A Wildcat Summer 24 & 25 fini

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Dear Readers, This is the last part of A Wildcat Summer. I've enclosed Chapters 24 & 25 for your rereading pleasure. It's taken me a while because I have gone back and "cleaned up" the story to my satisfaction. From here, it travels to my editor, Tom Peachey, for his approval, and then it becomes a Kindle book on Amazon. These chapters will disappear once Tom returns them to me because that's an Amazon rule.

So, it you have anything more to say, let's hear it!

Chapter Twenty-Four

Teri was trying to concentrate on the conversation and not stare at Patrick. He had gorgeous brown eyes. His brows were heavy, and his lashes long and thick. Thick. Oh, my God, she thought. I'm sizing him up. No, No, No! Teri kept trying to stop staring. She was fantasizing and getting lost inside her head.
"Teri, honey. My mom asked you a question."
Teri stared at her, and she politely repeated her question. "What do the band members do when they finish a show?"
Teri nodded and smiled. "We have a meal. We're hungry after working out in front of the crowd for almost three hours. We try to stay hydrated during the show. Usually, the band goes out somewhere. Would you like to join us?"
"Oh, no, dear. That’s very kind of you to offer. But I'm ready to go home. One hour of the Wildcats has worn me out."
Jenn was laughing. "C'mon, mom. Stick around and stay up late. I know you'll love the next set. You can sleep in."
"Well, I can stay until I can't keep my eyes open. But Teri. You impressed me tonight. You’re a consummate musician and have a beautiful voice. It's obvious that you and your sister are related."
Gina walked by and gave her a pat on the back. "C'mon, Little. Time to go to work."
As Gina walked away, everyone stared at her, wrapped in spandex. Julia whispered to her boyfriend, "Now, she is hot."
Jenn's mom pretended not to hear her daughter's voice. Then she asked Teri, "She called you Little. Is that a nickname?"
Teri laughed and hugged everyone. "I've gotta go. I'll let Jenn explain that."

All five Wildcats appeared on stage wearing their Fur Face outfits as the stage lights grew bright. After appearing on the Tonight Show, everyone on mainstream television had seen them perform their heavy metal spoof. They even asked Wiggins and Richard what they thought about dropping it from the show, thinking they were beating a dead horse.
Richard shook his head. "People count on seeing and hearing Fur Face. It's just part of going to a Wildcats show. Maybe we’ll find something else for next year's tour. But Fur Face is huge in Asia and Europe."
Wiggins only shook his head. "You have honed your show to something special. There are no hiccups and no slow spots. I love to see the crowd's reaction to Tiffany’s cello and how you’ve incorporated Chances. The movie people plan on using that whole performance in their soundtrack. I've seen a mock sample of a trailer that starts in classical mode and ramps up when you rock it. They are using a live cut that Phil had sent them. I've watched them play it for sample groups, and it's getting a positive response. It's a one-of-a-kind trailer. And when all you hear is the cello playing when the screen fades to black, it becomes masterful."
No one said a word after hearing Wiggin’s opinion.
He continued. ”And I’m sure the song will be nominated for best song in a movie when Oscar time rolls around. You'll all have to go to Hollywood, walk on the red carpet, then do the song live on TV. After that, who knows? You might have to all gather on the stage to receive an award."
The Cats just looked at each other and shook their heads.
Bill Wiggins laughed. “And when Teri's Vampire love story hits Broadway, you could all win a Tony. Catch a Grammy, and you'll be one step away from an EGOT."
Gina looked puzzled. "An Ego?"
Tiffany laughed. "No, you moron. Emmy, Grammy, Tony, and Oscar. Our names would join some pretty heavy hitters in the industry. We'll get a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame!"
“How would we get an Emmy for acting?”
Wiggins nodded. "We can help with that. We can arrange for a live version of Teri's love story on TV, and you can all be in it. That could be your Emmy win."
Lisa laughed. "But what's that got to do with dropping Fur Face?"
Richard was smiling. “Well, it doesn’t. You may worry about too much exposure, but Jimmy Fallon keeps mentioning Fur Face on his show. The band even plays it at break time. You'd get some serious props if you just dropped in and played it with him again. I heard he's lining up a Christmas Special and wants to include the Wildcats."
Tiffany laughed. "We'd need Christmas versions of our furries.
Richard laughed. “We just heard you're scheduled to do Saturday Night Live this year. You'd have to play two hits."
Teri shook her head. “No Fur Face. I don't want to be remembered as a joke band like Weird Al."
That immediately stopped all discussion while the Cats yelled out their favorite Weird Al songs.
Amish Paradise
Another One Rides The Bus
Eat It
Party in the CIA"

