The Summer Camp Brochure

The Summer Camp Brochure

First story and origin of 'Silver Ghost'

Danielle L. O'bryan

Chapters one & Two

Chapter One

Hello! Believe it or not my name is Terri. Not Terrance or even Terry but the feminine diminutive. I have come to the conclusions that my Parents hate me. Even my sister, six years my senior, used me for her verbal punching bag as well as a living Barbie. I can remember times when I was so humiliated by her parading me in front of all the relatives in her baby clothes that I would lose conciousness. Nobody cared though. It was as if my sister had received all the Love my Family had and there was none left over for me.

Since I was a scrawny youth with no muscle power at all, sports, et. al. were not happening for me. I was the poster child for geekdom. I was, however, a powerhouse in the brain department and it was in this regard that I hoped to garner at least my parents respect. I was a straight 'A'+ student all through school! It wasn't that hard!

My teachers were appaled that my parents would not allow me to be advanced faster as I was head and shoulders above even them. My parents dithered on about social implications and my need to remain in my 'peer' group. My peer group was in the University across town! My teachers recognized my talents, bless them, and had arranged for univeristy classes for me at least three days a week unbeknownst to my parents.

I swear that they just wanted to make sure that I was available to the jocks to torment and the stupid people to beat on. If I had a dime for every bruise, contusion, and laceration I would be very well off. The nursing staff at school had a pool running as to what I would need looked at each day. Did anybody do anything to stop this abuse. Of course not! Ruin their fun! God no!

I do remember back when I was in grade two that a new teacher called Family Services because of my bruises etc. A worker came to our house! My parents were scandalized! The worker was frostily shown my closet, ummmm! Room, with it's adequate accomadations, clothing, light,heat, and ventilation. The house was clean if somewhat spartan! The worker was invited to share our evening meal. It too was hot, bland, but nutritous. The worker left in disgust at the total lack of positive emotions in the house. Then again it was not against the law to not show your children 'Love' just that no one was supposedly allowed to abuse children. Sadly abuse was not only physical.

I continued to bring home report cards of straight A+'s loaded with my trachers accolades but nothing would get me more than "Adequate" from my parents. While my sister got a car for her first 'C+'! I think it was in makeup or something. While I may be the poster child of geek-hood she was the epitome of the 'Air-Headed Bimbo'. For some unfathomable reason my parents doted on her. This was and still is a very sore issue with me. I never recieved any explanations. I did as I was told, or else!

The year prior to my sister leaving to go to cheerleader school the weirdness started. I would find more and more of her clothes showing up in my closet and drawers as if I was expected to wear Them. I asked sis about it but just got her blank bimbo look! I can remember waking up to pain in my buttocks as if someone had stuck me with pins but when a new vitamin regime was introduced I got suspicious. Hey! I was a kid but I was far from stupid!

I took a couple of the pills over to some friends at the University. (Yes I had friends there. They at least respected my intellect!) The results that came back staggered me. They were very potent female hormones. I got a copy of the lab report with their statement of where they received the drugs from and I added this to my mountain of pictures, videos, letters, memos and now medical information. When I found out who was responsible I would have the info to bring them down.

While I was at the lab I dropped my pants, to the whistles from most of the class, so that my friends could get swabs of whatever was being injected into me as I slept. I just shook my head at them in mock disgust. "Perverts!" They thought this was hilarious! When the results came back the whole class was shocked! Someone had implanted me with nano-pumps filled with congugated Estrogens, progesterones, and anti-Androgens. I was being led down the rose covered path to a female Puberty! Why?

My friends even asked various medical professors at the University to take a look and see if they could help remove them. Well at least I got free medical!

MRI's, Cat-scans, X-Rays, and Ultrasounds showed a dismal picture though. The implants were not meant to come out and could disintegrate, prematurely flooding my system with very powerfull drugs, if messed with and the worst news is that they had already started their work. My pelvis was that of a young girl and my hips were growing. It wouldn't be long before the other secondary characteristics would begin. The students and professors alike were aghast that anybody would not only do this to a minor child, a boy, but do it on the sly. Had I been a 'normal' youth I wouldn't had thought anything about it. Puberty was expected to bring about strange feelings and bodily changes! Yea!

I now had enough information to put behind bars whoever was doing this to me. Sadly I had to concur with my friends at the University, It 'HAD' to be one or both of my parents! The forty-million dollar question was....... WHY?

So this brings us to my fourteenth birthday!

