A Wildcat Summer 19

“Are you sure you don’t want to stay?”
“I would love to stay and hang out with you every minute of every day until as Tiffany so aptly puts it, “I become a pimple on your ass.”
“C’mon, Jenn. It’s never been that way and besides you have a beautiful ass.”
“No Rock Star. I don’t want to become a pimple on your ass.”
“Your ass, my ass. It’s not a negative that you want to stay with me. It’s a bus ride to Massachusetts and then we fly to Detroit.”
“I saw the schedule, honey. But after the band finishes up playing in Detroit, I’ll be waiting for you in Chicago. It’ll give me a chance to reunite with my sister and my mom. I’ll be waiting.”
Teri heard Cyndi Lauper’s Time After Time and the lyric, “I will be waiting…” All she could do was smile. “I will miss you.”
“Oh, I know you will. And I will miss you. But it’s time for you to get your head into the tour. You’ve got arrangements to make, songs to write with Zoe, and you’ve got to start thinking about Ellen’s big fund raiser.”
Teri thought about what Jenn was saying. She was right, but it still worried her that Jenn will forget about her and find somebody new. “I don’t know. For some reason, I’m having a hard time thinking about you not being here with me.”
Jenn smacked her on the bicep. “And that’s why it’s a good thing. We need some separation to be able to step back and have some perspective on our relationship.”
Teri felt a chill run down her spine. “Separation? Are you saying goodbye?”
“No. Not at all. You’re my true love and I’ll miss you just as much as you miss me. But we need some air, some oxygen in the room. Just think about all the cool things you’ll be able to share with me each time you call. And we’ll have a romantic reunion in Chicago.”
Teri wanted to protest but figured that if Jenn missed her as much as she’d miss her, well, so be it. Teri shrugged, leaned over, and swept her up in her arms. “I’m filing a formal complaint protesting this declaration of yours. I’m taking this up with my lawyer”
Jenn giggled. “I think that’s why I love you so much. You make me laugh and you are my baby.”
Teri nuzzled her neck and bit gently.
They all had the day off on Sunday and wouldn’t be traveling up to Massachusetts until checkout on Monday morning. Mike and Bruno showed up on Saturday night to watch the show and spend some time with their girls.
Teri watched as Tiffany was busy going on and on giving Bruno instructions on how to be the greatest dad ever. Mike was trying to peel her away from poor Bruno and give them some time together. He just wanted to spend more time with Tiff. Finally, he simply swept her up in his arms and held her while he kissed her on the lips.
Tiffany returned the kiss and laughed. “Oh, who are you again? Those lips are familiar. She clung to his neck as they walked away together. She turned around and called out to Zoe and Bruno left watching Mike carry her away. “Hey. Don’t forget my advice!”
Teri and Jenn watched the carrying on as she whispered in her ear. “See, Rock Star. See how much they miss each other. Your summer tour is only going to make us love each other more. Remember, I wasn’t with you in Atlanta or in the Carolinas on your movie set and that didn’t hurt our relationship.”
Teri felt shivers in her body. She didn’t want to mention that’s when she got high and made out with John in Atlanta. Or how she had a big, dangerous crush on Frankie where the Cats had to bail her out from total panic.
Instead, Teri just nodded and held Jenn tightly. “Let’s go have a day together in New York. We can be tourists and visit the Statue of Liberty and take a boat tour around the island.”
Jenn nodded. “That’s the spirit! I’ll mention to Phil where we’re going to go.”
After hearing their plans, Phil hesitated, and then shrugged. “I really want to send Jessica and Mac with you. But, if you’re going out on your own, you have to promise me to check in every hour and drop a pin where you are.”
Teri nodded. “Sure. Give me your phone and I can sync us up together, so you know where my phone is at all times.”
Phil nodded. “Okay, so I know this is going to sound paranoid, but I have these Air Tags from Apple and I want you to pin one inside your clothes so I can track you.”
Teri and Jenn laughed. Jenn patted Phil on the back. “Oh, mommy. We’re not going to get lost. But if it will make you feel better, sure. We can used safety pins on our underwear.”
Phil smiled. “I bought two dozen of them. No one is ever going to get lost again. Well, and no luggage is ever going to be forgotten or disappear either.”
