Driven from Normal. (Chapter 8)


Driven from Normal .

(Chapter 8)

Simon McKenzie started his week normal enough, but after a series of events he now finds himself standing in a bar wearing a cocktail dress. Chapter 8.

We must have overstayed our welcome at the Café, the table had been cleared and we'd been asked by two different people if there was anything else we needed. Fair enough the place was packed with more people standing in the doorway eyeing up a free table.

Mel still had heaps of time before she needed to be back at work, so we wandered around the shops. Normally I absolutely hated going shopping with girls. It's always an exercise in waiting around, looking awkward, especially in clothes shops.

This time with Mel, it was different. I was, dare I say it, enjoying it!
She was asking me what I thought of different things she found for herself, and a couple of things she thought I would look "hot" in.
As much as I didn't want to purchase anything else today, I ended up with a new dress.
Just a casual style, long sleeve knit dress in baby blue, but a dress nevertheless.
A "scoop neck solid bodycon dress" according to the tag.

It finished just below my knees and even though the material was reasonably stretchy it still made me take smaller steps when I walked.
Mel got some new tops and a pair of high waisted grey, pin striped dress pants, after I said how good her arse looked in them.

We ended up in a shoe shop as well. I was told my boy shoes looked stupid and was handed a few different pairs to try on. Nothing really interested me that much.
I couldn't see what was wrong with my old shoes?

Mel told me an open toe and nude stockings wasn't the done thing after I suggested a pair of flat sandals. Being later in spring and coming into summer the choices were limited anyway.
I ended up carrying out a bag with a box containing my old Puma shoes, on my feet were a new pair of black leather ankle boots.

They had a zipper on the inside and a seven centimeter or so heel. The very pointy toe kept catching my eye as I walked. They were pretty comfortable and way easier to walk in the higher strappy heels for the TV ad, but at the end of the day, still women's high heels.
As a bonus, apparently, Mel said they'd also go with the new dress I'd bought.

So in the space of one morning, I had spent more on clothes than I had for the last month, and everything was girls stuff.


I wouldn't have thought I was a tight arse when it came to money, but I also didn't like to waste it. I didn't usually spend a lot on clothes anyway. It just never interested me trying on shirts and pants that all were the same thing. I also never saw the point in spending good money on label clothing, unless it was for motorsport, then it was fine.
If someone had asked me to buy clothes to wear for a day or two at the most, then not use them again, I would've laughed.

We walked back to Anna's holding hands. It's funny really, I always took the piss out of my mates showing the slightest signs of P.D.A. (Public display of affection) but it never entered my head with Mel, it just seemed to be what happened.

"Been shopping ladies?" Anna asked as we walked in.

"Just a few wee bargains, nothing too exciting" Mel replied.

"They're new!" Anna said, pointing to my boots.

"Mel made me get them." I replied, shrugging my shoulders.

"They're lovely. OK where's that wig, we really should make a move" Anna said.

I retrieved the wig from my bag and I then got growled at for the condition I had it in.
Mel's job now was to wash then style it back to perfect, a time consuming ordeal I was informed.

Anna decided that she wanted to check my prosthetics to make sure nothing was falling off. So once again I was given a disposable paper G-string and asked to strip off bare.

With the curtain securely closed in the booth I removed my new boots and stood for a moment looking at my black toenails, wiggling them and watching the light dance off the shimmering stockings.

Next was getting the dress off, no dramas with that, luckily.
So now I was standing in the new pink undies I'd brought earlier in the day.

After a slight hesitation, mostly from not wanting to take them off, I unclipped the first stocking and carefully lowered it down my thigh, working it slowly with my thumbs under the top band.
As I leaned forward and lifted my leg to slide my foot out I felt the thong pulling lightly against my bum crack, something until now I hadn't noticed.
I removed each item delicately, placing them neatly in a pile. I was treating each piece like a precious heirloom in a museum, something I never did normally.
The gaff still had signs of my personal time from earlier on in the hotel room, I arranged that carefully in case anyone saw.

I stood and let Anna check the glued seams, she made some very minor touch ups around the sides of my breasts. She thought that my arms had rubbed in some places resulting in a little lifting of the silicon edge. She tried to show me in a mirror, but to me it looked fine.
Other than that, everything looked good. There was a small mark on one of the butt pads that appeared to be suspiciously fingernail shaped.
Mel denied that, with a flustered explanation of what else might have caused it.