Imagine my surprise upon entering the house to see it all decorated with birthday stuff! I even backed out the door to check the address to make sure I had entered the right home. I saw this saddened my parents somewhat! Well, what did they expect? The first time in fourteen years that they show me any real emotion or kindness! Of course I'm shocked! The house was filled with all sorts of relatives, some I had never met. I was led to believe that the fourteeth year of a child in this family was an event! This was too much for me and I was all set to run away from this madness when father took my hand and gently pulled me to the living room table. Who was this guy? A pod person? My shocked look at his tenderness made him start to cry.

Call the paramedics! Insanity had just struck this entire household! Who were these people? My family's only emotional response to date was mild anger! I guess I said this all out loud as the room quieted down as everyone looked guilty. "We are so sorry Terri! We had to do it! But not anymore! Now we can show you all the love we have had to hold back for so long!" "Happy Birthday, sweetheart!" The room exploded with birthday greetings!

I had tenderly been sat at the dining room table by this time and surrounded by all these crazy people! I was actually terrified! I kept shifting in my seat waiting for a opening I could break through and get away. This was too bizzare for me, thank you very much. I had gone from being a recluse in my own home to suddenly having the spotlight on me. People were being NICE! This was not normal! I was starting to get angry. Was this a setup? Were the Child Services here again? I 'SNAPPED'!

"Fuck off! Just FUCK OFF! For fourteen years I am treated like less than dog shit and now this! What kind of perverted, twisted, sick game is this." I screamed at them!

Many blanched and stepped back in shock and sadness from my tirade. I heard things like "Well it was to be expected!" to "Not very Lady like, Terri!"

This set me off even more. It was bad enough that someone was trying to turn me into a girl but now they were going to treat me like one. I reached into my school bag that was still miracuosly attached to my shoulder, grabbed one of the bottles of "Vitamins" Supplements, opened it and threw the pills at the assholes surrounding me. "Lady like! Lady like! Not bloody likely you sick twisted perverts! I never took this poison! I am still a boy! Now I am a MAN! I refuse to take this crap from you. I refuse to be turned into a girl for your sick twisted entertainment! Now get the FUCK away from me!!!!!!"

Both my Mother and Father had blanched at my speech and now were openly weeping! The extended family of Uncles, Aunts, Nephews,Neices, Grandparents, and cousins started to filter out. As they passed me they all had to pat me on the shoulder while whispering things like. "This was to be a happy time! We are so sorry you found out!" Weird!

Soon the house was quiet except for my parents cuddling each other, crying still, on the couch! I turned to them with distain. "Well! What did you expect? I was supposed to thank them and fawn all over them for the privilage of being their 'JOKE' of the week. I can not begin to understand why you hate me so! I have spent my entire life trying to get you to even 'Like' me. I gave up my childhood so that I could excell scholasticly! Never so much as a 'well done' or 'good marks son!' No! You made sure to hold me back to be the brunt of all the jocks and stupid people that resented my intellect. You made sure that my stupid sister would get all the love and attention in this house! My God! She got a CAR for a C+. She probably got her mark mixed up with someone else. She couldn't get a D+ without help but you doted on her and treated me like shit! And 'you're' acting upset! Jesuz H. on a popsicle stick! This is one sick demented family!" I pushed my way off my chair making it slam against the wall! My parents jumped at the sound and held each other even tighter. I left in disgust and went down to my lab in the basement.

I got downstairs to get another shock! It would appear as if someone had gone through all my stuff. Papers and books were scattered all over the place. Bastards! I found the hidden button and opened the door to the 'Secret' room. It used to be a cool room! You know, where canned goods were stored. But no-one in this household ever did any canning so I took it over for my lab. It was easy to extend the wall to hide it and simplicity itself to make a door that was so camoflauged as to look like the wall! The resultant room was fifteen by twelve feet and held my inventions!

This was my refuge! I had sound proofed the room as best I could with second hand acoustical tiles etc. I had even wrapped the whole room in a 'Faraday' cage. This small weave metal cage, when properly grounded prevented any electromagnetics in or out. I know, a little mad scientistic, but with some of the stuff I was doing in here could be disturbed by other electro-signitures. What could be so dangerous you think, after all this boy is only 14?

Well, this brings up another wierdness I have been experiencing for the last three years. I have this incredible ability to 'bond', if that is the right word, with ANY machine. It would seem as if these machines would always try their best to work the very, very best they could. It was amazing as I exceeded all bench marks on ANY device. With computers it was down right scary! I would seem to meld with them as we would be trying one experiment after another. It got so (bad/good) as time went on and my parents seemed to get further away I would be getting closer with my various machines, computers, and some real interesting devices. (I'll tell you about some of them later!) These were my children and I felt as if they were giving me familial love and support. Maybe I was a tad crazy. You would be too if you had to live my life.

