Life Stolen By Mistake

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Life Stolen By Mistake

Mike fidgeted in the plush salon chair, the smell of lavender shampoo assaulting his nostrils. This was uncharted territory for him. Usually, Halloween costumes meant a ratty old bathrobe and a plastic vampire mask he found in a discount bin. But tonight was different. Tonight was the city's biggest charity masquerade ball, and his ever-so-fashionable girlfriend, Sarah, was in charge.
"Alright, Mike, close your eyes," Sarah's voice, a touch too chipper for Mike's taste, echoed from somewhere near his feet. He squeezed his eyelids shut, bracing himself for the unknown. The first sensation was a disconcerting coolness, followed by a series of sharp tugs. He winced, picturing the hair follicles on his chest protesting their eviction. After what felt like an eternity of ripping and scraping, blessed silence descended.
"There, all smooth and hairless for your big debut," Sarah announced, a hint of amusement in her tone. Mike hesitantly opened one eye, catching a glimpse of his reflection in the mirror. He blinked, a foreign sight staring back. His normally scruffy face was clean-shaven, revealing a slight stubble that hadn't quite grown in yet. His chest, usually hidden under layers of t-shirts, was disconcertingly bare.
"Next up," Sarah declared, snapping him out of his existential crisis, "nails and makeup!" The next hour was a whirlwind of nail polish drying under hot lamps, strange brushes tickling his face, and a surprising amount of glitter being applied to his eyelids. When it was all over, Mike stared at his reflection again. A perfectly coiffed blonde wig sat atop his head, framing eyes rimmed with eyeliner and mascara. Sarah had Mike in the back as she had him pull on the high cut sheer panties and sparkling hosiery over his smooth wax legs. She then took large breast forms and put a special adhesive on them and held them to his chest for five minutes and when Sarah released them, he felt the weight until she helped him into a bra. Then she had him finish dressing as the 1960’s go-go dancer. A tight, shimmering dress clung to his newly waxed torso, reaching mid-thigh. White knee-high go-go boots with a three-inch heel completed the shocking transformation.
"Mike, you look...amazing," Sarah said, a genuine smile playing on her lips.
Mike, however, felt like a malfunctioning disco ball. He gingerly stepped out of the chair, the unaccustomed tightness of the dress making him hyper-aware of every movement. The walk to the car was an exercise in stifled panic. He was pretty sure his knees were knocking, and his every instinct screamed at him to rip off the wig and sprint for the nearest t-shirt and jeans.
"Relax, you'll be fine," Sarah reassured him, squeezing his hand. "Besides, imagine the money we'll raise for charity!"
Mike forced a smile. Maybe, just maybe, this outlandish costume would be worth it. After all, the thought of all those raised funds did warm him up a bit. He took a deep breath, trying to channel his inner-go-go dancer. The night was still young, and who knew, he might even have fun being someone entirely different for a night.
Across the room from Mike's dazzling disco vision, Sarah stood tall, the picture of 1960s mod. Her sleek black jumpsuit hugged her curves, a stark contrast to the playful fringe at the hem. Underneath, strategic padding created a silhouette that wouldn't have looked out of place on Carnaby Street. A wide, black belt cinched her waist, and a chunky silver necklace completed the look.
Leaving the salon had been an experience in itself. Mike, still getting used to his newfound smoothness and the way the dress swished with every step, found himself walking with a newfound confidence, albeit a slightly awkward one. Sarah, meanwhile, strutted beside him, a playful glint in her eye. Parking a few blocks away from the venue due to their tardiness only added to the drama.
"Alright, disco doll," Sarah winked, adjusting her oversized sunglasses with a flourish, "let's show this party what we're made of!"
Mike, despite his initial anxieties, couldn't help but grin. This night was shaping up to be an unforgettable adventure, and maybe, just maybe, his inner go-go persona was ready to shine.
The party thrummed with music and laughter. Mike, navigating the dance floor in his unaccustomed footwear, found himself moving in a way he never had before. The tight dress swirled around his legs, the rhythm pulsing through him in a way that surprised him. Dancing in heels wasn't easy, but with each tentative step, he felt a spark of something new ignite. The unfamiliar sensation of the lingerie beneath the dress was strangely thrilling, a secret weapon tucked under his glamorous disguise.
