Driven from Normal. (Chapter 2)

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Driven from Normal .

(Chapter 2)

Simon McKenzie started his week normal enough, but after a series of events he now finds himself standing in a bar wearing a cocktail dress. Chapter 2.

I awkwardly climbed into Liam's car, my movement restricted by the tightness of the dress around the top of my legs. I had to then fuss around getting the hair out of my face so I could get the seatbelt on.

The cool leather of the seat back was very noticeable and it was only when I reached my hand around to the back that I realised how low cut the dress was.
I could feel the elastic band of my undies well above the lowest part of the dress.

“Shit a brick!” I said quietly, and mainly to myself.

“What’s up?” Liam asked without looking over.

“I’ve still got this stupid bloody dress on! How the hell did I end up wearing it all day?”

“I dunno Bro, but without getting too Gay, you looked pretty good… you know, from a distance” he laughed.

“That’s not helping…. my mates will rip the piss out of me forever when they find out about this…” I replied.

“Yeah, I’m picking that’ll be a hard one to live down, that’s for sure” and with that he burst out laughing.

I sighed and reached into my back pack to get my phone out and turn it back on.

When it turned on there were a couple of notifications on Facebook and a message from Mum asking how I was going.

I opened the phone's front camera, and took a selfie, grinning and giving the thumbs up, added (Tough day at the office) and posted it to my social media accounts.

Within seconds the reactions and comments started, shortly after my phone rang, it was Dad
“What’s up?” I said after hitting the green accept button.

“Who’s the blonde sheila on Facebook?” he asked and actually sounded puzzled.

“It’s me, ya tosser, they wanted me to wear a wig in some close up shots” I replied.

“Bullshit…nah… is it? ..Hang on! I’ll put my glasses on… HOLEY SHIT…Are you wearing a sparkly top as well?” he was now laughing so hard he’d started coughing.

“You wait till you hear what they want me to do next…” I interrupted.

I then proceeded to explain what had happened and how I had been blindsided by Chalky with a new deal.

“How much are they paying you?” Dad finally managed to get out between chuckles.

“I’m not sure of the exact amount yet until I sign the contract, but Chalky said it would go a far way to paying off my mortgage”

With that the chuckling stopped and there was silence for a few moments before Dad spoke again,
“Fucken hell! Really! Shit mate, that sounds bloody good, I’d wear a dress for that sort of coin as well” he said in a very matter of fact tone.

“I think it’s more than just a dress from what the makeup and wardrobe ladies were saying before. Imagine the shit I’ll get when all the boys find out...”

Dad interrupted me before I'd finished.
“Bugger them, none of those jokers earn anywhere near what you’re getting paid now, and if they could get a big pay day and clear your debt up with one job, they’d all do it as well….It's only clothes mate they aren’t cutting your old fella off!”

We talked a bit longer until he said he’d better go, Mum was desperate to know what was happening and trying to hear the conversation and he needed to fill her in.

“What did your old man think?” Liam asked after I ended the call.

“Basically to take the money and not worry about it” I answered

“I’d do the same in heartbeat! No different from theatre group really” Liam said

“No I guess not. And it sounds like its pretty good coin,” I laughed.

We talked a bit more before arriving outside Anna’s studio; it was one of those new prefab concrete box type of places in a row of other shops.
Liam parked the car right outside the door after telling me he’d get as close as he could so I didn’t have to walk past too many people wearing a dress.
There were a few people floating around at the other end of the shopping complex, but they were far enough away to not notice a boy in a dress.

“Catch ya later” Liam yelled as I shut the car door and waved goodbye.
I watched him reverse out of the park, then quickly turned and headed inside before anyone saw me.

I opened the studio door and Anna's smiling face greeted me.
The very tasteful looking reception area was surgically clean, with a modern, professional style.
Anna motioned me to follow her through the doors separating off the rest of the building.

“Come on slow-poke, we’ve got heaps to do and not a lot of time” she said.
“First things first, get that dress off and put this robe on; I’ll take that wig off so you can shower while I finish getting ready”

She handed me a white fluffy bathrobe and pushed me towards a small changing area, similar to what they have in a clothing shop.
I removed my shoes and socks, then slid the zipper of the dress down which finished about the middle of my bum. I then tried to undo the catch behind my neck to take the dress off, but ended up in quite a tangle mess with the wig really getting itself involved.
I poked my head out of the changing room curtain to ask for some help from Anna. I couldn’t see her anywhere but another girl saw me and smiled as she walked over.