After the second set, they thanked everybody and waved goodbye. Of course, they’d return for another thirty minutes for an encore, playing their download hits and a few favorites. They’d get to introduce Smith.
After the show, Smith would head back to LA on the Warners’ plane. EBR would be performing their first pop-up shows in the Hollywood clubs and releasing their new album.

Teri was drying off and saying goodbye to Jenn's mom. She was taking an Uber back to her daughter's place and promised to see him tomorrow. Teri and Jenn would have all day Sunday together. They weren’t playing until Monday night at the Ruoff Music Center in Noblesville, Indiana, about three hours away by bus.
Jenn pulled her close before she was ready to walk back on stage. "Hey, are you interested in going out with my sister and her boy toy after the show?"
Teri nodded. “As long as we stop for something to eat."
Jenn kissed her hard. "I know something you can nibble on."
Teri nuzzled her neck. "Unless you're hiding a cheeseburger on your body somewhere, I gotta get something. After three hours of playing, I'm hungry."
"Baby, don’t you worry. Chicago is known for its deep-dish pizza. And they've got cheese steaks and the best hot dogs ever. We can get food to go and chow down at Patrick's place. You'll love it."
Patrick's place. Jeez. Teri couldn't stop thinking about Patrick and knew she needed to focus on the show.

When they reappeared, the crowd chanted, “Wildcats, Wildcats.” They could feel the applause thundering as they immediately went into Summer Song. As the band played and the crowd sang along, Teri knew that she should start to live in the moment. She loved where she was, and as Lisa constantly reminded her, she should make a list of all the good stuff.
Right now, the good list is long, including all their unique experiences and potential for the future. Touring with the band was becoming easier, and taking a vacation trip to Hawaii was something she looked forward to. Now, she was arranging music for EBR and helping to produce a telethon with all those talented stars. And eventually, she’d be traveling to Tahiti with Jenn.
The lousy list was small - too much stuff going on for her to write. They were always on the go and sleeping in a different place each night. She knew those things seemed important now, but she had to remind herself that the tour wouldn't last forever. Teri knew she'd adapt. She was still learning about touring.
After playing Summer Song, they switched it up with A Change is Gonna Come. This gave Teri an opportunity to wow the crowd with her guitar. After the audience watched her play, they stood and cheered. It was an incredible moment.
Because this would be Smith's last night, Lisa was excited to have her man on the stage with her. When she talked about Eaten By Raptors, some audience applauded just hearing the name EBR. But the place erupted when she introduced Smith to help her do a few songs.
The whole place clapped and danced as the band finished Devil With A Blue Dress and Good Golly, Miss Molly. After that, the band played a medley of Chicago blues numbers, with Smith singing and playing his harmonica. Everyone cheered for him when he left the stage, and Lisa hugged and kissed him.
As he left, Tiffany stood out on the stage, and the spotlight found her playing the bass notes of "Show Me Some Love." The band did the ten-minute version, including the Space Twins and Theremin. When the song ended, the concert was over.

