The Guilty Are Always Caught Chapter 6

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Smithy’s Bar and Grill:
Katlain walks provocatively from the bar to one of the private rooms, carrying an order of drinks for the occupants. She had managed to get a job as a waitress at the bar. She and her partner learned on their initial visit that the group they were looking into hung out here at the bar.

After digging into the owner of the bar’s background. Katlain and her partner had learned he had always supported the neo-Nazi group and came from a family of clan supporters. Most of his relatives have been members for ages, and some of them were serving time in prison for acts they had committed.

Since this would be a long-term assignment, she arranged with her cousins to watch after Katherine while she went undercover. She would have asked Faith and her sister, but both had their hands busy with being pregnant. She pulled one of her rusty looking chevy cars from storage and was using that for transportation.

Her partner would monitor her while she worked. He was also recording everything the group said from the hidden mics and cameras she had installed in the room. The owner didn’t know anything about it, because she came in while the bar was closed to bug the place. Even his office was bugged as well.

She still had to bug his home, but she planned on doing that during one of her days off. Right now, she needed to play the dumb white trash girl. A smile appears Katlain’s face as she enters the private room.

In her best southern voice “here we go, gentlemen.” As goes about setting the pitchers and mugs of beer on the table in front of them.

She was wearing a concealed camera in a necklace she wore. If anyone looked at it, all they would see was a naked girl figurine. She was also
wired for sound as well. That way, her partner could hear everything on around her.

Charming the bar manager was easy. She turned on the Southern charm she used to use when she was gathering information. Most people underestimated her when she went undercover.

“Come, mere darling, and let ole’ Jake plant a kiss on that beautiful face of yours.” Jake looked over towards Dixie as she sat the drinks down.

A smirk appears on Katlain’s/Dixie’s face as she smiles sweetly at him. She knew how drunk he was and that when he and several others were
drunk, they got frisky. She feels her ass grabbed and squeezed.

“I have a better idea for her.” Clyde wanted to tap that sweet ass of Dixie’s.

Katlain smiles sweetly as she manages to escape both men. She wanted to play hard to get. Also, she had no idea what diseases these men had.

“Ah, come on guys, let's leave the bedroom speech for later?” Katlain smiles sweetly at them and bats her eyelashes at them.

The men pick their glasses of drinks up and drink from them. Katlain knew sooner or later she would have to go home with one of them and see what she could learn about them. She keeps serving them beer while spiking a few of the glasses with a drug.

Around midnight, the bar starts closing down. She ends up leaving with a guy named Barney. According to what she learned about him, he was a member of the local Aryan nation. She rode home with him and let him paw at her. He tried several times to get his hands down her pants.

When they arrived at his place, it looked like your typical Aryan nation members' houses. There were Nazi posters and symbols around the home. By the time they got inside, Katlain had noticed that Barney got a little more aggressive with his making out.

It was a good thing that by the time they fell onto his bed. That the drug she slipped him had put his ass out. The only way anyone was going to wake him was with a taser.

Katlain puts her earpiece in her ear and taps it. “I’m in.”

“Good. Did he give you any problems?” Joe had followed behind them at a distance in the surveillance van.

“He was like putty in my hands. However, if my husband had seen him trying to get into my pants, he would be missing a hand.” Katlain knew what her husband would do to him.

Katlain slips a thumb drive from her pocket and uses it to gain access to Barney’s computer system. While that is sending information to Joe out in the van. Katlain uses her own cell phone to copy information from Barney’s cell phone.

She looks around his place and notices all the military hardware Barney had collected. His gun collection alone would make most gun collectors proud.

“Joe, you should see how many guns this guy has.”

“Can you get the serial numbers off the guns and send them to me?” Joe could see if any of them were registered or had been used in a crime.

“No problem.” Katlain goes through all the guns and sends their serial numbers to Joe. She finds a few that the serial numbers had been erased off of.

Whoever did it did a good job erasing the serial numbers. From what she could see, they used acid to erase the numbers. By five in the morning, she had collected everything from Barney. She left a kiss on his cheek and slipped outside to ride with her partner.

When Katlain gets into the van, she looks over toward Joe. “Did you get everything?”

“I got it. Who’s next on your list?” Joe knew Katlain kept a list of who her targets were.

“The owner of the bar is next. There is something strange about him I don’t trust.” Katlain had a feeling he was hiding something.

“You know the best time for him is when he is up here.” Joe has been monitoring the guy.

“I know.” Katlain covers up a yawn as she watches Joe drives them to her place.

She’ll take a cab tomorrow to pick her car up at the bar. If Barney ask her how she got home, she’ll lie and tell him she caught an Uber. She knew they had a few here in Washington.

When Joe drops Katlain off at her place. She waves goodbye and walks into her place and start removing her clothes. She takes a shower to get Barney’s aftershave off her body. After her shower, she sets her alarm clock and crawl into bed.

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Wow it's getting cold of close

Samantha Heart's picture

And Dangerous! Katlin better watch her self as someone my be imuse to the drug of know the after effects of GHB.

Love Samantha Renée Heart.