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Tea out with my mum, Lynne , Marie, and their mums, all went rather well, despite me being really nervous and embarrassed when everyone looked over to us when we entered. However I was soon put at ease when the waitress took my order without any flicker of recognising me as a boy.
Quietly I was constantly being being corrected by one of my five coaches when I did anything in a remotely masculine manner, It was a never ending list of my faults, taking too large bites of the sandwiches and cakes, lifting my teacup with both hands instead of by the handle, not sweeping my dress under me as I sat down, not washing my hands when I came out of the toilet cubicle and not refreshing my lipstick when I was in there, to name a few. They all deliberately drew me into the conversations, asking my opinions on how people looked and were dressed, even though I did not know enough to have strong opinions about peoples’ appearance. It was not that they were particularly interested in my opinions, really they were just wanting to hear how I spoke and expressed myself.
I was glad to get out of the public gaze when we got home where I could relax again. It was generally accepted by all five that I had passed my first test, actually my second test including the afternoon out with the girls, and Lynne and Marie went off home with their mums.
“What are we going to do with you Ollie? What do you want to do, do you want to take part in the show? Before you answer, think it through. You will not be appearing as a caricature like a drag artist or a pantomime dame, all exaggerated padding and over the top makeup, you will be onstage as a young girl, looking, singing, dancing and acting just like any of the other girls in the show, and that is how you will need to present yourself. It will not just be turning up as Ollie, going into makeup and getting dressed to go on as Livvy or whatever character you will be playing. I’m sure you have heard of ‘method acting’ where you actually have to have a complete connection with the role you are playing, to all intents and purposes you would have to think of yourself as a girl and react as they would. To do the job justice, you need to get your mindset into that of a girl. Do you think that you can do that?”
“I’m not sure that I understand what you mean.” I replied, totally befuddled at what she had said.
“To put it bluntly, if you want to successfully pull this off you need to spend as much time as possible dressed as a girl, presenting yourself as a girl, spending a lot more time with Lynne and Marie as a girl. For the next few weeks when you are rehearsing for the show you need to think of yourself as a girl and act like your two friends and the other girls at school. Obviously school is a problem, I think it best if you still present as Ollie there. Are you prepared to go that far?”
“That sounds a bit over-the-top, let me think about it, I didn’t realise that it would involve a commitment like that, I thought that it would just be a matter of getting into costume at the theatre. Acting as a girl almost full-time is not something that I had planned to do, I just put on the girls’ clothes at practice to keep the girls in the choir happy, and Lynne and Marie convinced me to go out with them to see whether I could be convincing in public.”
“Well your clothes are still at Lynne’s, go and collect them and while you are there talk it through with her and see what she thinks.”
I made my way to Lynne’s collecting Marie on the way and we went up to her room. I told them everything Mum had said about emotionally connecting to my role as a girl and effectively becoming a girl, except at school, until the show was over.
“I think that I understand what she has said. Why not? That sounds like a sensible idea, the more you dress as a girl, the easier it will be to start behaving and thinking like us. You never know you might enjoy it, you seemed happy enough out with us today, it will give us a good excuse for the ‘Triplets’ to be back together again more often. What easier way is there for you to learn how to act and behave as a girl, than spending time with us. You can come round and we can do our homework together, go to the mall at the weekend to browse the shops and look at the boys, have sleepovers, I’m really looking forward to it, go for it girl, please.”
“So you really think that I should and that I could successfully look and act like a girl? I’ll give it a try as long as you both help me and do not make fun of me.”
“Well, if you’re going to do it, I’m going back home to get a few things.” Marie said as she got up to leave. “I’ve got lots of stuff that I don’t wear anymore that you can have, at least it will be getting some use rather than clogging up my wardrobe space.” and off she went returning later with two large bags. “There’s some skirts, tops and blouses, some trousers although it may be best if you keep to skirts and dresses until you get used to them, casual and dress shoes, a couple of coats, and a few unopened packs of knickers, bras and tights, they should keep you going for a while until we can go shopping for some stuff of your own. You can’t beat the feeling of wearing something new for the first time, it’s one of the real pleasures of being a girl.”