Now that the show was over, Teri didn't want to be on display anymore. She'd made a big mistake not bringing a raincoat to slip on. So, while everyone stood around drinking bottled water and eating trail mix, chocolate, and energy bars, Teri was flashing her whole body.
Jenn whispered in her ear, "What's the matter?"
Teri shook her head. "I wish I had something to cover my body, like a fashion raincoat. I never thought about standing around naked, and I'm the only one who's undressed."
Jenn smiled. "Well, I get it. But I've enjoyed looking at your body tonight. For all the times I've seen you naked, you are so sexy tonight, all covered in silver glitter. I hope I get my hands on you before you get that shower." She squeezed Teri's hand firmly. "I want to grab your butt and boobs. I want to push you up against the wall and get you all turned on."
Teri laughed. "You've reduced me to a slab of meat, you pig. You are such a bad girl."
"Bad girl, huh? I've been hanging around with my family, which includes Patrick. He's an incredibly nice guy but such a hunk of meat. All I could think about was picturing you in his arms, watching the top of your head explode."
Teri blushed. “He does seem nice."
"Watch out for him. He and my sister live in the fast lane. They party regularly and live well. They visit some very private clubs to satisfy their needs. I'm afraid our Allentown brains won't be able to keep up. I've been here for two days and can't wait to return home. If your offer to hang out at the band house still stands, I might take it.”
Jenn looked at her. ”Chicago is cool, but my mom works all day and night, and my sister has her clothing store. That means that I'm seeing too much of Patrick. He just models and makes big money but doesn't go anywhere. Of course, he's got an incredible house, but I don't want to hang out with him all day. And you can only do so much sightseeing before you get crazy."
Teri kissed her. "I'd love to know you're back between Allentown and Philly. I'll sleep better knowing that you're in our bed."
When Julia and Patrick came over, it was time to leave. Teri checked in with Richard. He said they would take care of everything. As they walked away, Julia talked about all the junk food they could want as she walked out.
Teri smiled. ”Julia, how close is your shop?"
"We can walk there in ten minutes, but Patrick drove. Why?"
Teri explained that once she got a shower, she didn't have a coat or anything to wear. "I was hoping to shop and buy some stuff from you," she said.
Julia leaned in and grabbed her arm. "I would love to dress you. It’ll be fun."

Julia's shop was in the center of Chicago's best shopping district. As she unlocked the door and turned off the alarm system, Teri could see a Coach, Tiffany's, and other big-name stores alongside her boutique.
Julia turned to Teri and double-checked her sizes. "Give me five minutes, and I’ll surprise you."
Right on time, she reappeared with two shopping bags and a coat slung over her arm. She tossed the coat over. Teri slipped it on and looked in a mirror. It was perfect. It was a fashion statement, not a raincoat. It was the same length as her mini, and the bottom was cuffed. She ran her hand across the shiny black material. It had big pockets and an oversized collar. It fastened with large buttons. "Oh, my gosh. This is beautiful!"
Julia grinned as she led them back outside. "Just wait until you see what's in the bags." She handed them off to Patrick, and they followed to the car.
Patrick drove for a few minutes, then pulled into a brightly lit parking lot. Cars and people were everywhere. You’d never know it was one in the morning. The sign said Monti's Late.
Patrick smiled. "We can eat in or take it all back to my place."
Julia laughed. "We'll eat right here, so Teri gets to sample everything. And I need to start with a drink."
While Julia was ordering for everyone, Teri drank a double chocolate milkshake. She was surprised to see that Julia and Patrick were sipping cocktails. Julia kept the waitress busy with food orders and more cocktails.
Jenn was stealing Teri's shake, and they ended up drinking another. Teri was staring at the pizza, cheese steaks, and hot dogs that came to their table. There were also French fries and onion rings. "Oh. I'm going to be so fat when we're finished."
Julia was starting to show signs of alcohol when she grinned at Teri and kissed her on the lips. "Oh, baby. We're just fattening you up for the oven. We'll get you all cooked and ready when we get Patrick's place. Don't worry, honey. You'll be working off all those calories."
Teri thought she meant that she’d be playing music. "Well, we don't play until Monday night, so tomorrow is a rest day."
Julia looked at her iPhone. "Well, baby. Tomorrow is already here, and I’m talking about the exercise you will get.”
Teri saw that it was almost three in the Morning.