I put on a white robe and we headed for the makeup chair next. Anna took longer this time and made sure it was absolutely perfect.
My eyebrows had a very minor tidy up, and she tweezed some small beard hairs that had been missed with the removal cream.

Then it was on to a selection of different skin care treatments. A cleanser, exfoliant, some sort of skin serum, eye cream, a moisturizer then a pre makeup primer.
It seemed to take forever, each procedure needed time before the next, and there still was nothing different looking about face. In saying that, the skin didn't feel as tight, and definitely felt softer.

The makeup itself also took ages, far longer than the first time. Anna was meticulous. Every detail, every brush stroke, carefully considered.
The exact shade of colour purposely mixed and checked beforehand. Mistakes or compromises wouldn't be accepted.

Even the products she used were the best of the best. Good for twenty four hours, although Anna said no more than twelve to sixteen tops to avoid getting blocked pores.
Mel made the most of the time and tidied up my finger and toenails, ensuring everything was as it should be.

The final result left me speechless, I was blown away with the first makeup transformation, but this was a new level by far.
Any tiny doubt of my birth gender had gone, I looked to be 100% female, and a very attractive example at that, even without the long golden locks attached to my head.

By the time the wig had been glued and clipped in place, Megan had arrived with a black clothing bag containing another dress, identical to the other one but new and unworn.
There was also another thing she had brought with her, another gaff panty.

At first, no different looking to the other nude colour gaff I had, but this one had an extra feature!
A moulded pad at the front, giving the appearance of a camel toe, for lack of a better description.
Megan had ordered replacements and these had shown up. It did provide a lot of laughs, lightening the slightly serious mood.

I'm sure the new gaff was tighter, it sat differently on my hips but without cutting in as much, and the bands around the waist were flatter against my skin.
All that said, the fake groove was still a huge source of entertainment with the knickers over the top.
Anna was beside herself laughing and couldn't believe anyone would set out to actually appear to have obvious camel toe. She said most girls would be horrified showing that and would do anything to avoid it.

Once again, I was dressed head to toe as a girl, waiting for the time to roll around when I needed to be at the set for the next round of filming, or whatever it was that was in store for me later on.
I was nervous, really nervous, sitting, waiting on the couch. Legs crossed, my foot bobbing up and down subconsciously, dangling a strappy high heel.

A new runner I hadn't seen before arrived just after 4:15. I asked her where Liam was.
The new girl said she wasn't sure, she explained there were four or five runners employed by the production company, and he was probably busy doing something else. The rest of the trip was mostly silent so I ended up taking my phone out to lessen the awkwardness I ended up taking more selfies, just because!

I loaded myself into her car and we made our way to the sports center. Pulling into the car park it was clear something was happening.
There were trucks, vans and shipping containers right around the entrance spilling out further in the carpark.
We made our way inside after parking the car out of the way.

Inside the main stadium, normally a basketball court, judging by the markings on the floor that I could see, strips of carpet had been laid down.
I assumed it would protect the floor underneath from damage.

The basketball backboard to the left was covered by a large green screen set up. The car was inside sitting up on a large flat platform about a meter or so off the ground, all painted or covered in the same green colour.

It was actually busy, and not the normal running around, doing nothing kind of busy I was accustomed to seeing on set.
A few guys were mounting cameras to rigging equipment, lightning was being set up, there was even a large, very expensive looking camera crane being positioned near the car.

At the other end of the court, a set had been built. When I say set, that's a bit generous , it was a large set of old wooden doors also surrounded with green screens.
Trying to work out what I might be needed to do was raising more questions than answers at this point. I was lost in thought looking at everything when I had a tap on my shoulder.

“Hey mate, how's it going?” I turned to see Mark grinning at me.
“Shit, look at you! Unreal!, if I didn't know you were a guy I’d be trying to hit on you” he laughed.

“You wouldn't be the first guy to try. Trust me” I replied, shaking my head in disbelief.

Mark led me over to the big shot Director, who was set up at a desk with a few assistants around. There was a large board behind them that looked like a comic book strip, small drawings of each shot of the ad with notes written under each one.

I’d seen these before but it was more detailed than the ones I had come across in the past.
Mark explained that due to the lost time with the helicopter and the winds, they had come up with a plan B.

