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For the first time in what seemed to be forever, I was really happy. We spent ages discussing what we had to do about adoption. I could see that Mummy and Daddy were very happy at my decision and I was so excited about it all. By Susan Brown |
Jeff and I spoke a lot on the ’phone while you and I were up in Scotland. We’ve spoken again since. I know that you’re nearly sixteen now and probably feel that you are nearly an adult. Let’s face it, all you have been through would’ve broken someone twice your age, but you’ve done really well and we’re proud of you. But I’m straying from the subject: as I say, we’ve spoken about you and how think we can help you–and us too really–as we’ve always loved you, haven’t we, Jeff?’
I couldn’t understand what she was saying and she was crying now. Jeff went to her and gave her a hug, then looking at me with wet eyes, he said. ‘What Josie is trying to say is that although you’re getting to be a big girl now, we’d like to adopt you if we can and if you would like us to.’
I looked at them, my mouth open; I hadn’t expected this! I didn’t need to think about it. I knew they loved me–they’d shown it in so many ways. They had been there for me through the roughest times of my life. They accepted me for what and who I was.
I could hear mum talking to me as if she was standing there right next to me, saying, ‘yes, honey.’
I loved my mum more than anything in the world, but next to her, I loved Josie and Jeff too; so no, I didn’t need time to think too much, I just ran to them and hugged them as hard as I could.
‘Yes, please!’
And now the story continues…
For the first time in what seemed to be forever, I was really happy. We spent ages discussing what we had to do about adoption. I could see that Mummy and Daddy were very happy at my decision and I was so excited about it all.
‘Does that mean the twins will be my sisters?’
‘Yes, honey,’ replied Mummy, smiling, ‘although officially they will be your step sisters.’
‘I’ve always wanted a sister and now I have a pair!’ We all laughed at that.
Presently, Daddy and I had to go and fetch Claire. After giving me a big hug, Mummy went off to see if Mrs. Moon was coping with the twins–being high maintenance, she was worried if she was pulling her hair out yet–and Daddy and I went off to pick Claire up from the nursing home.
She was waiting at the entrance when we arrived, next to her was Andrew!
After giving Claire a hug and looking at Andrew for a moment, I turned to Daddy.
‘Daddy, may I speak with Andrew for a minute?’
‘Fifteen minutes, no more. Claire can I see your mum for a moment?’
‘Sure, I’ll take you. Andrew, be nice to Susan and Susan, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.’
I couldn’t think of anything witty to say so I just poked my tongue out. We all laughed and Andrew and I went for a walk in the gardens, holding hands as we walked: it was lovely.
‘How’s your mum?’ I asked as we sat on a seat by the small lake.
‘It’s taking longer than we thought. She’s still very weak and the doctors say that she might be here a lot longer than they originally thought.’
‘She will be okay, though?’
‘Yes, it’s just that they never know with her illness how each individual will recover, some are quick and others are slow. They have found out that apart from everything else, she has a problem with her thyroid. They are going to have tests done and decide what to do then.’
‘But she’s not in danger?’
‘The doctor said “no”. Thyroid problems are very common and mostly treatable. We’ll know more about it next week when she’s had the tests and the results come back.’
We sat there for a while, it was nice and peaceful. There were swans and ducks on the water and, on the far side, a lady in a wheelchair being pushed by a nurse, was throwing bread or something to them, making the birds push and shove to get the biggest tit-bits.
The weather was quite pleasant, considering that it was winter. There was some warmth in the sun and the sky was free from clouds. I looked at Andrew, sitting next to me, and smiled.
‘I haven’t had a kiss yet.’
‘You’re right! We’ll have to do something about that!’
He turned to me and immediately we were in a loving embrace. Our lips met and parted. We explored each others mouths gently with our tongues and I was loving every second of it. After a while, we came up for breath. My panties felt a bit damp but strangely, I hadn’t had any sort of erection; not that I had ever had many of those anyway, even prior to taking those horrible pills. In fact my groin area ached a bit so I wondered if that was because I had leaked. The pain went away after a minute and I forgot about it for the moment.
‘You won’t forget to come over tomorrow morning, will you?’
‘As if I could forget that.’