“That’s far too much, I’ll never get to wear most of it, are you sure that you don’t want it all?”
“Don’t be daft, a girl doesn’t wear clothes for days on end like boys do, you will need to have a selection for different times. I’ll see what I can dig out too.” added Lynne, “A girl can never have enough choice of clothes.”
When I got home laden with the bags of clothes they had picked out for me, Mum was astounded at the amount of things I had been given. “I take it that this means that Livvy is going to be around for a while.”
“I’m still a bit confused Mum, It sort of steamrollered, once the girls got going there was no way to stop them, and I just had to go along with them. I suppose that I had better go and make some room to get all this stuff put away.”
“Some of those things are a bit creased, anything that needs ironing put to one side and I’ll show you how to deal with them later. Don’t take too long I need you back down here, it’ll help to get you into a girly mode if you start helping your mother to prepare dinner. You don’t want to mess up your nice dress, so pick out something more practical, a skirt and top will be better.”
“Can I not just wear my normal clothes, after all it is just the two of us here?”
“If you are going to do this you need to start now, before you change your mind, Now do as you have been told, go and get changed into something suitable, you have more than enough to choose from.”
I was soon back down in the kitchen, having quickly changed into a floral stretch sleeveless top and blue mid-thigh skirt, nervously waited for Mum to comment on what I had chosen.
“Good choice Livvy, it suits you, I wish I still had the legs to wear skirts that short.”
“Don’t knock yourself Mum I’m always proud to go out anywhere with you, you’ve still got what it takes, you looked really nice when we were out earlier.”
“Good answer young lady, a woman always likes a compliment on her looks or the way she is dressed. I’m seasoning and then roasting some chicken fillets, get the salad container out, chop up some lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, sweetcorn, and red onions, toss it in a bowl with olive oil, and a little salt and pepper, then leave it to all blend together.” When I was done Mum already had the chicken in the oven, so it was just a matter of tidying up.
“Set the table dear, we’ll eat properly tonight at the dining table instead of on a tray in front of the TV, the tablecloth and napkins are in the second drawer from the bottom. If there is time run the vacuum over the carpet and tidy the dining room up, we haven’t used it for a while.”
“Livvy don’t bend right over like that to get in the low drawer, particularly when you are wearing such a short skirt,” Mum snapped at me “ I can see your knickers when the skirt rides up, bend at the knees, and keep your back straight. I can see that we are going to have to work on your posture and movement, you need to learn to be more graceful.”
Other than that we had a pleasant evening chatting away after dinner about life in general and the fact that she caught me out because choir practice was cancelled owing to the organist being unwell. That led to a report on all the ills and ailments of the other choir members, even ‘women’s problems’ that she didn’t normally mention to me. Usually I escaped to my room straight after the tv dinner and avoided such chat, but tonight she seemed to be in the mood to want to talk. As we chatted away I almost forgot about what I was wearing, except for constantly pulling down the hem of my skirt when it rode up too high.
“Ok Livvy dear, go and get yourself ready for bed, don’t forget to remove your makeup you don’t want to go to school tomorrow with eyeliner traces still there. Have the girls given you any cleanser and moisturiser?”
“To tell the truth I don’t know what half the stuff they put in my ‘beauty bag’ is for, I’m ok to find the cleanser, we can go through the rest of it another time.”
I cleaned my face stripped down my bra and panties before deciding to keep them on and slipped on a light sleep top and shorts Marie had given me, before going down to say goodnight to Mum.
“That’s nice Livvy, we’’ll have a good look at everything tomorrow, sleep tight dear, and don’t forget to take off your hairpiece, you’ll ruin it if you sleep with it on.” For the first time in a long while, she gave me a goodnight hug and kiss which helped to relax me and I soon dropped off to sleep.
In the morning I was up early, showered and dressed in my usual school clothes which seemed thick and heavy after the light summer dress and skirt and top I had worn yesterday, I didn’t remember my boys’ clothes being so bulky and they felt warm and uncomfortable.