Several men approached them throughout the night, their eyes widening at the sight of Mike. Sarah, ever the supportive girlfriend, would deflect their advances with a playful jab or a pointed comment about their date being "off-limits." But the attention, however unwelcome it might have been in normal circumstances, sent a jolt of something electric through Mike. He wasn't used to being the object of such focused attention, especially not dressed like this.
As the hours melted away, the drinks flowed freely. Mike, unaccustomed to the stronger cocktails Sarah had insisted on, found himself feeling pleasantly fuzzy. The inhibitions that had plagued him earlier started to loosen their grip. He found himself laughing more easily, his movements becoming looser, more confident. The world seemed brighter, more vibrant through the glitter-dusted veil of his new persona. This was a new Mike, a Mike he barely recognized, yet a Mike he couldn't help but be intrigued by.
The night air felt cool and refreshing after the throbbing heat of the party. The walk back stretched before them; several blocks of laughter punctuated by Mike's wobbly attempts at navigating the sidewalk in his precarious heels. Sarah, ever the practical one, offered him her arm for support. He took it with a grateful laugh, the world shimmering in a slightly drunken haze.
They were a good block away from the car when a white van screeched to a halt beside them. Startled, Mike stumbled back, Sarah's hand slipping from his grasp. Everything happened in a blur. The van door slid open with a hiss, two figures materialized before him, and before he could react, strong hands clamped onto his arms. He let out a surprised yelp, muffled by one of the figures clamping a hand over his mouth. A panicked yell tore from Sarah's throat as they yanked him into the van, the door slamming shut behind them with a sickening thud. The van lurched forward, tires squealing, leaving Sarah standing alone on the sidewalk, the echo of her scream swallowed by the night. Her mind reeled, the playful facade of the night shattering into a million pieces. All that remained was a stark, terrifying reality – Mike was gone.
The world faded into a throbbing black hole as the cloth clamped over his face muffled his screams. When Mike finally clawed his way back to consciousness, a sterile white ceiling swam into focus. Panic clawed at his throat, raw and desperate. His body felt like it had been ravaged – his face ached, his throat felt sore, every muscle throbbed, his chest felt different, and a dull ache pulsed between his legs. An IV snaked into his arm, a silent promise of something foreign coursing through his veins.
A woman, her features vaguely Asian, materialized beside the bed. Her English, thick with an unfamiliar accent, sent shivers down his spine. "Don't worry," she said, her voice devoid of warmth, "you are safe now. Not America anymore. Thailand. You are...part of the family."
Mike's mind reeled. Thailand? Safe? This sterile prison with its clinical feel screamed anything but. He tried to speak, but his throat was parched, his voice a rasp. The woman's words hit him like a physical blow. "They…thought I was a woman?" The question tumbled out, a desperate plea for understanding.
The woman's face contorted in a brief flicker of something akin to surprise. "Yes. Mistake. But now…fixed." Her eyes, cold and calculating, swept down his body. "Surgery. You…woman now. Beautiful woman. Serve network."
The weight of her words settled on him like a suffocating shroud. Network? Serve? A horrifying picture began to take shape – a life twisted, his very identity stolen. His manhood, a distant memory replaced by a phantom ache. The laughter of the party, Sarah's smile, all seemed like a lifetime ago. He was no longer Mike. He was a prisoner, a pawn in a twisted game, and a horrifying, irreversible transformation had been forced upon him.
The fight to survive, to reclaim even a shred of his identity, had just begun. But in this sterile white room, which felt like a million miles away from everything he knew, Mike felt a cold, steely resolve harden in his gut. They may have taken everything, but they hadn't broken him. He would fight. He would survive. And somehow, he would find a way back to himself, even in this horrifying new reality.
Three brutal months crawled by. Monique, a name that felt alien on his tongue, endured a relentless regime designed to erase Mike. Physical therapy wasn't about healing; it was about molding his body into a caricature of femininity. His once-strong muscles atrophied, replaced by a painful hypersensitivity. The constant ache between his legs was a constant reminder of the violation he'd endured. The woman showed her how to use the dilators to slowly expand and stretch the size of her new vagina, in preparation for it being used to fulfill her purpose in the network.