She was very attractive! Long dark hair pulled back into a ponytail. Her captivating smile drew me in straight away, she was gorgeous.
Wearing what appeared to be a white lab coat, over a tight, mesh long top in black revealing a plain black bra under it.
The short, soft pink mini skirt drew attention to her long, toned legs, which rocked some black ankle boots with thick, chunky platform soles.
As she came closer I noticed “Mel” on her golden name badge, it didn’t seem much of a stretch to assume that she also worked here.
I’d guess she was a bit younger than me maybe, early twenties? About my height, give or take.
She had an aura of confidence as she walked and I spent a bit too long fixated on the deep blue colour of her eyes as she moved closer.
Most of the girls I knew that worked with anything related to makeup, always seemed to wear way too much off it and often looked ridiculous. This girl however, appeared to just have the perfect balance to enhance the stunning natural beauty she clearly had.

After I explained that I was stuck, she smirked and offered her help. She moved behind and initiated freeing me from the trap I was caught in.
I confirmed her name was Mel, and introduced myself.
After a little push to get a conversation going, she told me she had worked for Anna for about eleven months, moving down from the North Island after getting the opportunity of an adult apprenticeship, adding to the hairdressing skills she already had.
She went on to tell me Anna was very clever, and had worked on some massive Hollywood blockbusters that had been filmed around here.
Anna was no beauty school graduate who needed a hobby it turned out. Mel told she was the real deal, a talented special effects artist with a massive following in the film industry.
Both she and her husband decided a few years ago that their marriage was suffering due to the workload Mel had and needed to pull back in order to save it, so had opened this small studio.

After what seemed like forever, there was a final small tug pulling my neck back before the dress released and slipped straight down coming to a rest at my ankles, leaving me standing in just my undies and socks.
Mel snorted; quickly covering her mouth while passing me the fluffy robe with her other hand. It was far shorter than I was expecting, finishing well above my knees. I tied the belt firmly around my waste as I walked towards where Anna was waiting.

“Right, let’s get this off so you can shower and get rid of that hair” Anna said.

“What hair?” I questioned her back.

“Sack, back and crack… oh, and those legs as well” she replied completely straight faced.

I decided not to say anything, and just sat still waiting for the wig to be unpinned and removed.
Anna grabbed two squeeze bottles from the bench in front of us and held them up to me.

“Pay attention! This one's for the coarse hair, so use that on your pubes and around your bum. This one is for the rest: Legs, arms and chest! Put plenty on, leave it for five minutes or so, then jump in the shower and wash it all off. Don’t leave it on any longer. Right, quick-quick!” Anna said as she now herded me towards a shower cubicle.

She pointed to a packet with a pair of gloves sitting on a wooden shelf next to another bottle, and explained once the hair was gone, to use the “Exfoliating gel and mittens” to scrub off and remove any dead skin.

“DEAD SKIN!?” What the hell was this hair remover stuff going to do to me?
I stood in the cubical looking at the both of the hair removal cream bottles, carefully reading over the instructions on the labels (Fast acting, with growth inhibitors for longer lasting results)

“Do I really need to do my pubes and bum?” I yelled through the door before committing to anything drastic.

“Trust me! You don’t want to try and remove the adhesive for the prosthetics if there’s any hair still there at all. Just get on with it… It won’t hurt!”, came Anna’s reply from the other side of the closed cubicle door.

I covered my areas in the corresponding creams and waited. I noticed on one of the labels that it could also be used on facial areas to remove beard hair.
In for a penny, so I smeared a squirt over my light stubble growth as well.

As the time rolled on the strong chemical smell of the creams was beginning to make me nervous. All I could think was that I'd somehow end up melting my skin if I left it much longer.
Then, luckily, the small egg timer dinged, signaling it was time to shower it all off.
As soon as the water hit the cream covered areas it began sliding off, taking all the hair with it; leaving a big, gross clump of fried hair and paste on the shower floor. The fumes coming off it smelt horrendous.

