A Pyschological Thriller

A Psychological Thriller
(Or: Make sure to keep the program Handy!)
by Danielle Leigh-Anne O'Bryan

Hi Everyone, Danielle here with another one of my revenge or justice remake to another story that I found on the site. I know that I have the ability to not read these stories but this one sucked me in to read it as I thought it was in fun. By the time I got to the end of the story I could hardly see straight from frustration, anger, and tears.

I do not know why people feel the need to populate Crystal’s Storysite with such hatred. How could a supposed loving wife take advantage of a very nice husband and use his honoring a bet lost to hurt and humiliate in the most hateful ways. The public humiliations that she heaped on her husband were absolutely not necessary and portrayed her and by example all women as vile, manipulative, and cruel.

I feel most women out there should be outraged to be portrayed as such and should realize that there are people out there in the world who could take such writing a the truth and try to exact vengeance on the first women they see. You and I know that such people exist and a story like this one that I am trying to defuse (Let’s hope that the people I am talking about read my story before the go out and do something that WE all would rather not happen.) is just the kind of narrative that could spark violence. Most probably to women!

We must realize that as writers we have readers and as such we must also realize the responsibility we have as what we write can be misconstrued and twisted to become the means to fuel the desire to make people pay for what they may see as a real life story and not the fantasy it is. Of course I am not advocating just smiles and chuckles and happy faces on all the stories but just use your imagination to use the story as what appears to me to be a cathartic release but have an ending that takes the sting out.

Kind of what I try to do. Even I have succumbed to violence in some of my stories and I know how easy it is to use this medium as a therapeutic means to work out our own abuses and humiliation that we have suffered at the hands of who we thought were loved ones. I can remember a day when my so called loving partner called attention to me to her friends while I was out en-femme and I had to endure the sniggers and laughs from those very same people who I had at many times been there for them at their lowest points in life and had shared with them a piece of myself.

Needless to say I killed her!

In writing of course, in reality I just kicked her out of my life and apartment and had the small revenge of seeing her on the street with nowhere to go and the loss of someone who would have done anything for her. So I know pain and suffering at the hands of loved ones and understand the need to be mean and vicious on paper. I helps us I know but maybe we shouldn’t share that part of us to the world. I don’t know, I am probably not the person to be preaching World Peace et al but I feel that the danger is very real and it would be very easy to stop it. Nuff said, so on with the story.

Chapter One:

After all the glitz of the wedding was over and Judy and her new husband (the one that just replaced me) had left on their Honeymoon I , in my new role as my brother’s maid, was upstairs cleaning the room that Judy and her new husband had overused last night; the room reeked of sex, and I was disgusted by what I had to pick up off the floor.

I found that Judy had, probably inadvertently, left a small suitcase under the bed. I felt no compunction what so ever as I easily sprung the pitiful lock with a nail file that I always carried in my pocket just in case I had a snag or worse, and peering inside I was surprised to find journals for what was an extensive project. Right off the bat I became aware that the main subject of this project was me. I couldn’t believe clinical detachment of my ex-wife as she wrote in searing detail all that she had done to me.

I was only able to read the first of seven journals before I was overcome and barely made it to the toilet where I proceeded to loose both my dinner from last night as well as my breakfast of this morning. I managed, somehow, to put the books back into the case and take it with me down to my new room where I packed what little I now owned, called a cab, and went to my new employer’s to give them my zero weeks notice. Harold and Ann, my brother and sister-in-law, were quite shocked at my sudden desire to leave.

“Why are you leaving Patti? I thought you liked this kind of stuff!” Harold said with a sneer.

“Harold,” I rejoined sarcastically, “ You are a self serving Prick and if I have anything to say about it you will definitely get yours. You and your lovely bitch of a wife. The name is Pat you creep and I know that you were in on what Judy was doing to me. The hormones, the hypnotic drugs, and the post hypnotic suggestions that you and your lovely wife helped Judy slip to me. Do you even care that you have helped to destroy a decent marriage, what used to be a very nice, calm, and loving man and stripped him of all that he holds dear. Not to mention that with the FUCKING hormones you help to pump into me I now can have no children as a man or as a parody of a woman?”

I heard my cab honk his horn outside and as I started to turn to leave I saw a small movement and I turned fast enough back to see my brother reaching for something on the phone table. I had had just about enough from these people and I put my luggage back down and reached into my purse and pulled out my fathers old colt 45 and cocked it and pointed it at Ann’s stomach.

“Harold you better think very carefully about what you are about to do. If you think that your next actions are worth your wife’s reproductive system or even her life then by all means continue!”

Harold had straightened up with a small pipe like device in his hand but had stopped midway to bringing it to his mouth and froze in fear as he saw our father’s gun. “Good God Pat please stop and I can explain everything. All is not as it may seem to you. All I have to do is just blow this music pipe and all will be explained. For the love of God Pat! Please let me set all to rights. I am so sorry that things took this turn. You were to go to sleep tonight and everything would be fine in the morning when you woke up.” He pleaded .

