A Wildcat Summer 10

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A Wildcat Summer 10

Lisa was feeling odd and uneasy. She texted Smith. ‘Hey, what's happening’
‘Not much’ he replied. ‘a call in to Jordy Trying to arrange a meet Bill Wiggins got us a rehearsal space in LA’
‘Maybe a week’
‘Where are you’
‘Mike’s studio editing a commercial’
How bored are you?
When she got no answer, she called Tiffany.
“Jello!” Her voice sounded all happy.
“Jello to you. Why’s Smith over with you? What are you doing?”
“We were going out and picking up groceries for Lucinda. I got a hankering for chops. We might be having pork chops and mashed potatoes tonight. We stopped at Mike’s to invite him, too. How’s green beans?”
“Fine. Is Smith okay?”
“I don’t know. He really seems distracted. I think it's the music thing, not you.”
“How’d you know?”
“Just guessing. Why? You worried?”
“Maybe, you know, a little.”
“I don’t know what to tell you. Maybe he’s thinking about EBR, you know.”
“Should I feel jealous? What do you think I should do?”
“Me? I’d get drunk, pull him down to the floor, and ravage him.”
“Yeah, I know. Not your style. But, when in doubt, sex is a good answer.”
“Maybe.” She sighed.
Tiffany went on. “See. I’m always distracting Mike. He loves being ravaged by a drunken me. But right now, it’s all about pork chops.”
Lisastood there leaning against the wall, holding her phone and feeling tears rolling down her cheeks. She took a deep breath
“Lisa, did you just sob? Are you crying?
Lisa used her sleeve to wipe her eyes. She gulped. “Maybe.”
“Girl, is it that time of the month?”
“And you’re thinking Smith is dumping you 'cause he wants babies. You’re getting all broken up over crazy shit cause they’re starting the band back up. You know you’re writing some crazy-assed Hallmark movie in your head. Girl, you’re thinking crazy. I know the guy loves you. Seriously.”
Lisa was walking into her room to get out the heating pad. She plugged it in and crawled under the covers. She still had the phone in her hand. “Tiffany, I’m useless.”
“Yeah, I agree. Lisa, my best advice is to run away and join a convent, never to be heard from again. Don’t tell anybody; just disappear. You know, vanish like a mythical cipher so everyone wonders. Or maybe you can find a cult where somebody does all your thinking for you.”
Lisa laughed through her tears. She dug deeper under the covers.
“See, Lisa. I totally mean it. You’re totally useless, totally. No one loves you cause you’re totally mean and selfish. You see, the truth finally comes out. Totally.”
Lisa turned over and lay on her back. “I counted five.”
“Five what?”
“Totally’s. I wanna be brainless you.”
“Nah, you couldn’t handle it, totally. See, you feel this need to overthink everything until there’s nothing left. Seriously, nobody’s as self-centered as I am. You could never cut it cause you care too much. But I can help. I’ll rape your boyfriend on the way back from the grocery store and give him the babies that he wants. After a year or two, we’ll visit you in the convent, Sister Lisa.”
“You are such a total dipshit.”
“You feeling better?”
“Okay, listen carefully. Your Smith loves you cause you to glow. You have power and strength, and you look good. He’s head over heels in love with you, but he’s just a guy. Guys can only concentrate on one thing at a time, and right now, he’s starting to think about EBR. He has a lifetime of memories with them, even though you own his mind and body. I advise taking him for a walk and ravaging him in the bushes!”
“That’s your answer for everything.”
“Cause it works, bitch. Grilled or stewed?”
“The pork chops!” Tiffany laughed and gave her a kiss goodbye.
Smith wandered in and heard Tiffany yelling ‘pork chops’ into the phone. “Who were you talking to?”
“Your girlfriend. She needs your attention 'cause she’s down.”
Smith shook his head and stared at her. “Down? Huh? Cause of me? What did I do?”
“Probably nothing, but her body is aching and she just wants to have a pity party.”
“Oh, yeah. What can I do?”
“Tell her you love her. Be nice.”
He nodded. “Thanks, Tiff. I do, you know. I do love her a lot.”
“Yeah. When was the last time you got all romantic on her, huh? Just don’t take her for granted; that’s poison.”
Smith stood there dumbfounded, realizing he’d been living inside his head.
Tiffany looked around. “C’mon, guys. I need lunch. Let’s choose pancakes or a greasy cheese steak?” She turned and called out for Mike. “C’mon, baby. You can choose. Pancakes or a cheese steak?”
Mike looked at Smith and shrugged. “I could eat, whatever. An omelet, maybe?”
Smith grinned, “Chili dog?”
“It’s decided. We’ll combine breakfast and lunch. One greasy diner coming up.”
Mike looked at Smith and shrugged. They both smiled.
After satiating themselves with food, Smith turned to Tiffany. “Is there a nice jewelry store around here somewhere? I need to buy a present.”
Tiffany turned the car around. She’d been using her mom’s car since they’d come to town. One day, when she went for dinner, there was a new car in the driveway. “Mom got a new car?” Her mom laughed. “Yeah, my old car was stolen by gangsters. Hijacked!”
Her dad laughed. “It’s yours. Keep it until you don’t need it anymore. We’ll just store it here in the garage.”
When they pulled up at a jewelry store, Tiffany immediately jumped out. “C’mon, Smith, baby. I’m only here as an advisor if you want one. But I gotta watch.”