Still the same concept, but the end shot would be filmed in the studio on the green screen with a background digitally rendered later on.
He also told me that I needed to reshoot a couple of screens that the model\actress had filmed earlier.

Because she had been fired her footage wasn't allowed to be used. Again, they would use the green screen and superimpose me onto what they already had, rather than getting the set rebuilt and all the actors back in.

My first shot would be me walking through the large doors as I was leaving the party. The Director, via a translator, explained what he wanted.
I needed to be walking out with purpose, pushing the two doors open hard and walking out with a big smile, like I was really happy to be leaving somewhere.

I stood on the other side of the closed doors, Mark told me what I needed to do, where to walk, how to shove the doors open etc. I had a few practice runs to get the hang of it, I thought it was simple enough, after all I’d been walking for years.

Turns out I needed to walk more seductively or sultry. The translator relayed that I needed to try and walk in a line with one foot in front of the other and swing my hips with attitude.
I had another few attempts, being advised on what needed to be improved, but on a positive note, I did have the door opening bit perfect.

I really played up swinging my hips, I was actually doing it so over the top to prove a point about how silly I looked that I nearly tripped and fell.
That was what the man wanted it seemed. He clapped then gave me the thumbs up. At first, I thought it was from the near miss trip, but the translator said do it like that without falling and it would be perfect.

If you can imagine having something stuck in your bum crack and trying to walk it out without using your hands, that's what I looked like. Or what I thought I looked like.

It was eleven takes all up after they started filming to get the shot right.
Another three, half stumble trips and a jammed door accounted for four of them; the rest were just different walking speeds or some other minor tweak.

The director invited me over to watch the playback monitor of the last take.
My wiggling arse and hips looked pretty good, the image I had in my head of what I looked like compared to what was on the screen were vastly different.
The screen showed me with a very sultry walk slamming through the doors. I was a little bit impressed with myself, I have to say.

Mel appeared out of the crew with a cheeky grin, when she was close enough she said, quite loudly as well…

“PHOAR, what a sexy be-arch walkin 'like that up there… HOT STUFF!” then gave me a slap on the bum.

I could feel the red glow on my face with everyone turning to look. Her and Anna had set up the makeup station again and were touching up my face when Mark called me back to the set for the next shot.

This was a close up of me, and as soon as he said that, the butterflies went berserk in my stomach.
This was the opening scene we were about to film.
I was to be leaning against a bar at a party with creepy drunk guys hanging around talking to me, spitting and just being gross in general.

Basically, I had to stand around being politely bored looking, then have an epiphany.
That was when I was to slam the wine glass down, crack a smile, then start walking to the door getting away from them.

I really had no clue at all if I completely understood, so Mark took me to the storyboard thing with the comic strips and showed me the plan.

The opening scene, which we were about to film, showed a lot of weird older men chatting up a young woman (me) at an upmarket party, she is physically repulsed by them and decides to leave, they all have shocked looks as she bursts through the doors and into her new car.
Then there's a quick shot of her laughing, as she's pulling away. With the men chasing her.
She keeps driving through the city and keeps going until she hits a dirt road. When the dirt road ends she stops, does a u-turn and keeps going, driving into the sunrise.

They had already filmed the opening scenes with all the actors, so all I needed to do was my bits to overlay with the first footage using the green screens. It made a lot more sense with the comic strip and I understood what they were trying to achieve.

The next scene was much easier. I had to look disgusted, which was easy. I just thought of the guys in the pub the other night, and when I spotted Gerry, the greasy photographer, I didn't even need to act.
Then that was followed by a smirk when the character had hatched a plan and decided to leave.
It still took a lot more takes than the first one, but really, only by a few more.
I had to exaggerate my expressions a lot more than I thought to relay the emotion to the screen.
Being the old hand at acting that I was after an hour or so of doing it, I knew that anyway. Well, maybe not really.

Mel and Anna were standing by after the scene to touch up and blemishes.
Mel was yawning flat out by now, she said it’d been a few big days, and bigger nights, with a wink, and it was all catching up with her.
I had to agree, I was feeling pretty weary as well.

The next few scenes were pretty much just me climbing in or out of the car on the raised platform. The whole platform was actually on a big turntable that could be spun.