The water hitting my now hairless legs felt very strange, but not as strange as the other hairless areas around my groin. Every drop of water could be felt hitting my body, even the slight variance in air temperatures seemed to be amplified.
Making one hundred percent sure I was completely rinsed off and there wasn't any remaining hair cream left anywhere, I opened the package with the gloves and put them on.
A squirt of the exfoliant into one gloved hand started the task of giving my legs and arms a good rough over, I made sure my knees and feet had been done properly, again thinking about any lingering hair stripper burning me later on.
I also used the small containers of body-wash sitting in there, to further reduce the chance of leftovers.

I turned the shower off, stepped out and made a start drying myself off. The soft towel felt very nice on my now super-sensitive, hairless legs. I was genuinely amazed at how girly the polished, shiny skin now looked.
The sensitivity levels had also ramped right up around my crotch. Even the lightest touch with the towel started a stiffening of the downstairs equipment.
Not really the time or place for that I thought to myself, while trying to distract my thoughts to something far less arousing.
Once dried, I slipped my undies back on, then the robe, before stepping back out into the studio.

Anna waved me over to a padded table at the far end of the studio.
She pulled a privacy curtain around us and then removed a length of paper from a roll at the end of the bench, placing it onto the table.
As instructed, I removed the robe off and lay face down. Anna had turned around and was now facing away from me.

When Anna turned back around I heard her scoff from behind me.
“Did you put your dirty old jocks back on after having a shower?” she sneered.

“I didn’t have anything else!” I replied.

“You’re not meant to have any on. I can’t stick the prosthetics to them… hurry up and get them off” she said, spinning back around.

I wiggled them off without getting up, and dropped them on the floor beside the table.
Anna huffed when she turned back and kicked them further out of the way, then draped a towel over my bare bum.

She began the process of attaching two silicon lumps to my now smooth arse cheeks, starting with a very cold adhesive primer.
She explained the adhesive would need to be removed using another chemical, otherwise it would hurt a lot It also would be good for a few days even with normal showering etc.

Once she had test placed the bum mounds, and was happy I was fully committed to having a fake arse for the next few days. She spent some time blended the edges down, and then told me to roll over slightly to one side, so she could do the same with the hip enhancers.

When she finished Anna said it would take about 5 minutes for the adhesives to fully cure. I was allowed to carefully hop up and put the robe back on.
I stood up and glanced down at the two new, pinkish lumps on my hips. They looked like they had actually grown on me, like a big blister or something.
I couldn’t even see where they joined my actual skin.
I wrapped the robe around myself. Anna explained that she would airbrush the silicon to match my skin tone later on.
After a few more minutes Anna was satisfied that the glue would have gone off enough for me to sit down on the bum pads. It was such an odd feeling as I sat for the first time, not uncomfortable, but sort of like sitting on an old lumpy chair but the padding didn't move when I did.

Lying back down on the table with just a towel covering my lower half, Anna started on the breast forms.
After positioning the forms, she made a small reference point with a marker and stepped back to re-check the symmetry. I'm sure the primer had gotten colder; when it hit my chest my skin reacted and gave me Goosebumps for a few seconds.

The first form was glued and attached to my hairless torso. More time was taken carefully blending the edges down until they were as seamless as the hip enhancers.

From my point of view it was quite a sizable lump of fake titty now stuck to my chest.
“Shit they’re big aren’t they?” I remarked

“Sit still please” Anna responded “they need to be in proportion to your body size, you’re not a big guy, but they need to look right for your height and frame…. And that's all I have left anyway” she continued.

With both breast forms now attached, I was told to relax for a few minutes longer while the glue hardened.
I spent the entire time looking down, completely mesmerized at my new and fairly impressive rack with the perky nipples protruding from them.
Other than the obvious colour difference, they too looked like they had always been there Which was a very strange situation to find myself in.

Anna opened a drawer and grabbed something out of it, she then handed me a small white paper-looking G-string thing.
“Chuck that on, and I’ll make a start on the airbrushing, just come out when you’re ready” Anna said as she disappeared out through the curtain.

