The Mysterious Cabinet Chap. 4

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Star Light Agency, Los Angeles, California:
A lone figure dressed all in black moves around looking at the ruined office. They had a penlight in their hand as they followed the blast pattern where the explosion had occurred. The person was being very careful because the damage was very extensive.

Most of the items had been collected already by the fire marshal. Still, there was a lot of debris left over to shift threw and collect. The person digs out several pieces from the wall. The mysterious person stands at the ignition point and judges where the explosion occurred. The person that had been killed had their back to the window.

The ruined desk was where the person had been facing. Which meant they must have been using a computer or something. The person shifts through the debris and finds the ruined keyboard and mouse. They bag the items and leave the office the same way they got in.

The figure exits the building and moves down several dark alleys. They mount a black motorcycle and drive away from the agency. Once they were a good distance away. They make several other turns and end up at a closed auto repair place.

The person enters the building through a hidden door and parks their motorcycle. They remove the helmet they had been wearing and leave it on the motorcycle. They connect a cable to the motorcycle, before leaving the hidden room.

Rose heads towards her lab and starts examining the pieces she recovered from the ruined office. She tests them for explosive residue to determine what type of explosive was used. This was the second occurrence of someone killing a talent agent.

Wolfhart Mansion, Beverly Hills, California:
Sasha slaps the alarm as it goes off. She had stayed up late last night going over every known cabinet that had been recorded in the book. The bad thing about it was translating the damn writing. The book wasn’t written in just one language, but in several different languages that described the object in the book. The scholar who had written that book had written it in the same source material they copied it from.

She looked over where Susan was sleeping and knew her wife had a bunch of things to do today. She moves closer to her wife and gives her a good morning kiss. She was so lucky when she met Susan and couldn’t believe that they would be spending their life together and having children.

Susan felt Sasha’s lips press against her and wrapped her arms around Sasha’s neck. She returns the kiss and opens her tired eyes. She felt Sasha’s nipples pressing against her breasts even through the material of their nightgowns.

When the two of them stop kissing, Susan looks into Sasha’s beautiful eyes. A smile appears on her face “You’re in a good mood this morning.”

“I know. I just couldn’t resist kissing you.” Sasha looks into Susan’s eyes.

“You know, I don’t have to be anywhere for the next couple of hours. We could just enjoy each other for a while.” Susan kisses Sasha back.

The two women enjoy each other’s bodies for the next two hours. Afterward, they take a shower together and grab something to eat afterward. Sasha watches as Susan leaves to go and take care of a few things.

Sasha grabs her car keys for her jeep and leaves an hour later. She drives towards her mother’s house since her mother is more knowledgeable about real magic than she is. She believed in it, but her mother had more experience using it.

The drive to her mother’s place was slow, thanks to traffic, sometimes she wished her car could fly. It might be something she talks to her aunt about. She knew several companies were still working on flying cars. Right now, they were too expensive and the range wasn’t far enough. Plus, the fuel was expensive.

After almost an hour, Sasha pulls into her mother’s driveway. She notices that her father’s truck is there. She gets out of her car and heads towards the house. She knocks, before entering, but no one answers. She takes her key and opens the front door. As she looks for her mother, she spots everyone in the backyard.

Sasha exits the house and spots her mother, her father, and several of her nieces and nephews out around the pool.

“Well, it looks like you guys are having fun.” Sasha walked over to where her mother and father were.

Janet lowers her sunglasses when she hears Sasha’s voice. A smile appears on her face “Hey sweetie.”

Leland looks at his daughter “Come over here and give your dad a hug.”

Sasha walks over and hugs her father. For a man in his sixties, he still had an impressive build. She knew her father could run circles around a lot of younger men.

Leland hugs his youngest daughter and wonders why she has come over. Not that she needed a reason to visit him or her mother. His children were always welcome at their house.

“Hi, mom.” Sasha stands next to her father.

“So, how are Susan and the kids?” Leland wanted to know what his other grandchildren were up to.

“Susan’s doing fine. She’s keeping busy with the studio. As for the kids, they are all doing their thing this summer. Gracie was asked to play with a rather new group. They’re doing the same places we did when Wildfire first started.” Sasha was proud of Gracie.

“Well, I know she’ll do good. So, what brings by here today?” Leland looks at his daughter.

“I need some advice from you and mom.” Sasha wishes her father could help her, but this was more up to her mother’s expertise.

“What can I do for you, sweetie?” Janet looked at Sasha as she stood next to her husband.

“It’s about a cabinet that turns men into women?”

Janet thinks for a minute, she doesn’t recall anything about a cabinet like that. A frown appears on Janet’s face “Do you know what it looks like?”

“A golden color old Victorian style with weird writing on it.”

“That’s not much to go on. What does it do?” Janet was curious.

“It turns men, into women.”

“Why can’t people design something that turns some women into men?” Leland was wondering why people were developing things to turn males into females.

“Beats me, dad. I guess women are more appealing to people.” Sasha knew men went crazy for pretty women.

“I can’t say I know of anything. Didn’t that book I give you help you?” Janet had given Sasha one of her old books when Sasha moved out.

“It didn’t have anything listed in it, mom.” Sasha went through them thoroughly.

“If you want to sweetie, you can look in my library. There are at least three more books I own that might be able to help you.” Janet kept the other books at her house for a reason.

“Thanks, mom.”

“You welcome sweetie.” Janet smiles at her daughter.

“Well, since you’re going to be here for lunch. Why don’t I make you your favorite burger.”

“Thanks, Daddy.” Sasha places a kiss on her father’s cheek.

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Sasha may find out

Samantha Heart's picture

But she might not like what she finds out. If there is any information about the cabinet at all. If not in magic, maybe look at ancient Egypt or somewhere in the middle east or in China, Korea or even Japan even if it's mithology..... Maybe even look in agent Greek mathology as well. Alot of mystery in those places. Magic of "Fabled" magic

Love Samantha Renée Heart.