Days were filled with a suffocating routine. Hours were spent perfecting a high-pitched voice, mastering the art of applying makeup that hid the remnants of his former self. Monique learned to walk in stilettos, the once-joyful movement of dance replaced by a practiced, seductive sway. Her "teachers" were cold, efficient, their instructions laced with thinly veiled threats. Pleasure wasn't a word associated with the lessons; it was a weapon to be wielded, a tool for survival.
Nights were haunted by nightmares, a warped kaleidoscope of the life stolen from him. Sarah's face, a beacon of hope, flickered at the edges of his dreams, a reminder of what he'd lost. But Monique, this shell they'd forced him to become, clung to a flicker of defiance. Every forced smile, every practiced gesture, was a silent rebellion. He learned their language, their game, but somewhere deep inside, Mike, battered but unbroken, vowed to use it all against them. He would find a way out. He would find Sarah. He would reclaim his life, piece by broken piece, even if the man he once was had been forever lost.
The worst part was the training Monique had to endure for her training in how to provide pleasure to men with her body. The first time a large man entered her room for the initial training session Monique was worried and very nervous. The voice came over the speaker and told her to use her body to please him. He kissed her and pulled her lingerie off her body as he roughly pushed her to her knees and pulled his hard member out for her to pleasure. She reluctantly used her hands to massage and rub his cock and then she licked the tip and coated the shaft with her saliva. Then Monique followed the training videos they had forced her to watch, as she opened her mouth and took the tip inside as she licked and sucked the head of his cock. After a couple of minutes, he grabbed the back of her head and forced his cock deep inside her mouth almost causing her to gag as it hit the back of her throat. Then he started pulling his cock almost out and the using his hands to force her mouth all the way down on his cock. This continued for several minutes as the cock moved deeper into the top of her throat and Monique had to take a breath of air every time he pulled back and before he pulled her back down on his cock. Then his cock went deeper than before, and he held her as she felt it pulsate sending gush after gush of hot warm semen down her throat officially making Monique a cock sucking whore to be used by the network. The tears flowed down her face when he left the room, as she realized for the first time how much they had taken from her.
Monique didn’t have but a few minutes to get ready for the next man. This time the new man came up behind her and roughly grabbed her large breast as he pulled on them roughly. She soon felt a tingling sensation in her groin. She felt his hard cock on her backside as he forced her to bend over which exposed her vaginal opening to him. He lined the tip of his cock up with her opening and quickly pushed forward as his cock violently pushed all the way inside her vagina. He didn’t give her time to adjust as he quickly started to pull back and ram it forcefully fully back inside her. The pain from the violation was intense and tears flowed from her eyes as he roughly fucked her vagina as he continued to tug on her nipples and breast. This continued for several minutes and soon Monique felt the pain subside as she felt an intense sensation spreading through her body. But before she could experience a full female orgasm he pushed deep inside, and his cock pulsed and emptied his load of semen deep inside her and he pulled out leaving her on the bed. She started to cry as he left the room, and she felt the warm sticky semen running down her legs as it leaked out of her violated vagina. Monique realized that this was only the beginning of the shame and degradation she would feel at being used by men for their pleasure. This training in oral and vaginal and also anal sex continued for several weeks with different men roughly using her body. She soon learned to think about her former life and try to drown out the pain she was feeling from being used.
Monique's spirit felt like a fragile flame flickering in a hurricane. Each encounter with a client was a fresh assault, a violation that left her raw and empty. Hours bled into days, the sterile room her prison, the men her tormentors. Their faces, a blur of anonymity, fueled a cold fury within her. They saw her as an object, a plaything, but Monique, the sliver of Mike that clung to survival, refused to break.
The women, once distant figures, became her jailers. Their eyes, devoid of empathy, held the chilling truth – Monique was no longer property to be trained, but a commodity to be sold. The news of the tracking device sent a fresh wave of terror crashing over her. Escape, a distant dream, now felt utterly impossible. She was a gilded cage, beautiful on the outside, but trapped with no way out.
The final blow came as she was told that she would be serving high-paying clients as her new job as a slave to the network. "Escort" they called it, a euphemism for the brutal reality that awaited. A week, a weekend – the details were meaningless. Monique was nothing more than a high-priced possession, a human being reduced to a service. The thought of facing another week of this soul-crushing existence filled her with a desperate, clawing fear.
