The Family

The Family

Prequel to "Summer Camp Brochure"

Chapters 1,2,& 3.

Chapter One:

The Evil Begins

Zeth Marks, the unofficial Matriarch of the Bass Family, considered the vageries of Fate. He sat, sipping coffee, in his office/den and asked the Universe why he, of all the Family, had never so much as had a smidge of 'The Gift'. All the rest of the Family got something! Even that stupid little twerp, Agnes (Mother of his wife Bella), could light candles by just focusing on them! Now was that FAIR?

To further his chagrin he knew that the twin boys Alan and Geoffrey, sons of sister in law Samantha, were soon to come into their gift! This Family Gift always made itself known by puberty, and the Twins were twelve. God! It choaked him up something fierce to see these undeserving whelps get incredible powers. Unknown to even Zeth, the women of the clan also recieved smaller gifts, usually in the form of spellcraft or House magic of some kind. The women just never showed off and their gifts blended well into their lives. Zeth had caught Agnes lighting the candles at a huge Family function one year and Agnes had told him that she could always do that!

To be sure, not all gifts were Earth shattering, but it was noted that they appeared to be getting more and more spectacular in the last few generations. Take George, the father of the young ones, Brian and Terri, who could not be hypnotized! No manner of mind control would affect him. This helped him in his career in the Armed Forces as a decorated member of a highly acclaimed 'Seal' team. He had been in a few bad situations where mind washing techniques had been tried. His inability to be mentaly coerced had helped him get his team out of trouble several times when the team had been the victim of 'bad' intelligence. His last tour had cost him a leg and got him a nice retirement. He and his wife Edith, ran a four star restaurant now. Edith's gift of perfect meal preparation kept them in high demand.

The history of the Family went back thousands of years where it was believed one of the ancestors assisted or even saved a minor Goddess from death. Her reward was to the Family for the rest of time. Why, oh why, didn't He get anything, thought Zeth, for the thousanth time. Yes, of course he had married into the Family, but that didn't stop the Gift from manifesting in all the others that had married in. He was the only one, and it rankled! It pissed him off!

'would you like some revenge?' A tiny voice deep in his mind asked again! This was the fifth time this month that had happened! He normaly just ignored it but today he was extra sour and more pissed off than usual!

"Oh! Yessssss!" he answered this time.

No sooner had he agreed than he felt his mind being filled with a dark power! Finally, he thought, I have POWER!

Chapter Two:

Evil's Plan Unfolds

Over the next few weeks Zeth discovered he had a genius for manipulating what people would think. He even tried George and was pleased that if he didn't try anything too outrageous he could even convince him. It helped, also, when He 'Knew' something would happen before it did and he warned the Family of these and they may not have taken him seriously at first but when time after time he was proven right they started to listen and believe right away! This having POWER was intoxicating. He just about had control over the whole family when he decided to begin his revenge!

His plan was audacious as it was simple. He just had to convince the Family that the Twins were in terrible danger from their gifts and as boys would never be able to handle puberty. He started the boys off on a regime of Drugs to halt male puberty and then introduce female hormones. The Family believed him. They took the bait Hook, Line and Sinker! Ha! The Boy's were his to mould. Zeth was not satisfied to just make sure the boys became girls he wanted them to be the Frilliest, Laciest, most feminine girls he could make them.

The Dark Power let him know of places that would sell him Audio/Visual DVD's that would utilize sub-Liminal messaging to reprogram their poor little minds. They wouldn't stand a chance! It took all of three hours to wire the twins bedroom so that they would be under a constant barrage of Audio programing. He was able to introduce the sub-liminal visuals over the household cable. No one would notice if Samantha got more girly, she was pretty girly naturally. The New Girls, However would get feminized to the Max! Samantha even helped by treating her new girls just as if they had been born girls, she had always wanted daughters anyway and thanks to Zeth, she now had them. Within six months their brainwashing was over and they had no choice but to become girls. Their young bodies reacted to the potent hormone mixtures that Zeth had concocted beautifully and in that same time frame had started to take on the secondary characteristics of the natural girl.

When the time was right he had talked the Family Physician into performing dual Orchidectomies on both boys, now girls completely. All that remained was final SRS. At one year from the inception of his plan both new 'girls' recieved their SRS operations at a highly accredited Clinic in Mexico. With the Family Doctor paving the way and Zeth's uncanny ability to sway public opinion, the surgeon in mexico aggreed easily. It was a done deal! Now two 'Boys' would never reach their 'Male' maturity and come into their gifts. Zeth was estatic and unknown to him the Dark force was laughing as well!

Alan and Geoffry, now known as Alana and Peaches had been absorbed into the Female side of the Family and their education continued. They would someday marry and raise their own families, but the Gift was stopped cold in their lineage. Of course they would have to adopt and so the blood line was severed. Zeth was a happy Camper! Everyone commented on how cheerfull he was lately. He of course couldn't help but crow and would say that he was just so happy for the Twins! The Family just thought the better of him as they misconstrued his happiness.

One month after his incredible success with the twins the dark force within reminded him of George's son Brian and how close he was to puberty. Checking, Zeth discovered that the inner voice was right. He had almost let his recent success blind him to another threat!

Now why had he thought 'Threat'? He didn't consider any of the boys as threats just as victims for his gristmill. He loved nothing better than to chew up their impending 'Manhood' and spit it out. He reveled in his power!