“Yah sure brother dearest, like I am about to believe you. I have read the journals that Judy left behind and I know all that you have done. I know that pipe will put me into a hypnotic trance so you can have your way with me. What would I wake up to dear brother? Would I find myself a complete woman with all the ‘proper’ thoughts wired into me so that I would just blissfully continue this sick and perverted game you all are playing? I am leaving here and I am going to disappear to where you will never find me but you can rest assured that I will find each and everyone of you and let me tell you, pay back is a bitch brother dear. Now hand me that device very slowly or you will lose your wife like I have lost mine!”

Harold could see the determination in my eyes and slowly placed the pipe in my out stretched hand. “Pat please listen to me, you have lost nothing, this is just a experiment in psychology and all that you perceive is colored by post hypnotic commands. For God’s sake Pat, you volunteered for this!”

What an asshole he was, I thought, did he expect me to believe that?

“ Now brother dear, go out and let that cab know I am coming and if you try to do any thing funny or even try to say anything more to me I will let you feel the same pain I felt when you ripped my life from me and then I will kill you. Do I make myself perfectly clear?”

Harold nodded sadly and opened the door and waved at the cab. Anne in the meantime had a perplexed look on her face as if she was trying to come to terms with things that were alien to her.

“I don’t understand what is going on here but if I have this right you think that you really are Patti the maid and that Judy, your wife, has left you and married her old boyfriend. Then you think you have found journals to support all this and you think that I and Harold have helped to feminize you and humiliated you on a constant basis? Is that about it?” she asked.

“So you are about to say that you had know idea of what was really was going on and you are so shocked to hear that your dear husband would ever have anything to do with such a vile and twisted game? Well save it sister, and shut up as I am so close to shooting you both right now that I can taste it, and you know what? I will get away with it because I have all the proof I need. I will get off on temporary insanity or a crime of passion or any combination of the two."

"I just can’t believe that you people felt that you could get away with this. Don’t even try me with that lame story because, you stupid idiots, I used to be a teacher, remember? I know that there are always redundant fail safes in any kind of experiment and what you are proposing is not possible to have happened. So nice try brother dearest and live with this for as long as I let you live that once I am out there you will never be safe. Neither of you. I will be avenged!” With that I grabbed my luggage and left walking backwards out the door with the gun in my purse with my hand still on it. I closed the door and ran to the cab. I told him my destination and we were gone.

Meanwhile back in the house Harold had folded to the floor crying as Ann tried to comfort him. “My God, what have we done? All has gone so wrong and I just know that there will be bloodshed before this is over. I have to get a hold of Judy and Tom and warn them! Jesus! This is a disaster!”

“My God Harold!” Ann gasped! “You mean all that was true. You helped Judy to do that to that poor man! Can you even remotely understand the pain and suffering he is in right now? He feels that he has been robbed of everything that he held dear and I honestly feel that he will not stop until he has exacted his pound of flesh."

"You know, I feel you deserve to get what is coming to you for running such a shoddy experiment. Don’t you have a control running the experiment or any backup contingency plans to secure the area in your experiment? This has been run like a game and you just lost your turn. Well I am out of here. I’m going to visit my mother in Boston for a few years until the flack from this bomb you have perpetrated settles! Why didn’t you ask for my help? You know I was a psych major in university. God, what a group of idiots you all are. I really hope you go to jail for this as you should know that if you have no control person than this was not a sanctioned experiment and as such is very illegal not to mention immoral and certainly unethical. Just out of curiosity what have you made that poor guy think? How does he see himself? He sure was carrying himself like a proper woman when he left here and he was walking in those heels like a pro. It is a good thing that he looks so feminine or you could also have his life on your hands if any gay bashers get to him before you guys can fix this debacle!”

Ann just stood over Harold for a moment as she let the enormity of what she said percolate through his alleged brain.

“Well I would imagine that he thinks he is a young women of moderate charms and about twenty-five years old and that his ex-wife, with our help, have conspired to feminize him so that the aforementioned ex-wife could have a new life with her ex-boyfriend. I imagine also that he feels that I, his imagined brother, and you my imagined wife and his imagined sister-in-law have forced him to be our maid and suffer constant humiliation at our hands. Yes, I think that about covers it.” Harold shrugged his shoulders in the futility of the moment.

“Wait a minute, what do you mean imagined? I am your wife and he is your brother. What crap are you playing at now?” Ann was furious with Harold.

“No Ann you are not my wife and I am not Pat’s brother and Pat is not even Pat! ‘Sesame seed buns add flavor to air’”

Reality seemed to swirl around Ann as she watched in horror as Harold’s metamorphic changes in front of her were a chaotic collage of numerous faces, arms, legs and other things she couldn’t even begin to name. Finally a form solidified out of all that and a very pretty young girl was sitting on the floor crying her eyes out with keening sobs that wrenched at your heart and Anne not Ann looked down at her sister with a perplexed look on her face as the last several months became clear.