After saying goodbye to the others, Jenn and Teri walked around the Village and then bought the tickets to the Statue of Liberty. After their sea cruise and the educational tour of immigration in the US at the turn of the century, they both remarked how the country has changed. “It’s a shame that people view aliens coming into the United States today in a negative way.”
“Well, that’s how some people feel. But immigrants coming at the turn of the century were also scorned, too. Back then we hated Italians, Irish, Asians, and Jews. Now it’s all about hating people with brown and black skin, Hispanic and African.
“Not everybody.” They both agreed.
“But it’s so ironic that we’re all aliens. Only Native American tribes aren’t really aliens.” Teri was shaking her head.
“Well, Rock Star, I read that all the Native American tribes crossed over a land bridge connecting Asia with North American. They were following bison as they migrated to warmer climates and larger grasslands.”
“Oh. How come you’re so smart?”
“I read stuff.”
Jenn hugged her. “Hey, we’re a team. I don’t write amazing songs and play beautiful music. We don’t compete. So, I can be the brainiac mad scientist who wants to take over the world.”
Teri grinned and kissed her neck. “Sounds fair enough to me.”
When Jenn and Teri returned, the whole group was gathering up for a big dinner to say goodbye to their loved ones. The first thing that Teri thought was about her stomach. “Okay, but we’re not eating Afghan food again?”
Richard was smiling. “No. We are going to have a classical French meal prepared in a Michelin Star restaurant.”
Gina laughed. “I know that Grace will enjoy dining, but you’re talking to a drummer that grew up on Happy Meals.”
Phil smiled. “I just read where they’re bringing them out for adults, now. Poison in a box, one size kills all.”
As they sat down in the restaurant, the first thing that the waitstaff brought them was a tiny sampling on a soup spoon that was set in the middle of a small plate. While they all looked, Richard and Grace winked.
Richard held his spoon up in the air. “This is called an amuse-bouche. It’s translated to mean amuse the palate. Consider it a tiny appetizer in one bite.”
Everyone popped it into their mouths and reacted the same way with a smile.
Richard watched. “It’s a civilized way to set the standard of our meal. Enjoy.”
Very soon, a woman strolled up to their table. “Bonjour, mes amis. I am Charlotte Dupont and this is my restaurant. Our friends, Phil and Richard contacted me and asked for a special Sunday celebration meal. But he also warned me, and I quote him, “That I’d be planning this meal for heathens from Pennsylvania who think epicurean delights are hoagies and cheese steaks.”
She smiled and held up both her hands. “Before we have a revolt on our hands, I want you to know that I’m from Cape May, New Jersey and know diner food well. I went abroad to study my craft in Paris. After school, I came here in New York where the population is receptive to true French cuisine. But you are safe tonight. No snails or frog’s legs. Instead, you’re going to enjoy a delicious rustic meal the way people eat out in the countryside. You’ll start with a chilled consume, a beef stew with vegetables, crusty bread and tomato preserves. Then we’ll have a chocolate souffle. Please enjoy!”
And they did. They even enjoyed an alcoholic free red wine and tasty white.
Tiffany was sipping her red and wiping her lips. She held up her glass. “Here’s to you, Richard. Not only do you take care of us, but you provide this alcoholic a way to enjoy her grapes without breaking my covenant.”
Gina smiled. “Covenant, big word girl. I gotta say I love the new Big Word Sober Barbie. She is my new idol.”
Tiffany looked carefully at Gina. “Huh? That was a compliment. Is it because Grace is around?”
Gina blushed. “Well, I try to act more like an adult for her. Being a twenty-four-year-old wise ass might get old and I don’t want to scare the love of my life away.”
They all looked at Gina and Tiffany. Then they turned their glasses to them and drank a toast.
Zoe took Bruno’s hand and kissed it. She moved over and sat in his lap.
On Sunday, after saying goodbye, they loaded up the bus and the box truck on a side street. When they finished, Phil observed, “We are carrying a larger wardrobe than musical equipment.”
Richard smiled. “I just talked to Barbara this week. Jersey Girl is now an official sponsor of the Wildcat Summer Tour. And beside bending over backwards to make sure our musicians are always well dressed, they have begun negotiating a new contract.”
