Susan's Odyssey

Hi There Everyone: This story was written as a means to answer what I felt was an inhumane treatment of a loving husband by his so called loving Wife. With no disrespect intended to Miss Karen-Anne Brown for her story entitled 'Heatherized Hubby' as I of course realize that it was indeed just a flight of fancy?

Unfortunately I noticed that Miss Brown seems to attribute Homosexuality with Cross Dressing and indeed appears to have some nasty thoughts toward any man who would dare to mimic a woman. I feel that I, in my role as the righter of wrongs and the protector of those unable to protect themselves, should instruct Miss Brown in the complexities of the man or woman trapped by their obsessions. She should realize that these people honor the ones that they mimic and hold them dear. To hurt such people in any way is inhumane and just down right nasty. So, that been said, I am about to take her character Susan on a trip down the rabbit hole into alternate realities where the shoe is on the other, sometimes very sore, foot. I do hope to have a happy ending though, just maybe not the expected one.

Susan's Odyssey

by Danielle Leigh-Anne O'Bryan

Chapter One

A year has past since my wife forced me into the arms of a man in order to further her career and to humiliate and hurt me because I had the temerity to disagree with her plans. Looking back at the last year I realize that so much has happened. For me, great, wonderful, and fulfilling days as I became a more feminine person, and eye-opening, 'I thought so' types of days as my soon to be ex-wife became more masculine.

Susan always was the take charge kind of person that I just loved to bits but always had the flavor of the hunter 'bringer of food' personality. Prior to her finding out about my obsession with women's clothing I would say that she loved me in a pensive, moody way and never showed me anything but respect as her other half.

I fully supported her need to be out in the world as the bringer home of the bacon etcetera, and even if I didn't share or even fully understand her need to be the 'MAN' of our relationship. I never felt less of a person to be the one to make a home for us and be the nurturing one in our duo and found a peace and contentment being the 'WIFE'.

A strange relationship you think?

There are a lot more of these types of relationships in the world lately and I, for one, think it speaks well for society that the lines between genders are being blurred. One is not lessened to be the home maker or made more to be the supporter of the home. It is just two sides of a healthy relationship.

This, of course, all changed when Susan learned of my obsession. At first she thought it funny and fitting since I was the homemaker, but then she started to get cruel and abusive and would, for instance, not let me wear any male clothing at all, and started to call me Heather! I wasn't all that bent out of shape to 'have' to wear women's clothing as I adored the feeling but the intentional barbed put-downs and other nasty remarks slowly eroded my love for her and when she, three years later, literally forced me into the arms of a man with the sole purpose of me satisfying him sexually so that she would get a favorable edge in obtaining business contracts, I realized she had ceased to be my wife and had become instead my pimp!

I had also by that time been quite feminized and sported a nice pair of thirty-six 'B' breasts that were all mine. It helped that I was quite tiny and delicate as a man and took after my mother and grandmother in the looks department so the feminization effort wasn't that difficult. I still sported a some what smaller and daintier penis still, though it had ceased to function as a male member at least two years ago what with the powerful hormones that Susan had been feeding me.

I would imagine it was somehow in Susan's idea of further torment of me to have a smaller but recognizable part of the male me to remind me of whom I used to be and who I was becoming. I wasn't even aware of the hormones she was forcing into me until it became pretty much a 'fait accompli' and I was a women with a little bit extra.

I even kept taking them after I found out because by then I liked what I had become and Susan's barbed sarcasms about my being a faggot and pansy washed off me like water off a duck's back. The introduction of her new role as my pimp, however, was the last straw and I started to formulate ways to get away from this monster that used to be my loving wife.

I found unsuspected support in the oddest of places though and over the two weeks after my introduction into prostitution I, well we, came up with the perfect plan. My co-conspirators consisted of just five people and Susan's arrogance never let her see the writing on the wall.