“Oh hi Ollie,” the girls greeted me with looks of disappointment as we walked to the bus for school together, “we weren’t sure whether we would be seeing Ollie or Livvy today.”
“Look girls, I will do as much as I can, but dressing as a girl at school will only cause trouble.”
I seemed to be the centre of gossip all morning at school, conversations stopped and people stared at me as I walked by groups, followed by giggles after I passed. Nobody actually said anything or did anything to me, but I felt embarrassed and uncomfortable. At lunchtime I picked out Lynne and Marie and told them what I was sensing and asked if they knew what’s going on.
“Clare, one of the girls in the choir heard what the show director said to you about taking on the part of one of the Von Trapp girls, and she was so jealous at not being picked herself that she started to tell people about it, and you know what the rumour mill is like in this place, it was soon all around the school. Everyone is saying that you’re going to become a girl.”
“That’s ridiculous, it’s just for the show. What a spiteful cow, and I’d always thought her to be so nice and friendly, wait until I see her.”
“Trust me, you are best letting sleeping dogs lie, anything you do in reply will not go down well and make things worse. Unless anyone actually says or does anything to you, just walk on by and ignore them all.”
The afternoon was more of the same, but I was now getting snide comments, mainly boys telling me that I needed to act the part of a girl better and a lot of sniggering and gossiping, even some sarcastic wolf-whistles. I was glad when the formal day was over and I went to the music room for choir practice, but the peace was soon shattered.
Before we got started, Clare, who had posted the conversation with the show director, approached our teacher.
“Please Miss Crawford, everyone is saying that Ollie is going to become a girl to act in the show we auditioned for. If it would help we think that he should dress as a girl when he is in here with us, I mean he sings like a girl, but it might help him if he looked like one too, after all he is now the only boy in with us, and we wouldn’t mind.” Clare suggested with a ‘butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth’ smirk on her face.
“Don’t be silly Clare, Ollie has a wonderful voice, don’t try to make him ashamed of it.” Miss Crawford quickly waved her away.
“But Miss a lot of us think it would be a good idea.” A couple of Clare’s friends added, and there were a lot of excited voices joining in.
The teacher was getting flustered not knowing what to do, so to help out I looked at Lynne and Marie who nodded back.
“Ok if that’s what the girls want I’ll do it we can then get started on our practice, It should be fun and will ease the tension, but obviously I don’t have any girls’ clothes.”
“That’s ok, we thought that you might agree so we’ve brought some stuff with us, go and get changed, your two friends can help you. The girls’ toilet is just a couple of doors away, just go in there, there will be nobody else around at this time of day.” Clare sniggered as I walked off with Lynne and Marie carrying the bag of clothes she had given me.
I went off with my friends and quickly stripped even changing into the bra and panties that had been provided before putting on the uniform blouse, skirt, and shoes. Lynne gave me a quick swipe of eyeliner and lipstick, brushed my hair into something vaguely resembling a girl’s style, and we were soon ready to return to face the rest of the choir.
“I feel weird, what are they going to think of me. I’ve felt embarrassed all day with people talking about me, what are they going to think when they find out they I’ve been wearing these clothes for choir practice.”
“Right Livvy, you got pushed into a corner by that bitch Clare, but you mustn’t let her see that she has upset you. Just go back in there and act like you always do, except for the fact that you are wearing a skirt.” Marie gripped my hand as she led me back into the room.
Although within myself I was really nervous about what the other girls would really think of me, I was determined not to let it show, so I walked back in chatting to the girls as if it was the most normal thing in the world, to be met with sharp intakes of breath followed by giggles all round.
“All right girls, you have had your fun, can we please get on with our practice now.” Miss Crawford quickly snapped to try to get some sort of control again.
After practice I collected my things, surprised that they hadn’t disappeared with Clare and her friends, but didn’t bother to change back. Although Clare had set out to embarrass me, in a way she was right, I did fit in with the other girls a lot better dressed in a skirt and after the initial shock for everyone, I had quickly been treated and looked on as just another one of the girls in the choir.