Patrick's house was hooked up. It was modern and huge, reminding Teri of something you'd see in Florida or Hollywood. After Patrick proudly showed her around, she led her to the great room. "This is where we hang."
Teri saw many low couches and the biggest TV she’d ever seen. As Jenn and her sister followed them downstairs, Patrick lowered the lights and flipped on a movie. Teri smiled when she saw it was one of her favorites, Crazy Rich Asians.
"Oh, I love this one!"
Patrick was lighting up a bong with a large bowl. He took some hits to get it going, then passed it around. Jenn squeezed her hand as she passed it.
As Teri took a hit, she realized she was still wearing silver body paint. "Oh, I need to shower and wash all of this off."
Jenn laughed. "No hurry, baby. I'm looking forward to unwrapping my shiny present first." She reached around and blew a hit from the bong down Teri's throat. Before she could protest, Julia did the same. Teri noticed that her lips were soft like Jenn's. But the big surprise was when Patrick went to blow smoke down her throat. He gently grabbed the back of her head as he finished with a very gentle kiss that seemed to last a long time.
Teri kissed him back as he slipped her raincoat off, leaving her with a mini dress that did not cover her body. But it didn’t matter because Patrick held her firmly as he nuzzled her neck.
Teri realized that two other bodies were moving closer to her on the couch. When she opened her eyes, she realized that everyone was kissing everyone.
Jenn whispered in her ear, "It's not cheating if we're doing it together."

Teri woke up needing to pee. She was still on the oversized couch in the great room, throwing back the quilt and looking around.
Jenn’s voice came from under the covers. “It’s over on the right."
The bathroom was huge, with white and black marble. She did not want to look in the mirror and immediately sat down and urinated. She noted that it was a bit painful. As she wiped off, she examined herself but didn't see anything that would indicate why.
As she stood up, she glanced in the floor-to-ceiling mirror. She was still silver and worried if the paint would ever come off. Her body felt like she'd slept forever.
As she thought about Jenn, many images flashed through her mind. Julia, Jenn, and Patrick were all on that same oversized couch together. No one had clothes on. As she moved, she noticed that she was stiff all over. Her arms and legs needed a massage, but one spot hurt. She vaguely knew what had happened. She had visions of all four of them entangled together. No one was shy about having sex together.
Seeing Jenn enter the bathroom, she kissed her and said, "Morning. How are you?”
Jenn kissed her back. "The big question is, how are you?"
Teri shook her head and kissed her again. "I'm just starting to put it all together. I know I was pretty high."
"I think that you needed to be high to let yourself go."
"You and Julia?"
Jenn smiled.
"You and Patrick?"
She nodded her head.
Teri hesitated to ask, ”What did you think of Patrick?"
Jenn frowned and shook her head. "Not my cup of tea. I think I'm queer."
Teri sighed. "Was that your first time with him?"
"Yep. And only because I didn't want to leave anyone or anything out. But my sister and I have slept together before. She's fun. But how are you doing?"
Teri thought about it. "Do you still love me?"
Jenn squeezed her tightly. "More than ever. Do you still love me?"
Teri kissed her back. "You are mine.”
She hesitated and then turned to Jenn. “Was all of this planned? Was I set up?"
"Not the way you think. My sister and I just talked about a four-some. And yes, everyone knew what you had in your panties before we started."
"Uh, I have this image of Patrick's head kinda between my legs. Did that happen?"
"Everything happened, baby. But that was nine hours ago. We're looking at the present and the future, not the past. I don't want you to be angry or upset."
Teri thought about it. "Okay. I guess what happens in Chicago stays in Chicago." She sighed, then shivered. "I'm not beating myself over this."
"Uh-huh. It's not cheating if we're doing it together."

