Secretary Day, The Aftermath

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I have always been a great fan of Rachel Ann Cooper and I believe that I have read all that she has posted on Crystal’s StorySite.

I had, up to just yesterday, thought that she had a very nice way of telling a story where all was a story book ending and all concerned were happy that I am afraid that I overlooked the fact that hidden in those sweet unassuming stories were some darker bits of human nature that most of us really do not like to see exposed! Then again this is a story Site and fantasy is the name of the game. What would happen then when the crass world of reality intrudes? One has to expect that every once in a while. Do not worry though as this is just a story too!

Secretary’s Day — Aftermath

Connie just loved her job, her life, and the beautiful day around her as she strode confidently to work. She was pretty, curvaceous, and intelligent; a combination that she felt would carry her far. Already Ms. Rule had given her another raise and she was now making almost thirty-thousand a year with no glass ceiling in sight yet and her job skills were finely honed. Her mother was very happy now that she had a daughter, which she had secretly desired ever since Connie was born Conrad, and to whom she had had on a regime of Herbs and Hormones basically all his/her life, just to keep him/her mellow you understand. When Ms. Rule had added her hormones to the mix when Connie started to work for her poor Conrad didn’t have a chance and was unknowingly dragged down the path to femininity. Connie was happy with it thought, wasn’t she? Of course, what with the mental alterations that go hand in hand with Hormone therapy, I guess we will never know for sure, will we? Had Conrad been given the choice would he have gone so blissfully down that path? I am sure that none of these concerns were going through that lovely blondes head though as she arrived at the office, made Ms. Rule her coffee and then her own and settled in to take care of anything that was required of her. After answering e-mails, telephone messages, and correspondence on her desk she brought Ms. Rule’s Daily planner up to date and then went out to lunch with Peggy, the office receptionist. Peggy was afire with the news of her latest boy friend and what they were going to do this weekend and in her flush of joy didn’t immediately notice that Connie seemed to be in some difficulty.

“My word Connie what ever is wrong. You are white as a ghost and you’re sweating! What is it?”

“ I’m not sure Peggy. I feel very woozy all of a sudden and sick to my stomach” Then with a groan she pitched over to left and crumbled to the floor.

“ Oh! Please! Someone help! Call -911.” Peggy was very close to being hysterical.


Connie gradually woke to the smells and sounds that told her that she was in a hospital. With a little groan she struggled the rest of the way to full consciousness and tried to sit up.

“ No dear, you just lay back down and take it easy.” Her mother had reached her side and was gently pushing her back down on the bed. “ You have been out for several hours and everyone is very concerned for you.”

“What happened Mother? I was having lunch with Peggy and all of a sudden I had this incredible pain, like a monster of a cramp, in my lower stomach. Is it food poisoning? No! It couldn’t happen that quick. What happened Mother?”

Looking up into her mothers eyes she saw concern but also that her mother didn’t know what was going on.

“They are still doing tests and lab work dear so it shouldn’t take too much longer to find out. Possibly some flu bug eh?” Her mother’s eyes had a faint hope that that was all it was but there was also an unknown fear there.

“Listen mom; why don’t you go get yourself a coffee or something and try to unwind a little. I’ll be fine here and you will do me much more good if you are relaxed. Your being tense is making me worry. So cut it out, o.k? Go on, you are driving me crazy!” She smiled up at her mother to take away any hurt that might be in her words and it seemed to work as her mother let out a little grunt of a laugh and with a little pat on her daughter’s hand got up and left the room ostensibly to get that aforementioned coffee. Not long after she left an older dignified gentleman came in and stood by her side in silence for a while before speaking.

“You are a very pretty girl and I would never have known that you were a pre-op transsexual. How long and at what dose have you been taking female hormones? Also I will need your family doctor’s name and number and of course you’re Endocrinologist’s name and number as well. You have been challenging your system with pretty high levels of hormones and I for one want to chew your doctors out for being so irresponsible with their care of you!” Connie could almost see sparks popping out of the doctor’s eyes as he said this quite heatedly.