Richard, her secretary, was at the point of quitting to get away from her when I approached him with his part of the master plan and he whole heartedly became my biggest supporter. If only Susan had treated him with the respect he deserved he wouldn't have ever dreamed to get involved in such an incredibly bold move, but since he could not even get satisfaction from the HR VP when he tried to file sexual harassment charges against Susan, Richard saw an opportunity to get some satisfaction for the humiliation and abuse that he had suffered at her hands and stinging tongue.

Sam Brownsburg, the man my wife had thrown me at became the other proponent of my scam because he had fallen in love with me so much that he would even accept me as a whole woman and as his wife as soon as I got free of Susan. You see, Ben's idea of a perfect lover was me with my little penis but so strong had his love for me blossomed he assured me that he could love me without it as well and actually wanted me to get SRS to become a complete woman for my own mental and spiritual well being.

I had found that over the time since we were introduced that he was a kind and loving man and I found myself becoming enamored with him as well. My femininity was such that I saw in his masculinity a perfect match for me and I was starting to daydream of him as my husband and I feel he was doing the same.

Sam had incredible contacts with pharmaceutical outlets and was able to get me state of the art Hormones with fast track implants and such and I was easily able to put Susan on her way to a new life filled with adventure, and other things that may make you cringe but I won't go into detail just yet gentle readers.

With Sam's help by getting me professional housekeepers to keep all as Susan demanded I had the time to get all my little duckies in a row. Have I mentioned how much I love that guy? He is so sweet and….. sorry I digress. I found out which documents I needed for Susan to sign to transfer everything into my name. Bank Accounts, RRSP's, insurances, the house and property, the cars, just everything was easily placed into my new name of Heather Newgurl.

I had no idea that Susan and I were worth so much but that was good as some of what I wanted and needed to do would be considerably expensive. I had Richard gradually over a period of about three weeks slip the documents I needed signed by her into her daily mountain of paperwork. She didn't have a clue as her arrogance would not allow her to believe that someone as cowed and week willed as Richard would be capable of doing anything else but what she ordered him to do.

What ever had happened to my sweet fun-loving wife of just five years ago? Talk about Dr. Jekle/Mr. Hyde transformations, Susan had changed into a manipulative, crass, mean-hearted executive with her view of the top blinding her to all around her. I tried, in her defense, to think that she was unaware of the hurt that she left in her wake to get to the top but both Richard and Ben pooh-poohed that theory as they saw her for what she really was!

Three weeks and two days after Susan had forced me in the homosexual tryst with Ben I owned everything. Lock, stock, and barrel. I was then able to give Richard enough money to move for his new job that would not only net him more salary but would allow him the ability to climb the ladder of success.

Because of Susan's need to command all he would never have been able to get ahead there. We had a great going away party for Richard and his, now very happy, wife Betty. We even managed to get Susan to come to the party and she never even knew that it was our, ooops! My money that paid for it. She was impervious to the scorn from most there too. How ironic it was and Ben, Richard, and I had a good cathartic guffaw over it as we closed another chapter in our lives together.

I got permission from Betty, Richard's wife, and gave him a heartfelt hug and a kiss as we were leaving. Thank God Susan never saw that as Betty managed to get her attention while we said goodbye. I realized then, as well, that I had more friends that were aware of what was, and what had, happened between Susan and myself and I found that I was respected for putting up with all her nonsense for so long.

A lot of my former men friends had come to accept me as the woman I now portrayed and quite a few had given me drunken proposals of marriage. I completely enjoyed the entire evening with my friends that I thought I had lost. Going home with Susan, however, was not on my list of pleasant things to do. I had started her out with her hormone treatments just three days ago and yet even now she was exhibiting very male domineering traits.

Although with her it was hard to really determine her normal domineering traits with anything more aggressive but I was quite sure that she was more of an asshole than she normally was. This, however, was part of the risk in what I was trying to do. Ben had tried to find out any other ways to do this aspect of our plan but was unable to come up with anything less risky. I could only hope that the thin veneer of civilized behavior that coated her desires to hurt and control would keep her from doing anything really nasty that would require the services of the law. Interference of that sort would bring unwanted attention and make it harder for the disappearance of the new Susan that would be an integral part of our Master plan.