Teri wiped her eyes before the tears started. "Uh, I need your help."
Jenn looked at her. "Sure. I am yours."
"Will you wash my back?"
Jenn laughed. "Sure. But for the record, you look good in silver."

Chapter Twenty-Five

After stepping out of the shower, Teri looked at her watch. It was almost dinner time. “Jeez, what happened to this day?”
“Sleep, babes. You’d be so hurting without some sack time. You worked hard yesterday, got extremely wasted, and then we stayed up until almost dawn.”
“It’s still a little hazy.”
Jenn kissed her on the lips. “I hope you eventually remember everything because it was all good.”
Teri nodded. “Yeah, nothing troubling. You were fun to watch.”
“Was I now? I wasn’t putting on a show or anything. I was letting it flow.”
“Watching you make love to your sister and her boyfriend was fun.”
Jenn smiled. “Not a lot of love going on there. It was just sex.”
“Did you have a good time?”
“Sure. But I think our lovemaking is much better from top to bottom.”
“You didn’t enjoy Patrick? He seemed to know what he was doing.”
“He’s skilled. But honestly, all of that wasn’t really for me.”
“All those positions and his, uh, equipment?”
“Not really. I’m not that kind of woman. I like us. How about you and Patrick? He certainly did everything to you.”
“Yeah. I think that explains why I’m stiff and sore in many places. But strangely enough, I don’t need to repeat anything with him. Did I scream out like your sister?”
“No, just a few moans. But, yeah. Julia rode him like a bucking bronco. She always had hold of the reins. She likes to be in charge, and Patrick doesn’t mind following directions. But my sister enjoys all of Patrick’s equipment. You kinda looked interested in what he had between his legs.”
Teri blushed. “Well, I’ve never touched anything like that, ever. I mean, I thought I was going to grow up and look like him. His stuff was so different and felt different, too.”
“Did you enjoy Patrick or Julia better?”
“Julia. But she wasn’t interested in me. She was seeing how often she could get me off. I also learned something new. I used to think those times I saw stars were orgasms, but the orgasms I have with you are real and deep.”
“Sure. Those are orgasms. Those little firecrackers are great, but just a little. Shallow surface kinds of things, nothing to write home about.”
“I guess so because that’s all I had with Julia and Patrick. It was fun, and I feel spoiled. I thought a man like Patrick would ring your bells harder than I ever could. I just assumed that any guy could outdo me.”
“Teri, honey. That’s you. You always assume that some guy is going to blow my head off with sex, and I will leave you. You have to give yourself credit. One, I love our sex. Two, I love our lovemaking. Three, I love you. All kidding aside, I don’t need stuff like last night. Honestly, I love our lovemaking because of everything we have together. We have a history where I can say stupid things that drive you crazy, and you still love me. I can be me, and you still love me. I know how much you worry, and it’s a compliment. But last night only reminded me that sex is not love. And to tell you the truth, Patrick didn’t do it for me. And neither did Julia. So, that group thing is just a distorted fantasy. I love our intimacy.”
“Now, tell me how big and strong Patrick, with his buff body, beautiful face, and excellent equipment, didn’t rock your boat?”
“I kinda wondered about that before and afterward. I just thought that Patrick would do more for me.”
“What happened?”
“Well, we’ve certainly fooled around where you have put on your harness, but it never did that much for me. I loved watching your face and how much you enjoyed being in charge. And with you, I could relax and let you be the master.”
“But didn’t Patrick do the same thing?”
“No. I guess I was supposed to enjoy the friction more. And I wasn’t comfortable giving over all my power to him. Deep inside, I wasn’t that comfortable mentally or physically.”