Lisa listened carefully. “How much?”
Richard leaned in. “Six figures and the same attention to detail as they have always given us. I really like how they’ve treated all of you and think they deserve our consideration.”
Lisa nodded. “I agree. I’m more than pleased how they are willing to customize whatever we want. I’ve never heard any push back which is nice. I say we stay yes. I like the idea that they are local and small, too.”
Richard agreed. “I just don’t want to let them get too complacent. I say a half million for six months, with an three year automatic renewal.”
Lisa looked at the other four who had been listening. Everyone was smiling. “Okay. We all agree. I’d recommend that we send all the contracts to Mr. DiNardo and see what he says.”
After that, they started the ride up to northern Massachusetts, a six-hour trip that included a stop for a seafood dinner at The Bayside Restaurant in Westport. After that, most of them disappeared in the back and napped.
When they arrived in Mansfield, they pulled up in the driveway of a modest sized Fairfield Inn. Richard laughed. “Well, kids. The honeymoon is over. Our accommodations are not always going to be suites in five-star hotels. Sometimes you just have to sleep in a simple hotel near the highway. Tomorrow, we will have a sound check in the afternoon and play to seventy-five hundred people in a sold-out arena. We go on at nine. We’ve even drafted a local band who opens at seven-thirty.”  He checked his phone. “The band is called Alba May.”
Since no one had heard of them, they all waited while Teri Googled them. “Alba May is the lead singer of a New York band. They are popular on TikTok.”
Zoe was clapping. “It’s great to give a band exposure and money in their pockets.” She turned to Richard. “Can we do that more often?”
“Sure. And I’m sure that Warner’s has a lot of bands they want to see get out there and see the public’s reaction, too.”
Lisa raised her hand. “So, what now?”
Phil looked at his watch. “Well, the rest of the world is getting ready for bed, but they do have a nice, heated pool and there are lounge chairs, too. I recommend you take a dip and enjoy this clear star filled June evening. Just don’t be out of control. Oh, yeah. And Barbara told me to tell you that each of you have five suits in your garment bags with sandals, too. And she said that none of Tiffany’s are pink, coral, or red.”
Teri got her pass card and went up to her room. She decided to see what she looked like in a suit. Since she still had to tuck into a gaff or a thong each day, she was interested in how it would work. Jenn had told her about a simple procedure called a Vulvoplasty where they can use her flesh to create inner and outer labia and a clitoris without making the deep incision for a vaginal canal. She told her to read up on it for consideration. Since Teri didn’t fall under a transgender category she could opt to have this done any time. Jenn mentioned that the recovery was less intrusive.
Teri slid into a black bikini bottom and tucked herself. She realized that that surgery would be perfect if she never planned on having vaginal sex. She looked, pulled, and pushed to see what would show. She was quite pleased at the results but knew she needed to use her razor to shave closer.
After all that effort, she found the top was a simple black band across her chest. After squeezing in, she looked at her profile and frowned. Not much on top. Even though her A cup bras were too small, the damned elastic on this top squished her down to being almost flat chested.
So she tried another one on. Bottom okay, top okay. She stared at the cut and wondered if pink was really her color. Pink equals girly and Teri was allergic to too much girly. Pink made her look too young like she was fourteen. She checked out her legs in the flat sandals. Her legs looked okay. They were filling out and had some shape to them. She didn’t mind that she was looking more and more like a woman every day. In a way, it was going to happen, and she was lucky that she was turning out to look normal.
Finally, she found a ready nice one-piece, dark blue Speedo that really required her to stop and shave. Finally, she was ready. Teri shook her head, grabbed a towel, and walked out to the elevator. Suddenly, she realized that she couldn’t just walk around in a bathing suit in a hotel. She turned around and walked back into her room and gathered up a long tee shirt that Jenn used to sleep in. Pulling it over her head, she decided that it would do as a coverup.
Returning to the elevator, she saw Gina coming. Gina was wearing a black cotton dress as her top.
“You look nice. I was all confused about what was okay in the elevator and the lobby. Should I have more clothes on?”
Gina grinned. “You look great. Stop over thinking and lets do some laps. Is Teri as out of shape as I imagine?”