I closed the door behind me and sighed in relief. Here I was safe, loved and protected by my children!

Lately I had got a bit off my regular path as I discovered Physics, quantum mechanics, mesons, tachyons, et al. My brain had no trouble just sucking in all the information I could get. I was a sponge for esoterica as well as I was now entering into the possibily of 'Time travel' itself. It didn't take a genius to understand that tachyons were moving out of sync with everything else and that their 'temporal' signature was reversed from any other matter/energy in our universe. I was attempting to skim information from these burst of what I called 'time travellers' in an attempt to 'see' the past.

In order to even see to trap these slippery little suckers and hold them in place while I 'read' them required me to invent my very own devices. They in themselves could win me a Westinghouse prize at least. Utilizing coherent energy (Much like lasers) I shaped and moulded instruments of light that could grab, in a pincer like way, tiny particles of both energy and plasma (a combo of energy and matter) as small as .0005 Microns thick. Now your everyday wandering tachyon was usually in the range between .0099 and .0055 microns so snagging them was veritabley easy. Of course I had to write a computer program to explain to my devices the care and feeding of tachyons in the wild. :-) As usual the interchange of information went very fast and smoothly. I could, via my computer, grab a tachyon and utilizing another invention of mine. My 'reader', get data from them. I was very excited as I thought I had gathered enough 'data' to attempt to translate what I had!

I found that many tacyons (I'll just call them 't's' from now on) had pieces of the same 'data' so again I wrote a program to isolate similarities prior to translating. This may be an over simplification but picture a DVD reader grabbing data from a rapidly spinning disk while managing to get a coherent data stream so that a movie could be watched. Oh! Did I forget to tell you that 'T's" spin. The opposite that a disc would but one could, with the right equipment, (Which I had built), read.

At first I was very excited to learn that my 'T's' held on them many layers of data arranged like the layers of an onion, but my excitment waned as I realized the data came from many various locations. These little suckers had really traveled. It might be possible if one could entice and read all the 'T's' that the past would be open like a book. Better as the data was similar to audio/visual data. We could watch and listen to the past! This technology would put the University and I on the map. I had no compunction with sharing with my friends and the University as they were there for me and allowed me access to all information at their disposal. These wonderful people had saved me from uneducated hell. They also were my family. I contantly amazed them with my little toys.

As I had been spacing out thinking of family and other dysfunctional things my grabbers and readers had been busy. Now you have to realize that I have been mining/reaping my 'T's' for almost four months now and I was getting slightly edgy for the information that they carried. The beap from the computer made me jump! There was enough info to make a rational segment. I was hyped! Turning to the computer I ran the playback and sat back ready to be amazed!

Amazement was mild compared to what I was seeing. Religious Experience was closer! I was watching the inside of this very house! My parents were there along with my Uncle Zeth (He was the family witch hunter! A bigger asshole doesn't exsist!) Brandy was there too! They were arguing something and Brandy was crying! This was all seen with me there as the actual participant. Okay! This was making sense. Of course the only 'T's' collected here would somehow been bonded to me. I was seeing either my past or future. They seemed to be talking about me with me right there! I wasn't moving as the picture was very stable. I was either drugged or restrained in some way.

I fine tuned the data stream for any audio and was soon listening to my Uncle Zeth extoll the reasons why I should terminated and right now before I broke the control. I was apparently a super villian who would first kill them, then the world. (I told you he was nuts.) What was real sad was how my very own loving parents were nodding to his insanities.

Brandy was crying out please don't kill my brother! Over and over until Uncle Zeth turned and belted her really hard. "Sit down you slut!" My father got up at that and laid my uncle out with one punch. "You asshole! She is what you made her! If you touch her again I'll kill you!" My usual under-emotional father was livid and spitting out his words. From the look on Uncle's face he realized he had overstepped his bounds big time!

The data stream was getting patchy by now so I terminated playback and put everything back into collection mode. So, I was to be killed eh! I don't think so. My anger crystalized my mental processes and I began to devise the means to get answers. I had no limits to what I could do as I no longer thought of them as family. They barely made it to human in my book! Six hours later I had made six transdermal disks with intelligent programming. I also had made a 'Master' disk that I would implant in my cerebal cortex. When I implanted the rest I would be able to control whoever they were implanted in. The shoe was on the other foot now!