‘Have you got any girls clothes at home?’
‘A few bits and pieces but not much; they’re mostly Clair’s cast offs.’
‘What about underthings?’
‘I’ve got some panties, that I bought off the net–and a bra.’
I looked down and smiled.
‘Are you wearing panties now?’
He nodded, going a very sweet shade of puce.
‘What colour?’
‘Pink,’ he said, blushing even more.
‘Nice–anyway we had better go back now. Oh, I haven’t told you my great news,’
‘Jeff and Josie are adopting me!’
‘That’s wonderful, honey!’
We had another major clinging moment and then we had to go.
Hand in hand, we walked back to the car just as Jeff and Claire arrived.
‘Right you two, I’ll give you a lift back to your friends house, Andrew. I’ve spoken to your mum and she says that if you want you can come and stay with us.’
‘Wow, Jeff, that would be great,’ Andrew exclaimed enthusiastically. ‘It’s a bit cramped at John’s house and I’ve been sleeping on the sofa.’
‘We can pick up your things if you like and then you can come home with us.’
Andrew and I looked at each other and smiled while Claire commenced making rather realistic sick noises in her throat.
We picked up Andrews things and after that he said goodbye and thanked John’s parents for having him.
We had to prise Claire and John apart before we could leave, and I started making sick noises at the two love birds, just as Claire had done to us — for some reason, Claire didn’t see the joke. Eventually after a minor bit of hassle, we finally left for home.
We made a detour to Andrews and Claire’s house to pick up some more clothes. Andrew looked at me significantly and nodded as he got back into the car next to me carrying a holdall. I smiled, knowing that he had been able to bring his girlie stuff with him.
As we drove home–my hand holding on tight to Andrew’s–I thought that it was great that he was going to live with us for a while. I know it was only until his mum was better, but I would cherish the time he was with us.
Claire, who was sitting in the front with Daddy, said, ‘I’ve asked John if he wants to go to the cinema tonight. I wanted a double date but he wants me all to himself.’
Andrew and I both looked at each other and said ‘Ahhh, sweet!’ then giggled.
‘Andrew, you’re beginning to sound just like a girl. It must be Susan’s influence. So what I’m trying to say, without rude interruptions, is that I won’t be around tonight.’
‘I’m giving them a lift and picking them up afterwards,’ Daddy added in an aggrieved voice, although it didn’t sound very convincing. Then he mumbled something about being a glorified taxi service, which, of course, we all ignored.
When we got home, Mummy was there with the twins. I could smell something yummy coming from the kitchen and wondered what that fabulosa smell was.
‘Mummy, that smell?

‘Mrs. Moon’s making a steak and kidney pudding and I can hardly wait to get my teeth into it. My mouth’s been watering for ages. Hello, Andrew, how’s your mum?’
‘She’s been better.’
‘Never mind, they’ll sort her out soon. Claire, Susan, can you watch the twins while I show Andrew his room?’
‘Course, like no probs,’ Claire replied.
‘Does that mean yes?’
She nodded, with a puzzled look on her face–as if everybody should understand Claire-speak.
Andrew followed Mummy upstairs, leaving us with the terrible two, flapping about in the large lobsterpot playpen in the middle of the sitting room floor. For once, they were quiet and Claire and I could have a reasonable conversation without shouting.
‘You don’t mind Andrew staying with us?’ I asked.
‘Nah, he’s like, my bruv, i'nie?’
‘Will you tone down the incomprehensible language. I know it’s put on because my Andrew doesn’t speak like that!’
She stared and gave me a cheeky grin.
‘So, it’s my Andrew now is it?’
‘Wanna make something of it?’
She looked like she was going to say something witty and then shook her head.
‘No, it’s nice that he, like loves you and you love him. You need all the love you can get nowadays.’
Talk about a Kleenex moment? We had a hug and a cry after that. I’m sure she was worried about her mum and that was doing things to her emotions too. After we calmed down a bit she turned to me and smiled.
‘So, Jeff and Josie are taking you on full time?’
‘You make it sound like it’s some sort of job. They’re going to adopt me, if that’s what you mean.’
‘Yeah, it’s like, great. They obviously love you to bits.’