Ben's Lawyer had also got me my legal change of name through as well as most of my paperwork in my new name. I would go downtown tomorrow to get my picture taken for my driver's license and passport. I was now legally Heather Newgurl but soon to be Heather Brownsbury. Yes! Ben actually proposed and I accepted completely and wholeheartedly even if we had to wait until we had finished with Susan's lessons.

Ben and I met with Madam Kinks and her two best operators, Joy and Beth, two weeks later and they were quite excited to take on the 'Challenge of the Century' as they called it and even were going to allow me to watch for free if I so desired. I deliberated with my conscience for all of twenty seconds before answering in the affirmative and got three smiles of anticipation in return. We set up when Susan would be taking up residence and gave them all the necessary signed documents, with Susan's signature of course, that they needed to be covered by the law when people wanted to be treated like Susan was to soon be treated.

All was in order and Ben and I went back to his place for some drinks and kinky stuff of our own. Ben was really a wonderful lover and the difference between Susan and him were day and night. His love was unconditional and had no hidden agendas. It was quite refreshing as it was sexy to have him do to me and me to him with love and not fear. He was my life and I couldn't see a future in which he did not play a huge role. It was us against the world as most just saw an older man with a younger gold digger but there was no disguising the love and pride Ben showed when he had me on his arm for public appearances such as plays, dinner clubs, and dancing.

I had increased Susan's testosterone and estrogen inhibitors and she was getting quite edgy. I heard through the established grapevine that Richard had set up for me at Susan's workplace that a few higher ups were showing some displeasure in Susan's more cavalier manner lately and the scuttlebutt was that she may be asked to take some time off and wind down. Not that time off from work was going to do that as it would allow me to pattern her behavior even more into the male role than it was now by being even more submissive and feminine around her.

I found that many times I didn't have to fake the ducks and cringes needed to survive her increasing male overbearing attitude. I new we were there when I actually caught her shaving one morning. I mean real full facial shaving that she must have been hiding with makeup. She beat me up quite bad over that and when Ben came over later he had to use his own key to get in as I was in no shape to get up. He actually cried as he took me to the hospital and I was touched by his concern but reminded him that this was a good sign that she was almost ready for her next stage.

Ben got me into a very private clinic, one where few if any questions are asked, and I stayed there for two weeks healing. I took advantage of being there for some collagen treatments for my lips and a complete removal of any unwanted hair with electrolysis. The person I saw in the mirror was getting more acceptable to me everyday. I was without a doubt stunning and no one in their right minds would even consider thinking that I was even remotely male. No, I thought to myself with a giggle, Susan more than made the male complement in our shaky relationship. Who was I kidding, there hadn't been a relationship there for years now and I was glad that all would be set to rights soon and Ben and I could get on with our lives.

In order to accelerate the first part of Susan's change to a male I found and incorporated several tapes that were touted to give a man that edge in business into her nighttime music. She was as oblivious to this as everything else that had been done to her. I was very saddened, however, when I returned from the clinic after her beating of me to receive not an ounce of remorse for what she had done. She did calm down somewhat and I received no further beatings however but I ascertained that she was ready for stage two.

Ben had quite sometime ago made arrangements at a Mexican clinic that had some very good accolades in the SRS field, were cheaper than their American counterparts, and didn't ask very many questions. It had been set for the second day of Susan's upcoming holiday and all was prepared.

The Doctor was curious why Susan wanted to retain her breasts though as the penile implant was quite permanent and the breast on a man would look quite incongruous in his opinion. The fees being paid put those questions aside though and Doctor Garcia was more than ready for his part. I guess the request from 'Susan' to put her female organs on ice as they were to be used for transplants was the most puzzling to the good doctor but he was assured that they were to be used in a replacement surgery for her cousin who had lost her uterus in a car accident.

