Kelly's Journey -9- Support & Kidnap

Kelly's Journey
Chapter 9: Support & Kidnap
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut
and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Synopsis: Now that Kelly has moved in with her Aunt Debbie and her grandparents, she begins a new part of her journey as she learns more about being a woman and learning how more about herself.

"Thank you Auntie, Momma told me about you just before you arrived and how you were afraid of me. How could I ever want to hurt you? It didn't matter to me that you were a boy like I am right now, and it still doesn't. We've had so much fun whenever I visited you in the past. I need for you to know now that I am in your care that I have never hated you." [How can I ever hate her?]

"I admit that I was afraid of you, but when you started to dress more as a girl more this year, I saw myself in you and I grew afraid for you. I was deathly afraid that you'd be hurt like I was. That is why we have not been together since you started going to Ronzi's as Kelly girl for your friends. You see, I was afraid that my nightmares would return. I'm glad that never happened, if it had, I don't know if I could have lived with myself," she sighed. [She is much stronger than I was back then, please LORD, let us help her.]

"When Momma said that you were afraid of me Auntie, I knew there had to be a reason, are you having nightmares now?"

"No, I'm not. And I won't have them anymore. I told her that because I couldn't face you. Until now, I never knew that I had this strength in me."[Thanks for believing in me Dad. You knew that I could face my fears.]

"Then why am I here Aunt Debbie? What changed?"[' LORD, I don't wanna be a burden to my auntie!!']

"Your Mother told me about you and Johnny and I had to come and get you before you two hurt each other as I was hurt, If not for my Daddy, I'd have died back then, but he gave me the will to live when my life as a boy was taken away from me." she sighed as she remembered what happened to her that turned her into Debbie. [Thanks for being there Daddy, NOW I hope that you can be there for Kelly.]

"And I will learn from you now? What will I be learning? I know that grandpa will be teaching me all about the farm and granny all about being a farmer's wife." ['Hopefully I can be a cheerleader up here, but that depends upon whether or not Aunt Debbie let's me.']

"Yes, from me, you will learn to develop your inner strengths as I teach you the fine art of being a Lady by taking you to a charm school and learning domestic skills with your Granny. Kelly, just wait until Granny gets a hold of you, she will teach you what I can't." {This will be an experience for all of us.]

"Domestic? What do you mean by domestic? I don't want to be some guy's maid wearing that skimpy uniform." [' Am I being a drama queen?']

"Yes, domestic, and no, you will never be a maid. You're way too smart for that. You will be what you choose to be. DAMN! I’ve been listening to that U.S. Army commercial too much," she giggled.

"Good, then what are you talking about? Recruiting for Uncle Sam?" [' I remember seeing those Army commercials. I think their pretty snazzy too, but then again, most of the guys at school are pro-military ever since 9/11.']

"Think of what all it takes to keep a farm house clean and you'll know what skills you need to learn. Me, I think that you'll have fun learning how to can and preserve as well as sewing, knitting and crocheting from Granny." And will make you self reliant too. And no, not recruiting for the military, she giggled. ['Glad to see her sense of humor is back, she'll be needing it all too soon unless I'm mistaken.']

"What about Grandpa? I want to learn from him too." ['He reminds me of my daddy so much that it'll be like he's alive again in a way.']

"Oh, he'll teach you all about farming." [giggle]" All types since we have a bit everything here on this farm. Even the ways we handle our waste." [' I am so proud of daddy for getting involved with green technology.']

"You mean to tell me that he taught you? I thought that Granny taught you." ['Uh oh! I am thinking like those bigots, gotta stop that.']

"Yep, your momma and daddy too. And I loved learning it too. Going to the county fair will be quite an experience for you." [' Kelly will have a blast seeing all of those exhibits with her sense of wonder.']

Then I thought about the fact that we were both single. Was she a virgin like I was? No sex with opposite sex? "Why haven't you ever married Auntie? You are so pretty that I'm sure that some guy would have already married you."

[The little imp, she knows how to get me talking and she doesn't realize it yet.] "Oh I have a guy that likes me, but he is waiting to get his own farm before I become his partner," she giggled.

"Why not as his wife, surely you're more than worth it to him. Is he gay?" ['There I go again, judging others.']

[Just like her Mother.]"He wants to court me properly and in his eyes, that means we see if we can stand each other before we tie the knot. And he knows that I know a lot about farming." ['Kelly, he is my Johnny.']