‘Mmm, I love them to bits, too, always have really. It’s nice to be in a proper family: with mum and you-know-who, it didn’t seem like a family at all. Oh, I’ll always miss Mum, but I know that she’s happy for me and looking down and approving.’
Yet more tissues were used and when Mummy came back down and saw us; I ran to her for a great big hug.
‘What’s all this about, you are acting like your favourite puppy’s gone missing.’
‘I haven’t got a p—puppy. No we were talking about–things.’
‘Oh, things, right, okay. Look, are you going to put me down. I can smell something nasty coming from that playpen and unless you want to change them…’
‘I will if you want.’ I said as, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Claire sneaking out of the room. She wasn’t into changing nappies.
Mummy stepped away slightly and looked me up and down.
‘What; is my skirt too short?’
‘It’s not that. At your age I was a bit of a rebel, I was wondering when you were going to become a stroppy teenager?’
‘I don’t ever want to be that, Mummy. Remember, I’ve only been able to be a girl for a short time. I’ve missed out on being a little girl so there’s no way I want to stop being the best girl I can be now. Is that stupid, should I be like that?’
She gave me a hug.
‘Just be you, Susan, that’s all I ask. That thing about teenagers all being rebels is a bit of a myth. Not all teenagers are rebels. Some are, but lots aren’t. So, as I say be you and I’ll be happy. Look, you sort one twin and I’ll do the other…’
After tea, Claire departed upstairs to get changed. After loading the dishes into the washer, Andrew and I went outside while Jeff and Josie got the twins ready for bed.
We just walked around the outside of the house on the gravel path. Andrew thought that the house and grounds were great and I had to agree with him.
‘…and the steak and kidney pudding, it was the best I have ever tasted.’
‘Mmm, wonderful, wasn’t it. How do you like your room, Andrew?’
‘It’s nice, much bigger than mine at home and of course it’s near yours?’
‘How do you know that?’
‘Erm, I asked Josie. For some strange reason she said that I must behave myself.’
‘Well I don’t know what she thinks we’ll do…well I do, but we won’t be silly.’
‘No, pity that, but still, plenty of time for that.’
I stopped him on the path.
‘Andrew, I don’t want to have sex until I’m married, I know it sounds a bit prudish and that but there it is.’
‘I wouldn’t, I mean I couldn’t…look Susan, I suppose it’s right we should talk like this now, but I agree with you. Too many of the kids at school come from broken homes or don’t even know who their dad is. That was usually caused by their parents not taking precautions or having sex too young and regretting it…I don’t want that and I don’t want to hurt you. I love you too much for that.’
‘You know I can’t have children after the surgery?’
‘Of course; the only way you can have children is by adoption but I still wouldn’t want to have sex with you until and if we get married…’
‘We are too young to even think of that…’
‘I know, but we are thinking about sex and if you can think of that, the next step is marriage, if you love someone. In this country you can marry at sixteen with permission so it’s right we should talk about it. I do not want to marry at sixteen though, do you?’
I shook my head.
‘No, I love you too much to make a mistake like that. We haven’t felt like this with each other for long, but we have to be grown up about it and see what happens. Perhaps after a couple of years, if we feel the same way, then we can have white wedding.’
‘Only if I get to wear the dress!’ said Andrew laughing as I chased him around the corner.
Claire went off on her date with Jeff saying that he was going to get a quote from a sign writer to have taxi put on the side of the car and perhaps one of those illuminated signs on the roof…
Mummy, who had been on the ’phone, put it down and then looked at me and Andrew.
‘Can you both do me a favour?’
‘What, Mummy?’
‘Can you babysit while I visit your mum, Andrew? She wants to see me and I promised the other day that I would take some magazines and stuff for her.’
‘Okay, Mummy.’
‘Give her my love and tell her that I’ll visit tomorrow,’ Andrew added.
‘Okay, love. Now you know where everything is; if you have any problems give me a ring on my mobile. Mrs. Moon’s at home if you have any dire emergency, but the girls are asleep and the little darlings are normally good at night. Jeff is meeting me at the nursing home after dropping the girls off, then we are going to go to that new bar down by the lock for a drink. We shouldn’t be home later than eleven.’