As we walked out, a couple of girls in the choir came over and apologised for what had happened and said that Clare had already put the story and some photos out on social media, but it was awfully brave of me and that they would spread the true facts of what had actually happened to counteract Clare’s lies that I had turned up for practice already dressed as a girl.
On the way home I told Lynne and Marie that as everyone would be half expecting it after Clare’s postings, and that I would be subjected to all sorts of abusive comments and jokes anyway, the next day I would be going to school as Livvy. Full of enthusiasm they promised to drop off a uniform skirt and blouse each to keep me going until I could get some more new blouses of my own. I told them that the rest of the stuff they had given me yesterday was more than enough for out-of-school wear, although they promised to dig out some more now that I was committed to dressing and living as a girl.
Mum was surprised, but pleasantly surprised, when I walked in wearing a a skirt and with makeup. “Did you have trouble at school today, they haven’t stolen or damaged your clothes have they?”
“No mum, some jealous spiteful bitch and her friends suggested that as I sing like a girl, better than most, that I should dress as one at choir practice to fit in more easily with them all, as everyone else is a girl, and I agreed to do it to keep the peace. Besides it was an excuse to keep myself immersed in my role as a girl, Once they all got over the shock of seeing me and how easily I now fitted in with them all the practice went well. As everyone had already seen me and told me that I looked quite good I didn’t see the point of changing back to come home. Besides, that cow Clare has put it out on social media that I enjoy dressing as a girl and mixing in with them all at choir practice, so what more was there to worry about. I’ll just go upstairs and change and come and help you make dinner and tell you all about it.”
I just put on the skirt I had used the day before but found a clean sleeveless top in a blue satiny material which felt quite cool and comfortable after the heavy boys’ uniform I had worn all day, fixed my hairpiece place freshened my lipstick and went back down.
“What can I do to help Mum?”
“It’s all organised dear. Just tidy up the kitchen after me and then go and do your homework, we can talk over dinner.”
“I’ll pop round to Lynne’s and help her with her science report, that’s one of my better subjects, she helps me with history and French which are not my favourites. I’ll be back in an hour or so for dinner.”
Lynne’s mum answered the door to me, gave me a long look and smiled. “How was your Mum when you walked in dressed as a girl again?”
“She was ok, no fuss, she just asked why I had changed my clothes and that was it, we seem to be getting on a lot better lately, maybe she finds it easier to talk to me when I look like a girl.”
“Lynne told me what happened at school, and that girl ought to be punished for pushing you into a corner like that, but at least it does not seem to have upset you. Lynne’s in her room, go on up and I’ll bring you some drinks.”
Lynne greeted me with a hug as she usually did with Marie, but I had never been included in that before.
“I like your outfit by the way, the colour of your top matches your eyes. Anyway, let's get this project report done and we can chat afterwards and sort you out a uniform.”
Back home later, enjoying a lovely lamb casserole.I told Mum all about the gossip and sniggers at school and the way that Clare had coaxed me into wearing the skirt so that she could post it online expecting me to be embarrassed.
“The girls have given me some old spare uniforms for tomorrow, I have decided that I will be going in in girls’ uniform and can give Clare her stuff back.”
“Isn’t it going to make it worse if you wear the girls’ uniform tomorrow and embarrass you even more?”
“No, it wouldn’t be worse than today. If I go in as Livvy, it will show them that I don’t care what they’re thinking, they might ease off once they get over the initial surprise.”
“In that case you need to do it properly, I was in town today and went to that big lingerie shop ‘Style Shapes” that you will never go in with me, always waiting outside as you say it’s not cool for boys to be seen in there. As you are going to dress as a girl until after the show, I’ve got you some gel breast forms and some body shaper panties to give you a bit more of a girlish figure, your clothes will sit better with them, Take your top and bra off while I go and get them and we can fix the forms on for you, they’ll be a lot better than stuffing tissues into that training bra,”
“Mum I didn’t realise that when you said fix the breast forms that you meant that literally and they would be stuck on, they feel funny, pulling on my chest.”