Slipping out of my lab I found all was quiet in the house. Ah! My guinea pigs were sleaping. I took two of my slave disks with the injector upstairs to my parents room and changed the hirearchy of the household with two hisses as the discs were placed in their new homes. Now I would get answers! I could wait for morning though as I was quite punch drunk from my intense lab work. First a nice cool glass of milk would settle my tum. Sitting down at the kitchen table with my glass of milk I noticed a thick pamphlet with a pink ribbon on it addressed to me. Turning it so that I could see I was at first surprised then angered beyond any anger I had ever felt. This was not a warm anger but a ice cold one!

Summer Camp was the title of the brochure and it showed blissfull beaches filled with bikini clad beauties sunning themselves. Buxome girls playing volleyball. Gorgeous girls dancing in clubs and dining in what seemed to be very exclusive restaurants! At first a paradise right? Then once read one would find out that not a single lady depicted was indeed a women. This was a camp for fags, sissies, crossdressers, and tg people. Inside the brochure was a travel itinerary for one Terri Powell! Me! My so-called loving parents were sending me to a faggot camp! I apologize to all out there of alternate sexuality but I was pissed! I mean, one of my best friends at the university was a know gay and his boyfriend would constantly pick him up dressed to the nines in all her glorious femininity. George had great taste in girlfriends! I for one would not believe that Daphne was anything other than a real girl and thought the rest of them were having me on. Daphne herself expelled my beliefs by bending over in front of me, ostensibly to pick up a computer disc, and all doupt was gone. I could see her/his penis right through the thin silk panties she wore. How can it be comfortable to bend your penis back between your legs like that?

I knew who was doctoring my body with the hormones now. There was no doubt they 'wanted' another girl in the house. That would explain the subliminal information being pumped into my bedroom at night. I found it two months ago while sweeping my room for bugs. Of course I followed it to the source in the living room. In the DVD player (It could play five in a row) I found five unmarked DVD's. In my lab I was able to find out what they were. If my family had been successful with them I would now know all I would need to be their subservient, sex starved, bimbo. Just like Brandy! ....... Was it possible? No! Maybe! Yes! It would explain a lot!. I had a lot of questions for the 'rents now.

Chapter Two

You said you wanted the truth!

It was a beautiful morning, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, and I could hear someone mowing their lawn. I had slept incredibly well! I felt refreshed! Of course having control of your life back was a definate plus and the up coming knowlege I was about to get had me singing as I arose, did my morning routine. I still had to fight putting on makeup but I 'Could' fight it! I guess those dvd's had been working on me for a while before I found them. Boy! Someone was really going to pay for that. Screwing with a mind was just wrong!

I heard Uncle Zeth down in the kitchen! Well all the players were here. Time for the play to begin. I grabbed my injecter, a mind control disk, and headed downstairs! (I know what you are thinking, with how I thought about the sanctity of the human mind how could I bring myself to do the very same thing? Right?) Lest we forget, this was my supposed family who had done it to me first.

I jaunted downstairs humming to myself. I was extreamly pleased with myself. Just think! The very same intellect that they had tried to stagnate was about to change their very lives. For the worse if I had anything to say about it...... Oh! I Did! Hee! Hee! They deserved that insane giggle as they had programed it into me.

Coming up behind Uncle Zeth I had injected him and continued to the kitchen table as if nothing was wrong. I would have to wait a minute or two for the chip to invade it's subjects mind so I got some coffee, made some toast and sat down to munch, all to the complete silence in the room. Well except for Brandy's crying! Holy SHit! This was one of the scene's I got from my 'T's'. Maybe one can rewrite history if you know what is to happen. There was no way that I would be 'JUST' sitting through this act!

Just for window dressing I grabbed the 'summer camp' brochure and asked my parents if this was to be my Birthday Gift! They obviously took my inflection the wrong way as they became quite animated! "Oh yes, Terri, We thought you would just love it. We wanted to make up for our enforced attitude to you the past few years. Your Uncle Zeth was very concerned that excess emotion would upset your 'delicate' condition." We are so sorry for the past and want nothing but the very best for you. We always had but again your Uncle Zeth was calling the shots." Both parents glared at Uncle Zeth! Brandy still cried, and Uncle Zeth just sat there with a superior look about him.

"So?" That got their attention on me again. "You love me so much that you would send me to a faggot camp? You would rather I was a simpering pansy rather than be a man?" I threw the brochure at my Mother!