When they walked into the jewelry store, Smith went over and talked to the woman behind the counter. She listened and then disappeared. She came back with a small tray.
Tiffany looked and saw that they were all engagement rings. “Smith, honey. Is that what you really want to do?”
He turned and smiled. “I want her to know how I feel. Would that be okay, or is it too much?”
Tiffany thought about Lisa, and then she thought about Lisa and Smith. “Yeah, I think it’s perfect as long as you tell her you don’t want to set a date. Tell her she can call the shots, but you want to spend the rest of your life with her. If you do that, it will give her time to work it all out in her head and she won’t freak.”
Smith nodded and pointed. “How about this one?”
Tiffany looked at all of them? “How about this one? Kinda understated and extremely beautiful.”
Smith nodded at the woman and turned to Tiffany. “What size is she?”
“It's not important. They can size it later. But are you sure? This is a big moment.”
Smith got a little glassy-eyed and nodded. “Tiff, I need to do this. I mean, I want this. I’ve never known anyone like her. She makes me crazy with love, but do you think she wants it? I don’t want anything to tip us over. I don’t want her to think we’re going too fast.”
Tiffany thought for a minute. “Yeah. Before she met you, guys were just like autos. You drive them cause they all serve a purpose and get you from A to B. Since she’s met you, her life has changed. I would have never believed it until I saw the two of you together. You guys do make a nice match. But she’s gonna need some time to think about the marriage kind of thing. I know she loves you completely.”
Smith reached into the back pocket of his jeans and pulled out his wallet. He found a credit card and handed it to the woman. She disappeared, then came back smiling. “Mr. Walters, would you like me to gift wrap it, or are you going to give this to somebody today? I can just give you the ring box. Of course, she can come in to have it sized, and I will tell her we will clean it anytime.”
“A bag and the box will be fine. Thanks.”
Tiffany looked over at the price as he was signing the credit card receipt. She immediately hugged him and whispered something in his ear. They both laughed.
As they were getting in the car, Tiffany kissed Mike. She looked at him with love in her eyes. “If you ever want to marry me, take Smith to help you pick out the ring.”
Mike shook his head. “Hey, he’s a rock star who’s sold millions of albums and played in the Garden ten times. I’m just a working stiff.”
She kissed him on the lips and nuzzled his ear. “Well, you’ll have to keep working, lover.”
When they got to the house, Tiffany carried the bag of groceries back to the kitchen and thanked Lucinda for staying and making them dinner. Then, she went back out to the car and drove the two of them back to Mike’s studio.
In the meantime, Smith went upstairs to the second floor. He walked back and looked in their bedroom. Lisa was under the covers and lying on her side. He stood there and watched.
“Hey,” she said quietly. “I’m sorry.”
“For being all cranky 'cause it’s that time.”
“Hey, you know I love you all the time. It’s not like in ancient times when women were moved to a special hut for a week.”
“Maybe that’s a good idea. A hut somewhere that I can plug in a heating pad.”
Smith crawled in bed and held her. He nuzzled her neck. “Hey, I want to cheer you up. I love you and want to be here with you forever. I’m the luckiest guy in the world to find a woman like you. I think we are made for each other. I hope you feel the same way.”
Lisa turned and kissed him on the lips. “I love you more than I thought possible, but kinda feel inadequate that I can’t give you everything you want.”
Smith kissed her head. “You mean that family thing, right? Well, I still have some young sperm, and I know I can be the greatest parent you’ve ever seen when the time comes. But there’s no urgency. I’m thirty and can wait for years. Stop beating yourself up that you fall short of the perfect woman for me. You are everything to me.”
Lisa wiped the tears from her eyes. “Damn, you are catching me at my weakest moment. Just saying nice things, and I’m ready to start bawling.”
“Okay. So, I don’t want you to ever worry about us again. I like what Bruno said to Zoe. ‘This is for you to hold. I’m telling you now that I want to marry you and follow you wherever you go. I love you.’” He showed her the ring and slid it on her finger.”
Lisa disappeared under the covers. She was crying harder than she’d ever cried before and didn’t want Smith to see her. She touched the ring and felt it’s weight on her finger. She cried more.
Smith heard her sobbing and wondered. He hoped these were tears of joy. He was afraid to peek under the covers. “Uh, Lisa. Are you all right?”
“Yes, yes. But I’ve never cried like this. It’s cause I’m happy and all twisted up inside. I love you, too. But will this offer stand for a while, do we have to set a date and all that stuff?”
“Nope. We don’t even have to tell anybody that we’re engaged. You can call the shots. I just wanted you to know I love and want to be with you forever. Okay?”
“Jeez. She’d sat up and looked at it.” She held up her hand to see it better. Holy Cow! I gotta to show this rock off.” She stuck her head out of the covers and pulled them back to see her hand. “Jeez, Smith. This thing is huge. It’s like a moon rock or something. Are you sure? I mean, you’ve got the band and maybe an album and all that stuff. I don’t want to get in the way.”