George's first son, Brian, was indeed approaching puberty. He was twelve next week. It could hit anytime now. Usually in this Family it seemed to hit at their forteenth birthday but Zeth wasn't taking any chances. He would start on George and Edith right away. He started in on the Family doctor to give him some backup as he knew that George would be a tough nut to crack! Not impossible what with his newfound powers but still he would have to tread carefully. It would make the winning even more incredibly satisfying.

He got all the equipment he needed and had snuck in the house to wire Brian's room with both the Audio and Visual programing aids. He would be helped by the illnesses that plagued poor Brian and made him home bound and Home-schooled. Edith had been a teacher and took on Brian's education with a will. He may not be very good at sports due to his constant ongoing sicknesses but he would certainly be well educated.

The doctors had determined that poor Brian suffered from a debilitating unhealthy imune system. The Doctors had held out no hope until puberty. Possibly at that time his body chemistry would change enough to strengthen his imune system. That wasn't all that would change, chortled Zeth. He had set up a family meeting with the Doctor in attendance to let them know of the terrible things that could happen to 'POOR' Brian if they allowed him to go through normal puberty! It was a piece de resistance he thought in his bad french. The Family just believed him implicity. He had after all saved the twins hadn't he? All was set! He was going to get real close to George and Edith so that he could 'offer' his aid in looking after poor Brian. Oh! This was sooooooo sweet!

He started the programing and hormones on the same day! He was going to get up close and personal for this one! Why? He wasn't sure! He just wanted to get hands on with this one! So completely without Brian's consent or knowlege his life began to change.

Chapter three:

Birth of Brandy

Brian awoke once again covered in sweat. These nightmares were getting worse and no matter what he or his mom tried he could never seem to get more than three to four hours sleep in between them. He could never seem to remember what was happening in these hightmares but someone was trying to steal something from him and he could feel what ever it was the phantoms were taking was being taken in small bits and pieces. He had woken up several times crying and his mom had tried to comfort him but it never stopped and he was getting weaker each day. He found he would cry at anything these days and even when he mentioned it to his mother she would just tell him it would all get better soon! What would get better? What was happening to him?

Staggering to the bath for a shower after a decidedly nasty nightmare that had left him reaking with an acrid smell, he glanced in the mirror over the bathroom sink. Who was that! Startled he turned to see who behind him. Nobody! Turning slowly back to the stranger in the mirror he came to the only conclusion! This was him? His hair was past his shoulders, thick and curly! His face was gaunt with prominant cheekbones. His jawline swerved down to practicaly a point. His Lips seemed puffy and soft! His nose was a pert little button that upturned just a little at the end. This was the face of a young Girl not his!

Further examination showed a swan-like neck with no sign of an Adam's apple. His shoulders were thin and sloping. His arms also thin with no sign of any musculature that a boy should have. His arms ended in long fingered delicate hands!
Frightened now he ripped off his P.J. tops to see the delicate swellings of pre-adolecent breasts topped with Areola the size of a fifty cent piece and nipples set squarely in the center jutted out at least 3/4". As he watched in fearful facination the attention paid to his nipples caused them to harden and grow a further 1/4 ". He couldn't help himself! He reached up and cupped his breasts with both hands shivering at the intensity of feeling they gave him. He was getting off on this? How disgusting!

His eyes were drawn lower to where his ribs ended and where his waist drew down to a tiny (22") size then flared out to impossible hips. (36")

Driven by a force he didn't understand he ripped his PJ bottoms off almost tripping himself in the proccess. His gigantic hips came to the tops of legs that swept down to the floor in majestic beauty! He was the most curvaceous woman he had ever seen. Turning slightly he noted that those legs came back to make a perfect ass of themselves. He giggled! Turning once again to the front he was dismayed to see a teeny nub of a penis nestled in folds of skin that looked for all the world like Labia. There was no sign of any testicals. He was to all intents and purposes a girl! He started to wail and fell to the ground in abject misery! What had happened to him!

Edith heard the wail and with tears in her eyes rushed up to comfort her soon to be daughter. She knew that Brian had seen Brandy. The name that she and her husband had decided on. Without realizing it she had, by not involving Brian in any of this transformation, caused a rift between them. Even with the programing (That Edith was not aware of yet) Brandy would never be close to her own family and look for love and understanding elsewhere.

Holding her fast evolving son she rocked him with soothing, soft sounds! She new that this was necessary but it still tore her up inside. She loved having Sons and never entertained, like her sister Samantha, the regret of not having any Daughters. When George, her husband, came in a few minutes later she nodded to the bathtub for him to draw a bath. Without even realizing what he was doing he added fragrant oils and salts to the water causing large amounts of bubbles to form. This also was another wedge between him and his rapidly waning son. Brian saw these things his parents were doing and although he felt the love he knew that they were behind his transformation.

Both parents lovingly helped 'Brandy' in to the fragrant bath and could not help the tears when their ex-son looked up at them with tears of abandonment and betrayal falling down his beautiful face and asked them both in a cracked, emotion charged voice. "Why? Why are you doing this to me? I was a good son! I was!" George just couldn't take it and left the bathroom to stand in the hall with his own tears streaming down his face. How could he explain to his son that he had to be their Daughter. Even to him the reasons rang false! Why were they doing this? He went in search of Zeth. Zeth seemed to have all the answers lately and the FAMILY seemed to trust him implicitly!

To Be Continued!

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