The Hotspot - Chapter 2 of 4

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The Stand-in

Thursday afternoon I had a text from Tara “Please call me urgently Cory, we need your help.”

Rather than call her I went round to her house after classes.

“What’s so urgent Tara?”

“We, that is the Hotties, are in a bit of a pickle. Mimi’s boyfriend has left him and he’s playing the real drama queen about it, sobbing his heart out, and will not be working with us this weekend.

”Sorry to hear that, have you told Duncan that you are having to cancel the show?”

“Not yet, that is why I need to speak to you, will you stand in for him?”

“I can manage a few links and fill-ins for you. I have performed on stage a few times as part of my course and have played a few routines on open-mic nights when I worked the bar at the Comedy Club. Sure I’ll help you out.”

“It’s short notice but just do Mimi’s act, we know it by heart after hearing it so many times and can give you it almost word for word. The problem is that a lot of the lines that Mimi does are there to be made by a man in drag.”

“Hang on a minute, I hope that you are not suggesting that I dress up like Mimi, I don’t think that is in my character, he is a one-off.”

“Not really, there are a few like him around, but we’ve not seen any that we would like to work with. When you were out with us the other night you fitted in so well with us as Carrie, the waiter was convinced that you were just another one of us girls, Well, what we thought, or really what I thought to be honest with you, is that rather than dress you as an over-the-top drag queen, that you just perform as another one of the girls in the troupe. Obviously with your voice it will most likely be apparent that you are not a woman, but there is no reason for you to look anything like Mimi.”

“What about a costume, Mimi is a lot bigger than me, so none of his costumes will work for me.”

“Not a problem, you are almost the same size as us girls, but obviously all the exercise we get doing our routines keeps us fit and slim, but we should be able to squeeze you into one of our can-can girls’ dresses.

“If, and I stress if, I agree to do this for you, will I be recognisable, it’s uncomfortable enough at university as it is with all the gossip and the invitations to LGBT meetings without giving them more ammunition to feed into the gossip chain.”

“Trust me Cory, or rather Carrie, which will suit you better,, by the time I am finished with you even your own mother wouldn’t recognise you.”

Thursday was always a quiet night at the club, there was no cabaret, just a DJ trying to keep a bit of atmosphere in the place, so both Tara and I had the night free for her to transform me into Carrie, a convincing version of a normal young woman.

On Friday night Tara and I arrived early to have a word with Duncan to let him know what we were doing. As we went in I was quivering with nerves about how I looked and how I would be received., but Tara just told me “lift your head up, shoulders back to show off your boobs, walk proud, you are a natural at this.” Duncan didn’t recognise me at all, but it was not surprising as Tara had streaked and styled my hair into soft waves, given me a full makeover, fitted me with breast forms and dressed me in a loose floral skirt and Broderie Anglais cotton top.

“Hi Duncan, Cory won’t be in tonight, but he’s here as Carrie, who will be helping out behind the bar with Sandy and will also be doing the intros and links for the Hotties instead of Mimi who is having a hissy fit and being a real pain-in-the-backside drama queen, man trouble if you know what I mean.”

“What on earth, is that you Cory, I’m amazed at how you look and that you let the girls talk you into this? However, it’s too late now to arrange anything else so I suppose that I will have to go along with this, we’ll talk about this later, meanwhile Cory, or Carrie, whatever, put your stuff in the back room and start to get the bar ready.”
When Sandy arrived she was surprised to see someone new behind the bar and came over to introduce herself.“I’m Sandy, what’s up with Cory tonight I thought he was on the rota? I see that Duncan has already got you started, so I’ll quickly tell you how we split the duties and get ready for the punters, it didn’t take Duncan long to dig out a replacement.”

“No need for that Sandy, it’s Cory, I’m helping out the Hotties tonight which is why I’m looking like this, and I suppose that you had better start calling me Carrie, like Tara is now doing.”

Sandy’s eyes almost popped out of her head as she looked me up and down, with her mouth wide open. “OMG. I never clocked you at all, I’m sure that the punters won’t either, particularly after a few drinks. You had better watch yourself tonight, later on after a few drinks I often get hit on, you will get the same treatment, all these men think that they are God’s gift to women and that us girls fall for all their corny lines, but we aren’t that stupid, you need to learn how to deal with that. Welcome to the sisterhood Carrie I’ll watch your back and you watch mine, us girls need to stick together.”she giggled as she delivered that last line.

Everything went smoothly and soon it was time for me to go and get changed into my show costume. As we had decided that I would play the part as near to a natural girl as possible, it was just a case of changing into the can-can dress, swap the comfortable flats for 4’" heels, touch up my makeup and I was ready to go meet my audience.

As I went out onto the stage, swirling the flounces on my dress in a very theatrical manner, I deliberately stumbled then steadied myself and grabbed the mic.