“I rummaged in your undies drawer and found a proper bra that Marie gave you, it should fit ok and give them a bit of support, you’ll soon get used to them, all us girls learn to live with them, although they sneak up on us rather than suddenly appearing. Once you get the bra on it will give a bit of support and should feel more comfortable. There that looks a lot better, put your top back on, then let's get the kitchen tidied up and we can sit and relax watching a film and chatting for a couple of hours before bedtime.” Before that let me work a little on your eyebrows, they are far too bushy for a girl. Don’t worry, I’ll not go too mad and thin them too much, just a light trim, it will make all the difference.
To be continued.
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That's It
I've always said girls can be nastier than boys, at least with words and cattiness. Livvie is shoving it down Clare's throat. Eat that, bitch!
As good as always, Gillian.
Words and cattiness
Too true, Joanne. How Livvy deals with Clare will be revealed in the next chapter, Clare will probably choke on Livvy's response to her actions.
Gill xx
It's a different kind of nastiness..
Sadly some people of both genders have their way of making people miserable.
In my experience, some young males like the power of making threats and physical intimidation. On the other hand, the next minute they might be offering a helping hand.
Young girls bear a grudge, sometimes for decades. And they can use words far more effectively than lads.
Having said that, I was very very lucky as a child to have an older sister who had a big bunch of genuinely lovely girls, girls who looked after their "kid sister".
A lovely story, Gill, and one which has put a smile back on my face. Thank you for bringing it to us.
Lucy xxx
"Lately it occurs to me..
what a long strange trip its been."
Bearing grudges
You're right Lucy. Lads can knock/kick/punch seven bells out of each other in the name of sport but then go for a drink together in the bar afterwards, girls can take offence at the mildest slight and slag each other off or worse still give a cold shoulder for a long long time, ruining previous close friendships.You were lucky to have people to look out for you. The next chapter tells how Livvy deals with Clare. I'm glad that you're enjoying the story.
Gill xx
Being Livvy 24/7
Taking on the role of Livvy will help Ollie make the change.
Jessie C
Jessica E. Connors
Jessica Connors
Taking on the role
Many thanks forc your ccomment Jessie. Livvy thinks that they are living as a girl to get into the mindset for their role as one of the girls in the show, but it is beginning to take over from real life,.
Gill xx
Excellent Pacing
I'm not sure if you made an adjustment or this chapter you had already joined your actresses. Hon, your story telling is so soft, even then your previous stories had a lot of emotion embedded. Now you've stepped into the role again and it's a beautiful story of kids growing up and finding their own way in the world. You've done good setting up Clare as the antagonist. You had to have met some of those in your life as we all have. Different name but the same nasty bitch. Lynne and Marie the friends we all had who would drop everything and come if we needed help.
Hugs Miss Chambers as soon as I get all the feathers brushed off I'll think of making supper.
Life is meant to be lived not worn until it's worn out.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
comments welcome
Thanks Barb. most of my serial stories are completed before the first chapter is posted, but I do try to adapt or add to subsequent chapters to take account of comments received where I think it relevant and appropriate. Following your comment on chapter I, I have made a few minor tweaks which I think have brought a bit more life to the characters without changing the basic flow of the story. Maybe not a pillow fight but more like 'handbags at dawn' in the next chapter.
Gill xx
I’m thinking . . . .
Livvy’s mum is definitely liking it. It sounds like her relationship with the father was fraught, and that may have led her to treat her son with a bit of distance that she isn’t showing when Ollie is in Livvy mode.
Too many Clare’s in the world, alas. Can she be turned, or confrontation the only way? Looking forward to finding out!
— Emma
Livvy's Mum
is enjoying her time with Livvy. Instead of living with Ollie, a sulky moody teenage boy only interested in his computer games, she now has someone to have friendly chats and share interests with. This seems to have overcome any reservations she should have had about how this was affecting him.
I think that Livvy dealt very well with Clare. Instead of discreetly retiring into the background and allowing Clare to enjoy her smug moment of glory, having trashed Oliver's reputation, she faced Clare down and made her look small, and she did it very much as a girl would have done.
Gill xx