There was just the question of compatibility, we told him but Susan, soon to be Sean, thought that 'his' cousin should have the chance and since 'he' didn't need them any more was more than willing to donate them to cousin Beth. The Doctor was quite moved by the supposed gift and assured us that the organs would be shipped most carefully to the clinic we had named.

Susan had received the order from on high to take a month off and depressurize before she burned out. The company was quite impressed with her work and showed it by paying for an all expense paid trip to Acapulco, Mexico. Richard had been instrumental in passing the word to people who made these decisions that this was where Susan had always wanted to go. Way to go Richard! Not even working there he was able to put one of the last nails in Susan's coffin.

The Clinic that the arrangements were made was just a ten minute drive from the heart of Acapulco and they were put on alert that 'Sean' was on his way. Of course the big executive would need her AA with her. (That would be me, her slave, cook, cleaner, and emotional/physical punch bag.) Not for long I thought as I hugged my sweetie, Ben, who had come with me as well and had managed to get the suite right next to Senora Susan so I didn't have too far to go for my daily required loving.

That night that we arrived I managed to get the appropriate drugs into her as well as some very potent but short lived hypnotics that would allow me to get her to think that what was to happen to her was a great idea. It was a shame that those drugs didn't last longer as that would sure make life easier around Susan, a little easier for all concerned. So by six the next morning we had 'Sean' ensconced at the clinic and ready for her life changing operations that were scheduled for eight that same morning.

It was done! We had done it! Susan was soon to be dead! Long live Sean in as much pain and humiliation as I could make happen to him. He wasn't even minted yet and I hated his guts already.

All went very successfully and Sean was born and the organs being donated were on their way to our clinic in the States. Doctor Garcia told us that Sean would need about six weeks of recuperation as his body reacted to the loss of so much tissue and his body cavity adjusted itself accordingly. He had placed easily removed electrodes to stimulate muscle growth and development but warned us to not activate them until the end of the next week.

He also wanted to see Sean in two weeks to remove the catheter that allowed him to pee for now and gave us the exercise regime for Sean to activate his new bladder control muscles. Of course I had no intentions of sharing this with Sean as he would soon be in diapers anyway! For the next two weeks we would just empty his bag and after that I really didn't care if he pissed himself all the time.

A little callus you think? Remember that this was the person who thought it a hoot to make her husband have sex with another man! No I didn't think that I could even come close to her, oh! I mean his depraved thoughts and actions but I was certainly going to try!

Just when Sean got use to his manhood we were going to rip it away and make him into a whimpering and pitiful little she-male slut! I also intended to make sure that she/he knew who had done it to her/him too as I stole what little intelligence from him away. Oh! Yes! That little slut she-male would always know who had done the deed but would never be able to do anything about it.

The icing on the cake was the Insurance policy on Susan that I would collect unless I chose to forgo that for a divorce instead, although the fact that both parties to the marriage were no longer that which had married may invalidate it anyway. I would have to get our legal beagles on that as the insurance would be nice.

Ben and I went to visit Sean the next day even though they were keeping him in an artificial coma for a week to facilitate his recovery from what was after all major abdominal surgery. I hope that he felt pain in that coma! He was quite the sight as he already had a full day's growth of beard and with his rather hard looking face looked totally the part with the exceptions of two very unman-like mounds on his chest. I always thought they were bigger. I must have voiced that thought out loud as Doctor Garcia explained that the testosterone implants that Sean had were responsible for about thirty percent loss of breast tissue.

The doctor had of course replaced the implants with the newest six month time release as per or request. We could he told us add more breast fullness with small implants if we wished. Ben and I thought long and hard on that for about thirty seconds and told the doctor to do so. He would do the procedure in two days and how big did we want them to be.