"Does he know about your uh, secret? "And the fact that you used to be Brian?" ['I wonder if the fact that Johnny knows about me is a cause to worry.']

"Yes, he knew me when I was a boy. After we dated for awhile and got to know each other, we found that we loved each other after I became Debbie." ['He’s so much like Poppa, no wonder I love him so.']

"He sounds very wise I hope that you two are happily married one day." ['Will I ever marry Johnny?']

"To me too Kelly, me too. And I know that he will marry me, of that I have no doubt."[Waiting for him is hard too, but he is worth it.]

Then I noticed that her stereo had been playing love songs," Auntie?"

"Yes Kelly?" [No doubt she'll inquire about the music.]

"Why are you playing love songs? Not that I mind. I love singing them, thinking their about me and Johnny."

"It’s because you need to listen to them. You are in love with Johnny and listening will help." ['She is such a babe in the woods about love.']

"Help me? How will they help?"

"They help me to be away from my beloved Danny, I hope that they help you too." ['I won’t tell her that they contain a hidden message of hope.']

They did, listening to them eased my heart so that I was not pining away for Johnny as I was at first. I still missed him, but I was in control of my emotions. Best of all, I was at peace about moving away and leaving momma.']

While we were approaching the farm, I saw the fields of grass and produce and varied barns. There was a stout brick fence encircling the farm with an open gutter filled with water from the recent rain flowing in it.

Then we turned onto the driveway and went under the gateway arch where MOORE'S FARM was emblazoned in wood. I was eagerly anticipating seeing my grandparents and I was not let down either.

By that time, we pulled into her garage where we were met by Granny and Grandpa. They both were smiling big time and Granny had a pie resting on a shelf near by. I jumped out of the car as Auntie killed the ignition and ran into their out stretched arms. "Grandma, Grandpa, it's so wonderful to see you again."


Grandpa Joe Carter Moore is a gray haired version of my Daddy. He grows a bit of everything upon his farm with those greenhouses of his. Then he sells his produce to Mister Woods for his stores and restaurants. He also raises cattle, pigs and poultry. His farm is the largest privately owned farm in the state thanks to Mister Woods helping him to incorporate.

Granny Lizzie Jane Moore is gray haired version of my Momma. She loves canning, preserving using Grandpa's produce. She has won many an award at the county fair for her entries in cooking, quilts and bedspreads from sewing, knitting and crocheting that are keepsakes that she either gives as presents or sells and gives the proceeds to the church.


As Aunt Debbie parked her jeep, I jumped out and ran to my Grandma who hugged me, "Kelly child, I never thought that I'd see you looking so pretty. I guess that I gotta teach you about being a farmer's wife now." I heard Granny giggle. " And you will be a true Southern Belle too thanks to Debbie teaching you manners and my Joe teaching you farming." [Sweet child, so innocent and still pure, we got her in time.]

Then Grandpa came and hugged me to him, "And I get to teach you all about farming now too, my way of farming, not the impersonal way of big business either." I heard Grandpa chortle. [Oh Kelly my grandson turned granddaughter, I hope that you'll find yourself with us now that you're here.]

"So, you know about me wanting to be a girl?" I sobbed into their shoulders. [Would they turn me away after I got here?]

Then Granny held my chin in her hand, "Yes child, we know about you wanting to be a girl, that is why your Grandpa, Debbie and I agreed to help you when your Momma called us. We are all here for you when you need us."[Such a sweet child. Who could ever harm this beautiful rose. Any that do will feel my wrath!!!]

"Thanks Granny, for a second, I thought that you guys might send me away. Now I can forget that nightmare, cant I?" ['LORD thank you for giving me such loving grandparents.']

Then Grandpa took me by my shoulders and looked right into my eyes. I could see a depth of wisdom and a deep anger that was a terror to arouse, "Kelly, you are our precious grandchild. You can never do a damned thing to stop us from loving you. And now that you are here with us, we will never send you away. Only YOU will decide when or if that happens."['I must make Kelly understand that we will never abandon her. We never abandoned Debbie and now we will be there for Kelly too.']

Then I hugged them closer and closer in a warm embrace as I wept tears of joy, "Thanks for loving me so much. I have been afraid of rejection ever since I hurt my Johnny. I should have never doubted you, none of you." ['LORD, Why do I deserve such a loving family?']