‘Don’t worry, Mummy, I have done this before, you know.’
‘I know, sweetheart. Okay, I’ll just get my stuff and I’ll be gone.’
A few minutes later after giving us a hug she got into her car and started the engine.
We waved her off and then went back inside.
‘I’ll just check up on the girls,’ I said and went upstairs. ‘Want a coke from the fridge?’
‘Yes, you?’
‘Please. Bring them up to your room.’
‘All right.’
Upstairs, I checked that the twins were fast asleep. I still couldn’t tell one from the other, but lying there fast asleep, I could see that they were so pretty, they would break some hearts when they get older, unless they get someone like Andrew, of course.
I hoped that one day I would have children. Regretting that I would not be able to give birth, I was happy in the knowledge that there are children in this world who had no parents and I could hopefully adopt just like Mummy and Daddy were going to do with me.
I knocked on Andrew’s door.
‘Come in,’ he said.
When I went in, I saw that he was sorting out his girls’ stuff .
‘Ooh, let’s see what you’ve got.’ I said enthusiastically.
Looking at the clothes, I could see that it wasn’t a great choice. They were all oldish and used. Claire was slightly smaller than Andrew and I could see that he would struggle to look nice in them.
‘Not much is it.’
‘No, we’ll have to remedy that–and soon. Look, I’ve loads of stuff now, we’re much the same size, except I have the hips and bum of a hippo now.’
‘You don’t.’
‘I do. That reminds me, I must speak to Mummy about that and a couple of aches and pains I’ve been having. Anyway, stay here a mo and I’ll go and get some things for you. Do you want to pop out of your boys things and put on your bra? I take it you’re already wearing panties?’
‘Yes…if you are sure I should…’
‘Yes, I am sure. I want to see how pretty you are, so no arguing! Now, I’ll only be a minute, don’t miss me.’ I gave him a peck on the cheek and went out.
Going through my wardrobe, I picked out a few things that I thought would like nice and then I went back into Andrew’s bedroom. He was sitting on the bed in just panties and bra and looked ever so sweet.
‘Good, you’re ready. That bra looks nice, pink like your panties. Right honeybunch, anything here you want to try on?’
I put the things on the bed.
‘Look I can’t call you Andrew dressed like that. Do you have a girl’s name?’
‘Mum and Dad were going to call me A—Andrea, if I was born a girl.’
‘Andrea, that’s a nice name. Right, Andrea, what would you like to try on first?’
She looked like someone in a sweetie shop who couldn’t decide what to have.
‘Can I try this top and skirt on?’
‘Nice choice.’
It was a light blue cotton blouse with three quarter length sleeves and was a sort of peasant style, flaring out slightly from beneath the bust line. The skirt was knee length, cotton again and was a slightly darker colour, it had a generous cut and would hide any unsightly bulges. I had a fresh pack of natural colour tights so I left them on the bed for her use.
‘I’ll be back in a minute, I said as I went to check on the girls. I could see that she was a bit shy. Considering that she had been in the closet so long, I wasn’t very surprised at that, so a few minutes alone would be nice for her.
The twins were asleep and looked peaceful. I went downstairs and took a couple of cokes out of the fridge when the phone went.
‘Hi, Susan.’
‘Hello, Daddy, what’s up?’
‘Well, I just had a phone call from the club’s publicity director, Jason Robertson. He’s had a phone call from the police. Evidently, a number of reporters have been sniffing around and trying to get more background information about your mum’s death. It seems that there had been a tip off that a couple of police constables interviewed you and you were dressed as a girl. I just said the first thing that came to mind and told him that you had just got back from a fancy dress party. He seemed to accept that and will fend off any questions if, or really when the press contacts us about it.’
I went cold at the words. Had I been found out already and how long will my secret stay a secret?
‘So, if you get any questions form the press, just laugh it off and hopefully it might go away of its own accord.’
‘Okay, Daddy, thanks for telling me. I wonder how the press found out about this?’
‘Evidently, there is going to be an enquiry; in house and private so it doesn’t get out, but I think someone in the police force is going to suffer over this as you are still a minor. Look don’t worry, we’ll see you later. Are the twins okay?’