As I sat in the driver's seat the platform turned and the big camera crane would pan up and out, or reversed for a different shot.
We did dozens and dozens of takes. I would open the door and get in, or I would open the door and get out, it wasn't physically hard but mentally I was really starting to run out of juice.

During a five minute break I caught Mel dozing in the makeup chair, I snuck up and gently poked her, startling her awake. Anna thought it was funny, Mel, not so much.
“Why don't you head home, you’ve finished anyway, and I can handle this on my own ?” Anna told Mel.

“I'm ok, I want to wait for Simon to finish, I’ll go then” she replied, finishing with another yawn

“Shit, I could be hours yet, they haven't done the close up driving shots or anything. You should just go. I’ll catch up with you tomorrow morning”. I told her

After some deliberating, Mel decided that heading home was for the best.
She gave me a kiss on the check without messing up the makeup, squeezed my bum and left.
That left just Anna and Megan for me to talk to between takes.
I hadn't seen Liam all day.
Mark was busy, and the car crew were not needed for this shoot.

It was well after 1:00am when they had everything they needed. The relief was amazing.
I was so tired and just wanted to crawl into bed and go to sleep. It would have been better if Mel was also there, but that wasn't the case tonight.

Anna said she would sort the wig out tomorrow morning if I called in to the studio, but to be careful taking it off tonight. She made sure I still had enough of the makeup removers, which I did in the bathroom at the hotel.
With that, Anna headed home as well.

Megan had the dress bag ready and it was when I spotted the curtain set up for me to change behind, I realized I had left everything at Anna's studio.
Like, everything: my purse with my phone and wallet, my backpack with my clothes and most importantly the keycard for my hotel room.


I full-on panicked, the fact I was also really tired didn't help me keep my composure at all.
Megan tried to call Anna but it went straight to voicemail.


The anger and was almost turning to tears and it was taking everything to hold them in.
I spotted Liam talking to someone on the other side of the stadium and had a plan.

I interrupted his conversation, very rudely, and asked if he had Kamyla’s number. He did luckily, so I got Liam to ring Kamyla and see if Mel could take me to the Studio to get my gear out.

Seemed brilliant to me, until Kamyla came back on the phone after talking to Mel and said she didn't have a key on her.

I really lost my shit, there was a little, tired person tantrum erupt from me, and Liam didn't know what to do.

He offered the couch at his flat and Megan told me to just keep the dress for the night in an attempt to calm me down.

Liam tried Kamyla again and explained that I didn't have my phone wallet or hotel key.
This time on speaker, so she could hear the desperation coming from me in the background.
We could hear her talking to Mel, but couldn't hear what Mel was saying back.

“Mel says just to come and stay here and she will sort it out in the morning.” Kamyla informed us.
Then added “You could stay too Liam, if you wanted?”

That sounded a better option than Liam’s couch, and Liam was already heading eagerly out the door to Kamyla’s invitation.
I trotted along behind him in my heels, thanking Megan as I left, feeling pretty stupid about how I reacted.

Liam was on a mission, the drive to Mel’s flat took next to no time.
He parked up, paused for me to get out, then quickly locked the door and headed down the path to the front door not waiting for me.
It was a small bungalow style house not very old by the look of it. Like most of the properties down here, they’re normally owned by investors that rent them out.

Liam knocked on the door and a few moments later a light turned on and Kamyla appeared at the door in a very tight singlet top and skimpy knickers. I hadn't really paid much attention until then, but she had a great figure, very curvy!

She waved us in, shushing us. She pointed to a door off the living room and whispered that it was Mel’s room.

I knocked quietly before going in and was greeted with a sleepy, croaky “Hey you”
She then pulled the duvet back and said “Get in here”

I removed my shoes, battled with the catch on the dress behind my neck then unzipped it. I placed it on a chair in the corner before climbing into bed behind her.

“Ohhhh shit you’re cold” Mel blurted out as I spooned in closer.

I tucked right in and wrapped her in my arms, she held both arms with hers and pulled me tight.
I kissed her neck and she moaned quietly while wiggling her bum into me. I must have gone straight to sleep and not moved much again after that.

I started to stir and could feel a gentle massage on my crotch. I cracked an eye and Mel was facing me smiling.
“Good morning sleeping beauty” she purred.
I smiled and pushed my crotch into her hand, moaning with pleasure.