Standing up I was taken back about the amount of new weight now hanging off my chest,
I couldn’t help but have a quick feel up; after all it’s not every day I get to play with boobies. They felt cooler than my skin but still warmish. They even seemed to move around like the genuine things.
Becoming aware of how long I was taking playing with my new assets, I snapped myself out of it and grabbed the paper G-string.
There wasn’t a lot to it, it actually looked more like a face mask, it took a bit, but I eventually worked out which way around it went.
As I bent over to step into it, a combination of my smooth legs, new breasts and now sensitive groin caused a major erection, much to my embarrassment!

Once the G-string was pulled up into position it was blatantly apparent it was not going to help disguise my dilemma at all.
Remembering a story a friend had told me years ago of when she had nursed in a dementia unit, I lowered the paper undies and gave myself a hard-ish flick across the head of my dick with my fingers. It stung but was enough to do the trick pretty quickly.
After a minute or so I was confident enough to exit the curtain and find Anna again.

Mel was setting up an air brush at another station and had various bottles of skin toned paint sitting on a small roller table.
Anna explained that she would first correct the silicon and any natural tan lines I had to a base skin tone, then Mel would give me a light all over tan to blend everything in as well as giving me a natural glow.

The airbrushing was a fairly time consuming ordeal, but when Anna had finished the blister looking additions all looked natural.
She had even added some details, like freckles, darker areola and the suggestion of veins around the newly attained chest growth.

She had also done “a bit of trick shading” as she called it, to make my Adam's apple appear way smaller. Anna had applied a type of breathable sealant over the top to set the airbrushed paint and stop it coming off.

Next, Mel escorted me over to the spray tan booth.
I felt extremely self-conscious walking around in nothing but a paper G-string. Mel must have noticed the change in my confidence level and offered some support as well as telling me how awesome I was looking, without really looking directly at me.

Just as Mel was about to start I asked her if I could quickly use the toilet, she turned the pump off and pointed me in the direction of the restroom, which was right beside the shower unit.
I stood above the toilet and had quite a long pee. I made sure the drips had all gone with some toilet paper as I wasn’t sure how the paper undies would hold up if they got damp.

As I was about to leave I caught my reflection in the small mirror above the sink.
Apart from my head, nothing else now looked in any way familiar to me. My body now looked every bit female and a good looking female at that!

I have never been a particularly big guy. Don’t get me wrong, I’m no runt either. But I never really developed big heavy muscle mass, even so I’m pretty fit and get to the Gym reasonably often. I enjoy running and Mountain biking to keep fit for the motorsport that I love doing.
My Grandad calls me the “Lean-mean racing Sardine” due to my wiry build. Dad wasn't a monster of a guy either. None of the family was, even the men on Mum's side were smallish in stature.

The hybrid in the mirror was odd to say the least, my face, yes absolutely my face! But the body was that of a fit and toned looking woman. Perfectly shaped and formed, natural looking breasts with perky nipples, not the fake, Instagram implant looking ones just 100% home grown breasts. The only thing that now looked out of place from the neck down was the modest bulge in the wafer thin paper underwear I was standing in.

Mel was waiting at the tanning booth when I left the toilet,
“Better now?” She asked smiling as I stood back in the booth

“Much better, I reckon my teeth were floating” I nervously joked trying to not look give away how embarrassed I was feeling.

Mel started the tanning sprayer up and started working on covering me in a golden bronze colour. She said it may go a little darker as it dried but only a small amount if anything.
When she finished she said it would take about two hours to fully set and not to get wet or rub too hard on anything; that included itching myself. As soon as she said no itching, I felt itchy everywhere.

She handed me back the fluffy white robe and said to put it on and she’d make a start on a manicure and pedicure. I hadn’t realised that was on the list as well, but at this point I was over trying avoiding any more work as I was well past any point of any return.

I sat in another chair at the nail bay while Mel worked on the skin of my hands and fingers then moving onto my nails clipping and filing them before trimming the cuticles etc.
She started attaching what I thought were ridiculously long false nails.
When I mentioned the length she told me that “Only a fool and children comment on a job before it’s finished…”

When they were all glued on, she started filing them back and shaping them. I thought they were still too long but didn’t want to say anything else now. She then applied masking tape and about a thousand coats of various nail polish colours. The end result was a soft pink French tip.