I thought that thirty-six 'D' would be nice and Ben agreed. So that was to be implemented soon. As we got back into our rental car and drove back to the hotel I couldn't help but laugh and then for some totally unknown reason I started to cry and Ben had to pull over to the side of the road to comfort me.

"I am so sorry Ben, I have no idea why but I feel so bad for what I am doing even after all that Susan did to me!" I cried into his chest. He just held me as I wailed for quite sometime as he held me, stroked my hair, whispering sweet endearments, until I finally stopped crying and just hiccupped and breathed wetly.

"I would have had some serious concerns over you had you not displayed that emotion. I have known you for quite some time now and all I have seen and heard about you from your friends show you to be a most kind and caring person. I am gratified that you are able to see that what you are doing is basically wrong regardless of what Susan did to you. I am not condemning you for what you have done and I support you one hundred percent but I am glad to see you are still my sweet little Heather."

He beamed at me and my love for this man soared. Well what was done was done and still was more to do. Hopefully Sean and others like him out there who abuse those who's kindness, compassion, and love makes them vulnerable learn that such abuse is not to be tolerated any more and that revenge can come at anytime without any warning!

We returned two weeks later to find Sean resting normally and not in the induced coma. His breasts looked nice and full but rather incongruous on such a male body. He sported quite a full mustache and beard that the nurses had shaped into a very becoming shape and with his hair cut quite short he looked very manly. We would be taking him home today so after the appropriate injections of hypnotics and the right attitude programmed in we were ready to go.

When Sean woke up he couldn't seem to run out of superlatives for the great work of Doctor Garcia. The poor doctor was embarrassed by the on going praise that Sean lavished upon him and his nurses. We finally got him away and back to the hotel and readied him for his trip home. A little use of a bandage and we were able to make his endowments look like great pectoral development and dressed him for the trip home. So Susan would disappear in Mexico and Sean was on his way to Madam Kinks for his next stage of development.

The flight went without a hitch and even though entering back into the States was heart pounding the documentation we had procured for Sean was first rate and soon he was home at Madam Kinks.

Joy and Beth wasted no time in getting Sean ready for his descent into she-male hell. Sean was stripped, corseted, diapered, and hung in shackles while I waited for him to wake up so that I could be there to let him know what was in store for him.

He looked pitiful hanging there and for just a brief moment I had doubts if I could be hard enough to do this but a few moments of reflection as to what this person had put me through for YEARS soon had me frothing at the mouth for revenge. I scared myself with the intensity of hatred that I felt for this creature hanging in front of me and I am sure my eyes were blazing red when Sean regained consciousness and groaned with the discomfort of being hung up like a side of beef. There wouldn't be much pain yet, that would come though as time passed and his weight pulled on his wrists. His eyes looked around trying, without success, to determine where he was when he became aware of me.

"What the fuck is going on Heather?" he growled.

Well shit! The same old crap in a different package. I just looked at him with disgust and then did something that surprised me more than Sean. I laughed! The madder he got the louder I laughed as I saw him for the pathetic little worm that he was.

"God! Even as a man you are pathetic Sean! I just cannot believe that I loved you for so long without seeing the true you. You know, love really is blind." I laughed some more as he started to swing from his attempts to get free of his restraints.

"You stupid little piece of trash! Get me down from here, right now! You stupid bitch! I am going to beat you within an inch of your life you stupid faggot!"

He was starting to really get into a rage and I thought it was time to let him know that new management had taken over! Going over to a rack on the wall I made a big production out of selecting a nice willowy wand. It wasn't very thick and looked quite silly next to the chains and whips that were also placed on that shelf.

I turned around to face Sean as I experimented with my whip. It made quite a satisfactory whistling sound as I sliced the air with it. Sean eyes had grown larger with disbelief as I approached him cutting the air in front of him with whistle sound after whistle sound. He was actually starting to sweat as I approached closer and closer. "You wouldn't dare, you wimpy faggot pussy whore. You don't have the guts! "He taunted.