“This feels really nice, and so do these panties . Why didn't you take them off last night ?”

“I was too tired,” I said, wiggling in time with her massaging.

She increased the tempo and firmness of the rubbing of her fingers along my trapped shaft, driving me wilder.
“Does that feel ok? Like, it's not hurting or anything?” she asked.

I was in ecstasy but managed to respond
“It feels fucken great”

“Can you cum like this?"

I nodded, and grinned “I’m not far away now” moving around with her hand movements.

She grabbed my hand and pushed against her crotch, I could feel the dampness seeping through her panties, as she moved it back and forwards as well.

“Don't leave me hanging” she whispered, continuing her finger work on me.

I worked my fingers into the top of her panties, moving down the warm slit, eventually slipping the middle fingers in. She groaned and squirmed as I continued.

Her fingers work the tip of my penis and perineum with the dexterity and skill of a concert pianist.
It wasn't long until we both came, almost at the same time.
The heaving of our bodies settling back into a relaxed post orgasm euphoria, snuggling deep into each other's embrace.

We lay there for a while, until my bladder chose to ruin the moment.

I asked Mel where the toilet was and headed off to find it.
I stepped out into the living room to be greeted by a very surprised Liam.

"What the fuck man?"

His eyes tried not to look at my fully exposed chest. I hadn't considered that I didn't have a top on before wandering around the flat.
He was desperately avoiding looking at me at all costs, including covering his face with his hands.

"Put a shirt on or something, you need to cover them up" now waving his arm towards me.

"Calm down buttercup. They aren’t even real! Anyway, I need piss first"

"Well they look real! You can't just get around with them hangin' out"

He was still going on about it after I'd located the toilet and shut the door.
While I was there I took the opportunity to try and clean the sticky mess left in the crotch.

On the way back to Mel's room I gave him another show, waving my tits at him with my arms behind my back.
He did see the funny side then, and commented how realistic they looked again, then while laughing, told me to "Fuck off!"

Mel wanted to know what was going on when I jumped back in beside her.
She said there was a robe hanging on the door that I could have used.

We lay there for a while talking, about life in general, how awesome the last few days had been, and how we could keep in touch when I was back home.

I mentioned that I should try and extend the hotel room and change my flight. The original job was only Tuesday to Thursday.
Originally I had figured that I'd be all done and dusted by now, ready to fly home later on this afternoon.

Even though I hadn't been told I suspected there would be more filming today, so everything needed to be pushed back. Hopefully, I could change my flight to Saturday afternoon.

We were both getting up for a shower, Mel was removing the wig I still had on, and suggested that I could just stay with her at the flat rather than paying for another night in the hotel.

That sounded like a better plan to me. But I, we, needed to get moving so I could get my stuff from the studio then get over to the hotel and check out before 10:00am.

I slipped on her spare robe, just in case Liam was still outside Mel's room.
It was a short satin gown in a soft pink colour with “Bridesmaid” embroidered on the left hand side.
A gift from a cousin's wedding I was told after asking about the sign writing. Mel had another robe in a similar style but in white with a large floral print all over it.

“That’s better” Liam mumbled as I opened the bedroom door.

I flashed a bit of breast as we walked down the hallway towards the bathroom, much to his dismay.
The shower over bath proved to be a bit trickier for some steamy love making but we managed, being careful not to arse up in the process.

We dried off and returned back to Mel's room in our robes.
I sighed picking up the black cocktail dress from last night,

“I’ll be pleased to never have to see this bloody dress again!”

Mel had a brainwave, she grabbed the bags from the shopping spree the day before and started rummaging through them.

“Ah- ha, here's the dress you bought yesterday, I meant to get it out at work and forgot. Your old shoes are in this bag as well.” She lifted a shoe box out and tossed it towards me.

It was still a dress but at least it was better than the short black option.

All things considered, I felt pretty comfortable in the new stretchy dress and my sneakers felt like big soft pillows after the heels I'd worn all afternoon yesterday.

Liam made a comment on my lack of bra when I returned to the living room and asked if I was cold.
I looked down to see my fake nipples clearly visible through the fabric.
Meh… too bad it was still better than the other dress.

We grabbed what we needed and headed off in Mel's car to the studio.
I asked a few times if she was sure she wanted a bed buddy for the night, she just smiled each time and frantically nodded.

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