"That's alright child, you were worried, now no more fretting about being here." I heard Grandma giggle. ['I can see that Kelly here still fears rejection. It's up to us to calm her fears now that she's here.']

"Besides that, your Granny has a pie just a waiting for us to eat, it's cooling over there for us. Now let's get inside and eat it with some ice cream and soda." Grandpa chuckled. ['I know that Kelly loves Lizzie's pies, that scamp couldn't get enough when she was a child.']

Then we all went inside to sit down to eat the pie ala mode and soda. I felt so much warmth and love from them that I forgot about my problems and became their granddaughter in my heart of hearts. After we had eaten the pie and cleaned the dishes, we up to bed where I found that they had prepared for me.


Let me tell you about the farmhouse. It is a two story brick house with a full attic and basement with all of the comforts of modern life mixed in with farm life. And no, it doesn't look a bit like the house in the painting AMERICAN GOTHIC.

The basement is filled with jars of: jelly, jam, preserves, and canned produce stored on sturdy wooden shelves built by Grandpa up under the front. Under the shelves are tin canisters of rice, beans, and other dry goods.

Then once out from the food storage rooms, there are the walk-in freezers filled with the haunches of beef, deer, pig and mutton as well as those of chicken, duck and geese. Next to them are the refrigerators filled with dairy, eggs, and baked goods.

Toward the back are the storage rooms for the quilts, comforters, and bedspreads that Granny makes, as well as her sewing machine and a T.V. set so that she can watch her favorite shows. And behind Granny's rooms are the stairs going up both sides of the house.

Then next to the stairs on the bottom floor is the back porch, then the kitchen on the right and utility room on the left. The kitchen has all of the modern conveniences with the stove on the back wall, sink under the window and refrigerator-freezer up front with trash compactor next to the stove and dishwasher next to the sink, by the stove. All around the kitchen are cabinets filled with varied appliances.

The utility room contains the washer, dryer, and lawn maintenance equipment as well as a shower and side door for the lawnmower with an easy access ramp so that Grandpa can roll the haunches in and lower them on the dumbwaiter next to the outside door.

Next to the kitchen is the living room filled with lounge chairs with a table on either side, fireplace on outside wall and entertainment center up front, under the window. The dining room is

next to the utility room and has Granny's cherry wood dining room set in it with a mixture of china, cutlery, and glassware from Granny buying replacements to replace whatever got broke.

The upper floor contains Aunt Debbie's room over the kitchen, momma's room over the utility room, daddy's room over the dining room and the master bedroom over the living room. The bathrooms are on both sides of the stairs.

The attic is chock full of trunks filled with everybody's winter or summer clothes depending on the season s well as trophies and knick knacks. Best of all, it is set up as a studio apartment with the trunks stacked next to bathrooms which are next to the stairs.


"Come over here Kelly and see your bedroom, said Grandpa. It was a real girl’s bedroom with a canopy bed, and matching furniture. I saw a bookshelf filled with my favorite books and a computer ready for my use.

"WOW! Thanks guys! This room looks like my room back home. How did you do it?" ['They even have my favorite posters up.']

"When your Grandma and I heard that you needed a place to stay, we redecorated your momma's old room to look like your room back home," he chuckled. "We wanted for you to have a connection with your Mother, so we bought copies of your things and a new wardrobe too when we saw that you were going to need us when school started." [' I can tell that she likes the room from the way she is touching everything.']

Then I had an awful thought, "But what about my momma, where will she stay when she visits us?" ['Sorry momma for taking your old room from you.']

Then Granny cupped my chin in her hand, "Child, don't you fret none, we have the guest room which used to be your dad's room here. Silly girl, you can be so forgetful at times," Granny giggled. ['Terri will love knowing that we gave Kelly her room.']

Then I began to weep, "Thanks Grandpa and Grandma, [sniff, sniff] I am sorry to be putting you two through so much trouble." [Sniff, sniff] "I promise to not cause you any trouble." ['LORD. Please help me to be good for them.']

Then Aunt Debbie hugged me, "You are no trouble at all Kelly, This is your home too."['So innocent and trusting, she maybe nearly an adult, but she is still so child like in her need for love.']

"Thanks Auntie. It’s nice to have such a family and home." ['Oh momma, one day, I'll be coming back to you.']