I had walked around behind him by this time and aiming at his exposed naked body smacked his ass with my free hand hard enough to make a red imprint of my hand that rose in a welt. His skin was still softer than an average man's and would be getting softer soon.

Not from hormones though as he already had testosterone coursing through his veins and I wanted to keep that up until the last implants wore off. Then we would feminize his precious male body while he screamed and begged us not to. God! I was going to enjoy this. I had already told Ben that until this part of the process was over I wouldn't be very good company for him and I would spend my time at my house rather than his.

I apologized profusely and ensured him of my undying love for him but that this was going to bring out the bitch in me and I had to burn her out in the process. He was saddened but I believe he understood that he would be getting the kind softer me that he was accustomed to and I didn't want to hurt him by letting him see this part of me that Susan/Sean had created in me.

It was only fair that I would burn her out of me with the same person who had created her in the first place. For the next little while I was going to be Sean's personal Bitch from hell!

He had yelled in surprise at the impact of my hand on his ass but then sniggered at me. That soon turned into cries of mixed astonishment and pain as I methodically raised painful welt after painful welt on his ass and legs. I couldn't believe the cold passionless way I stripped him of at least three layers of skin in places. I must have got carried away by the symphony of his cries and pleas as Madam Kink herself came in and gently removed the cane from my hand as she beckoned Joy and Beth in to medicate Sean and to take care of his ripped flesh! His cries of "Why Heather? Why?" Followed me out of the dungeon.

Madam Kink looked at me with appreciation and let me know that if I was interested I could work for her anytime as I had it! Whatever IT was. "I was in awe of you in there sweetie! You were so cool and detached! Just lovely. A little leather outfit and you would scare me!" she laughed. We were in the observation booth and I over heard Joy as she said To Sean,

"Wow! You sure have her pissed off at you Sean! What ever did you do to her to get her so pissed off?" She rubbed some soothing balm over his cuts and even though he winced with the pain he made no sound.

"Aw she was always a flake I don't know why we got married!"

Joy laughed! "Why would a guy like you marry a straight chick like that? I always thought you she-males went for men?"

"What are you babbling about? That is my husband!"

"No way!" Joy laughed again. "Wow is that ever kinky. Do you take turns or what? I mean you both got dicks so who does what to who?" Joy sounded sincere. At the same time she managed to lever Sean up so that he could see himself for the first time in a full length mirror on the wall. She grabbed the ace bandage around his chest and proceeded to let his breasts out for the first time since arriving back in the States.

Sean gasped as he got a good look at himself. An incredible display of emotions warred across his face as what he saw registered. With a soul piercing scream he fainted dead away as Joy and Beth laughed as they finished their medical repairs of the out cold she-male. Carrying him over to the cot that lay in front of the mirror they strapped him in and arranged the mirrors in the corner of the room so that Sean would have a clear view of his new body.

Both Joy and Beth came into the observation room chuckling. "That was priceless Heather, thanks for that! That was the best scream I have heard in along time and I doubt that it will be the last either. What happens next should be good though as I play him with my feminine wiles. If all goes well he will love me and hate you, then we can reverse that or get Beth to be the good guy for a while. He will get so confused and then that is when we will start."

"In the meantime we will pamper him with delicious bubble baths to get his skin nice and soft and also start with the enemas to clean out his insides too so that we can train his virgin asshole to take bigger and bigger but plugs. In six weeks he will be able to take King Kong up his back door. We will of course make sure that his titties get nice and super sensitive too."

"It may be a little harder to get him hooked on that though as you say he can't experience orgasm? Are you sure about that? I'm asking because if he can feel even a little bit it will cut down training time by a month!" She smiled with a feral grin. "I am so going to enjoy this!"

I smiled back as I hoped that he could feel a little bit of an orgasm, not enough to make this enjoyable, but enough so that he would become a simpering, fawning, little cocksucker slut whore in record time. He had so much to make up for and my life was on hold until such time as he learned his lessons in faggotom and realized why I was doing this.