Lisa looked at it again. “Seriously, how huge is this?”
“Maybe a couple carats, maybe a little more. But it’s perfect, just like you.”
“Smith, can you afford this? Can we afford this? I’m not marrying some broke old cowboy.”
Smith laughed and kissed her. “Well, to tell you the truth, I’ve got a bunch of money saved and invested. I will have to change my will next week and show you all the details. Before I was a broken down old cowboy, I made a couple platinum albums and toured.”
Lisa sat up and got out from under the covers. “This is pretty serious. I mean, can you afford it?”
Smith smiled. “Lisa, I only have to buy one. And I’ve got enough stashed away for a rainy day. All my money is yours too. Seriously.”
“You really want me like forever?”
“Uh-huh. I thought I made that clear, but if I didn’t, here it comes.” He slid out of their bed to the floor. He rose up on one knee so he could look her in the eyes. “Lisa, I want to marry you and stay by your side forever. You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I don’t want it to end until death do us part.”
He stopped and watched her crying and smiling at the same time. “Is that good enough?”
Lisa pulled the covers over his head and disappeared under them, too. “Forever? Smith, that’s a long time.”
As they rode in the car, Mike pointed out how he saw this whole thing. “Hey, you know I love you and think you’re perfect. I look at Bruno and see how successful and big-time rich he is. And Gina’s girlfriend is a successful, uptown Manhattan counselor. And Smith has got to be worth millions after EBR. I’m feeling pretty inadequate compared to those lovers. I mean, you are the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I used to dream about you in high school, and then you called me up, and I got a date with you.”
He paused and took a deep breath. “Seriously, I wonder if my love is enough? We aren’t honeymooning in Europe for six months or riding high over the world. I mean, I get it if you want to cut me loose and go back searching.”
Tiffany finally pulled over and drove to the back of a gas station parking lot. She found a quiet space in a corner under some trees. Turning off the engine, she turned and grinned. “When my parents unloaded this old clunker on me, I figured at least we could all ride together. But this car really wasn’t me. But look what we have here. Now come with me.” She crawled over into the back seat. “C’mon, hot shot. Come feel how soft the leather upholstery is against your skin and think about how my mom and dad’s asses rested here.”
After getting comfortable, Tiffany stripped off her pants and panties. She smiled and beckoned him to join her. After getting naked, she licked his face. “Have I told you that I love you and you are the perfect guy for me?”
Mike didn’t need to be invited twice. He climbed into her arms and kissed her everywhere. He did the best he could to show her how much she meant to him, maybe three times.
The biggest disappointment was that the mechanics in the service station, who had all gathered around the color monitor, couldn’t see anything because the windows in the car had all steamed over.
With all the windows and doors closed, no one but Mike and Tiffany could hear the moans and screams.
When they were catching their breath, Tiffany kissed Mike and climbed back into the front. She waited until he had joined her and started the car. “Honey, I don’t need a fancy ring. Soon, I’ll have enough money for the both of us.”
Mike kissed her back. “Yeah, I’ll have to get past the male ego and enjoy the ride. But I will still grow my business until I can sell it for a million bucks. After that, we’ll see what happens. I want to hang out with you when you tour, but I won't live on your money.”
“Okay, but you have to promise to be my boy toy as long as I wear my devil suit occasionally.”
Mike smiled. “I can do that. I love you, devil girl. I will love you as long as you want. I’ve found my perfect woman. You should keep me around until some big-time guy sweeps you off your feet. I get it. I’m content to be a placeholder until Mr. Right comes along.”
Tiffany stopped the car and pulled over. “Shit, shit, shit. And here I was, starting to fall so deeply in love with you that I thought it was perfect. Buddy, I’m not going anywhere. I don’t care if you aren’t flying your plane or having someone to lay out your clothes. I was raised in a house where my dad was a doctor and my mom taught school. We lived a great life even though I hungered for the bad boys.”
She glared at him and then leaned over and kissed him hard on the mouth. “I love you, camera boy. I’ve never known someone who puts me before themselves and gives me unconditional love. I know I drink too much and get all bent out of control. But you’re always there for me. That counts. It really does count. And I know you adore me even with all my warts. I’m not looking. I’m really happy.”
Mike had to wipe the tears from his eyes. “Could you use that as our wedding vows? I love it.”
Teri and Jenn got back to the house. As they were walking in, Jenn looked at her phone. “My mom.” She walked back out and over into the backyard. Teri went inside and changed her top. Sometimes, she felt like a fire was burning, and her skin felt so wet. She used a washcloth to wipe herself down and reapply deodorant.