Then I gave them all a hug and went into MY bedroom where I found that they had laid out me a sleep shirt along with lingerie and hose. I scooped them up and went into my bathroom and got ready for bed. After my shower, I donned my hose, then lingerie then my night shirt which went to mid thigh on me, then I went into my bedroom and they came in to tuck me in.


I learned later what Grandpa was thinking about me that night: ['Kelly has become such a sweet young lady that it is impossible to see any boy in her. She is following the path that Debbie went on. Now I hope to prevent Kelly from being hurt like Debbie was when she was attacked. I should have been there for her, but I foolishly stopped for a chat with Charlie about business. We've regretted that night for years and now I can redeem myself through Kelly.']

The next day, Aunt Debbie took me to her store. It was full of all sorts of clothing in all sots of styles and sizes. Towards the back are the appliances to aid a woman who needs help to be a woman by giving her enhancements.

When I saw the varied equipment, I got nervous, "Aunt Debbie, can you actually give me breasts?"

"Yes I can Kelly, please take off your top and bra when we get to my office." ['I bet this is the first time for Kelly to be fitted.']


"I need to take your measurements so that I can fit you for your breast forms." ['Oh my, this will be fun.']

Then I took off my top and sports bra that was filled with rolled up socks. Aunt Debbie measured me and then went over to a mixer where she began pouring in varied chemicals, then she turned it on and the mixer began to mix.

"Kelly, I am mixing up the special plastic that will be your breast forms. Once they are attached to your chest, they will feel and act like real breasts." ['Wish that I had this when I was transitioning.']

"Oh? Is that stuff some sort of artificial skin?"

"In a way, it’s a bio plastic that actually bonds with the skin and transfers sensation. You can wear them for a month, and then you need to let your skin breathe for a day before reapplying."

"Gee, it'll be great to actually have breasts, but what about my groin?"

"I'll be making a gaffe from the same stuff the gaffe will act like a vagina, so you'll have to sit to pee."

"OK, but what about having a period the same as genetic women?"

"That's taken care of too."

Then she poured the goop into a set three forms, then she broke the larger ones to reveal breasts. She took them and dipped them in warm water. Then she led me to a bedroom.

"OK Kelly, please lay on the bed so that I can attach the forms."

I got on the bed on my back, and then she returned with the forms and placed them on my chest. I could feel them bond to me and take on my skin tone. I tried to get up, but she pushed me back down.

"They need to set for thirty minutes. Then I will put the gaffe on you."

"Thanks Auntie, I can never repay you for your kindness."

"Tut, tut, there girlfriend, you're my niece. In helping you, I am repaying my parents."

"Then I hope that I get a chance to help another girl like us so that I can repay you, for your gift one day."

"That's the spirit," then she glanced at the clock on the wall, then left. When she returned, she had a flesh-tone panty in her hands.

"Is that my vagina?' I giggled.

"Yep, now please strip o that I can get you ready."

"What are you gonna do to me?"

Then she pointed to a pair of straps on the beds posts, "I need to tuck your boy bits up and make them look like you are a girl. Then you can put on the gaffe."

So I stripped and put my feet in the straps. Aunt Debbie then manipulated my boy bits and then tapped me on the shoulder, "OK Kelly, you look like a girl now. You can get up and look in the mirror."

I did as she said and when I saw my reflection, all that I saw was a naked young woman. There was no hint of boy about me. I touched my new beasts and vagina, and then I fainted.


During this time, that defrocked preacher showed his ugly head and caused some mischief when he saw Julie at cheer practice. The practice was over and Julie was getting ready to leave.

"Hello there, are you Julie Woods?"

"Yes I am, who are you?"

"I am a Man Of God, and I am here because I am worried about you."

"Why? Because I am a cheerleader and bounce around?"

"No child, it's because you are friends with Kelly Lee Moore."

Then Julie exclaimed, YOU'RE THAT DEFROCKED PREACHER THAT HATES EVERYBODY!!" Then she started to run away, but he caught her. Then Julie succeeded in flipping him and getting away only to be gassed by a couple of his goons.

"Sir? What do we do with her now?"

"We take her and use her to get that abomination Kelly."

"So, we do nothing to her?"

"I will not have her harmed! If she is hurt in any way, I will personally castrate her attacker!"

Then they carried the unconscious Julie to their van and sped away, leaving a note behind.

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