It could take some time as he was such an arrogant bastard! Sean had regained consciousness and was looking at his reflection in the mirror and crying. Wow! Crying already! Probably for the wrong reasons though I thought. Well time for act two! I reentered the chamber of horrors and walked up to his bedside and looked down at him as he cried.

Looking up at me he cried. "Why heather? Why did you do this to me? What all have you done? I Don't feel right, there is something very wrong inside me Heather. My God! What have you done to me?"

He started to cry again as I sat down next to him and explained the what and why as I was sure now that his one track me-me mind would never be able to wrap around the why of what I had done. If he didn't understand that then I had just wasted a lot of money and time.

"You stupid arrogant prick! You think that because I liked to wear woman's clothing when I was a man that that made me a faggot, queer, or a Homosexual? You were wrong then and you are still wrong today. What I did was a simple homage of women that hurt no one and because I kept it in the privacy of my own home didn't bother anyone."

"Imitation has always been the highest form of flattery. You compounded your error by then forcing me to wear nothing but women's clothes hoping to embarrass me and when that didn't work you got abusive and mean. Then you further compounded your error by secretly feeding me female hormones."

"Did you know that by doing that you took my only chance of being a parent by chemically castrating me? No I doubt that you even cared about that did you? Then you changed our entire relationship and made me your slave but the capper was when you made me a prostitute by pimping me out to Ben Brownsburg. You did this simply for the expedience of obtaining lucrative contracts from his company by playing to his weakness for She-Males, of which by that time you had made me."

"I lost all respect and love that had sustained me through three years of your abuse and your abasement of me. Once you had succeeded in destroying any good feelings for you all that were left were disgust and a very frightening hatred. So with a little help from friends, that I wasn't even aware that I had since you had managed to scare off the majority, I have changed you into what you have made me."

"You are no longer a woman except for your breasts and even half of those are implants. You have a non functioning penis and no internal organs of a woman. I gutted you, you stupid arrogant bastard! That's only the beginning for you though as I intend to make you into what you thought I was. A simpering, whiny, cocksucking little she-male whore who is addicted to pain and humiliation and of course any kind of sick depraved sex act imaginable."

"You will become the epitome of what you branded me as. You have two choices as I see it. You can kill yourself and save us a lot of time and money but knowing you, you will not have the guts to do that and I should know I watched them take your guts out! You can go along with everything and listen and learn all your Mistresses Joy and Beth try to teach your sorry ass so that you can go out into the world and start earning your way sucking and slurping your way to Niverna."

"Of course there are a lot of diseases out there and just about any of your clients wouldn't give a shit about you any more than you cared about me when you started to pimp me out! There is one other way out for you. You still have to learn your lessons here and learn them to excellence but instead of putting you out on the street you will allow me to remove practically all of your intelligence and learn how to be a housekeeper and maid and I will allow you to become a maid in Ben's and my household."

"Oh! For added incentive I should let you know that I have everything and you have nothing. As a matter of fact you don't even exist! Susan died in Mexico in a paragliding accident I think. We buried you last week right next to your father at Silver Cloud Memorial. Your mother didn't shed a single tear during your funeral or internment. I thought that odd but then again I guess you got your cold ice filled veins somewhere and she seems to be a good candidate."

"Maybe I'll let her in on what has really happened to you and why so she can come and laugh at you too. So has any of this sunk in yet Sean? Do you have a clue yet as to why I have done this to you yet. God! I had to do something as you were leaving a trail of bodies behind you as you clawed your way to the top."

"To the top of what Sean? What do you have now Sean? Nothing Sean! That's what you have now, nothing and no one to care if you live or die. I sure hope you like it as you sure worked your ass off to get here! I even felt sorry for you once but now I look down on your sorry ass and I don't even see anything. You're a nothing Sean, a nobody. You were a nothing in life and now you are a nothing in death."