"What are you talking about Terri?" She asked looking at the brochure as if for the first time. "Oh My God! George, have you read this?" looking at him she could see the answer in his face. "Jezus christ! I suppose you are the one behind those pills as well?" Again her stare was was returned with father's stoney face. Mother got up and without any warning slapped my father so hard he fell off his chair! "You preverted asshole!" Turning to Zeth, who had the intelligence to watch her warily, said "This is your idea Zeth?"

She came around to my side of the table and sat in the chair beside me. "My God honey! You must believe me when I say I had no part of this. None!" My brother-inlaw came to me with some cock and bull story that you were a potential 'developed' and that unless we showed you no emotion and kept you down intellectualy you would turn into some kind of Super-Villain that would kill us and then the world. He showed us medical evidence that you have an extra gene that would give you some Super power when you turned fourteen. We have been terified of you for years! I always saw the frustation in you and the anger but never any sign of anti-social behaviour. I have had my doubts about this for months now! Now this.... hormones, brainwashing,( Yes I found the disks but to my shame I put them back! I don't know why?) Summer camp to train you to be....... That!"

'Thank you Mother, I believe you! You were probably mildly brainwashed yourself to go along with all this."

Mother's eyes opened at that! "You son of bitches! George.... I want a divorce.... and if either you two slugs try to stop me I'll turn you over for what you did to Brian and tried with Terri. You know I'll do it! You may even try to impicate me but I don't care. You assholes deserve to be shot!" Wow Mom was pissed! Kewl! Now I knew she was on my side! Huh! Who the hell is Brian?

"Uhh! Who is Brian?" I asked stupidy! I just knew that she meant Brandy! When she pointed to Brandy with a trembling finger I gave her a hug! "You guys have done this already?"

Uncle Zeth got on his high horse about this time and tried to take control of our little breakfast klatch! "Yes, Yes, Edith. It was necessary and you know it. Both of 'Your' boys carried the gene. In fact all the boys on your side of the family carry it. You are a freak of nature Edith, bringing into this world the very disease that will destroy it. If it wasn't for me all would be destroyed!"

"Shut up and sit down Zeth!" I shouted at him triggering his implant. With a surprised look he sat down! He tried to say something but my shut up command prevented it.

To my Family I explained what was going on. The information had coalesced in my mind last night. The simplicity was staggering. I explained that 'poor' Uncle Zeth was just a envious bastard that the gene never came to his family, He never got to taste greatness! This festered in him for years until he came up with this diabolical plan. Revenge on the boys that would be great was just a start. He had to heap abuse on them as well. Then when it became possible medically he feminized those boys as well.

He loves porking Brandy by the way. He really gets his jollies over fucking what may had been a god! The the beauty of the plan was even if he missed the feminization route the abuse that the family had heaped on the poor unfortunate would be enough for him to break and go crazy at puberty thus proving his point and allowing him to do this over and over! Turning to Uncle Zeth I asked "Isn't that true?" "Tell the truth now" That was just a trigger of course but now Zeth could only tell the truth. He poured out his black festering soul on our breakfast table.

My parents first were unbelieving, then as warped information after disgusting data came spewing from Zeth their faces registered shock, anger, then a quiet cold came over the room as Zeth put the final nail in his coffin. I held up my recording device for all to see! "I am selling cd's in the lobby!" I said with some sarcasm but an immense feeling of satisfaction.

Mother giggled! Then held her hand to her mouth. "Sorry Sweety!"

"Well!" Stated Father. "Now that I was so sucked in by this piece of shit that I have helped to destroyed two innocent lives a simple murder/suicide won't be noticed." He started towards Zeth with one of our BIG kitchen knifes!

As much as I would love to see this next act play out I had better plans for my dearest Uncle Zeth. "Please sit down father and put that knife down on the table!" Surprise sufused his face as he tried to fight my orders. How do you fight your own mind. "You can't fight it Father! I have complete control over everybody here. What do you expect! You pushed me to the brink! If I hadn't come into my gift three years ago I would probably be Brandy's Twin sister by now!"

Mother had the decency to cry! Father looked very pained. He sat down heavily and threw the knife on the table. Okay! I hadn't said how on either of my orders, but it was interesting to see how quickly my father found those loopholes! Maybe he was developed as well? I waited till I had Brandy sit with us and then I outlined my plans for the family. Of course Uncle Zeth had a place on honor on my revenge list.

My mother brought me back to mundania by pointing to my hand. "What is that?"

To be continued!

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