Jenn sat Indian-style on the big bed. She’d combed her wet hair out and was content to sit naked and let her body air dry.
Teri shook her head. “You know you’re driving me crazy right now. I want to have you.”
Jenn smiled. “I would love that.”

After Teri said her goodbyes to Jenn on Monday morning, she waved from the bus window. She would miss her but looked forward to Hawaii after two more weeks of touring.
She’d decided to start reexamining her days spent on the road. She’d need to figure out how to make herself more comfortable. Teri knew making the road more like home would take some effort.

“On a one to ten basis, tell me how you’re doing.”
“I’m okay, Grace. A lot is going on that I’m working to understand. There’s not just one number today. Overall, I think everything is good.”
“Do you want to share?”
“I do. Talking things out with you is helpful. There’s some stuff that I can’t talk with Jenn about.”
“Let’s start. Pick an easy one first.”
Teri hesitated and thought. “Okay. I’m starting to understand the difference between touring and Allentown. I know that the road is where the Wildcats belong. It’s an adjustment that I’ll make. These first couple of weeks have been crazy and tough for me. Now I’m starting to understand what I must change to adapt.”
Teri shook her head. “I wasn’t ready to be on the move. I wasn’t ready to start having to think on my feet. My old world was in slow motion compared to what was happening. But I’m changing and will adapt. It’s just time before I can juggle writing and touring. I’m not freaking out and understand that it will come.”
“I made some changes. I bought the best noise-canceling headphones and a small keyboard. I can plug in a closed loop between my instruments and my headphones. I’m not disturbing anyone else; I can play the blues whenever possible. It helped me unwind and relax back home and gave me time to try some new music.
Grace smiled. “It’s healthy to stand back and see the bigger picture. I’m glad that you are keeping a positive attitude.”
“It freaked me out. At first, it felt like the rug was pulled out from under me. But I’m taking a page out of the other Cat’s world. They love touring. They love different theaters and different crowds each night. I never thought about being a gypsy until they kidnapped me for this crazy tour. But now I realize that you have to live it to understand it. These women love it.”