But amidst the despair, a spark of defiance flickered. This wasn't the end. Somewhere, Sarah might be searching. Maybe, just maybe, there was a weakness in this gilded cage, a chink in their armor. Monique steeled herself. She would play their game, become the perfect escort, all the while searching for an opportunity, a sliver of hope to break free. This wasn't just about survival anymore; it was about reclaiming her life, her identity, piece by broken piece. The fight for Monique, for Mike, had just begun.
Months blurred into a brutal routine. Monique, a meticulously crafted persona, became the face she presented to the world. Days were spent in a whirlwind of fittings and makeup sessions, transforming her into a living trophy. Designer dresses clung to her newly feminized body, a stark contrast to the soul-crushing emptiness within. High heels, once an awkward novelty, became instruments of torture, their every click a reminder of her captivity.
Then the woman came to see her and informed her that she was ready to start her new life as an “escort” and start serving the men who paid for her services.
Each week, a new "client" awaited - a high-powered businessman, a government official, their faces a blur of wealth and entitlement. Monique was arm candy, a possession to flaunt at lavish dinners and exclusive parties. But beneath the facade, the facade they'd forced her to wear, simmered a potent mix of rage and desperation. She learned to navigate their world, to play the role of the perfect submissive woman, a silent siren with a practiced smile.
Nights were a desolate wasteland. Her body, once a source of strength, now felt like a battleground, a constant ache echoing the violation she endured. Yet, amidst the pain, a flicker of defiance refused to die. Each encounter, no matter how brutal, fueled a burning determination. She would not be broken. She would escape. For Sarah, for the life stolen from her, Monique would find a way out.
This wasn't just about survival anymore; it was about reclaiming her very existence. With every forced smile, with every whispered submission, Monique studied her captors, searching for a weakness, a chink in their armor. The fight for freedom, for the man she once was, had become a silent war waged within the gilded cage of her captivity. Every night, as the echoes of abuse subsided, Monique, the sliver of Mike that remained, plotted her escape.
A year. A year of stolen nights and shattered dignity. Monique, the carefully constructed persona that encased the broken pieces of Mike, had become a ghost haunting a gilded cage. The endless parade of men blurred into a grotesque caricature of desire, their faces a mask of entitlement that fueled a cold fire in her gut.
Then came the whisper, a ripple in the network. Monique was being sold again, this time to a different kind of monster. A very high-ranking, very rich man. A man grieving a wife lost to cancer, seeking not just a companion, but a replacement. A trophy wife, the whispers said, one who craved nothing more than to fulfill his every whim.
A twisted hope flickered within Monique. This wasn't another businessman seeking a weekend escape. This was a potential long game, a chance to play a different role. Perhaps, hidden within the gilded bars of this new cage, there might be a way to forge a path to freedom.
The very idea of being a trophy wife, a replacement for another woman, was a bitter pill to swallow. But Monique, with the sliver of Mike that clung to survival, had learned to play the game. This time, she would play it her way. This time, becoming a trophy wife might just be the first step on a long, treacherous road to reclaiming her life.
When Monique arrived at her new master’s large estate in Malaysia, she was informed by her new master that they were to be legally married in a ceremony with his friends and family.
A shiver ran down Monique's spine, a strange mix of apprehension and a twisted sense of hope. This wasn't the wedding she'd ever envisioned, not even in her wildest dreams. Gone were the dreams of being a groom and having a bride in a white dress and be able to share a life with a loving partner, replaced by a ceremony designed to showcase her as a possession, not a person. She was now the bride in the white gown being forced to marry a man she did not love.
The opulent bridal suite buzzed with activity. Stylists fussed over her, transforming her into a vision of forced femininity. Bridal lingerie, lacy and revealing, clung to her body. A heavy gown, all sequins and curves, emphasized the assets they'd sculpted onto her. Sheer stockings added to the illusion, their backs a stark white contrast to the tanned skin beneath. Platform stilettos, once an instrument of torture, now clicked with a practiced rhythm, a constant reminder of the role she was forced to play.
Jewelry, a gaudy display of wealth and power, weighed her down. A pearl and diamond choker, cold and heavy against her skin, felt like a muzzle. Matching earrings and bracelets glittered under the harsh lights, their brilliance mocking the emptiness in her eyes. The three-carat diamond ring, a symbol of ownership, felt like a shackle on her finger.