"Make no mistake about it, you are an it, you have no gender, you own nothing, you are nothing. God knows, I hope and pray that you will end your pitiful existence as I don't know if I even want to waste any more time on you as you will never learn. You are incapable of learning as you believe you know it all. Maybe I should just whip you to hamburger and leave you out for the dogs. I honestly am sick of you! Good bye Sean, see you in hell I guess."

I started to get up off the cot when Sean begged me to stay. I heard all the things that I expected to hear but no real sense of remorse for the lives that he had ravaged on his way to the top. I heard fear, sadness, and helplessness but his soul was dead and there was no atonement for his many sins. I pointed these facts out to him as I got up and started to leave.

"Have pity! He cried, "I don't know any better. It is who I am. I can't change myself I have to be changed. You saw my mother. A colder bitch doesn't live in this universe and she taught me all I know! Then I met you, Heather, and for six years I knew peace and contentment. You can remember that, can't you? I didn't strive to be the top dog then. I was content to be a great salesperson. Then I found out about you and yes, I thought that that meant you were a homosexual because I didn't know any better. You never once tried to tell me I was wrong though and I just spiraled up out of control and I started to hate you because I felt belittled by what I thought you were."

"Don't you understand how I must have felt when I found out that my husband of six years was a fag. I mean, what does that say about me. How much of a woman was I to warrant a faggot for a husband! I was mortified and ashamed and I took it out on you. I know now that you took it on the chin because you loved me but you should have told me the truth before I went insane. I'm sorry, I know it is none of your fault and all of mine and I accept your punishment. I would however like to be your maid so that I can at least be near you everyday. May I please?"

Sean had rocked my soul! I had tears rolling down my face as I realized just how far we had come in just that short time. I knew that it was all over for us but I would not ever be able to continue my revenge now as in an instant Sean had become a person before my very eyes. I would have to take precautions but I saw no reason why Ben and I couldn't restore Sean to a semblance of Susan.

Of course there was no real Susan any more but according to the doctors they had the ability to re-transplant all of Susan's womanhood back inside of her and make her whole once again and if what I thought had happened had actually happened then the new Susan would be a more caring human being and would deserve to live. I had been hurt so bad by this person but in a second of contrition had removed my need to carry on with the rest of my plan.

Maybe a short term of abasement so that she/he would really know how it felt then a short course in how to be a woman again might be enough to allow the true Susan to emerge.

"I will give it some thought Susan, and I will let you know soon. Be good and learn your lessons well and I will be back soon." I smiled down to her and saw her smile in return as she realized that I had referred to her in the feminine.

"Unless you wish to remain as Sean. You think about that and let me know when I return. It is possible for you to return to being Susan as I still have everything that they took out in a special state. They are supposed to be good for years but don't take too long to decide. I do hope to the God and Goddess that you have re-found your humanity!"

I patted her/his head as I turned to go. I arrived back to the observation area to not a dry eye in the house. "That was almost a religious experience for me!"

"Me too!" That from life hardened women that had known only abuse and were now meting out their own brand of justice. Well it was a powerful moment I had to agree. I also thought that Sean might not have to go to hell for these ladies as they knew he had already been and returned a better person. I had a lot of thinking to do and I needed Ben with me to help make some tough choices. I said my goodbyes to the ladies and made my way home.

Another year has passed and Ben and I are happily married and I have become a whole woman very much in love. We have put in to adopt a beautiful set of twins, girls, who are six years old and I am quite sure that Suzy, our much loved maid, will probably spoil them rotten. All in all everything is good and I can't think of a thing that I would change. However Suzy has offered both Ben and I a chance to have one of our own children using her as a surrogate mother and Ben's seed. Ben is in favor of it if I am and I think I will let her know tomorrow when we go shopping for baby stuff together!

**Well a little dark in places but the ending is sweet and lots of lessons have been learned. Such is life though, always learning new wondrous things.**

Goddess bless and keep you safe!

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