‘Yes, Daddy, fast asleep.’
‘All right, sweetheart, we’ll see you later.’
‘Bye Daddy, love you.’
‘You too, honey, bye.’
I put the phone down and stood there wondering whether things were going wrong again. Then, I just sighed and decided to try to forget about it tonight because I had other things on my mind…like Andrea. I went back upstairs with the drinks and after knocking on the door, went into her bedroom.
‘Okay, how do I look?’
I did a double take; was this lovely blond, my Andrea?
‘L…lovely, how long have you had the wig?’
She was smiling and it lit up her face.
‘It’s Claire’s. She once had her hair cut too short and bought it to cover up it up. She threw the wig out when she had no more use for it and I sort of “found” it.’
She was so pretty looking like that. The blond shoulder length wig and the clothes really suited her. Her legs looked wonderful, encased in the thin nylon sheath and I could see that she was totally in love with the feel of her clothes.
A bit of makeup and a stiff brush on her hair and she would look positively lovely. Breast forms would help fill out the bra cups and then after all that, I could see that we could go out on girlie shopping expeditions without worrying too much about being clocked. Her voice was a bit of a problem, but we could practice making it softer and slightly higher and…
‘Why are you staring at me–I look silly don’t I?’ She started to tear up a bit.
I went straight over and hugged her. She was still unsure of herself and lacked any confidence, poor love.
‘Honey, you look lovely, I promise. We just need to sort out some makeup, all us girls need that and maybe a pair of breast-forms; bunched up socks just don’t give the right sort of vibe. Look, come into my room and we’ll use some of my unopened makeup, I have loads after that shopping trip with Mummy. I’m sure I can find some to suit your complexion.’
I took her by the hand and we went into my bedroom.
‘Sit at my dressing table and face me–and don’t look in the mirror. Let’s take off your wig for now, it’ll be easier for me to do your face first and style your hair afterwards, okay? Now, if I put this nylon cape thingy that Mummy gave me around you, we can make sure that you don’t get any makeup on your clothes.’
She gave me a weak smile, I could tell that she was terribly nervous, so I kissed her gently on the lips and set to work.
At first I found it quite difficult working on somebody else’s face, but after a few faltering attempts, I got into my stride. She had no need to shave properly yet as she only had sparse growth, but what few hairs she did have, she had shaved off. I kept wanting to kiss her moist, warm lips… but I had to concentrate.
I stepped back when I finished and looked at her critically. ‘Take that frown off your face, girl, you look lovely.’
‘Can I look?’
‘Not yet. I haven’t got your lips quite right. It isn’t easy doing someone else’s makeup.’ Her lips looked a bit on the thin side, so I used some lip liner carefully on the outer edges and then filled them with a nice pink gloss. This made them look fuller and very kissable.
As soon I had finished her face, I removed the cape and carefully replaced the wig on her head. The long blond tresses, which cascaded down to her shoulders suited her face and shaped it very effectively, but I did need to tease the tangles out a bit and then brush her hair for quite a while before I was satisfied.
I looked her up and down and then frowned.
‘What?’ she said in alarm, ‘do I look silly?’
‘Not silly, beautiful, of course. I’ll let you have a look at yourself in a moment, but we need shoes. Have you got any?’
‘No, Claire’s feet are much smaller than mine.’
‘What size do you take?
‘Goody! The same size as me; hang on.’ I went to the wardrobe and pulled out some black shoes with a low heel. The last thing I wanted was for her to break an ankle.
‘Try these’, I said, putting the shoes on her feet. ‘When we’ve more time, we’ll do your nails, hands and toes but for now, I think we’ve finished. Right take my hand and stand up.’
She did as I asked.
‘Close your eyes, no peeking, mind!’
She closed her eyes and I led her to the full length mirror. Her hand was shaking slightly and felt slightly moist. I realised that she must be very nervous.
‘Right, honeybunch, open your eyes.’
I stepped back and watched her reaction. She sort of started at her reflection, then looked up and down. She touched her face and then her hair…it was only then that she smiled a sweet smile.
‘I…I look nice,’ she said, hesitantly.
‘You look so pretty, I could eat you.’ I replied, smiling.