“They said to go out there and break a leg, I thought that it was just a showbiz saying, I didn’t think that I would start by twisting my ankle falling off these damned heels. Do you all have the same problem girls, the things we have to suffer to keep our men happy, eh. If they had to wear them all day, they would soon change the rules.” My opening line got a great reception, particularly from the women in the audience and it gave me confidence to carry on in the same vein.

“I’m Darcy la Doudou, Mimi the usual compere that our wonderful girls use couldn’t make it tonight and I have been asked to stand in using her act. It’s a shame that I can only work with them as a compère I would’ve loved to have been a dancer myself, but I haven’t got the legs for it, come to think about it there are a few other bits that I haven’t got either. Without these 100 denier tights the veins on my legs look like the rail tracks into Euston Station, and they go all the way up to the platform, if you know what I mean. As far as the dancing is concerned I am less like the sugar plum fairy, more like a currant plum pudding, but then it is a lot more pleasurable when they try to eat me.” There were more squeals of laughter and ribald comments thrown back at me from a woman on the front row table.

I continued after they had calmed down again, adjusted my bra shoulder strap and hitched up my boobs, “You know what girls, I don’t know what I would do without a bit of help for my figure, I wish I had shares in companies making silicone padding or spandex control wear., I’m sure that half of you all out there are getting a bit of help too, including some of the women ! Anyway, that’s enough about me, you haven’t come here to listen to me prattling on, I will leave you in the capable hands, or rather the lovely legs, of the ‘Hotspot Hotties’, cue music maestro.”

I left the stage to a big round of applause, cheers and catcalls happy that I had seemed to go down well.

“That was brilliant Carrie, a lot better than I was expecting, now and help Sandy at the bar while the girls are going through their routine.” Duncan patted me on my backside as I passed him hunched over the sound system. I glared back at him challenging him to dare to do that again at his peril, wondering if he treated all the other girls like that.

‘Hey girl that was so much fun, it was hard to tell whether you are a girl or a drag artist, I’m sure that there are a lot of discussions going on out there. Anyway we have a queue forming, get back to your day job pulling pints and mixing cocktails.” Sandy was getting rushed off her feet and was glad to see me back.

When the girls had finished their routines I was back onstage for a few minutes to encourage the punters all to fill up their glasses and order food. “Thanks for listening everyone, if you like my performance tonight, tell the manager to give me a bonus, if you didn’t like it blame Mimi, it’s her material.”

I was glad to slip off the heels and slide into my flats for the session behind the bar. “Sandy, I’m sure that I don’t have to tell you how glad I am to get out out of those heels, I honestly don’t know how you girls manage to go through a whole day wearing them.”

“You’ll need to get used to them Carrie, somehow I think that you will be around for a long time. This is a half hour break before the next show, you don’t want to get drinks spilled on your costume dress, go and change into your skirt and top, I’ll be ok to hold the fort for a few minutes.”

For the rest of the interval I was working as Carrie, Darcy had been left in the dressing room along with the costume. Working behind the bar with Sandy I soon fell into her manner of interacting with the customers and slipping into the way she flirted and chatted with them without letting it go too far.

At the end of the girls’ last spot of the night I joined them on stage wearing my can-can dress matching theirs and took the bows and curtseys with them before turning on the mic.

“ Before I go I must tell you about a conversation I had with my Mum when I was about thirteen, ‘Mum all the girls in my class are now wearing bras, you can see the straps through their light blouses, but it’s obvious that i am not wearing one, can you get me one?’ She just looked at me and rolled her eyes. ‘I’ve told you before that boy’s don’t need bras Robert, and I wish that you would stop wearing your sister’s blouses to school.” which set off roars of laughter and giggles.

“Thanks everyone we hope you enjoyed our show tonight. If you liked it tell your friends about the Hotties helped by me, Darcy, down at the Hotspot, if you didn’t enjoy it tell them that you were watching the football in the other bar, thank you again and goodnight and I will see see you at the bar in a few minutes.”

Back in the dressing room the girls gave me a big group hug. “You were amazing tonight Carrie, let’s hope that Mimi doesn’t recover from his broken heart, we’d like you to continue as part of the act, maybe even join in some of the dance routines. They all went off and started stripping to get out of their costumes and into their street clothes, taking no notice of me being in there with them. “Come on Carrie you need to get changed, I’m sure Sandy is getting rushed off her feet at the bar, hurry up and get stripped, no need to be shy, you’re one of the girls now.”

At the end of the night after the place had been cleared, Tara and the girls went off for a drink, while Sandy Duncan and I stayed on to tidy up the place and check the takings. “You girls did well tonight, the bar receipts are the best for ages and the tip jar is overflowing. You were great with the punters tonight Carrie, I had my reservations about you after seeing you dressed like that, but you proved me wrong. This may sound a bit weird, but unless you have a problem with it I would like you here as Carrie from now on, you and Sandy make a great team together.“

“But the Hotties aren’t scheduled for tomorrow, there is no need for me to be here as Darcy or Carrie, can’t I just be myself as Cory.”