“I am not too sure what you mean doctor. I am not seeing a doctor or a what-cha-ma-golosigt thingy that you mentioned and I have no idea what a pre-op transsexual is!”

“What? You mean to tell me that you did this to yourself? Why?” The doctor was obviously upset.

“No! Of course not doctor. I haven’t taken anything like you said. This is just the way I grew up! Just ask my mother, for heavens sake!” I could get just as heated as he could! “So what is wrong with me anyway? Why am I in such pain? Well actually I don’t seem to be in quite as much pain now. Is that your doing? If it is, thanks!”

“You are welcome young lady. I certainly couldn’t leave you like that now, could I?” he smiled. “How old are you?”

“I’ll be nineteen in a couple of months. Why?”

“I have some very, very bad news and I want to know if you are up to it.”

“Well I know that I may appear young to you but really, what with all has happened to me in my short life I believe that I am mature enough to take the news doctor.” I stated this as firm as I could to give the doctor the right impression.

“Very well then.” He sighed and sat down next to Connie and took one of her delicate little hands in his, looked into her eyes and said, “You have Cancer, both in your testicles and in one of your breasts. Now we can normally just remove the testes with a fairly routine procedure but we are concerned with the virulence of your cancer and I have a need to make sure that if we open you up down there and let air into the cancer site that the cancer isn’t sent into a gamble and over run other organs that are ripe for disease given the amount of estrogen that you have been taking”

“…cancer! My God! How? Doctor I haven’t taken any hormones I tell you! How is this possible? “Tears were flowing down her cheeks as she implored the doctor to find some fault with such a horrendous diagnoses. “My god! Oh! Please do not tell my Mother. This would kill her! My God! What am I going to do? Am I going to die doctor?” Connie was rocking back and forth on the bed crying piteously. To see someone so young suffer such a tragedy was tearing out his heart. He signaled to a nurse who came over and added something to Connie’s I.V. as she burbled wetly on the doctor’s shoulder.

“Not if I can help it, young lady, not if I can help it! You just rest and gather your strength while I go and find out how we will beat this, o.k.? I will also respect your wishes and try to keep your Mother in the dark for now. No need to have her all upset as well. You have taken this extremely well and I for one am very proud of you. So hang in there and let me get to work. I am very curious about your adamancy about not taking Hormones though as they are very evident in your blood chemistry. We will have to get to the bottom of that quickly to make sure that you do not take any more. Have you added anything new to your diet intake lately…….Oh! Never mind..” The doctor had noticed that the medication that the nurse had administered had taken effect and that Connie was asleep.

Connie’s mother had just come back in the room and saw that her daughter was asleep. “Oh! Good! I am glad that she is getting some sleep. She was looking a little ragged around the edges.” “So how is my little girl Doctor? Have you found out what is wrong yet? Will she be alright?” She asked the doctor breathlessly.

“We are not completely sure what has caused her problems yet as there are conflicting informations. More tests will have to be done, of course, as well as a detailed medical review of the last, say four years. So how long has your son wanted to be a woman Mrs. Wells?”

“Excuse me Doctor?”

“Oh, please don’t get me wrong, you have a very pretty and strong daughter there. One that you can be rightly proud of.”

“Why thank you Doctor! I agree, she is everything I always wanted!

“What do you mean Mrs. Wells? Did you have anything to do with her development?”

“Well Doctor, you know how hard it is to raise a son these days what with all the trouble with drugs and delinquency and what not. I am a single parent and just could not have dealt with a testosterone poisoned child. Yes, I quess that you could say that I am instrumental in what you see before you!” “I am proud that I allowed such a kind, considerate, and caring soul to bud forth. Then again I was never disappointed at all with my son either as he was a very gentle soul like his father. Just in case though I made sure that we were in good health and had us both on a regime of Herbs and very mild hormones. I must say that I am very happy with the results. She is everything I always wanted in a daughter. She is so lovely, don’t you think Doctor?”

