her.
“They have to either come back to the girls place or the studio.” Roy knew he had to pick the girl up. That pick-up was easy money.
“I think the girls place will be the best place to stake out.” Roy knew that was the only place he could count on.
Sasha slows down when they get a good distance from the van. She looks over towards Rose.
“I think it might be a good idea if you stay at my place till we find out what is going on.” Sasha turns into the underground parking lot.
“But, all my stuff is there and why are they following us?” Rose couldn’t think of any reason for them to follow her.
“Who knows, but I think I’ll lure them to a warehouse I store my props at and we can see what they know.” Sasha parks the stingray and turns the engine off.
“Home sweet, home.” Sasha opens her car door and presses the release for Rose as well.
“Come on Rose, we’ll take the elevator up to my floor.” Sasha grabs her guitar from the trunk of the stingray and closes it.
Both her and Rose takes the elevator up to her floor. Rose was looking around as they traveled from the underground parking garage. The building itself was ordinary and had cameras in the elevator and the underground parking garage.
Sasha opens her apartment door and let Rose step through first. Rose is amazed when she stepped into Sasha’s studio apartment. There were posters, a collection of guitars and items Rose knew that Sasha had performed in. She notices a large poster of Sasha when she was younger and another woman standing next to her was hanging on the wall.
“Is this your mother?” Rose looks at the woman dress in a sexy tuxedo with a young Sasha standing next to her.
“Yep, that my mother. It was my first time on a stage performing before a large audience. I was so nervous that night that I did made a few mistakes during the performance. Lucky my mother managed to correct them during the performance. My mother has been my inspiration for everything I have done.” Sasha had slipped her shoes off and was grabbing a drink from the refrigerator.
“Would you like anything, Rose?”
“Do you have any juice?” Rose wouldn’t mind some juice to drink.
“Sure do.” Sasha grabs one of the mango and orange juice bottles.
“Here, I think you’ll like this one.” Sasha hands the juice bottle to Rose.
“Thanks.” Rose looks at the label and smiled. It was two of her favorite fruit mixes.
“So, why don’t you tell me a little about yourself?” Sasha walks over and sits down in her favorite chair.
Rose sits down near Sasha on the sofa.
“Well, there’s not much to tell. I live on my own and I take whatever odd jobs I can to support myself.” Rose didn’t know if she wanted Sasha to know the truth.
Sasha had notice Rose’s facial expression. Her mother had taught her to always watch your audience expressions.
“Rose, whatever is said in here, stays in here. I don’t judge. Let me tell you story. That starts off about thirteen years ago. A little abused boy had been found on the side of the road during an ice storm by a wonderful Doctor. She took him to her private hospital and discover that his parents had beaten him so badly. He was going to spend several weeks in the hospital recovering from the abuse. All because he felt he should had been born a girl. This kind Doctor and her family took this child in and give her a home and a loving family. They didn’t care that, that child would rather wear dresses and make-up and play with dolls, instead of being treated like a boy. That doctor became the hero of that little girl and she wanted to grow-up and be just like her.” Sasha loved her adopted family.
Rose looks at Sasha as she thinks about telling her idol about why she was living on her own. Rose takes a deep breath and looks towards her idol.
“My parents died in a plane crash a few years ago and I was sent to live with my aunt and uncle here in California. At first things were alright, but then my uncle started molesting me. Then one night, when my aunt was working late. He came into my bedroom and…..”Rose breaks down into tears.
Sasha moves quickly and gather Rose up in her arms holding her against her body and cooing to her.
“Sssshhhh, you’re safe now sweetie.” Sasha strokes Roses hair and holds her against her shoulder.
Rose just cries against Sasha’s shoulder. She had wanted to talk with someone for so long about that night. Her body trembles from the memory of what her uncle did to her. She just holds onto Sasha and finally cry herself to sleep in Sasha’s arms.
Sasha gently lay Rose down on the sofa and remove her shoes. She goes to her wardrobe and grab one of her night shirts, pillows and blanket. Sasha manages to undress Rose and slip her nightshirt onto the poor girl and make her comfortable. She’ll have to speak more with Rose about her being raped. If nothing else maybe get her to talk with her mother or her older sister.
Sasha changes out of her clothes and into her night shirt and crawl into bed. Sometime during the night. Sasha feels Rose crawl into her bed and snuggle up against her like a child snuggling up against their mother. Sasha holds her tight against her body as she feels Rose tremble a few times as she slept.
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I've been catching up on your postings I'm current with all but Wildfire I've been enjoying the stories as some others have said your stories would be helped by an editor, just to make them flow smoother, also if you're going to throw something in for effect, in this case a 69 Stingray at least look at a picture as they didn't have a trunk. I don't know if any Corvette has Storage for two people and a guitar and having them modified for racing or just going faster usually means less space, i know this is nitpicking but when you get specific please check your facts.
It does say that the Corvette
It does say that the Corvette was specially built by Sasha's Aunt and Mother and many special features added into and onto it. Who knows what room has been placed into it considering guitars and the like; as they were and are in a band.
Rose is home
When stupid Adam hires 'em, they're dumber than he is. Those two morons should leave well enough alone. But no, money has made them down right dumb.
They think they'll take both girls, get 5G's for Rose and get a lot more for rams me of Sasha. What they're going to get is their butts kicked by a Government agent.
Rose has found a home with Sasha. Or at the very least, a protector. And someone she can trust.
Others have feelings too.