Downstairs, a ceremony awaited. Not a celebration of love, but a show of possession. Close friends and relatives, a carefully curated audience to this grotesque charade. Monique took a deep breath, steeling herself against the wave of despair that threatened to engulf her. She would play their game, be the perfect wife, all the while searching for a weakness, a single misstep that might offer a path to freedom. This wasn't the end; it was a new beginning, a twisted opportunity hidden within the gilded cage. Mike, the sliver of him that remained, wouldn't let her give up. The fight for his life, for her freedom, had entered a new, even more dangerous phase. With a steely resolve in her eyes, Monique, the captive bride, descended the stairs, ready to face her new gilded prison.
The ceremony unfolded in a blur of orchestrated merriment. Monique, a picture of forced elegance, moved through the motions with practiced ease. Toasts were raised, smiles were exchanged, all a carefully constructed facade to mask the ugliness beneath.
As the last guest departed, the silence that descended felt heavy, oppressive. Monique was ushered towards a grand bedroom, a monument to opulence more than intimacy. Her new husband, a tall Malaysian businessman with a sculpted physique, awaited her. His eyes, devoid of warmth, held a glint of expectation that made her skin crawl.
Monique steeled herself for the inevitable. This wasn't just a wedding night; it was a power play, a declaration of ownership. But beneath the carefully constructed facade of fear, a flicker of defiance danced in her eyes. She would endure this night, and the nights to come. But within this gilded cage, within the warped reality of this twisted marriage, she would find a way. This wasn't just about survival anymore; it was about reclaiming her life, piece by broken piece.
The battle lines were drawn. Monique, the captive bride, stood face-to-face with her captor. The night stretched before them, filled with uncertainty and a silent promise to endure this and try to be the perfect wife, until she could figure out how to escape.
Her husband kissed her deeply his tongue exploring her mouth. They kissed for several minutes as the passion between them grew. He removed her wedding dress exposing her very feminine body in the sexy bridal lingerie. Monique removed his shirt, shoes and pants and dropped to her knees, a process she was used to after over a year of being a slave in the network and having to survive as best she could. She pulled his boxers off and used her long nails to caress his hardening cock as she kissed and licked the tip and then the shaft. She opened her mouth and took him deeply inside her with a practiced perfection. She massaged his testicles as she bobbed up and down on his ever-hardening member. After a few minutes of getting him hard and excited she pulled off his cock and they kissed again as he picked her up and put her on the bed. He got on top and caressed each breast and nipple and kissed and tugged on them as the passion continued to grow. Then she spread her legs, and he lined the head of his cock against the opening of her vagina. With a long hard thrust he pushed his cock deep inside her vagina. Then over several minutes he started to rhythmically pull back and push forward as he increased the speed at which he fucked her pussy. Monique wrapped her legs around him pulling him deeper inside her. Soon she started to feel an intense sensation overcoming her body as she actually had an orgasm and her whole body quivered and shook. She had finally reached a level of pleasure she had never felt being used by all the men over the last year. Maybe it was because she knew this was long term and she had relaxed enough to allow herself to feel comfortable and receive pleasure. The orgasm washed over her and as it faded and her husband continued to pound her pussy, she soon felt anther wave of pleasure and as he plunged deeper Monique felt his cock twitch inside her as he releases his semen inside her and consummated his marriage to his new trophy wife. They spent the night having more sexual encounters as he brought her to multiple orgasms, and she pleasured him as she gave him a blow job as he ejaculated deep in her throat. They feel asleep with him holding her.
Over the next few months, they continued to have sex and she was also expected to be his wife when he entertained potential business clients and friends. At first the sexual acts were just routine. But soon Monique felt a strange feeling as her husband started to soften and actual develop an intimate relationship with her. He lavished her with gifts of jewelry, lingerie and beautiful dresses and heels as she became the trophy wife he wanted. Her heart began to soften towards him as they started to talk and share intimate moments. Was she starting to develop feelings for a man, was her heart broken and abused starting to heal from the abuse. Could she actually accept this new life being a woman and wife to a strong man who was also starting to develop a love and appreciation for his new wife.