Teri shrugged as they rode down. “Well, I’ve been keeping up with you running each morning. I don’t know.”
Gina smiled. “Do you know how to swim?”
Teri had to think for a moment. “Uh, probably not. All I’ve ever done was splash around and jump in our friend’s pool. But I’ve never done laps.”
Gina frowned. “Just don’t drown.”
Later as she was laying on the bed in a tee and panties, she text Jenn. “Sup?”
The phone rang. “Hey,” she answered.
Jenn sounded like she was whispering. “What are you doing?”
“Getting ready for bed. Why?”
“Look at the clock, Rock Star.”
Teri was shocked to see that it was two in the morning. “Oh. I guess I lost track of time.”
Jenn giggled. “Go to bed and we can talk in the morning. I love you, baby.”
“I love you too.”
As Teri was plugging her phone in, she noticed that she’d gotten a text. It had come through so it must have been a number she had in her directory. The text was sent at eight that night. It said, “Hey” and was from Don.
Teri had trouble getting to sleep after that playing the what ifs in her mind. And Don.
They all went out for breakfast around eleven. Teri was hungry and had completely forgotten about her old friend’s text until it came up as unanswered. As they were riding in their shuttle to a restaurant, she responded by saying, “Hey, back. What’s up?”
Her phone dinged halfway through her omelet. She’d already talked to Jenn and apologized about calling her so late at night. They both excused themselves because Jenn was returning to real world hours, and she was still on Rock n’ Roll hours.
She looked and saw that it was Don. This time, he’d enclosed a photo. When she opened it, she started to laugh. Don and the guys were all standing on the sand in front of the ocean. Obviously, someone had taken the photo for them. Naturally, Tony and the guys were all doing poses and showing off their bodies. She wrote back. “Where are you?”
“Ocean City. We all got jobs here and are living together in this dive that we got for cheap rent. The indoor-outdoor carpeting inside is always damp so I wear my flips everywhere.”
“Sounds like a good summer plan. Nice graduation present to yourself.”
“Yeah. I’m learning how to surf and paddle board. My muscles are getting muscles.”
Teri tried not to think of the photo of Don with muscles and sexualize him. She knew that might lead to mind game problems for her. And while she was totally in love with Jenn, she still squirmed thinking about being held in strong arms. Oh, lord, she thought. Not Don!
Teri realized that everyone had finished eating and were all staring at her. She’d gotten lost in thought, still holding the phone in her hand.
Lisa looked at her strangely. “Is everything all right. You suddenly got all flushed and dreamy looking. Who are you thinking about?”
Teri blushed harder and clicked off her phone. She shook her head and frowned. “Uh, kinda got lost in thought after receiving a message from the guys. They’re all down the shore for the summer.”
Lisa frowned. “What’s the matter? Would you rather be there?”
Teri looked back at her sister. She whispered, “No. No. I want to be here, but, well, my mind is playing games, and this is not the time to share.”
Lisa sat down next to her and reached for her hand. In the old days, Terry had occasionally talked to her about things that were bothering him, but right now her younger sister looked devastated. “What do you want to do?
“I don’t know.” Her voice sounded weak, and she looked drained.
“How about if maybe we take a walk and let the others go. We can always catch up to them, wherever they’re going. We aren’t having a sound check for hours.”
Teri wiped her eyes with a finger and nodded.
Lisa stood up and went over to talk to everyone. “Uh, Teri and I need some time. Maybe we’re going to talk, I really don’t know.”
Richard leaned in. “It’s alright. Take as much time as you want. We have a sound check around five and then go out to dinner. I’ve got my phone. We’re all going sightseeing.”
Lisa nodded and turned away. She headed right back to her little sister who was visibly shaking. The first thing she did was reach her arms around her and squeeze her tightly. They stood up together and walked out the front door as they watched their shuttle drive away.
“Okay, honey. So it’s just the two of us. What can I help you with?”
Teri immediately sobbed into her shoulder. As she cried she said, “I’m a horrible person and don’t deserve Jenn’s love. The minute she’s gone, I’m having fantasies of strong arms holding me tight and strong lips kissing me. I’m freaking out!”
Lisa held her and stroked her head. She spoke quietly, “What brought all of this on?”