She turned to me and we looked into each others eyes. Soon, we couldn’t resist any longer and were in each others arms, kissing passionately and I felt that now familiar wetness in my panties, together with the ache in my groin that I seemed to be getting more and more…I ignored it as much as I could as I was rather busy for a few minutes. I could feel, her hardness, through the thin fabric as our bodies pressed up against each other in a loving embrace.
After we let each other go, I had to help her repair the damage to her makeup and then sort myself out before hand in hand we checked up on the twins. They were still fast asleep and hadn’t even moved since the last time we checked.
‘Look, Andrea, I’ll see you downstairs, I have to go to the loo.’
‘Okay, sweetheart, don’t be long.’
We briefly kissed and then she went downstairs and I went into my bedroom. Going over to my chest of drawers, I picked a pair of white satin panties and then went into the bathroom.
I pulled down my old panties and sat on the toilet. After taking them off, I found that they were quite damp and sticky, but that wasn’t what concerned me, because I also found what appeared to be blood mingled with the other stuff. It wasn’t much, about the size of a fifty pence piece, but it worried me a bit. The slight ache that I had in my groin was still there and I wondered if I might have some sort of infection. There again, I was due a biopsy down there and did wonder if the doctor hadn’t told me everything.
‘I will have to talk to Mummy about this when we’re alone.’ I thought.
I had a wee and, noticing that it was normal in colour, I sighed with relief. Maybe I was all right after all? Then after cleaning myself up, I slipped on my clean panties.
Standing up, I adjusted my skirt, and then went down to join Andrea.
I took the baby alarm downstairs. Andrea had made us a cup of tea, which was nice, so picking up the mugs, we went into the sitting room and watched the Princess Diaries, cuddled up on the sofa. I was a bit preoccupied with the phone call that I had received from Daddy and what I had found in my panties, but not for long as I was cuddled up to my sweetie and had other things on my mind!
We lost track of time a bit and were both startled to here the door open. Looking up, there was Claire staring down at us.
Andrea stiffened up as she looked at her sister in horror.
‘Hello, what’s this?’
‘W…what are you doing home so early.’ I asked shakily.
‘Tummy ache, like–monthly visitor–felt a bit bad so I got a taxi home. So Andrew, you look really pretty, what’s your like, girlie name?’
‘That’s lovely. Like the makeup. Is that my wig?’
Andrea nodded. I was struck dumb for some reason.
‘Right, I’m off for a bath and bed, see you tomorrow.’ She turned to leave.
‘Claire?’ said Andrea.
She turned back.
‘Y—you d—don’t mind me like this?’
She smiled tiredly. ‘I’ve known for ages that you’ve been pinching my stuff. I saw you once too, when I came back from school early and you’d been off sick. You looked pretty then and you look pretty now. I just went out again and when I came back you were dressed as a boy again. Look we’ll talk tomorrow. Don’t worry I won’t tell anyone if you want it kept secret. Night-night, girls–oh and, Andrea–’
‘I’ve always, like, wanted a sister to go shopping with.’
She smiled, then left, closing the door quietly behind her.
We looked at each other, smiled and carried on watching the film. Mind you we became a bit distracted and my panties got damp again.

Please leave comments...thanks! ~Sue
My thanks go to the brilliant and lovely Gabi for editing and pulling the story into shape.
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Great Story
You have written a wonderful and enjoyable story. While I've only made it to chapter 12, I am sure to enjoy the rest. I downloaded the first 12 chapter before I left and I am thankfull you are able to continue your story. Thank You. Sara D.
Could Get Complicated
Cops spilling the beans on Susan. Potential for problems at Melchester.
Andrew must make up his mind that he's only cross-dressing or he'll wind up breaking her heart.
Signs of intersex? The bloody discharge?
Of course it's complicated. It's a Sue Brown story. Why else would I be reading it? Anyway, got my fix until tomorrow (?) di'n' I?
Intersex? Perhaps...
I was thinking in a much more ominous vein, but you could be right. Wonder if mummy is on her time of month as well? Women in the same household tend to synchronize...