After several years of this life, she no longer felt trapped, even though she was always near him and had not left the grounds of his estate. Was she actually falling in love and wanting to be loved and protected by a strong man who provided for her every need both physically and emotionally and mentally now. Could she fully surrender and embrace womanhood and actually enjoy this new life thrust upon her by the network that he kidnapped her ten years ago. Monique had done what was necessary to survive and now she was ready to take what enjoyment she could receive from the life they had stolen and
The years blurred into a decade of marriage; a tapestry woven with unexpected threads. Monique, the captive bride, had become something more. The lines between performance and reality had blurred. She continued to play the role of the perfect trophy wife, but a genuine connection had blossomed with her husband, defying all expectations.
Gone was the initial coldness, replaced by a hesitant respect that slowly morphed into a surprising level of intimacy. She learned his vulnerabilities, the man beneath the wealth and power. He, in turn, saw glimpses of the fierce spirit that burned beneath the surface of her carefully cultivated femininity. Conversations, once shallow and forced, became laced with genuine curiosity. They shared laughter, not the hollow kind from lavish parties, but the quiet, comfortable kind that comes from shared experiences.
Monique never forgot the horrors of her past. The scars, both physical and emotional, remained a constant reminder of the fight she'd waged. But within the gilded cage of her marriage, she'd found a strange kind of peace. She allowed herself to live, not just exist. The forced femininity she'd initially despised became a part of her identity, a mask she now wore with a hint of defiance.
This wasn't the life she'd envisioned, not even close. But somewhere along the way, amidst the unexpected turns, Monique had found a sliver of happiness. Her relationship with her husband, a product of a twisted beginning, had blossomed into something genuine and unexpected. And while a part of her would always yearn for the life stolen, another part, the part that had refused to be broken, learned to make the most of this new reality.
The fight for freedom, for a semblance of normalcy, had taken a different form. It was a quiet rebellion, a daily defiance against the past. Monique, the captive bride who became a wife, would continue to live, to love, and to find joy in the unexpected corners of her gilded cage. The embers of Mike might have been buried, but Monique, a testament to resilience, had risen from the ashes. Her story wasn't over; it was a testament to the human spirit's ability to find light even in the darkest of places.
The years continued to tick by, each one a testament to Monique's remarkable transformation. As her husband's trust deepened, he began including her in his business trips. She thrived in new environments, her wit and intelligence honed to a sharp edge. The lines between trophy wife and confidante blurred, eventually dissolving altogether. He sought her opinions on business deals, his voice tinged with a newfound respect. Their personal relationship blossomed as well, a deep intimacy developing that surprised them both.
One evening, he surprised her with a hesitant question. "Would you like access to the internet? Perhaps you could reconnect with… your past?"
Monique's heart hammered against her ribs. The memories of Sarah, a beacon of love and normalcy in a life stolen, flooded back. With a deep breath, she sat at the computer, fingers hovering over the keys. A simple search led her to social media profiles, a collage of Sarah's life laid bare. There were pictures of a smiling woman, a happy husband by her side, and two rambunctious children. A pang of sadness echoed through Monique, a bittersweet realization. Sarah had moved on, built a life filled with love and laughter.
Monique closed the laptop, a strange sense of peace washing over her. Sarah's happiness, though tinged with a touch of loss, felt like a victory. The life they'd envisioned together might have been stolen, but Sarah had found her own kind of happily ever after. And so had Monique, in a way she never could have imagined.
The years in captivity had left their scars, but they had also forged a strength she never knew she possessed. The woman staring back from the mirror was no longer the scared girl forced into a new life. Monique, a survivor, a wife, a confidante, had embraced her femininity, not as a forced role, but as a part of her complex identity. She may never be Mike again, but within Monique, the embers of his spirit glowed, a reminder of the fight that had brought her here.
Her story was far from over. It was a testament to the human spirit's ability to adapt, to find light in the darkest corners. Monique, living proof of resilience, would continue to write her own narrative, a woman reborn from the ashes of a stolen life, forever grateful for the unexpected happiness she had found in her gilded cage.
Monique had found happiness that she had never thought would come after the changes she had faced all those years ago. Her and her husband grew old together and had many more years of happiness together in this life she had initially been forced into, now she was finally free and able to live!

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I had hoped that the old life was not completely gone.