Teri shook her head. “One of my old friends texted me and sent me a photo. He said they were all in Ocean City working for the summer.”
“Okay. And…”
“And he sent me a photo.” She thumbed through her phone and enlarged the pic. She handed it over to Lisa.
Lisa looked at the pic and studied it. “Yeah. I know all these guys. They’re your video game guys. You brought them to our rooftop concerts. Oh, with their shirts off and all tan, they do look good. And look how buff they are. They know all about you, right?”
Teri nodded. “Yeah. That was all covered. But Don, the guy on the right, well, I’m getting strange vibes from him. I never thought about it before, but he was always pretty nice to me.”
“And you’re worried because you’re thinking about him?”
All Teri could do was nod. She was nearly breaking down. “Yeah. And now I’m fantasizing about being in his arms, feeling him holding me tight, and forcefully kissing me. And just the thought and I’m having orgasms.”
“Have you ever kissed a guy?”
Teri wiped her eyes and said sheepishly, “It’s like this guy I got high with at our Underground show. You know, he was one of the brothers. John and I got high, and we started making out and it was a big turn on. I must’ve had three little orgasms and it all felt so dreamy.”
“Did you ever tell Jenn?”
“What did she say?”
“She told me to do it again and find out if it was right for me.”
Lisa looked at Teri. She looked even worse than she did earlier. “Have you taken her advice?”
“No. I just get upset and argue. It’s terrible the way this all makes me feel. I mean, when I was just old Terry back in high school, I never thought about sex, but Jenn always got me hot and bothered. And now, I’m seriously changing, and I know that this whole thing with hormones is happening. I can deny I look too much like a girl to deny it.”
“But my old brain is really having trouble thinking about being a girl and making it with a guy. First, my sex organs don’t exist.”
Lisa looked curiously. She shook her head.
“I found out that I never had testicles and wht I thought was my scrotum was filled with two fibrous precancerous masses. And what I assumed was my penis isn’t. What I have between my legs is my urethra and very sensitive nerve endings that would have been my clitoris if I wasn’t intersex. But no vagina, none of that stuff ever developed.”
Lisa was trying to digest all of this. “So have you tried anal sex?”
Teri laughed. “Yeah. It happens, but Jenn enjoys pegging more me more than I do. She likes to dominate. But anal sex doesn’t get me off because I don’t have a prostate.”
“So, you say you have orgasms, how?”
“I get this all-body thing that builds and builds and finally blows the top of my head off. Jenn knows that she can stimulate what I have between my legs and dominate my body so I have many orgasms.”
“Okay. So you have little orgasms when you are held tightly and kissed. But Jenn knows exactly what you need and does it with you. Do you satisfy her?”
It’s like she’s pushing me to do something that I don’t want to do.”
Lisa looked around and saw a bench down the street. She led her sister to it and sat her down. She saw a MacDonalds. “Can you sit tight while I get us some Cokes?”
Teri nodded through tear stained cheeks.
When Lisa returned with two Cokes and napkins, Teri was sitting crosslegged on the bench and hunched over. She sat right next to her. “Here, drink.”
Teri drank. The cold felt good on her throat. After drinking a lot, she burped, then giggled. “Oh, I am such a looser.”
Lisa laughed. “Uh huh, cause you love Jenn and still have fantasies about big strong guys? Teri, it’s not wrong. I still look at guys and size them up. I love Smith and believe he’s my entire future. I mean, look, he gave me an engagement ring. But a couple of the roadies are cute.”
Teri looked at the ground. “Everybody looks at Ben, but my favorite is Robbie.”
“Would you make out with Robbie?”
“No! I mean, well, that wouldn’t work out. I’d have to see him every day and well, he’s seen me with Jenn. That’s not good.”
“Well, how about a stranger you don’t know. Would you pick someone up in a bar?”
“Well, I’m not twenty-one and I’m intersex. That wouldn’t work out. As soon as we took our clothes off, he’d freak and figure out who I am. And well, that couldn’t be good for some story to appear in the tabloids.”
“Well, what would work?”
Teri started crying. ‘That’s it. Nothing is going to work and it’s playing over and over in my mind. All I keep remembering how I felt in John’s arms and those feelings.”