If So, Would Susan
If so, would Susan synchronise with Josie, because she, Josie, is only her adoptive mother? Of course Claire is having a visitation from Mrs Moon as well. Could it be psychosomatic?
It is certainly possible that Susan/Mark could be intersex; it would explain a lot.
I Can See It Now, Sue
You're gonna have the three musketeers solve any problems, right?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
I See The Possibility Of Blackmail
Since the word is getting out about Susan really being Mark. I see someone pulling an Extortion/ Blackmail scheme threatening to expose her female identity unless they are paid a large sum of money. They know she is a very wealthy professional soccer player and might think she would pay up to keep the other team members, fans and product endorsement companies from finding out.
SUE, another great chapter
but first let me comment on your fellow commentors, Joannebella loves your comments, Jengri, EXTORTION /BLACKMAIL? BOY! you guys are really speculating are you! l might add kidnaping but l know Sue is probably not gonna change Football Girl into KIDNAPPED 2! (at least l hope not) anyway you can't trust cops to keep their BIGMOUTHS SHUTS CAN YOU! and i was wondering who was gonna walk in on Susan/Audrea you know it had to be somebody!
Nice To Be Appreciated
Thanks Cnote,
I do try to say a little more than just "I like it!"
You can't blackmale Mark about dressing up as Susan ...
if SHE really is Susan.
I quote.
I pulled down my old panties and sat on the toilet. After taking them off, I found that they were quite damp and sticky, but that wasn’t what concerned me, because I also found what appeared to be blood mingled with the other stuff. It wasn’t much, about the size of a fifty pence piece, but it worried me a bit. The slight ache that I had in my groin was still there and I wondered if I might have some sort of infection. There again, I was due a biopsy down there and did wonder if the doctor hadn’t told me everything.
‘I will have to talk to Mummy about this when we’re alone.’ I thought.
I had a wee and, noticing that it was normal in colour, I sighed with relief. Maybe I was all right after all? Then after cleaning myself up, I slipped on my clean panties
Remember when the doctor asked a number of chapters back -- and I believe he thought about it again to himself earlier in this chapter -- Mark had few if any erectors even PRIOR to the pills he got from the Internet. He might not even know what a proper male erection is, he only thinks he's had a few. And women have erections of a sort, just not centered so much in ONE part, so if he is really a she with minor *plumbing* problems all the above symptoms fit. Susan is feeling discomfort because she is menstruating. The dampness in the panties is that plus sexual arousal, IE the moistening of the entrance to her vagina.
Even her body shape fits being a woman on the cusp of womanhood. Plus it fits well with her desire to become female despite wanting to play football, she want to be a female because subconsciously she knows she is one.
When it comes out the press will be fierce but she is competing and winning at a male professional sport so they can't say she should be disqualified because she *pretended * to be male. It will be tough at first but when the novelty wears off. And given how well she plays, I suspect the majority of her teammates will be extremely protective of their talented little *sister*,
There may be other things that fit his/her observations but do any fit as well as Susan being a genetic girl who needs some minor surgery to be complete?
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Football Girl Rules
Quite a lot happened in this chapter. I'm really enjoying it. I'm still upset about Susan's mum dying but I'll get over it as long as the chapters keep flowing.
I like Andrea and Susan, cuddling together while they watch a movie. Claire was cool about it too. What a dream!
I don't know what trouble you have brewing on the horizon but it looks like it'll be coming from a couple different directions. I'm nervous about Andrew and Claire's mum. You got me wondering if she's actually dying. Perhaps Jeff and Josie will adopt them too. What a house full that would make!
Okay. Enough speculation.
Thanks very much and please keep up the good work.
- Terry
Shouldn't Take Long...
...for Bob Ferris, at least, to put things together with Mark and Susan -- having met both -- and place (or post) the news somewhere. By U.S. standards, that'd make it a legitimate story and allow the rest of the media to comment on it and then follow it up. Don't know what the laws are in the U.K on something like that, or how enforceable they'd be in any case; Ferris was already talking about contacts in mainland European countries last time we saw him.
It does look as though Susan will be able to counter almost immediately with medical proof that "Mark" is in fact female, assuming she goes through with seeing a doctor about her problems. Where the story goes from there is probably anyone's guess -- too many different ways Melchester, the public and the national and international league authorities can react. (At least Susan's stepfather can't try to murder her, short of bringing zombies into the equation.)