“Now for the toes…” Mel mentions while scooting her chair and work table to the opposite end of the work space.
I must have sighed,
“Ha, typical boys, you have no idea how much work it takes for us girls to look pretty,” she said.
“Eww! Boys are gross…When was the last time you had a pedicure?” she asked me.

“Um, never” I responded rather indignantly.

So after more clipping and filing, my toes had a coat of shimmering black polish coating the nails.

“They don’t match the fingers?” I asked curiously
Mel said she was doing what she was told and that must have been the look they wanted, she also told me it looks good and I was a boy so what would I know anyway.
Fair enough I guess.

I had heard the front door open and Anna talking to someone as Mel was finishing off.
Megan had arrived and was discussing some details with Anna before joining me and Mel.

“WOW, look at you!” Megan exclaimed, “That’s incredible Anna, I’m a bit stunned” she continued.

After an awkward amount of time having a closer look and a poke around, she asked me to stand up. I still had the foam spacer things between my toes that I had just tried explaining to Mel how they look like spark plug lead spacers. She listened politely but didn’t really care I think.

I stood up and again noticed the extra weight on my chest and may have been standing slightly bent forward.
“Back straight, head up young lady” laughed Megan.

I swiftly adjusted my posture as instructed.

“First we need to sort that” Megan said motioning towards the last remaining sign of my male-ness.
She walked back to the front desk and picked up some bags she had brought in with her.
She rummaged around in one and pulled out a couple of thongs, some in black and one in a beige colour, she pulled the tag off and handed me a black one.

“I’m guessing you’ve never worn a Gaff before?” Megan asked.

She then explained it was a garment designed to smooth my crotch out and was normally what drag artists used to hide their bits.

She gave me a brief rundown on how to tuck everything away so it would be comfortable.
After I was happy with the instructions given, I popped back to the table where Anna had stuck the silicon bits on.
I lay on my back and gently worked on pushing my testicles back up inside my abdomen; I then arched my back and tucked my dick between my legs before pulling the gaff up into place.
Man, it was a firm fit and very secure feeling. When I stood up again and looked down past my breasts, everything had gone; my crotch was now flat like a Barbie's doll. No trace of my manhood remained visible at all.
Unreal I thought to myself as I slipped my robe back on and tied the belt before heading back to the girls.

“Give me a look now!” Megan said as she opened the front of my robe.
“That’s much better. Right, I’ll measure you up to make sure I have the right sizes for your dresses” Megan said as she grabbed a tape and note pad from a handbag.

“Dresses?” I said with an emphasis on the plural.

“Yes! Dress-es! You’ll need a couple the same for screen continuity. Just in case something happens” Megan responded without looking back at me.

She took a few measurements and conferred with what was in her note book,
“Perfect! Perfect” she said beaming.
“How long does the tan take to dry off?” Megan said, looking towards Anna.

“It really needs another hour or so to make sure it doesn’t smear but it will be pretty good now.” Anna responded as she stepped back a little, admiring her handy work on me.

“Okay, well I’m happy the dress is the right size anyway, but we need to try the shoes out and see if you can master walking in heels” Megan smirked as she turned and went back out to the counter and carried more bags around.

“These ones are my first choice, they are absolutely darling” she said opening the first box removed from a bag.

They were a black, thin crisscross strappy high heel with a delicate buckle ankle strap, sporting a wide block 8 cm heel.
Megan handed them to me and told me to try them on.
As I looked around for a place to sit Mel appeared behind me with a small stool.

I re-tied my robe around my waist and sat down; I again noticed the unfamiliar increase in height from the silicone padding now attached to my bum.
After I looked to Mel for permission to remove the foam toe spacer things, Mel stepped closer to take them off me.

I slipped my first foot into the center of the web of strapping and down to the toe area. It seemed very tight and there wasn’t a lot of give.

Between the new breasts, now half hanging out of the partially opened robe, and my total lack of experience dealing with the extra length of my fingernails, the tiny little ankle buckles proved impossible. I was really battling to even get the strap lined up to the buckle on my own.

I looked up, hoping someone would come to my aid. Mel was standing back, but directly in front of me and I appeared to interrupt her from catching a sneak peek of my exposed crotch region.
I tried to casually close the robe back up and moved my knees closer together without making it too noticeable.