“Look, the punters loved you tonight, you worked very well alongside Sandy, and you really came across as a friendly chatty barmaid, it works, why try to change it? What do you think Sandy?”

“Carrie, the more you worked with me tonight the more you slipped into the role of a girl, it suits you and the customers seemed to like it. However I must say Duncan that if you expect Carrie to be here from now on that she needs a bigger wardrobe, she can’t wear the same clothes every night. Your takings were well up tonight, you need to throw some of it her way and along with the tips, she and I can go shopping tomorrow to get a few more things, do you agree?” I found it strange that she had naturally slipped into referring to me as she and her, as if in her mind she was already seeing me as Carrie.

“Whatever girls, but don’t spread it about that you charmed money out of me, it’ll ruin my reputation.” He smiled as he handed me a bundle of notes.

“Right Carrie let’s get you home, I’ve got the car, it’s not safe for you to be walking the streets at this time of night, is it back to the university or are you staying with Tara again?”

“Back to Tara’s please Sandy, I can’t go back to my room looking like this.”

When she pulled up outside Tara’s she got out of the car with me, and gave me a big goodnight hug and a kiss on the cheek. “You were great tonight Carrie, with me behind the bar and on stage with the girls. Please don’t change your mind and back out now, I want to see you tomorrow to go shopping.”

“You look like a cat that’s got the cream, what’s up?” Tara asked as I plonked myself on the sofa, dropped my bag on the floor and kicked off my shoes.”

“Duncan was impressed with the way that I worked with you girls and with Sandy tonight. He wants me to stay on working with you all and gave me a bonus from the takings tonight. The only thing is that it is Carrie that he wants to stay on, not Cory.”

“That’s understandable you did a good job tonight and the longer it went on the more you seemed to fall into the role and be at ease as Carrie, what harm is there in that.”

“Don’t forget Tara that I am not a girl, I shouldn’t be making my living and changing my life by pretending to be one.”

“Three questions, did you enjoy yourself tonight and feel satisfied at a job well done, did you feel uncomfortable wearing those clothes, and did anyone say anything nasty to you?”

“I did enjoy interacting with Sandy behind the bar we got on well together. After I got over the worry about being seen as a man in a skirt, I just relaxed and got on with my job, not really noticing what I was wearing, and nobody said anything nasty, if anything I got a lot of nice comments about how pleasant and attractive I was.”

“There you are then, stop worrying, decision made, go and get changed ready for bed, we’ll make some hot chocolate, take it to bed, and chat for a while.”

When I stripped off I realised that the breast forms were glued to me, but decided that as I would be needing them tomorrow to go shopping to just leave them in place, changed into the sleep set from the night before, cleaned off my makeup and went back to find Tara.

“Carrie, if I can make a suggestion, those shorts are not designed to control male bits flopping around inside them, go and put on a pair of tight knickers underneath to keep yourself under control.”

Lying side by side chatting in bed with our drinks it was just so relaxing. “You know what Tara, if someone had told me a few weeks ago that I would be lying in bed next to a really attractive woman without even thinking about there being any sexual motive, I would’ve asked which planet they were on.”

“Keep it that way Carrie, I see you now as a friend, a girl friend, albeit with slightly different parts. For the moment think of yourself as Carrie, forget about Cory, until it becomes second nature for you. Come on, let's put the lights out, have a cuddle and a good night’s sleep.”

When I woke in the morning Tara was spooned into me with her arm around my waist, still fast asleep. I gently raised her arm and slid out of bed and left her to rest a bit longer while I looked around to see what was available for breakfast. Grocery shopping was obviously not her thing, the cupboards were almost bare, so I quickly dressed in just the skirt and top, it was a warm morning and there was no need for a coat or a wooly, brushed on some lipstick, hitched my bag over my shoulder and set off for the local shops, thinking how it was already automatic to pick up my bag as I left, how did I previously manage without one?

When Tara finally appeared there was a selection laid out on the kitchen counter, muesli, toast and marmalade, a fresh melon strawberry and blackcurrant fruit cocktail, a couple of tubs of flavoured yoghurt and a steaming pot of freshly brewed strong coffee.

“Wow, where have you been the last few months girl, normally I manage a coffee and, if I’m lucky, a slice of buttered toast, I could get used to this.”

“Make it quick, Sandy will be here in just over an hour, you’ve got to get yourself ready and I’ll need some help with my makeup.”

“If Carrie is going to be around for a while you need to learn to do it yourself. Have a go while I’m having breakfast. A bit lighter with the foundation than last night, the eyes about the same, they looked good last night, and your lipstick of course. Be careful when you are doing it, you don’t want to smear your clothes.”

“Is that ok?”

“That’s not too bad actually, brush on a bit more blusher to give your cheeks a healthy looking glow, go and brush out your hair give it a spray and then get changed, I’ve left out a fresh skirt and top for you. Then we’ll be all set for when Sandy arrives.”

To be continued.

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