“God! Becky! What have you done? You had me roped into this sick game too? What did you do to me? Never mind I remember it all now! You hypnotized me against my will and used me as a piece in your sick, twisted, perverted little game? You just wait until I tell Mother and Daddy what you have done! Oh My God! What about Danielle? She thinks that she is a guy named Pat who has been feminized by his wife so that she could run off with her old boyfriend! This is going to take a squadron of therapist years to straighten her out. What the hell were you thinking? Oh Crap! Are we in deep ca-ca or what. God! I will never trust you again! There better not be any more little surprises in my mind or you will die bitch! I can’t believe you would do that to me and your sister. We have always been kind and supportive toward you in all your endeavors. Danielle left university to care for you when you had pneumonia you callus bitch! Why did you do this to us?” Anne had by now started to scream at her younger sister.

“Oh Annie, this wasn’t supposed to happen this way!”

“No shit Becky!”

“No this was just to prove that you were wrong when you said that no one could be made to do anything that they normally wouldn’t do while under hypnosis! All I had to do was change the playing field a little and I was able to make anyone to anything I wanted them to do. Of course I had to use hypnotic drugs to set those suggestions deeply enough to work but it did work! So see, I have made a great discovery!”

“Yes, I guess you can say that but what are you going to say when your sister finds you and kills you? She is still going to see you as Harold, or did you forget that? Further more, who the hell are Judy and Tom and where are they really?”

“I don’t know where they are!” Becky wailed! “They weren’t supposed to go anywhere but back to their room and wait for the conclusion when I blew the pipe to stop everything!”

Anne looked around and sure enough they were in their own home at the base of the staircase that lead up to their rooms. Anne ran upstairs looking in each room but they were alone in the house. There was evidence in their parents room of hasty packing but no parents. Running back down stairs Anne grabbed Becky by the shoulder and shook her silly while screaming at her at the top of her lungs,

“Jesus Christ Becky! Where the hell are Mom and Dad? Why have they packed to go somewhere? Where have they gone?”

“I don’t Knoooooooooow!” Becky wailed!

“Not only that but this damn pipe doesn’t make any noise!” Said a lilting melodic voice from the front door.

Becky jumped up and ran to her sister Danielle crying her eyes out. “Oh Danielle, I am sooooooo sorry. Please forgive me for being such a stupid bitch. I promise I will never do anything like that again. Oh! Please say that you forgive me, please. I can’t live with myself if you can’t forgive me. God, I am sooooooo sorry!”

“Hey! Back off Harold, I am not finished with you yet!”

Becky came to a sliding stop just before reaching her sister and gasped when Danielle took out that huge gun out of her purse and leveled it at her head, pulled back the hammer, and started to squeeze the trigger. Becky fell to the floor and tried to crabwalk backwards to get away from what she saw as certain death. Anne had turned her head away to hide an ear to ear smile as the trigger was pulled….. the hammer fell to hit the base of the primer cap….. A loud BANG reverberated through the house and out of the barrel came a red flag with the word BANG on it with a yellow zigzag pattern around it. Becky Fainted dead away with a screech of pure horror and Anne couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

“Now that was just pure mean Danielle!” Stated her father Tom as he came out from the den smiling and there was a laugh from behind Danielle as their Mother Judy came in behind Danielle.

“Well maybe daddy, but she put me through hell, and if mother hadn’t have cleared me up I may well have killed someone. She messed me up real bad and I have not even begun to forgive her!”

“Well Danielle that may be true. What your sister did was unforgivable and she will be punished severely for what she did but you know that we can remove all those nasty memories from you easily.” Her mother told her with a smile like all mothers have been giving their children throughout time.

“Well okay Momma, but I am still pissed that she would do such a thing! Especially to me! I will want a piece of those memories to remind me of what she did to me. God! It was awful. I truly had my heart ripped out of my chest and stomped on! That was not very nice I can assure you and I feel that Becky should have to go through that so that she can understand what she put me through.”

“Yes, I agree with you Danielle, but not right now as nerves are quite raw around here. It will give your sister something to look forward to later. I think that would suffice for the proper punishment, what do you think Mother?”

“Yes dear, I agree. That would be perfect!” agreed mom.


Patti sat in her little room in her new prison at her own brothers place as she realized that she was doomed to be the maid here until she died. She had lost all that was dear to her. Well him really as it used to be before his wife had done those despicable things. Now it would be her for the rest of her life as she looked down at the spot where she used to have her manhood. That final blow had almost unhinged her completely. Patti once again dissolved into a piteous wailing as she cried out her loss. What was that stupid noise?

Suddenly everything around her started to dissolve and swirl around her in a cloud of bits of furniture and other things from her room. When the whirlwind finally stopped She realized she was in her own room and she was Becky again. Her family stood around her looking quite grim.

”Oh! God! That was so terrible. I was about to commit suicide I was so sad and dejected. I am so sorry Danielle, please forgive me! I was so stupid. I had no idea of what I put you through. Oh God! I want to die!” Becky rolled into a little sobbing circle of a very chastised little girl. She was lucky though as she had the help of a loving family to allow her to rejoin the family with lessons well learned.

Wouldn’t it be nice if all bad things could be dealt with as easily as this was? In real life the people we hurt remember their pain forever and there are no quick fix solutions available.
So let’s think before we speak and double check our logic before we leap so as to avoid hurting anyone.

Goddess Bless,

Hugs & Tickles


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