       Jenn appeared as Teri was putting on a dry bra and clean tee. “Hey, Rock Star! Here's some news from Mom. She got a big promotion and is moving to Chicago. She said she would stay with my sister until I decided if I would join her.”

       Teri nodded, then frowned. “Seriously? You’re moving?”

       “Nope, I told her that I’m staying here with you. I said we’re good together, and I’ll get back to her if that changes. But I’m an Allentown girl in love with another Allentown girl.”

       Teri came over and held her in her arms. “I love you and will give you whatever you want. If you need space we can find you your own place and I’ll pay for it. I love living with you but don’t want to change our flow.”

       “Oh, yeah. I forgot to mention the Boomer plans to her. I figure we’re going to have to wait until she gets settled. She said I could live in the house while she shows it, but she’s only making one trip back for clothes. She said everything else gets sold or donated. She’s already talked to the realtor. So, I’m kinda homeless. Do you want to take in a homeless waif?”

       Teri laughed. “Yeah, like I care about all of that. I will love you forever. But I’m not going to crowd you or make you feel pushed into anything you don’t want.”

       Jenn kissed her on the mouth. “Rock Star, you are everything I need.”

       They were exchanging kisses when Jenn interrupted them. “Oh, yeah. I read up on breastfeeding. You would be able to nurse our babies. They’ve got the chemicals ready for you to be that mother with those big, sloppy boobs that babies love. It’s all written up. You’d just have to show them your records and see if you’re eligible to ingest that stuff.”

       Teri stopped to think. She was raised a boy and never thought about his boobs and making milk to feed their baby. It still sounded weird, but he wondered if all that would change.

       Change. David Bowie had a great song about Changes, and he wondered if she could write one, too.
       Gina showed up at their band house about an hour before dinner. She said she’d been hanging out at the family home with her mom. “Some bonding time. I’m learning how to cook and do domestic chores. I want to be a homemaker for Grace, stay at home, and raise the kids.”

       They all looked at her strangely.

       She started to laugh. After a minute, she smiled. “Honestly, I wish I had a pic of your faces. Nah, we were getting mani-pedis and a spa treatment. I got an oil treatment in my hair and then got a trim. Don’t I look lovely?”

       Everyone was sharing their day, and Lucinda brought in several big family-style bowls and plates.

       They all dug into pork chops, mashed potatoes, and green beans. Everyone complimented Lucinda on how delicious everything was, and she seemed to appreciate it. After she served them a homemade pie and ice cream, everyone groaned.

       Lisa said it best: “We better wear our Fur Face outfits the whole night at the Rendezvous so no one sees how fat we are. At least we don’t go on until nine, which gives us three hours to digest our dinner.”

       Then Lisa smiled. “My boyfriend gave me a gift today. I think a little birdie named Tiffany helped.”

       Everybody got up and came over to look. When they saw the size of the stone, they were speechless. Lisa heard ‘beautiful,’ ‘perfect,’ ‘amazing,’ and more superlatives.

       Zoe asked the big question. “Are you going to wear it?”

       Lisa shook her head. “Not yet. We have a couple families to talk to, and well, I’m scared shitless.”

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What a great chapter. Lots of movement in character development and plot.

Thank you

Can’t forget those Cats!

Love Is All Around

joannebarbarella's picture

What a beautiful chapter!

thank you

You are too kind. Thank you for your continued reading, writing, and suggestions.

Intresting chapter

Samantha Heart's picture

Looks like the girls are starting to settle down with their lovers which is good to see one already pregnant 2 thinking about it , 1 maybe adopting & 1 using her sperm for her girlfriend things are DEFFENTLY changing . Looking foward to reading more

Love Samantha Renée Heart.

thanks for keeping up

Thank you Samantha for reading and writing.

This Chapter is a 10

Tiffany reads Lisa and guides Smith... Tiffany and Mike, Teri and Jenn, one cooking up a storm, who am I missing? Doing great Leslie. Onto 10.1
Hugs, Jessie C

Jessica E. Connors

Jessica Connors