Megan eventually took pity watching my struggles and bent down to close the buckles.
I stood up; it took a split second or two to accustom myself. Firstly to the new height and secondly to the fact I wasn’t on tip-toes and could put weight down on the heel.

Standing in heels didn’t seem that big a deal. I thought to myself that all those movies and TV shows where a guy has to wear heels make it out to be far worse.
I took a few small steps forward then back and it seemed pretty easy to be honest.

Megan remarked that walking in heels wasn’t going to be that much of an issue with some practice.
“Pffft, it’s easy as!” I grinned.

“Well, I did pick those because they have a chunky heel and I thought they would be a bit easier for a beginner” Megan answered back.

It was decided they were just a bit too small, As I walked around and my feet settled in, the end of my toes were hanging off the front of the sole.

The next pair offered up was very similar, but had a much thinner spike of a heel.
Once they were on, I stood and promptly felt a lot less confident.
After a few wobbly steps I enquired if there was another option.
Megan produced the third option from the impressive pile of shopping bags now stacked up beside her.

The last pair also had a thin spike heel but slightly higher than the previous offering. They had a single wide band across the toes and the ankle strap was fixed. No more fiddly little buckles either; these zipped up at the back of the shoe.
I found them far easier to put on with the long talons on my fingertips. Even with the extra height I found them way easier to walk in than the last ones. In fact, they were just as easy as the first pair, but surprisingly more comfortable.

“Prefer these ones, if I have a say in it?” was my only comment as I took a stroll around the studio.
I did notice that I needed to take smaller steps and with the gaff holding my equipment up and out of the way, my thighs were closer, giving me a gentle wiggle when I walked.

“Woah, you go girl!” Megan shouted in a mock American accent.

Anna and Megan were both laughing; I looked at Mel and noticed, while she was smiling her expression was of someone whose thoughts lay elsewhere.

It was at that exact moment everything came flooding in hard about what it was I was actually doing and how I was acting.
Here I was; a heterosexual young man in the prime of his life, standing near naked in an upmarket makeup and beauty clinic, hairless, with full female body prosthetics. Prancing around in 10cm high heels with his manhood hidden away like some sort of big fairy.

“What the fuck am I actually doing?” I mumbled as I stopped moving around and dropped my shoulders.

What the actual fuck was wrong with me?, it’s like I was actually enjoying all this shit!
Megan and Anna both had stopped laughing and stood quietly trying to think of some sort of answer to my questions.
It was Mel that broke the silence,

“You look amazing! And you must have been feeling good, until the nerves caught back up with you. Just remember why you are doing this; it’s all just pretend for a job….nothing more, you don’t need to feel ashamed for having some fun”

Megan nodded in agreement and Anna added “Yes, try and not overthink the situation. It’s also been a pretty full-on day. There’s been a hell of a lot to take in. Maybe a good sleep tonight and you’ll feel better in the morning”

I guess they were sort of right; it is just for a job, and it’s not like I’m gay or have any desire to be a girl. It’s just a job.

With that Megan announced that we should probably finish up before it got too late. Everything was more or less under control and ready for tomorrow's filming plan.
Anna said she would do my face makeup and hair tomorrow morning as it wouldn’t last overnight anyway. We all started cleaning up and putting things away, I was still in the heels and robe and mentioned that I should get changed.

Megan asked what I had to wear and it dawned on me then that I had arrived in the cocktail dress and there weren’t any other options.
The open gasping mouth and panicked look on my face must have worried the girls that I was going to have another melt down.
Anna mentioned to Megan that I couldn’t really wear anything tight that might rub off the tan, so the cocktail dress was out for tonight anyway.

Megan said she would just go and grab something from Kmart or the Warehouse, which was on the other side of the shopping complex. Luckily it was still early so she had plenty of time.

Megan finished loading the unused bags back into her car leaving one out for me to take; it had just a couple of the extra gaff panties in it.
I asked her if there was an easy trick to pee while wearing one rather than struggling to pack everything back away each time.
She suggested cutting a small slit in the crotch area to poke just the head of my penis out and pee sitting down. Megan grabbed a pair of fabric scissors from her sewing kit and cut the other two gaff panties before putting them back in the bag.

I was gathering my other stuff that I had left lying around the various areas of Anna’s studio when I heard Megan yell she’d be back soon followed by the bang of the door closing.

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