P.S. Sue!
That steak and kidney pie looks absolutely obscene,
Not a Kate & Sidney PIE…
…but a Kate & Sidney PUDDING, boiled slowly in its cloth-wrapped basin for hours…and hours…and hours…until is smells gorgeous and melts in the mouth. I wonder if Mrs Moon (I wonder she had second thoughts about marrying Mr Moon?) followed Mrs Beaton's receipt and added w Whitstable oyster. I have done that occasionally and it is rather delicious.
Personally seeing the S&K pud pic just makes my mouth water.
This another really good chapter.
Now, is Andrea here to stay, or is she just one of those now and then "girls"? I like it that Susan can be understanding that Andrew likes wearing feminine clothing, but, I can't help but see this as a on and off thing with him. I mean, a girl wants a man she can love and legally marry, if it comes to that. But when the man dresses like his fiancè, then maybe the man is more a sister than a lover. But anyway it's cool. The news that Mark was dressed as a girl when the police brought the news of his mother's death, is a wrinkle in the fabric. Newshounds are not so easily put off by a simple explanation about a fancy dress party. They will want to know where the party was, who was there and why was Mark dressed as a girl just to go to a fancy dress party. They will want to know why Mark wasn't in a Tux. Newshounds are newshounds no matter where in the world they are.
I do like it that Claire is understanding of her brother's desire to dress as a girl. But are we going to see Andrea full time or just every now and then? And what about Susan? Are we ever going to see Susan full time, and either accepted as the "Football Girl" that she is, or kicked off the team in shame?
Susan told Andrew that even after her surgeries, she cannot bear children. Does this mean that Susan has made up her mind, or does it just mean it was something to say for the moment? We need to see Susan full time, and we need to say goodbye to Mark, because the way I see it is; Susan is the real person and Mark is just a role she plays when she is playing on the team. Anyway this is a good chapter and raises a lot of questions, and that is a good thing.
"With confidence and forbearance, we will have the strength to move forward."
Love & hugs,
"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."
"With confidence and forbearance, we will have the strength to move forward."
Love & hugs,
"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."
A Fancy Dress Party... the U.K. is equivalent to a costume party on this side of the Atlantic. So that's not the problem, in and of itself.
Speculation gone mad and I LOVE it
Susan/Mark said she couldn't have children after she had the operation to become a woman but she was assuming she is a TG biologic male when she said that.
There is so much circumstantial and physical evidence that Mark is Susan, that she is a genetic girl, just that a some point prior to birth her external genitals developed a masculine appearance.
An exceptionally athletic woman could possibly compete successfully in a male pro sport particularly a team sport were ball handling, maneuvering, accuracy of passing and shots matter more than brute physicality.
Sue could be a meanie and the blood and discomfort are early signs of a life threatening infection or some kind of cancer but the intersex option fits the facts as we have them, the body shape, the budding breasts, his androgynous -- actually quite attractive female looks -- appearance and now what appear to be possible signs of menstruation. I can't see how an illness brought on or abetted by the internet bought puberty delaying drugs would fit all this even given they were stronger than supposed to be and had additional feminizing hormones. I think they only speeded up the maturing of her hidden female reproductive system. Given how step dad abused the child I can't imagine he/she ever got more than a cursory medical checkup required for school if even that. Daddy dearest would not risk signs of abuse being reported to the law.
If the sport were to kick her out as 'a female impersonating a male', for one that could be seen as discriminatory and two would get her huge publicity. Think of Vanessa Williams and her being ousted as Miss America for the nude photos. That helped make her a star far more than if she had not been kicked out, but then she has exceptional talent and beauty as does our Susan. Heck if her teammates are decent guys they will want her to stay if only to kid her about playing shirts and skins in practice. Plus she could always flash her breasts at the opposing team to distract them during an attack on goal. They don't call them boobs for nothing. -- snicker --
Times will be difficult, the British press has a bad reputation as evidenced by that jerk reporter earlier in the story but with solid friends she has a great life ahead of her. She will be famous and financially secure either way.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa