Skirting the issue 2 Enter Melissa

The overgrown garden was almost choked with weeds and grass. The wild cucumber plants looked more like a bush than a few plants. The wild corn did not follow a straight line. Same with the few radishes, lettuce, peas , carrots and other not easily identifiable garden plants.

They were not really wild but since nobody had actually planted them one would consider them wild. It was just that for over 40 years it had been a well used farm garden. These days it was left abandoned along with the cracked and broken foundation of what was once a huge, well in those days, 3 story farm house of the Haywood family.

There was pictures of that house still with its additions surround screen porch and usually a broken tractor not far away. The barn having long since fallen down and eaten by ants and time was also once a grand barn. Dutch by design indeed many a town barn dance had been hosted there in its younger days.

About the only thing left over from those long ago days was the trees, a few sugar maples, and the old garage beside the well house. Indeed today one would see a shirtless boy perhaps 15 washing an old red car. The 1992 Rx7 had belonged to his grandmother. By the time it had got to him the original engine had long since become a paperweight. Rotary engines did not survive well even during there prime. There were still a few but parts were hard to come by.

Jason Haywood was just a few month short of graduating from highschool. Well if he could keep up his grades anyways. His head was almost always on the car. It had started as a project in his junior year of highschool to get the old car back on the road. At the time it was more of a dream for the 14 year old Jason to just have a car to drive in. Over the 3 years since it had become something else.

Not many would appreciate the car if they looked up close. The orignal wheels were long gone as the wide front and rear thin tires would turn them off. Some might recognize the now illegal tires as being Goodyear Runflats. These were one of many rare purchases on the car. The custom build steel wheels were a 15 in versus the current 16-21 in fad. Though the rim itself was 8 inches wide you cant really see it. Getting them to fit inside the wheel wheels with clearance took a bit of custom work. What would kill most people is that it the attic of said garage was 4 more sets of the tires in their waxed coating wrapped in mylar and vacuum sealed.

Aside from that detail the car would look to be just about original with the optional flare kit. The paint was original acrylic enamel that had been buffed and hand polished back to its former glory. Jason was currently using what looked to be a brick on the car with some soap and water in a bucket beside the car. Its a clay brick that is used to remove any debris from the paint. A trick he had learned from Pete.

Pete Ash the local machinist had his own shop on the outskirts of the town. He had built the shop up from its origins as the family business. The new section of the shop did most of the work with its multitude of computerized machines and whatnot however the old wooden floored shop still had some of the original lathes and mills driven by the huge belts of its long gone steam days. A large electric motor turned the huge arm over the shop that in turn turned the belts for these older, but still very accurate, lathes and such.

Also in the old section of the shop was stall. The stall was a place where old farm tractors, a few belonging to the Haywoods a few decades ago, could be split apart to repair whatever needed to be repairs. The block and tackles and various hanging metal brackets along with the same in the floor telling a history all its own. It was also the place where Pete could work on his project. Many a night had been burnt with the Rx7 Sitting there half off the ground as Jason and Pete worked out new ways to put in a drivetrain.

You see as soon as one opened the hood of the Rx7 they would know instantly it was far far from stock. The big Pentastar on the valve cover of the current engine a huge giveaway. Jason remembered the day they found the engine. The original plan had been to find a suitable replacement for the car. A rotary would be nice but a Mazda or nissan DOHC would work as well. Jason was following Pete through the yard pushing the wheelbarrow with the assortment of tools Pete insisted on bringing whenever they went. Pete lamenting on about how they would upgrade whatever engine was in his mind at the moment when all of a sudden he stopped and ran around the front of a twisted wreck of a dodge spirit.

Jason dropped the handles of the wheelbarrow to follow Pete. When he came around the front of the wreck Pete had opened the hood and was jumping up and down in excitement.

"Do you know what this is?" Pete had asked him. At the time Jason didn't know anything about this car as he was just starting the course in auto mechanics at the local highschool which was how he had met Pete.

"No not really looks to be some domestic piece of crap." Jason had responded. He was far more interested in the gleaming chrome engines of the nissans from his magazines than some domestic thing.

Pete was not thrilled he just looked at Jason like he was an idiot, which in hindsight he probably was.

"This is the new engine for your car."

"Aww Pete..." and from there they went.

It took them two afternoons to get the engine out of the car and then loaded into the flatbed. The engine was a rare 2.5 liter Chrysler. What made it rare was that it was the Dual overhead cam "Hemi" engine only put into the Spirit R/T 91-94 of which like 800 were made. Originally the engine stock put out about 250 horsepower. However over the months of the project, which Pete went way overboard on, it now put out approximately between 400-500 horsepower. The original head had been replaced with a custom built cast iron one, Pete never did say how he got that, along with a custom build intake,and exhaust system. Twin turbos that acted independently at different Rpms. And a balanced interior. Many a night had been spent filing off engine components around the digital scale till they got it just right.

Jason was proud of the engine now, if a little scared. It was a monster for sure. From the engine to the rear end everything was custom built. The double wishbone rear suspension and its 11 in drum brakes, for ease of the parking brake cables, to the 5 speed Tremec. It was built for not only speed but torgue! They had found the tires and rims at a closeout sale. The rims just needed a bit of work and they fit like a glove. They looked like the alloy wheels with the gold hex pattern in the middle but were not alloy but steel. Still they made the car look super cool.

Jason finished with the brick put it back into its special wrapper and picked up the sponge from the still warm soapy water and washed down the car. The hose from the well house rinsed it down and then a good wiping with a real Chamois and the car almost gleamed like a mirror. Jason was happy that his work payed off. Putting away his collection of cleaning supplies in the garage he rinsed out the pail and sponge and left them to dry in the back of the garage. He locked the garage door with the car still outside since it was well away from the road.

Walking down his path Jason pushed his way through the overgrown hedge on his fathers prize lawn. Taking care to not trample the grass to much. It was not that far from the fountain edge path anyways. The walk up to the new Haywood residence a matter of a few steps really. The house, which his parents had built to replace the original house when it burnt down was another 3 story house. A bit larger than the original it did have all the modern conveniences. Jason had lived here all his life. To most it was a very tasteful home. While not a mansion it was larger than some of his old friends houses. The covered small inground pool in the back yard was a favorite place of his in days old. Many a summer had been spent with him and his older sister Megan splashing around and getting either burnt or tanned in the pool.

Jason walked into the back door of the house took off his flip flop sandals and walked upstairs removing his wet clothing as he did so. Mom and Dad had left the night before for the long drive to Megan at her college. It was to be a minimum 3 day trip but would most likely take twice that if they got sidetracked visiting friends. Still it gave him three days to do as he wanted. Which meant that he could become his feminine side.

Jason had been dressing in his sisters clothes since he was 10. It started with a pair of panties and he had worked up from there. He had no desired to actually be a girl in any way. It was exciting and fun to be out and about without getting caught. Well mostly not getting caught. Pete had. Surprisingly that had opened a new and deeper friendship. Pete or really his alter ego Petra, or Mistress Petra, his stage name had taught him alot more than he had ever done before.

As per Petra's request he used the cream on his arms chest and legs, waiting the 15 minutes before rinsing it all off, along with his hair. He took a long bath with the soothing balt salts and oil. He came out smelling of lavender and aloe. Patting dry was a new experience for Jason and after touching some of his still tender skin spots was a necessity. The cream helped to ease the skin from red to a more normal tone. Walking into his room her removed the boxes of his special parts.

Petra had wanted Jason to show up in full dress, something he had yet to do. The closest was while driving at night and even that was not that good. The skin colored vagi gaff thing still intimidated him. Petra had wanted him to get the one that allowed for sex but he just got the one that made him look more like a girl there. Opening the package he read the instructions on how to apply it yet again. First was the adhesive stuff. It kinda smelled but he put it on the form and worked his penis into the sheath. Next was more adhesive around the crotch area then pull his testicles up into the cavity, which didn't hurt but felt super weird. Then press into place and count to 100. Which he did and then let go. Feeling down he now felt a covering that sorta transmitted a bit of feeling. Not enough to get him aroused, which when he wondered seemed like a total painful idea.

Jason couldn't help but feel as if he was crossing some invisible line as he put the adhesive on the very lifelike breastforms. Petra had given him the forms for a cut rate as she preferred the much larger ones she was using over the "plain day ones". He had to admit that on him they did fit his overall build alot better. The final piece was the human hair wig. His normally short brown hair was quickly hidden under the wig. Just for added measure he put a few dabs of the adhesive on the edges to keep the wig in place.

Now was the point he dreaded the most seeing himself done up like a girl naked. Stepping out of his room he made his way into his sisters room and stepped infront of her mirror. The girl in the mirror looked like she belonged in this room. Jason looked at herself in the mirror. It was unquestionably a girl in the mirror. One her male half could get interested in. Sighing she drooped a little and went to sit down at the vanity. She stopped herself from thinking it was her vanity, her room, her makeup. She wanted to for a sense of normalcy but jsut couldn't do that to her sister. Turning on the hidden switch to light up her sisters mirror she looked at herself critically. The breast forms looked alright except for the seams. While flat they were just a tiny bit offcolor and it showed. Using some foundation she spread it along the seam edge covering the discoloration away of her breasts. A quick puff of powder and her breasts looked perfect. Not too perfect, a detail her friend had taught her as one was just a tiny bit higher and off. As Petra had pointed out a real womans breasts were only symmetrically identical after surgery.

Cupping her breasts in her hand she felt only the movement but nothing else. She had almost expected to feel her hands on them. Sighing in relief she went to the dresser and looked for a matching bra and panty set. Another of Petra's insistence thingys She did not understand why she had to wear a matching set nor why it should really match the outfit. Another of those things real girls must somehow know. Megan had plenty of matching ones a bit too sexy for her though. She choose a black panty and bra set. Not to lacy but still a bit on the skimpy side. Megans taste in lingerie were not to her liking. The bikini cut panty fit her alot better than it did before. The bra, something she was used to from practice, went on effortlessly. She was tempted to mess with the straps a little but that was one thing Megan would know for sure so she didn't. It did leave her breasts a little squished and pushed up giving her cleavage a very real quality.

sitting down at the vanity again she pulled up a set of stay up nude stocking. The effect of the nylon on her now sensitive and hairless legs almost made her start to get hard. Even the little bit that did occur made her stop and almost strip everything off. She had promised Petra though. Sighing she finished with the maddening stockings and turned back to the mirror. Using more foundation on her fingertips she massaged the foundation on to her skin. Not alot of it as less was more. Enough to cover the freckles and smooth out her skin. The face of Jason the boy was almost gone being replaced by a girl who skin almost looked flawless again.

Using a sponge she carefully patted all over her face and part of her neck blending the foundation into her skin to create a blank palette. When she was done she took the small brush and some white powder down the center of her nose not alot again less is more. She did the same with the top side of her cheekbones which in essence made them shift upwards. Now she used the face powder all over liberally then tapped off the puff and went over her face again. Jason the girl was back and such a cutie. Even without any further makeup she looked very pretty. Next was the eyebrow trick. A bit of soap, foundation, power turned her normally bushy eyebrows into thin almost invisible ones. Using a bit of red eyepencil she rubbed along the arch of the brows bringing them out just enough to be delicate arches. Using the same pencil she did under the outside corner of her eyes both top and bottom.

Using a combination of earth tones and a touch of royal blue eyeshadow she brought out her eyes to be visibly having a touch of powder but looked otherwise just normal. A quick practiced hand with the eyelash curler and mascara done twice gave her very full and lush lashes. Using the eyelash brush to remove any blobs on the lashes reduced the look a little and made them appear more attractive instead of less.

Her hair took her the better part of an hour to brush out any tangle, natural curls seems to attract tangles, although she did not yet style it. she got up from the vanity and went to the closet. Looking through what was left of the dresses and tops she searched for something that would just got ting in her stomach. It was how she had always chosen what to wear. Today it seemed to be a simple black top with 3/4 sleeves and a deep open neckline to show off her breast but not too much. She put that on and reflexively fluffed out her hair from under the top. Next she chose a simple denim mini skirt. Well not really mini but as mini as her parents would allow Megan to actually wear when she was Jason's age. It came about 5 inches over the knee showing alot of leg but not much else.

Shoes were always a problem as her feet were bigger than her sisters feet. Usually she could get by with the one black pair but she didn't feel like wearing 2 in today. Searching she found a pair of open back but closed toe blue pumps that would fit without killing her feet. The tiny buckle on the side of the pump strap was a bit of a challenge to do up but she got it done. She got up a bit wobbly but knew that her balance would steady as she got used to the shoes. The one thing that pissed Petra off was her natural glide when she wore any heel. It was apparently so feminine. Petra complained about how she had to practice for days to get it right.

A smile to her lips she walked back to the vanity and worked on her hair. She worked it so that one side was pulled back a little showing her earring less ear while the other ear was partially covered. She had always loved this style of hair on girls and thought it look retro sexy. Jason put on a bit of lipstick and checked herself in the mirror. Not quite there, using a pencil she outlined her lips and then smooched her lips together. There thats right.

standing up she looked herself over in the mirror. An attractive young woman stared back at her. No jewelery or nailpolish, Megan took them all with her of course. But otherwise a girl with no sign of Jason the boy. Was she a Carol, a Jennifer? She could not really choose a name. She didn't really want to either. Jason was her name that her parent gave her. She really couldn't see herself answering to another name. Petra had been pestered her for weeks to choose something. She wished she also had a purse to put her wallet into. However Megan took all her purses with her and the idea of trying her paranoid mom's was out of the question.

When she was younger she had gone investigating her mom and dads closet. She wanted to see if there was presents for her. Mom knew instantly it was her and not Megan that did it. Since then she would not go near their room. She had barely brushed her hand against the one dress while looking and her mom had marched into her room with said dress in hand demanding to know why she had touched it. When she explained, bawling her eyes out, that she had looked for presents her mom's face had softened and relaxed. Still it did have a profound effect on her.

Megan was different. You could go through her closet and she would not notice a thing. She was always a little preoccupied with something in that head of hers. She had good taste in clothes and could be quite pretty when all done up but most of the time she was more practical. Mom used to joke she would make the perfect farm wife. Jason didn't agree, her sister was far to smart to settle on a farm. Megan was working on her scholarship into entry medicine. Mom thought Megan would be a nurse at most. Jason thought a brilliant medical doctor.

Out of habit Jason checked over her sisters room to make sure nothing was out of place. While Megan would not notice her mom would if it was obvious. Once she was satisfied everything would be fine she left the room and walked down the stairs to the kitchen counter where her keys and wallet were. She picked them both up, set the house alarm and locked the back door. Mincing across the soft grass and then carefully through the hedge so as to not snag the hose she made it to her car. She was panting heavily not out of breath due to exertion but that she was without her safety bag of boys clothing.

Stealing herself she unlocked the door to the car and sat down feet first. Trying to not fall into the car's deep bucket seats she swung her legs in and hit her shin on the side of the car. Getting into and out of cars in a ladylike manner was not the most fun thing for her.

As soon as she turned the key and the car engine came to life a calmness overcame her. Gone was a fear of a moment before and if someone had been looking you could see her shoulders relax along with the rest of her body. She went from being a tense young girl to a confident young beauty in a moment.

The gear shift moved almost effortlessly and she idled the car around and then out onto the road. Without trying the car picked up speed as the monster under the hood begged to be put through its paces but Jason was her mistress and she had firm control over the monster. Soon the monster steadied down into a calm state and The Rx7 glided firmly down the paved road to the highway.

Just to let her know the monster wanted out the tires chirped as she accelerated onto the highway. Keeping the speed down under the limit was always hard in the car. The monster wanted to go much faster and was not happy its mistress would not let it play. Still she steadied it and drove the couple of miles to the shop. Petra was waiting for her when she pulled into the shops driveway. But instead of looking at her Petra was looking behind her. It was then that she noticed the police cruiser with its flashing lights.

"Shit Fuck I'm boned!" Jason said as she parked the car and turned off the monster. As soon as the key was removed the anxiety came back. The cruiser's door opened and out stepped a tall policeman. Although it was a stupid move Jason got out of her car. The policeman calmly walked up to the car and walked around it almost ignoring Jason standing there. Petra sensing how Jason was ready to bolt walked up to the officer.

"Officer can I help you? You seem to be interested in my niece Melissa's car."

Jason, now apparently Melissa looked at Petra with her eyes. Melissa? Petra got the message and just shook her head a little to signal her to drop it. The officer talked about how he was at first interested in the car as you don't see many of the older Rx7's on the road at all. But he only turned on his lights when he noticed that her turn signal didn't work. Melissa popped the hatch and sure enough the right turn signal was indeed burnt out. Since Petra had the keys to the shop she got a replacement and they replaced the bulb while the policemen admired the girls backsides in their skirts.

Melissa felt dirty somehow as the officer let her off with a warning. He never even checked her license of registration. Which was a very good thing since it clearly said Jason and not Melissa on it nor did the photo match either. Finally the letch of an officer got into his cruiser and drove away. Turning to face Petra with her hands on her hips.

"Melissa!" She asked Petra.

"Well you look like a Melissa and it was a spur of the moment thing. It suits you really. But look at you girl you are so pretty. How long have you been practicing doing the girly voice thing?" Petra asked her.

"The girly whaa?" Melissa just looked confused. In truth it was a very cute confused look. Petra just dropped her shoulders and looked at her friend.

"I so hate you right now Melissa." With that Petra walked around to the other side of the car and got in almost effortlessly. The door closed gently as even dressed as a girl Pete would never slam a car door he had way to much respect for cars to do that.

Still in her almost confused state Melissa just shook her head a bit and walked to the car to get in herself. Once she was in and had her buckle done up she turned to look at Petra.

"We are so gonna talk about the Melissa thing"

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