“Have you talked to Grace about this?”
“Yeah. A lot. We figured out the common thing was it all happened when I was high. But, Lisa, I’m not hight and now I’m on my own and ready to cheat. I am scum and well, it’s back to this boy-girl thing and who should I love?”
“What did Grace say?”
“She said that since I was intersex I could consider myself pansexual and like whomever I chose. Lisa, I really thought that it was Jenn. But how can you love one person and kiss another?”
Lisa shrugged. “You could ask our resident free love girl.”
“You mean Gina?”
“Yep. She is madly in love with Grace, but hops in bed with whomever she wants.”
“Yeah. Grace and I talked about this. Her answer was that she’s just more discreet.” Teri looked at Lisa and smiled. “Yeah, you lust for her, too. She’s the most beautiful woman I have ever seen and I fantasize about who she sleeps with.”
Lisa nodded. “Uh-huh. You were reading my thoughts.
They’d finished their Cokes and took them over to a trash can. Lisa looked at her little sister. “Are you feeling better?”
“Well, yes and no. I mean, if I fool around, doesn’t that mean that Jenn can, too?”
Lisa nodded. “I think the solution is to talk to Gina and tell her everything. She what she says. She’s got muscles and knows all about sex. You can get advice and sleep with her, too.”
“Do you think she’d tell Jenn or anybody else?”
“But the idea of Jenn being with someone else who is better than me and she falls in love with that person, and I lose her and die alone.”
“Right, sis. Now that’s not going to happen.”
“Cause nobody’s dying.”
Lisa sighed. “All this is wearing me out and making me miss Smith. Let’s just walk around this town and then head back to the sound check.”
When they were dropped off at the Xfinity Center, they walked right in and went up to the stage. They were the first ones there and Teri immediately sat down at the piano. “I’m working on a song but only have a few lyrics. Do you remember Miami Sound Machine?”
Lisa shrugged. “Kinda.”
Teri started banging out a rhythm on the keyboard playing chords and a fast Spanish beat. Out of nowhere, Gina was using mallets and banging out a calypso beat. As the two of them continued, Tiffany picked up her bass and followed the basic line that Teri was drilling with the piano. She turned to her sister. “Hey Lisa, can you take over my piano part?”
Lisa laughed and pushed him over on the bench. She deftly took over exactly what she had been doing.
Zoe had her guitar on and was idly strumming along. Teri looked at Zoe, picked up her guitar and showed Zoe what chords she had in mind and the pattern. Naturally, Tiffany copied and played a great bass line that fit right in.
Teri went to the mic and turned it around so she was facing the band.
Love ya’ baby,
Miss ya’ baby,
Need to feel you in my arms
Wanna squeeze ya baby
Wanna kiss you baby
Give you lovin’ till you’re mine
Tiffany laughed. “C’mon, Terry. That is so much of a rip of Conga from the Miami Sound Machine!”
Teri turned to Lisa. “See, she’s heard it.”
Tiffany laughed. “My mom and dad loved all the Latin dances.” Without stopping her bass she danced the Rumba and the Samba the whole time Teri was up front.
When I get ya
Goin to show ya
Just how much you mean to me
Hold ya baby
Squeeze ya baby
Keep ya happy all the time
Teri went over to their synthesizer and set it up for brass. She proceeded to use three different notes at a time to simulate trumpets and a slide trombone.
Zoe was watching Tiffany and matching her step for step. Before long, they were dancing together.
Lisa stood up and waved them down. “Okay. Let’s get practical here. Teri, you’re going to cover the piano and the horns. We’ll stack the synthesizer on top of the big keyboard and set you up with a mic, too.”
She looked at Zoe and Tiffany. “You are both great with what you’re doing. Everybody’s gonna watch you and just want to dance. And Gina, dig out some bongos and a stand for me to play while I’m up at the mic. And a cowbell, please.”
It was a union stage, and the crew jumped right in to cover all their bases.
After running through it, Teri asked, “Don’t we need more lyrics?”
Lisa laughed. “You’ll come up with them the longer you’re away from Jenn. And work on a chorus, too. But stop listening to the Miami Sound Machine, please. We don’t want to be sued for copyright infringement.”

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