Throughout Mrs. Wells illuminating conversation the Doctor was getting up a good head of steam as he finally understood the tragedy that was before him. A mother trying to do what she thought was best for her and her son (Hopefully!) , or a manipulative parent willing to do anything to get what she wanted regardless of the costs. The doctor let his breath out with a hisssssss! He turned to face the mother and asked her if she was a doctor or had she got a doctor’s opinion of the drugs that she had used on her son. Mrs. Wells recoiled in shock from the doctor and this unexpected display of anger. Wow! He was really steamed!

“Why no, Doctor, I was able to determine what was needed from my husband’s books!”

“Oh! Your husband is a Medical Doctor?”

“No, he was a biologist though and quite well known.”

“Wait a minute! Your Husband was Gregory Wells?”

“Why yes he was, doctor. I am very gratified to hear that he is still well known.”

“Do you think that he would have agreed to what you did to your son?”

“Why I am sure that I don’t know for sure Doctor and I must say that I do not really appreciate your tone.” Mrs. Well said Frostily.

“Mrs. Wells…..I promised your daughter that I would not say anything about what was wrong with her so as to not overly stress you but I can tell that you are obviously a rock hearted soul that should be made aware of the fact that you have probably killed your daughter and definitely your son with that cavalier attitude of yours and of course your indiscriminate use of very powerful hormones.” “What were you thinking?” “Did you think that you could pump a body full of that poison and not have it have any bad effects?” “God! Women! You have possibly killed your beautiful, young, and obviously trusting daughter. She has Cancer and unless I get all the particulars from you as to the where and when you purchased your little poisons so that I can reasonably determine if we can operate or not than she could very well be dead in a matter of months!!!!”

Mrs. Wells face had been taking on a mask of horror as the doctor berated her and now with both hands to her face she looked from the Doctor to her dying daughter, jumped up and ran, wailing, from the room.

The doctor watched as Mrs. Wells bolted from the room, shook his head sadly, and looked down at the fragile, damaged beyond repair, poor undeserving Human Being who’s only fault was, was to be born into the wrong family. So, this is the famous son of Doctor Wells eh? Well, I guess that would be Daughter now, for a brief time at least. Then again, with the knowledge that the doctor now knew, maybe that time could be extended. A little more research was definitely in order.

Mrs. Wells, meanwhile, was sobbing her eyes out in her car. Always her thoughts had been to perpetuate good health in her and Conrad/Connie and to save both of them any heartache that would ensue from testosterone driven male macho behavior. Never in her wildest dreams would she ever entertain hurting the ones that she loved. How she loved it when Conrad had slowly meta-morphed to her beautiful, vivacious and loving Daughter Connie. She Loved Conrad with all her heart but there just wasn’t much a Mother and son could do together to build up a lasting and loving relationship. A daughter, on the other hand, had been heaven-sent to fill that void. Now to find out that because of HER and her selfish desires she had killed the very person that she had prayed for. OH! What to do! Well! She knew that the biggest changes had happened when Ms. Rule had started feeding her baby those Hormones. That was what had killed her child! Ms. Rule would be made to pay for her interference. Driving home through blurry vision, walking upstairs to her room and using her vanity chair to reach up to the attic through the small access panel set in her bedroom ceiling, she reached down a very ornate box in tooled leather with gold hasps and a small gold padlock. The box and contents used to belong to her husband and she had hid it away after she started to feminize him as she didn’t want to take the chance that her husband may realize what was happening to him and try to stop her before it was too late. Of course that never occurred and her husband turned into a lovely creature that any wife would love to have, Kind, considerate, loving and completely subservient to her. Opening the box, she was shocked to find it empty, with just the outline of the weapon it once held and some spare ammunition. In it’s place was a card. Picking up the card she read:


Thought you had me, didn't you?

Have you checked the crypt lately

Won't you be suprised?

I have pulled a Lazurus!

Now you will never know when I will get you! Hee! Hee!

Giving a little shriek as she actually felt something cold on her ankles and she fainted dead away on the floor.

To be continued…….

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