Grace put down her tablet and smiled. “Right now, my first impulse is to hug you. I’m so proud that you’re stepping outside and examining the world around you. That’s a very mature attitude, and I know it will work.”
Teri grinned at the thought of Grace hugging her. ‘Oh, wow, she thought. Wouldn’t that be a dream come true?’
Grace was nodding. “Let’s go where no one has gone before. Tell me about Jenn and your personal life. You know, the part that you can’t talk out with her.”
Teri took a deep breath. “Okay. So, I’m only eighteen and have had a minimal social world. Jenn is my one and only girlfriend. I crushed on her for several years back in high school but did nothing because I knew that my body was limited. I couldn’t take a relationship to an intimate level because I worried about my shortcomings.”
Grace nodded.
“I never knew that my sex organs were messed up because of my intersex diagnosis. I never knew that I was starting puberty a couple of years ago. I was looking for muscles and a deep voice, but what was happening was that I was growing breasts, hips, and a butt. And I guess my mind was changing, too, with all that estrogen flooding it. I didn’t discover all of this on my own. I don’t know what I would have done differently if I had known earlier. I assume I would have received a counselor’s help.”
“If we hadn’t created Tasha, I have no idea what would have happened. But all of that led me closer to who I am, an intersex woman.”
“I never knew that Jenn saw through my guy shell and knew I was much more female. I guess that’s who she fell in love with. It’s taken me a lot of time to adjust to that part of me and discover my true self.”
“Well, I’m glad you see all that as a work in progress.”
“Oh, I do. Some days are better than others. So that’s where my gender perspective stands. But my sexuality is a whole different subject.”
Grace nodded. “Well, change means growth. Accepting makes it easier.”
Teri smiled. “Yeah. I’ve had a lot of confusion about my body and those buttons that turn me on. I understand that there’s no handbook on what to do if you’re intersex and look like a woman. But I have no definite hot spots. I know how to get Jenn excited and do a good job pleasing her. But I’m not a mirror image. And it’s been frustrating. I don’t know what excites me other than what Jenn and I do together.”
Grace was writing. “Does Jenn help you find satisfaction?”
“Yes. Our lovemaking is excellent. But…”
“What’s the but?”
Teri blushed. “Well, I didn’t know if there was more for me. I wondered what would happen if I did everything with a guy.”
“That’s a pretty natural question to wonder about. So I’m guessing that you got a little more information.”
“Yep, a perfect storm. In Chicago, we had a four-way sex scene with Jenn’s sister and her boyfriend. We all got high, and I got to experience both sides of that coin.”
“What did you learn?”
“Well, having sex with a guy isn’t that much different. Julia’s boyfriend is a perfect ten. I watched him make love to Jenn, and I also made love to him.”
“What did you learn?”
“Well, that Jenn doesn’t want a guy to turn her on. She doesn’t desire a guy’s love. And watching her and her sister together showed me that I can do just as well or maybe better getting her to a climax.”
“Okay. How about you?”
“I learned a lot. I confused strong arms and a hard body with intercourse. I’m not set up to do that. With no prostate, I don’t have anal orgasms. Besides strong arms and a solid chest, a guy’s body is good for the excitement of domination. But that’s all it did.”
“Were you able to have an orgasm with the man?”
“Yes and no. I have come to realize that what I defined as petite orgasms as more of the shivers you get when you are with someone you like. What I call the big orgasms are orgasms. I am lucky to have them, and so far, making love with Jenn is my source of serious orgasms.
“Sum up what you know.”
“I love Jenn and must stop worrying about whether I measure up. I do. She loves me.”
Teri took a breath. “I have found a way to have my time in the center of the Wildcat’s storm. My thoughts about guys were misguided. I have everything I need right where I am.”
“Okay. That’s good. What else?”
“I’ve started thinking about corrective surgery. I’m using Google and have called the doctor.”
“Tell me. Are you doing this for Jenn?”
“No. I’m sure it will be alright. But she’s not pushing me.”
“Do you think you might have sexual relations with other people who would want you to have a vagina?”
“No. That’s never crossed my mind. Jenn says I could do it for my future husband or adopted children. But I don’t want to do it worrying about my future or what other people may think.”
“Then, why?”
“I think I might do it for myself, just finishing up to looking normal. It’s this up on stage in front of thousands of people worry. I wore a two-piece in Florida and thought about it a lot. One less worry.”
“And I want your opinion.”
“I would say yes because you’re approaching this from a mature point of view. And if that’s what you want, it’s a healthy step. I would shake my head no if you’d said you were doing it to please someone else. You’re a big girl and can make up your mind. You need to find the right professional help.”
“I’m thinking about right after we finish up the telethon and our benefit in Central Park in early September. My recovery time should be long enough that Jenn and I can spend January in Tahiti, and I can go in the ocean.”
“Speaking of Jenn, what does she say?”
“I think Jenn would be behind whatever I want to do.”
Teri, it’s been fun talking to you. I’ll look forward to talking to you next week.”
“Thanks, Grace.”

For the next two weeks, the Wildcats toured the mid-west. It was June, and the fields on the sides of the road were all planted with crops. Teri had never seen so many open spaces and small towns. As they rode along, she thought about some great writers who could write about the people who lived on the farms, the villages, and the cities. She tried to imagine their lives and what it would be like growing up in those places.
She Googled information about their travels and made notes about authors who wrote about the people. She downloaded some authors and read them in her spare time.
She discovered that books were just as good an escape as playing music when she was alone. She was also pleased to find those books started her mind humming again with bits and pieces of new music.
Then, she continued to work on her Vampire love story and started to listen to podcasts where people interviewed famous people. She made notes looking forward to interviewing musicians, starting with the Wildcats.

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